Welcome to Our World :;: A Magic RP :;: Open and Accepting

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Socially Awkward Penguin
Original poster
Invitation Status
Posting Speed
  1. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
late. [well... most of my partners seem to think so anyways] ... it varys, best to just check with me ^_^
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Prestige
  5. Douche
  6. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Primarily Prefer Female
Slice of Life is my favorites, but I also love fandom based* and country based rps. I'm open to trying most things, but there are a couple that I won't do.

*I'm not interested in fandoms I don't know and I am not interested in playing canon characters. I only play OCs.


**This RP is VERY Similar to a Harry Potter RP**
Ariscia is a place like no other. It is a place of magic, a place of wonder, and friendship, and many other things. Ariscia is a simple place for such a complex place. Yes, I know you are thinking that doesn't make much sense, and you're right! That's the beauty of it all, it's such a magical place that it's always changing... unless of course you're a muggle (that is a person of the non-magical type) and living here... then you're most definitely, without doubt, in the simple part of town... We find that non magical humans tend to get lost and confused much too easily when the alleyways and streets are always moving, not to mention that the houses and buildings around are always changing.

Well, back to the main story here. Ariscia is home to one of the greatest magical schools ever known... if not THE greatest. Kliambora is a magical academy located right here in Ariscia. It's an academy for the people between the ages of 8 and 18 who are sent an Owler's invite (a message carried by a bird) to attend this simply amazing school. There is however a catch. You see, Kliambora, whilst located within the borders of Ariscia is still very, very, far away. In fact, the only way to get to Kliambora is to use a form of transportation such as a magical broom, or griffin, hippogriff, pegasus, or by chance the occasional flying car. But have no fear, if flying perhaps isn't your style you can always walk down the hidden staircase in the train station, stand in a chimney way, throw some magical blue 'sleepy powder' on you and say the magic word "achoo" ... actually, that just tends to come out since the pretty blue powder makes you sneeze. Anyways, within a matter of seconds after "achoo-ing" you will have fallen into a deep sleep and you shall be launched up through the chimney (get ready to feel like Santa Claus for a very brief moment) and into the ari. After floating (well, technically a flying fall) for oh say... 45 seconds, you'll end up sliding down a very long, completely enclosed chute. You will probably begin to awaken and wonder why you're sliding down some dark, most likely pretty cold, chute very quickly. You may even scream... that is, you may scream if you scare easily or if you dislike the dark... After some time (depending on your size and weight it takes between 20 minutes and a half hour) you will be released into yet another chimney (Yay, more Santa Claus time!) where, after landing in the chimney way, you will have arrived at the school... and will most likely be covered in soot and possibly some remains of the blue powder.

Now that everyone is on the same page, or in the same spot more like it, let's continue. After your arrival things tend to get a bit dicey. The students who aren't here for there first time (so pretty much anyone who isn't a first year or a transfer) gets to go and put their things in the dorm rooms (yay!). Everyone else (that's all you newbies) gets to wait outside the Grand hall... After fixing up your appearances (unless you want to look like a fool when you are sorted into your house) that is. After the sorting ceremony there is a great big welcome back feast and "yadda-yadda-yadda."

Oh yes, I did mention houses and dorms. Kliambora is a boarding school (it is much to far away from everything to commute). There are the girls and boys dorms just as in almost all other boarding schools, and there are three, four, or five people to a room. The dorms are not separated by grade or age, but by house (and obviously gender). Now I should probably Explain those houses that I continue to mention so you can stop staring at me like I have 69 heads. Kliambora is a school of magic (obviously!) and it is broken up into 5 houses. The Houses are as follows:

Wolfwing House ~ This house usually draws the most loyal, brave, and quite frequently the most bold of the students. Most students in this house are rather genuine, they stick with what they believe in and support those who win their trust. A student in this house is definitely not one to let their friends (or whoever it is they are loyal to) down, and they are not afraid to let their opinions be known.

Howlaon House ~ This is a house all about pride and your magical skill. No, not about how much you know, but how many spells you can perform (quantity over quality if you will). While that may sound like a contradiction, trust me, it isn't. You can say a spell and attempt to cast it without knowing anything about it, however the likelihood of something going wrong is much greater, therefore it is a violation of the school rules. Something which I will go more into detail on later. A last thing about this house. Something I greatly detest (seeing that I am a muggle-born which myself) is that this house tends to be rather hostile to anyone who is not a pure blood (that is, someone who was born to 2 magical parents).

Lionpuff House ~ As the 'Lion' part of the name implies, this is another house all about pride. However, (or at least in my opinion) this house is much friendlier than Howlaon. They are quite friendly and social beings who tend to have a lot of honor in the pride that they possess. They are just as brave as those from Wolfwing.

Wyvernhorn House ~ The students in this house are usually well known for there academics. They are extremely book smart and just love to study. But don't be fooled, just because they always seem to have their noses in books doesn't mean that they lack a sense of humor (or anything else for that manner). Students in this house aren't afraid to correct you, in fact, they take great pleasure in correcting others. Their talent for memorizing anything taught to them (from either instructor or book) is outstanding. These students make wonderful friends and tutors, as long as you can tolerate their constant correcting everything.

