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Replaying Fire Emblem 7, man that game is good fun. Cept when you get RNG screwed.
Drinking Iced tea.
Wasting time before going to Madison.
And eating tostitos.
Watching the Sopranos
Debating leaving my warm soft wonderful bed at HOME to get some coffee.
Shocked and still trying to get those cards are elude me from the newly released ICSYL deck.
Nomming a nectarine which, in retrospect, is not as ripe as it felt... but is nevertheless delicious.
sort of working on homework, listening to music, surfing internets, and chatting in cbox >.>;;
Bored, Bored, Bored and thinking about food.
Watching The Simpsons
Getting ready to see "The Town", hopefully its good.
Watching SG1 and eating spaghetti. My life is so glamorous!
Posting like crazy because I can. Hahahahahahaha.. ha.
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