What are you currently doing?

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Totally blasting my brains out to follow a trading card fad again. It's loverly.
Chatting on XBL and posting here, of course. ^_^
Pondering if anyone wants spares of my mountains of Rice and Myrns or not..
Is not desiring anymore Myrns but will still laugh while owning some kind of imaginary computer.
Raging. The luck of the draw isn't with me when it comes to buying cards.
Wondering why I have so much trouble sleeping.
Getting the necessary coins for one more shot at some shiny new cards.
Luck's just not with me, except for that good o'l tie game that is.
Wishing I could sleep.
Testing my luck, just gotta get 55 coins here and we'll see if I get a lucky draw.
Sitting around waiting for it to be work time.
Pondering which set has what cards..hmm
Listening to the best VGM that I have herd in all the games that I played *well what ever games I remember that I have and played*
Drinking diet pepsi MAX.
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