Houndor House ~ I personally have a great deal of pride in this house, you see, this was my house when I went here as a student, and I am extremely proud of that. Well now, I guess I should tell you about the house. This house beholds the cleverest of the clever (if you will). The students here are extremely smart, although they may not completely excel in their classes (or maybe they do), they have great wits about them and are usually some of the best at getting out of a sticky situation safely. Aside from cleverness this house is also known for honesty and loyalty. They will tell the truth, so don't tell them something that shouldn't be "let out of the bag" as they say. And no matter what is going on, you can be sure that a Houndor will stay by your side 'til the end.

As far as the dorms, Grand hall, and means of arriving to the school there is a stable or barn type area (if you will) for any larger pets you may bring. There are 5 common rooms, one for each house. There is a very Large library in the east wing, and a much smaller, reference only, must-have-an-instructor-present-to-be-admitted library in the south dungeon, all the way to the west (we have 3 different dungeons). Also, please don't forget about our infirmary, it's located right under the Great stairs that you see if you've come in through the Great entrance (you should come in that way if you flew here on a vehicle or animal of sorts), or the Chimney room (yes, we have a room dedicated to Chimneys. It's where all you scaredy-cats arrive in... It's on the third floor, the only floor without moving staircases). There is a dueling room and a quidditch field, an air raceway, a herbology greenhouse for your own use, a very large lake to the north west, and several small to medium sized ponds to the southeast. Lastly, all of the teachers have dorms, or houses, in the distant campus (that's only a few of us though), we all have offices and of course, most importantly, classrooms.

Well, I believe that wraps up most of the schooling explanation... So if you --- oh... Oh yes, perhaps I should introduce myself. I am Headmistress Splendora Agatha Cromwell. If you have any questions let me know, and hopefully you will stay out of trouble... or I may need to feed you to my giant squid, or perhaps you much more fancy a three headed dog or even a Rhodesian Ridgeback Dragon...


Headmistress: Splendora Agatha Cromwell

Splendora Agatha Cromwell, Headmistress of Kliambora, Head of Magical Admittance Committee

Dear [Student Name Here],

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Kliambora Academy of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Term begins on 1 September. We await your owler by no later than July 31.

Yours sincerely,

Splendora Agatha Cromwell




Age /\ Year
8-10 /\ 1
9-11 /\ 2
10-12 /\ 3
11-13 /\ 4
12-14 /\ 5
13-15 /\ 6
14-16 /\ 7
15-17 /\ 8
16-18 /\ 9
19+ /\ Out Of School
24+ /\ Possibility To Be A Faculty Member



||Aquarium Fish||
||Small Dragon||
||Pm Me Ideas||
||Pm Me Ideas||
||Pm Me Ideas||



ൡ No Students are to be wandering about after 10pm, 12am on weekends. The prefects are allowed to stay up one half hour later to ensure everyone else is in their dormitories ൡ

ൡ Do not cast spells unnecessarily or if you have yet to learn the spell. Anyone that isn't a seventh year or older cannot use magic outside of Kliambora, and they must be supervised by either someone in there 7+ year or an instructor ൡ
ൡ Boys and Girls are not to be in each others dormitories under ANY circumstances. You have a common room, use it as you wish ൡ
ൡ Hand holding and casual hugging are acceptable, but please do not show any other public displays of affection ൡ
ൡ All students are expected to be on time and present in class ൡ
ൡ All students are expected to be respectful to the instructors and their peers ൡ
ൡ Any student who fails more than 5 classes will be dismissed from the academy ൡ
ൡ Any Students found breaking these rules will report to me for a punishment, as well as their instrucors <if a class rule was broken> ൡ




||Follow All The Site Rules, And Whatever I Say Goes||
Language & Literacy
||Please Try Not To Cuss, However If You Must Star It Out {Ex: D*mn, H*ll, *ss}. When Speaking OOC {Out-Of-Character} Please Use ({[<These>]}). I Don't Care If You Post Three Words Or Three Paragraphs {But If You're RPing With Me I'll Pretty Much Always <Unless Having Extreme WB Or Am In A Rush> Reply Back With A Similar Amount To What You Gave Me}... It's Your Choice... And I Also Don't Care About Grammar... I Myself Have Trouble With It A Lot... However, Please Try To Have Proper Spelling... It's Not That Hard To Do, Use The Built In Spell-Check Feature {I Don't Mind Words Such As Color/Colour, Or Favorite/Favourite}||
||You Can Have As Many Characters As You Want, But Please Keep Genders Even {No Twenty Girls And One Guy}, And Please Keep All Of Your Characters Active... I Understand It Can Be Hard Sometimes, But Post For All Of Them At Least Once Every Ten Pages. You May NOT Use Anime/Cartoons/Sims For This RP ... Your Character Also Cannot Be Gay/Bi/Lesbian ... I Don't Personally Have Anything Against People Who Are Like This, But I Feel Very Out-Of-Place When It Is In The RPs, Sorry||
||Wait To Be Accepted By Me Before RPing, No Power-Playing, Mary-Sues, Or Gary-Sues. I Realize The Characters Are Witches And Wizards, But Please Try To Limit The God-Modding. Your Character Can't Continue To Cast Spells That Hit The Opponent Yet Your Character Manages To Dodge Every Single Spell Cast At Them. Also No Being Your Own Crush, Boyfriend/Girlfriend, Fiance, Or Spouse... It's Just Not As Much Fun That Way. Oh, And If You Decide To Go THAT Far With Your Characters Fade Or Timeskip {Although I Don't Recommend Reaching That Point}||
Have Fun!
||The Most Important Rule Of All... If You Don't Have Fun, Then There's No Point To The RP. Keep The Drama And Romance And Action Coming. But Beware, I Will Add More Rules If I Need To||



