(Western Fantasy) Bulhit Town

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Nelson drinks the whisky then notices 3 guys playing a quick draw game with glasses in which they have to quick draw and shoot the glass before it hits the ground intreiged by this game Nelson asks to try and with quick success quick draws with the fastest hand, the men grumble as they hand over the money bets to nelson who split the wagers with the bookie,
She whinned and fell over, grumbling and looking at Theo, who she had thrown. "Theo, are you aright?" She asked in a hushed tone as she tried to bite the roots off.
(Slept in... again. Sorry.)
(Ooc: spent easter @ aunt's house)
"Mmmhph!! I'll be fine." He said as he tried to get up., but the tone in his voice gave in that he was in pain. He had been thrown a food ways off and his leg was bent in an odd way. He sat back Down and opened the satchel he had brought with charms and herbs. He took out a dried purple leaf bundle and bit into it, and tore some off. He didn't chew, but held it under his tongue. It was very bitter and sour like lemon skins, but really stale.
"Bleh! Ptooie!" He said, wiping his mouth. The leaves had disintegrated. He stood up, his leg wobbling a bit, getting used to it being instantly fixed.
"They knew we were here...Are you okay?" He asked Lilith.
He decided to muster a mash up of voices and accents he'd heard some strangers in bulhit use.
"Oi! Why'd ya go uff undt doo sumtin like dat?" He yelled at the targets, trying to throw them off. His plan was to make them sound like their reason was peaceful.
Flint, hearing what may have been the stupidest sounding voice in all his life and travels, turned his head to the man that had just been thrown off his horse. "Why did you nearly run us over?" His turning to him and a strong gust of wind exposed a very powerful looking shotgun, like the kind of thing that would rip a man clean in half, strapped to his side.
Celtic continued forward, pretending not to hear the man, to the two cloaks who were looking at Theo. It wasn't hard to tell that they were pissed.
Lilith bit the roots off and spit them out, shaking her head and walking back to Theo, nudging him with her nose. "Go with it, I'm your trusty steed who's been with you for three years, and I have bad sight." She whispered and then nieghed.
"Mai apologies misturs, but the 'ol gal here 'as teh worst of eyesights. Been trainin wit 'er fur tree years now. Still gets 'head o 'erself." Theo continued with the ridiculous accent and tried to smile, as if he was some local who had accidentally rear-ended a tourist on a bind turn. Apologetic. He patted lilith, as if she was really his horse.
"Yup I tried't slow 'er down, buh she kupt on goin like't wus a race 'er sumtin." He continued.
"Huh," Flint looked at the horse for a long time, almost as if there was something he didn't quite see. Celtic bumped into the larger cloak and said he was sorry before bringing out the dagger. The smaller one snatched it and examined the weapon. "We'll give you a thousand." Around Bulhit, that was a fortune. "I believe that will do." Celtic responded happily.
(I wasnt sure if you meant he grabbed the knife, but i went for it. Sorry if i was wrong, i will change it if i was.) Lilith grabbed Theo and quickly put him on her back before running at the blade, grabbing it with her mouth, and running off as fast as she could, like a race horse. "Hold on tightly, Theo! You can't fall off at all this time!" She said as she turned started panting.
Brad nods at Sahra and walks into the bar, but stops as he sees the werewolf and the vigilante, mostly focusing on Ragnar. Strange, looks like we aren't the only half freaks around here, but nobody we know is from the future. Brad walks upstairs and calls Fist and Roundhouse off, saying that she is not worth it and that he would explain this to Bones later. The two walk away and Brad walks back down the stairs with them. Instead of leaving with them though, Brad approaches Ragnar. Excuse me sir, but you look like a tough guy, so how about an arm wrestling match?
(@Saigo , I just spoke to you by the way.)
"GAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!" Screamed Theo, holding on for dear life. She just grabbed the dagger. And ran. They were probably going to be tripped. Just in case, Theo pulled out a wad of dust, which if blown, would turn into flames.
"Please don't scream! To horses it's like throwing a needle at a balloon and it exploding into more needles..." She said as she headed towards where Grim was. "You're gonna have to do something to make me go faster, I'm running low on energy."
Sahra, after waiting an insufferably long time waiting, hanging on the outside wall of the saloon, finally spied the two thugs leaving. She didn't know why. She didn't particularly care at the moment. All she knew was that they were leaving. Whatever this "Brad" character had done they were leaving peacefully. Perhaps not in good spirits but peacefully none the less. Though, there was still no sign of Brad. The insensitive, inconsiderate brute was leaving her outside to rot. How very nice of him.

