What is the meaning behind your Iwaku avatars?

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I have had owls in my avies for years, so now when I don't have an owl, people freak out. >:[

Before that I was using funny disney/notdisney screencaps.
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My avatars don't mean anything in particular; they're just images that fit my mood or reflect what I'm currently interested in. My custom titles are always song lyrics related to the image. My current theme is obviously Overwatch, and the line is from this song.
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Picked mine because it's Poe Dameron.

Aside from that, my username is such because I like the character and feel I relate to him quite well personally.
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Ilya Repin paints with an intense amount of character. I like this one.

In case anyone would like to look it up it's Reply of the Zaporozhian Cossacks to Sultan Mehmed IV of the Ottoman Empire

And right on a third line and framed by the action is this amazing guy with this amazing mustache smoking a pipe like he was born for it and looking smug as hell.
Though to be honest every figure in the painting is great.
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Umm, I change it a lot depending on which roleplay I want to do or which characters I like.
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I found it ages ago and just like the look and feel of it. I think of it as a mysterious fae more than a demon. I've always like the fae folk. Their magical trickster nature has always appealed to me.
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I live for the sky.
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It's a drawing I made n.n He's one of the many characters I had for playing Vampire the Masquerade (tabletop rpg), and I even included him in a short manga/comic I did. I love him <3
This is a portrait of the character I created for Saints Row the Third.

I feel like a ridiculously over the top, crossdressing, dong-bat-wielding monster mob boss represents me on a deep, soul level.
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I like suits. Have had some depressing thoughts and have almost followed through with them at some point. Love the color green (thats why my pic has a green tint, and my name is green). I'm narcissistic (that's why my name is there).
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This is what's the meaning behind my avatar.

Freak out Alternative Estonian Punk band Winny Puhh.
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This current one, Goofy and Patrick, makes me laugh every time I see it. I'm getting over a shit weekend so I think it's appropriate.
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I felt like changing to this picture of Norman Jayden from Heavy Rain that I had for like at least four years transferred through three laptops on a whim. I'm really not sure why I've had this picture for so long lol. Maybe Agent Nahman Jaydun FBI really speaks to me.

Usually my avatars are of characters I'm playing in RPs that I'm participating in but lately my avatars have generally either been something related to JoJo's Bizarre Adventure or Megumin from KonoSuba.
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