Click here if you want to take a short quiz to see which house you're in, you don't have to do this, but you MUST use my form<s> (i promise it's not that long)... I made the quiz and it took a really long time

[color=#FavColor]{:;:}Name Here{:;:}

:;:Full Name:;: {}Full Name Here{}
:;:Nickname<s>:;:[/size] {}Nickname<s> Here{}
:;:Age:;: {}Between 8 & 18{}
:;:Year:;: {}1-9, consult age reference chart{}
:;:House:;: {}you can choose, I can choose, or you can visit the link i posted and take my quiz allowing the quiz to choose for you{}
:;:Gender:;: {}Gender Here{}
:;:Personality & History:;: {}may rp{}
:;:Pet<s>:;: {}check the possible pets chart <please don't have like a hundred pets>{}
:;:Wand:;: {}If you need help, let me know and I can give you a wand generating site{}
:;:Broom:;: {}yes or no <anyone can have a broom, however first years canNOT play quidditch>{}
:;:Family:;: {}sibling, parents, etc...{}
:;:Crush:;: {}Straight Only{}
:;:Boyfriend/\Girlfriend:;: {}Straight only <people 10+>{}
:;:Friend<s>:;: {}you don't have to put anyone down, but you can feel free to put my charries down without asking, I don't mind :3{}
:;:Best Friend<s>:;: {}you don't have to put anyone down, but you can feel free to put my charries down without asking, I don't mind :3{}
:;:Other:;: {}If you want a certain roommate, room, or quidditch spot you can put that here <if asking to be a prefect they will be in the first room, first spot>{}​



{Pic Here! NO ANIME OR CARTOONS!!!}[color=#FavColor]{:;:}Name Here{:;:}[/color]

:;:Full Name:;: {}Full Name Here{}
:;:Nickname<s>:;: {}Nickname<s> Here{}
:;:Title:;: {}Professor, Lady, Sir, Mr, Ma'am, etc...{}
:;:Age:;: {}24+{}
:;:Subject:;: {}You may teach up to 3 subjects{}
:;:House:;: {}Optional <only if you have a favorite house>{}
:;:Gender:;: {}Gender Here{}
:;:Personality & History:;: {}may rp{}
:;:Pet<s>:;: {}consult possible pets chart <I am much more lenient with faculty having more fantastical pets (like large dragons, giant squids, 3 headed dogs, etc... just check with me first) and please don't have a ton of them>{}
:;:Wand:;: {}If you need help, let me know and I can give you a wand generating site{}
:;:Broom:;: {}optional{}
:;:Crush:;: {}straight only{}
:;:Boyfriend/\Girlfriend:;: {}straight only{}
:;:Fiance:;: {}straight only{}
:;:Spouse:;: {}straight only{}
:;:Expecting:;: {}Girls only{}
:;:Other Family:;: {}Here{}
:;:Other:;: {}Anything else{}​
Last edited:

Landon >>> Erica
Hunter >>><<< Heather
Kyros <<< Ashia
Nikolai <<< Renegade
Baxter >>> Jannette

Staff & Classes:
Headmistress ~ Splendora Agatha Cromwell ~Happily.Ever.After~
Nurse ~ None Yet
Janitor ~ None Yet
Astronomy ~ Jannette Bethany Queens Justaddnutts
Charms ~ Jeremy Travis Cromwell ~Happily.Ever.After~
Defense Against The Dark Arts ~ Baxter Noel LogicfromLogic
Flying ~ None Yet
Herbology ~ None Yet
History Of Magic ~ None Yet
PM For Other Ideas​
Potions ~ Baxter Noel LogicfromLogic

Transfiguration ~ Dexter Shawn Noel LogicfromLogic

Study Of Ancient Runes ~ None Yet

Arithmancy ~ None Yet

Muggle Studies ~ None Yet

Care Of Magical Creatures ~ None Yet

Divination ~ None Yet

Apparition ~ None Yet

Alchemy ~ None Yet
Last edited:


:;:Full Name:;: {}Splendora Agatha Cromwell{}
:;:Nickname<s>:;: {}Aggie{}
:;:Title:;: {}Headmistress Cromwell{}
:;:Age:;: {}67{}
:;:Subject:;: {}Headmistress of the school is plenty I presume{}
:;:House:;: {}Houndor{}
:;:Gender:;: {}female{}
:;:Personality & History:;: {}RP{}
:;:Pet<s>:;: {}Archimedes <male, great horned owl> || Grizelda <female, unicorn> || Vartouhi <male, giant squid> || Alize <female, 3 headed dog> || Pythagoras <male, rhodesian ridgeback dragin> || Aslan <male, golden tabby>{}
:;:Wand:;: {}thin willow wand, just over 8in, core is dragonclaw{}
:;:Broom:;: {}yes{}
:;:Crush:;: {}he's dead{}
:;:Boyfriend/\Girlfriend:;: {}dead{}
:;:Fiance:;: {}dead{}
:;:Spouse:;: {}dead{}
:;:Kids:;: {}Elise, Rosa, Ann, Jeremy, & Derek{}
:;:Expecting:;: {}I'm a bit old for more children{}
:;:Other Family:;: {}my grandkids: Tommy, Debbie, Ginger, Alexa, Ethan, Nicola, Ricci, Luis, Bria, Andy, Izzy, Dani, Mike, Matt, Cody, Ryan, Aiden, Gabby, Emilie, Sean, Aaron{}
:;:Other:;: {}nope{}



:;:Full Name:;: {}Jeremy Travis Cromwell{}
:;:Nickname<s>:;: {}Jeremy{}
:;:Title:;: {}Professor Cromwell{}
:;:Age:;: {}34{}
:;:Subject:;: {}Charms{}
:;:House:;: {}Wyvernhorn, I'm also there house head{}
:;:Gender:;: {}male{}
:;:Personality & History:;: {}RP{}
:;:Pet<s>:;: {}Tamaz <male, spectacled owl> || Lionflight <male, griffin> || Spilch <male, rat>{}
:;:Wand:;: {}pine wand, 9.5in, core is unicorn mane{}
:;:Broom:;: {}yes{}
:;:Crush:;: {}i'm married{}
:;:Boyfriend/\Girlfriend:;: {}i'm married{}
:;:Fiance:;: {}i'm married{}
:;:Spouse:;: {}Winter Rose-Cromwell{}
:;:Kids:;: {}Aiden{}
:;:Expecting:;: {}impossible{}
:;:Other Family:;: {}Aggie {mom}, Elise {sister} and her kids: Tommy, Debbie, Ginger, Rosa {sister} and her kids: Alexa, Ethan, Ann {sister} and her kids: Nicola, Ricci, Luis, Bria, Andy, Derek {brother} and his kids: Gabby, Emilie, Sean, Aaron{}
:;:Other:;: {}wyvernhorn head of house{}


:;:Full Name:;: {}Christian Thomas Maluke{}
:;:Nickname<s>:;: {}Chris{}
:;:Age:;: {}18{}
:;:Year:;: {}9{}
:;:House:;: {}wolfwing{}
:;:Gender:;: {}male{}
:;:Personality & History:;: {}RP{}
:;:Pet<s>:;: {}Swipes ~ male, bat ొ Rainbow ~ female, iguana ొ Leap (Left) & Hops (Right) ~ male, frog
:;:Wand:;: {}yew wand, 9.75in, core is centaur tail hair}
:;:Broom:;: {}no{}
:;:Family:;: {}a sister, Grace, who doesn't come here, his mom Lauri and his dad Gabe{}
:;:Crush:;: {}wants{}
:;:Boyfriend/\Girlfriend:;: {}wants{}
:;:Friend<s>:;: {}wants{}
:;:Best Friend<s>:;: {}wants{}
:;:Other:;: {}nope{}


:;:Full Name:;: {}William Timothy Lucas{}
:;:Nickname<s>:;: {}Will{}
:;:Age:;: {}14{}
:;:Year:;: {}5{}
:;:House:;: {}Howlaon{}
:;:Gender:;: {}male{}
:;:Personality & History:;: {}RP{}
:;:Pet<s>:;: {}Figment ~ male, miniature horned dragon ొ Sleepy ~ male, beagle=shepherd=chow mix ొ Beans ~ male, rat
:;:Wand:;: {}whippy alderwood wand, 9.5in, core is dragonclaw{}
:;:Broom:;: {}yes{}
:;:Family:;: {}Hunter his older brother, Naomi is his little sister, Jeannie his Aunt and Oliver his uncle{}
:;:Crush:;: {}wants{}
:;:Boyfriend/\Girlfriend:;: {}wants{}
:;:Friend<s>:;: {}Hunter, wants{}
:;:Best Friend<s>:;: {}wants{}
:;:Other:;: {}quidditch reserve{}