Cursing Mr. Metalmask's name she pulled, climbing back into her room she breathed a sigh of relief and went back to her bed.
(OCC: She did grab it, but I think a random horse running up would leave anyone a little distant)

"Lookie here lookie here, seems like we got ourselves some thieves Malcan. This will be fun, take the money kid, this won't take long."
With that the cloak tossed Celtic a large bag of money and they both hopped onto the wagon. With a tug of the reins the ox charged at the two with the speed of a train. In a few moments they were next to them. The two released their cloaks revealing a large half-orc and a human woman.
image.jpg From left to right its Malcan and Mali.
The human jumped off the wagon, grabbed the knife, and hopped back onto the cart. "Don't mess with Team Kickass bitches!" She yelled tauntingly at them before the wagon pulled ahead.

Celtic and Flint were wide-eyed at what had just happened. Flint shook his head, he knew they were up to something. The thing was cursed anyway, so the last thing he wanted was to still have it. He was just glad they didn't hurt Celtic, who walked up to him and said, lifting up the moneybag for him to take, "that could have gone much worse."
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(Sorry x.x I'm crazy with tests this week but I will try to reply more often)

Ragnar was finishing his second glass of Brandy, still thinking about a good place to rest. He wondered how much it would cost a room around here as he didn't have much money left. The last coins he had were from the man he killed before the waitress. Hmm... He tasted like rum... The waitress was more pure, even sweet. He was lost in this thoughts when he sensed a human aproching him, no... machine? It smelled like iron and oil, reminding him of blood once more. It was like all he could think of lately was just that. His red eyes turned at him expressionless. Hmm... Cyborg? But he looked young, he could sense it as well. He considered his offer for a moment, wondered what he would gain from that. He had been absent from all the commotion around him, just to not get more irritated and cause more problems himself. He was good at ignoring scenes that were not going to be of any benefit for him. Ragnar was about to ask the man about the reason for such a random request but a little bored voice in his head pushed him to accept. "Why not..." He left his empty glass on the bar and walked over to a table so they could both sit in front of the other. He removed his leather jacket and left it on the back of the chair, placing his right elbow on the table, his hand open. His arm was adorned with scars that followed up his shoulder and all over his body. Many years of living made him collect each one slowly, never caring to use any herb or treatment to cover them from other eyes. He liked to send a message so others wouldn't piss him off. He waited patiently for his contestant and laid his other hand over his leg relaxed. "You count." He wondered what would be stronger. A werewolf, or a machine...
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Lilith chased after them, ramming the cart and grunting. "Theo, a little help is appreciated! And don't talk in that stupid accent again..."
She said, snorting. She kept trying to grab the blade away from them.
"Don't mess with my team!" She yelled back to them.
(Sorry it took so long to reply. I got destracted hardcore)
(I fell asleep XD)
"Sorryyyyyy." Theo said somewhat panicked but a lot quieter. She decided to stand up and use the dust he had. He stood on the saddle, balancing the best he could.
"Get me close!" He said. He prepared to blow the dust and grab the knife.
Nelson got up from the bar he though he recognised the man nursing a brandy, he aproches the man and asks him "mind if i sit here ?".
Brad sits down opposite of Ragnar and says 50 gold coins to you if you win, but nobody has ever beaten me before. I just want you to know before we start, werewolf, that I won't go easy. Brad smirks at this and puts his robotic arm on the table, showing that he was ready to begin. 3, 2, 1, now!
(I don't know if Brad or Ragnar should win, so you decide. Keep in mind that metals are much stronger nowadays than back in ye' old western times.)

(Sorry if I ignored you @norevenge , but I couldn't tell if you were talking to me, @Saigo , or some totally random dude.)
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((@Necropolis np i was talking to saigo but im gona interact with your character to!))
"nice arm how'd you get that?" Nelson ask the Guy who had just sat down with the robotic arm.
Brad looks up at the vigilante and gives him a semi-cold stare. Long story, don't ask again, it hurts.
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