What are you currently doing?

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What else would I be doing? ;D -smooth.-

I have a toothbrush hanging from my mouth.

lololol my boss thinks i do shit lololol silly boss
Staring at the hawt Pheonix picture avie I just noticed a few posts up. 8D <3
Attempting to study the nature of an Isabella while fending off the sexual advances of a Myrn.

Debating on how to waste my time today.
Watching stuff on Netflix. I think in the past three days I've watched at least ten horror movies, Man vs Wild, Hey Arnold, Psyche, Grey's Anatomy, House, and various other random movies. XD
Being bored in school. = 3 =;;

But also fighting back and forth with my friend on what we're getting each other for Christmas. D:< I WILL GET AN ANSWER FIRST~!
About to leave home to take my 2nd midterm and stressing out about it. >.<
looking at tv
Looking at the swedish homework that needs to be done tomorrow
Looking back at the tv
..... procrastinating sleep and occasionally combing my hair. Livin' the high life.
preparing to get going to my friend and help her with math xD
Hearing my mother explain the wonders of Catholic religion.
- checks watch-
Been 'bout 20 minutes now, she's still going... Much like a Energyzer bunny. Guess it runs in the bunny family.
Reading this thread.
Eating cup noodles with saltines.
I was just forced up from my bed by my friend (1 am) because she was lonely on facebook xD