:;:Full Name:;: {}Hunter Lewis Lucas{}
:;:Nickname<s>:;: {}Hunter{}
:;:Age:;: {}15{}
:;:Year:;: {}6{}
:;:House:;: {}Howlaon{}
:;:Gender:;: {}male{}
:;:Personality & History:;: {}RP{}
:;:Pet<s>:;: {}Beam ~ male, corn snake ొ Neemba ~ female, python ొ Scales ~ male, gecko
:;:Wand:;: {}fir wand, 11in, core is griffin bone{}
:;:Broom:;: {}no{}
:;:Family:;: {}Will, Naomi, Jeannie, Oliver{}
:;:Crush:;: {}wants{}
:;:Boyfriend/\Girlfriend:;: {}wants{}
:;:Friend<s>:;: {}Will, wants{}
:;:Best Friend<s>:;: {}wants{}
:;:Other:;: {}nope{}


:;:Full Name:;: {}Aiden Gavin Cromwell{}
:;:Nickname<s>:;: {}Aiden{}
:;:Age:;: {}12{}
:;:Year:;: {}5{}
:;:House:;: {}Lionpuff{}
:;:Gender:;: {}male{}
:;:Personality & History:;: {}RP{}
:;:Pet<s>:;: {}Toodles ~ female, ginger tabby{}
:;:Wand:;: {}gnarled willow wand, 9.75in, core is phoenix tailfeather{}
:;:Broom:;: {}yes{}
:;:Family:;: {}several people{}
:;:Crush:;: {}wants{}
:;:Boyfriend/\Girlfriend:;: {}wants{}
:;:Friend<s>:;: {}wants{}
:;:Best Friend<s>:;: {}wants{}
:;:Other:;: {}quidditch beater{}


:;:Full Name:;: {}Naomi Kenadie Lucas{}
:;:Nickname<s>:;: {}Naomi{}
:;:Age:;: {}12{}
:;:Year:;: {}4{}
:;:House:;: {}Lionpuff{}
:;:Gender:;: {}female{}
:;:Personality & History:;: {}RP{}
:;:Pet<s>:;: {}Nickels ~ female, russian blue ొ Paint ~ male, paint quarter horse ొ Socks ~ male, domestic shorthair ొ Leroy ~ male, yellow lab{}
:;:Wand:;: {}cherrywood wand, 12in, cre is phoenix feather{}
:;:Broom:;: {}yes{}
:;:Family:;: {}Mallory{}
:;:Crush:;: {}wants{}
:;:Boyfriend/\Girlfriend:;: {}wants{}
:;:Friend<s>:;: {}wants{}
:;:Best Friend<s>:;: {}wants{}
:;:Other:;: {}quidditch reserve{}​


:;:Full Name:;: {}Bria Lynn Gosseling{}
:;:Nickname<s>:;: {}Bri{}
:;:Age:;: {}9{}
:;:Year:;: {}2{}
:;:House:;: {}Wyvernhorn{}
:;:Gender:;: {}female{}
:;:Personality & History:;: {}RP{}
:;:Pet<s>:;: {}Dreamer ~ female, labradoodle ొ Mugsy ~ female, puggle{}
:;:Wand:;: {}mahogany wand, 10.5in, core is unicorn tail hair{}
:;:Broom:;: {}no{}
:;:Family:;: {}several people{}
:;:Crush:;: {}wants{}
:;:Boyfriend/\Girlfriend:;: {}too young{}
:;:Friend<s>:;: {}wants{}
:;:Best Friend<s>:;: {}wants{}
:;:Other:;: {}nope{}


:;:Full Name:;: {}Emilie Charlotte Cromwell{}
:;:Nickname<s>:;: {}Em, Emmi{}
:;:Age:;: {}8{}
:;:Year:;: {}1{}
:;:House:;: {}Houndor{}
:;:Gender:;: {}female{}
:;:Personality & History:;: {}RP{}
:;:Pet<s>:;: {}Gypsy ~ female, black tobiano miniature horse ొ Tyme ~ male, beagle ొ Diamond Lace ~ female, hippogriff{}
:;:Wand:;: {}oddly formed cherrywood wand, just under 10.75in, core is unicorn mane{}
:;:Broom:;: {}no{}
:;:Family:;: {}several people{}
:;:Crush:;: {}wants{}
:;:Boyfriend/\Girlfriend:;: {}too young{}
:;:Friend<s>:;: {}wants{}
:;:Best Friend<s>:;: {}wants{}
:;:Other:;: {}none{}


:;:Full Name:;: {}Ashia Thalia Brooke{}
:;:Nickname<s>:;: {}Ashia{}
:;:Age:;: {}16{}
:;:Year:;: {}8{}
:;:House:;: {}Wolfwing{}
:;:Gender:;: {}female{}
:;:Personality & History:;: {}RP{}
:;:Pet<s>:;: {}Jimi ~ female, 'toy' horntail dragon ొ Cyclops ~ male, dumbo rat ొ Zest ~ female, morkie{}
:;:Wand:;: {}Ash wand, 7in, core is Phoenix feather{}
:;:Broom:;: {}yes{}
:;:Family:;: {}Jade and Kaylyn are her sisters, Mark and Tyler are her brothers. Denise her mom, Adrian her step dad{}
:;:Crush:;: {}wants{}
:;:Boyfriend/\Girlfriend:;: {}wants{}
:;:Friend<s>:;: {}Jade, Kaylyn{}
:;:Best Friend<s>:;: {}Jade{}
:;:Other:;: {}Quidditch beater and captain, girl prefect{}


:;:Full Name:;: {}Jade Amber Brooke{}
:;:Nickname<s>:;: {}Jade, Jam{}
:;:Age:;: {}18{}
:;:Year:;: {}9{}
:;:House:;: {}Wyvernhorn{}
:;:Gender:;: {}female{}
:;:Personality & History:;: {}RP{}
:;:Pet<s>:;: {}Penni ~ female, 'toy' morkie ొ Slither ~ male, corn snake ొ Tambo ~ male, French Bulldog{}
:;:Wand:;: {}Cherry oak wand, 6.5in, core is Hippogriff tail{}
:;:Broom:;: {}yes{}
:;:Family:;: {}Ashia and Kaylyn are her sisters, Mark and Tyler are her brothers. Denise her mom, Adrian her step dad{}
:;:Crush:;: {}wants{}
:;:Boyfriend/\Girlfriend:;: {}wants{}
:;:Friend<s>:;: {}Jade, Kaylyn{}
:;:Best Friend<s>:;: {}Ashia{}
:;:Other:;: {}quidditch chaser{}


:;:Full Name:;: {}Kaylyn Tiana Brooke{}
:;:Nickname<s>:;: {}Kay{}
:;:Age:;: {}14{}
:;:Year:;: {}7{}
:;:House:;: {}Houndor{}
:;:Gender:;: {}female{}
:;:Personality & History:;: {}RP{}
:;:Pet<s>:;: {}Alphie ~ male, bullfrog ొ Toga ~ female, barn owl ొ Sage ~ female, irish setter-goldendoodle mix{}
:;:Wand:;: {}cypress wand, 9in, core is dragonclaw{}
:;:Broom:;: {}yes{}
:;:Family:;: {}Ashia and Jade are her sisters, Mark and Tyler are her brothers. Denise her mom, Adrian her step dad{}
:;:Crush:;: {}wants{}
:;:Boyfriend/\Girlfriend:;: {}wants{}
:;:Friend<s>:;: {}Jade, Ashia{}
:;:Best Friend<s>:;: {}wants{}
:;:Other:;: {}quidditch seeker{}


:;:Full Name:;: {}Tyler Samuel Brooke{}
:;:Nickname<s>:;: {}Ty{}
:;:Age:;: {}12{}
:;:Year:;: {}3{}
:;:House:;: {}Wyvernhorn{}
:;:Gender:;: {}male{}
:;:Personality & History:;: {}RP{}
:;:Pet<s>:;: {}Tango ~ male, griffin ొ Steel ~ male, alaskan husky ొ Barnacle ~ male, hermit crab{}
:;:Wand:;: {}Pine wand, 12in, core is dragon heartstring{}
:;:Broom:;: {}yes{}
:;:Family:;: {}Ashia, Kaylyn and Jade are his sisters, Mark is his brothers. Denise his mom, Adrian his step dad{}
:;:Crush:;: {}wants{}
:;:Boyfriend/\Girlfriend:;: {}wants{}
:;:Friend<s>:;: {}Mark{}
:;:Best Friend<s>:;: {}wants{}
:;:Other:;: {}quidditch Reserve{}


:;:Full Name:;: {}Markus Shane Brooke{}
:;:Nickname<s>:;: {}Mark{}
:;:Age:;: {}10{}
:;:Year:;: {}1{}
:;:House:;: {}Lionpuff{}
:;:Gender:;: {}male{}
:;:Personality & History:;: {}RP{}
:;:Pet<s>:;: {}Salty ~ male, Snowy Owl ొ Carmel ~ female, red-nosed pitbull ొ Carlyle ~ male, boxer{}
:;:Wand:;: {}red wood wand, 8.25in, core is hippogriff feather{}
:;:Broom:;: {}yes{}
:;:Family:;: {}Ashia, Kaylyn and Jade are his sisters, Tyler is his brothers. Denise his mom, Adrian his step dad{}
:;:Crush:;: {}wants{}
:;:Boyfriend/\Girlfriend:;: {}wants{}
:;:Friend<s>:;: {}Tyler{}
:;:Best Friend<s>:;: {}wants{}
:;:Other:;: {}none{}​
  • Like
Reactions: Junnabee
alrighty, feel free to join! If you couldn't tell, my forms are really patchy. Normally I use characters from my character storage... I created all new characters for this, so I'm figuring them out as I go... mostly, some I have ideas for n_n
Once their are two more users (or five more characters, whichever comes first) the rp will start!
{:;:}Rain {:;:}


:;:Full Name:;: {}Rain Monroe{}

:;:Nickname<s>:;: {}Nickname<s> Rainy, Rainbow, Raindrop{}

:;:Age:;: {}14{}

:;:Year:;: {}5{}

:;:House:;: {}Lionpuff{}

:;:Gender:;: {}Female{}

:;:Personality & History:;: {} She's of a simplistic nature, always trying to hide away from other people due to her anti-social tendencies. Though she's quick to nab friendships when it does come down to that, it's hard for her to speak to new people. She's a creative soul, always working on something new for her wall, whether it's a sketch or an elaborate painting. She can be stubborn and sarcastic when she's frustrated, and that turns some people away from her, but she tries her best to maintain optimism.{}

:;:Pet:;: {}Her rabbit, Speckles{}

:;:Wand:;: {}Walnut, 10, Kraken Heartstring{}

:;:Broom:;: {}No!{}

Rochelle Monroe-Mother
Kieran Monroe-Father
Chad Delmond-Step-Father
Nikolai Monroe-Brother
Aubrynn Monroe-Sister
Damien Monroe-Stepbrother

:;:Crush:;: {}TBA{}
:;:Boyfriend/Girlfriend:;: {}TBA{}
:;:Friends:;: {}TBA{}
:;:Best Friends:;: {}Erica{}




:;:Full Name:;: {}Nikolai Monroe{}


:;:Age:;: {}13{}

:;:Year:;: {}4{}

:;:House:;: {}Wolfwing{}

:;:Gender:;: {}Male}

:;:Personality & History:;: {}RP{}

:;:Pet<s>:;: {}None.{}

:;:Wand:;: {}Mahogany, 7, Centaur Tail Hair{}

:;:Broom:;: {}Yes.{}

:;:Family:;: {}
Rochelle Monroe-Mother
Kieran Monroe-Father
Chad Delmond-Step-Father
Rain Monroe-Sister
Aubrynn Monroe-Sister
Damien Monroe-Stepbrother

:;:Crush:;: {}TBA{}
:;:Boyfriend/Girlfriend:;: {}TBA{}
:;:Friend<s>:;: {}TBA{}
:;:Best Friend<s>:;: {}TBA{}
:;:Other:;: {}Chaser for Quidditch{}



:;:Full Name:;: {}Erica May Barrett{}

:;:Nickname:;: {}Eri, May{}

:;:Age:;: {}15{}

:;:Year:;: {}6{}

:;:House:;: {}Wyvernhorn{}

:;:Gender:;: {}Female{}

:;:Personality & History:;: {}RP{}

:;:Pet<s>:;: {}Penny-Collie, Mew-Russian Blue Cat, Claude-Lizard {}

:;:Wand:;: {}Willow, 8, Griffin Bone{}

:;:Broom:;: {}No{}

:;:Family:;: {}
Kelsie Barret-Mother
George Barret-Father
George Barret Jr-Brother{}

:;:Crush:;: {}TBA{}
:;:Boyfriend/Girlfriend:;: {}TBA{}
:;:Friend<s>:;: {}TBA{}
:;:Best Friend:;: {}Rain{}

Last edited by a moderator:
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Reactions: Junnabee
Accepted! Thanks for joining, I'll add your characters tomorrow and we can start one we get one more member or two more characters
  • Thank You
Reactions: 1 person


:;:Full Name:;:
{}Monique Lisanna McMillion{}

{}Mona, Mona Lisa, McMindless, TBA{}





:;:Personality & History:;:

{}A Silver, Male Ferret by the name of Chauncey (Nickname: Chance).{}

{}Ash, 10, Fairy Wings{}


{}Brother- Dillion McMillion

Mother- Destiny McMillion née Lane

Father- Marcus McMillion{}

{}None as of now{}


{}Ashia Brooke, Christen Maluke, Rain Monroe, Erica Barrett{}

:;:Best Friend<s>:;:

{}Has The Sight{}




:;:Full Name:;:
{}Landon Jay Smith{}

{}Jay, Smith, "Smith, Jay Smith", Donny-Boy, TBA{}





:;:Personality & History:;:

{}A Male Albino Corn Snake named Fandango.{}

{}Hemlock, 9.7, Doxy Wings{}


{}Mother- Lindsey Smith née Beacon

Father- John Smith

Sister(6, and a squib)- Katie Smith{}

{}Erica Barrett{}


{}Emmi Cromwell, William Lucas, Renegade Matrix{}

:;:Best Friend<s>:;:
{}Nikolai Monroe, Renegade Matrix{}

{}Parsalmouth (Descendent of a squib from the Gaunt line){}




:;:Full Name:;:
{}Kyros Jackal Lancaster{}

{}Jackal, Jack, Dr. Jackal, Ky, TBA{}





:;:Personality & History:;:

{}A Male Albino Rat named Mr. Hyde (Nickname: Mister or Hyde).{}

{}Kaya, 12, Dragon Heartstings{}


{}Father- Harvey Lancaster

Mother- Brunhild Lancaster née McBride

Grandfather- Jedediah Lancaster

Grandmother- Morganna Lancaster née Castor

Great Grandfather- Quincy Lancaster

Uncle- Ellon Lancaster{}

{}None as of now{}


{}Jade Brooke, Christen Maluke{}

:;:Best Friend<s>:;:

{}Quidditch Keeper{}




:;:Full Name:;:
{}Dillion Finn McMillion{}

{}Dill Pickle, Finn, Dill, McMoron, TBA{}





:;:Personality & History:;:

{}Male, Australian, Peach-Faced Lovebird named Peaches.{}

{}Ivy, 9, Billywig Stinger{}


{}Sister- Monique McMillion

Mother- Destiny McMillion née Lane

Father- Marcus McMillion{}

{}Erica Barrett{}


{}Heather Whitt, Erica Barrett{}

:;:Best Friend<s>:;:





:;:Full Name:;:
{}Heather Lee Whitt{}






:;:Personality & History:;:

{}A Male Siamese/Rag-doll Cat named Karrot Kake (Nickname: KK or Karrot).{}

{}Reed, 11, Unicorn Hair{}


{}Brother(2yr old)- Cameron Whitt

Uncle- Jacob Whitt

Uncle- Jackson Whitt

Father- Jason Whitt

Mother- Jasmine Whitt née Karp

Aunt- Lavander Karp{}

{}Hunter Lucas{}


{}Naomi Lucas, Kayla Brooke, Tyler Brooke, Dillion McMillion, Rain Monroe, Nikolai Monroe, Erica Barrett{}

:;:Best Friend<s>:;:
{}Aiden Cromwell{}

{}She's a Metamorphmagus (from her mothers side){}




:;:Full Name:;:
{}Jannette Bethany Queens{}

{}Janet, Beth, Queens{}

{}Professor Queens{}



{}Optional <only if you have a favorite house>{}


:;:Personality & History:;:

{}A spotted, male Pegasus by the name of Sirrah.{}

{}Beech, 9.5, Augurey Tail Feathers{}

{}Oh, Absolutely{}







:;:Other Family:;:
{}Sister- Eliza Grant née Queens

BrotherInLaw- Ronald Grant

Mother- Monica Queens née Bentt

Father- Edward Queens

Grandmother- Shelby Queens née LaTart{}

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  • Like
Reactions: Powerless_
@Powerless_ If my characters get accepted I wanted to know if...

(1)Heather could be friends with Erica and/or Rainy and/or Nikolai? (she likes friends...)
(2)Landon could be friends or best friends with Nikolai?
(3)Monique could be friends with Rainy and/or Nikolai?
(4)Dillion could be friends with Erica?
(5)Kyros is a bit older then them but if you would like any of them to be friends with Kyros i'm absolutely down with that.

It's cool if your not down with any of those, but it never hurts to ask right?
@Powerless_ If my characters get accepted I wanted to know if...
(1)Heather could be friends with Erica and/or Rainy and/or Nikolai? (she likes friends...)
(2)Landon could be friends or best friends with Nikolai?
(3)Monique could be friends with Rainy and/or Nikolai?
(4)Dillion could be friends with Erica?
(5)Kyros is a bit older then them but if you would like any of them to be friends with Kyros i'm absolutely down with that.
It's cool if your not down with any of those, but it never hurts to ask right?
Well first off I am very positive you will be accepted!

(1) Heather can be friends with all three of them if you would like!

(2) Landon and Nikolai can be best friends!

(3) Monique can totally be friends with both

(4) Dillion can be friends with Erica!
  • Thank You
Reactions: Junnabee
Well first off I am very positive you will be accepted!
(1) Heather can be friends with all three of them if you would like!
(2) Landon and Nikolai can be best friends!
(3) Monique can totally be friends with both
(4) Dillion can be friends with Erica!
Fantastic! I'll go ahead and add them to my character sheets then.
Accepted! I'll add them and get a pist up asap so we can start :3


:;:Full Name:;: {}Erica May Barrett{}

:;:Nickname:;:[/size] {}Eri, May{}

:;:Age:;: {}15{}

:;:Year:;: {}5{}

:;:House:;: {}Wyvernhorn{}

:;:Gender:;: {}Female{}

:;:Personality & History:;: {}RP{}

:;:Pet<s>:;: {}Penny-Collie, Mew-Russian Blue Cat, Claude-Lizard {}

:;:Wand:;: {}Willow, 8, Griffin Bone{}

:;:Broom:;: {}No{}

:;:Family:;: {}
Kelsie Barret-Mother
George Barret-Father
George Barret Jr-Brother{}

:;:Crush:;: {}TBA{}
:;:Boyfriend/Girlfriend:;: {}TBA{}
:;:Friend<s>:;: {}TBA{}
:;:Best Friend:;: {}Rain{}
I actually just realised that Erica either needs to be 14 in year 5 or 15 in year 6
okie dokie, looks good, I'll add her now :3

by the way, if you guys want specific dorm rooms for your charries let me know (there are still only ten rooms per house. See RP thread for the set-up)
Do the dorms have to be by year or could say a four year end up dorming with a sixth year, a third year dorming with a seventh year, a first year dorming with a fifth year, so on and so forth, etc. etc.?
no, they aren't by year... just by house
@~Happily.Ever.After~ In that case *clears throat and slides a five dollar bill across the table* How about if Naomi and Heather were roommates? And maybe Monique and Ashia could room with each other?

@Powerless_ *slips a five dollar bill into your hand* Maybe Rain could room with Naomi and Heather, too. That could be pretty cool. You know. Just a thought.
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