
  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

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Original poster


ch0sen1 as Destiny Warburg
T Rekt as Callum Warburg
Clyde as Parson F. Graves.
Cait as Anita Johar
MST3K as Daniel O'Brien
[slot open]


The skies were a smoky grey with ash replacing precipitation. Muddy and debris filled streets littered the face of Mother Nature, as Father Time allows for a darkened despair. The world as everyone knew it was no more. Like out of the stories, movies, and comic strips, the impossible and the eventual inevitability has occurred. A New World Order, not by some false illuminati, nor by some military/political regime. They came from beyond the sky, and they brought forth death from below the Earth at the same time. As is above, so is below. In the US, DC, Denver, and Los Angeles are the only known strongholds to remain. As for the rest of the world...who knows. You don't know if your impending death is going to be by bite, scratch, or to be mowed down by a flash of a neon blue light...or worse. The Scrub sent them here, The Breachers...but they themselves engineered The Tweakers. Zombies. And Aliens. And now, Earth is but a shell in which they walk upon. 7 billion people on Earth, who knows how many are left...it could be anywhere from 6 billion Tweakers and below at this very moment. As for the Breachers...no one's ever really seen one up close, or any of them, but guaranteed if you hear the whirring sound of a sonic boom and engine. Run.

That's all we have left anyways. Run. Fight. Die.

I'm not sure anyone is even listening to this, but...whatever. Hope for humanity is never lost, but in all honesty...it is diminished. Signing off.

- The Roach

[attached file from ISS before transmission crash = isthistheend.jpeg]
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[fieldbox="Destiny, orange, dashed, 10, Tahoma"]


"Destiny...just...whoa...whoa! Hold it!"
"O-M-G dad I'm literally just backing in...I got it! Mom!"
"She said she's got it sweetie, don't get so paranoid."

Fifteen years old. Young, unassuming, and full of potential. Back when I thought I had the rest of my life ahead of me. Mom and dad were teaching me how to drive, even though I couldn't get my license until that next year. Practice was always good, and they'd finally mustered up enough courage to let me behind the wheel of their car, well dad's car really. Mom says I wasn't ready for the jeep yet until I impressed her. They had set two cones up just outside our yard for me to parallel park into. They taught me the angles and steering of performing such a feat, but the moment I tried dad would become dictator. I ease in between the two cones, though the car was a bit slanted instead of straight. My mom looks up to me smiling.

Mom: "Good first try, we'll go around the block and come back and you'll do it again."

Dad sits in the passenger seat as mom sits behind me and directs me. I pull away from the house as our neighbors smile and wave at us, instantly recognizing what was going on. We had a good life, a great family, and even better relationship with everyone around us. I drive carefully and focused to the end of the street, ready to turn so I can circle the block. I look over at dad with a slight smirk. Worry caught his face. I turned the radio on to my favorite station and blared the volume.


Mom simply laughed in the back seat at dad as I just flung my hair up and down while stopped, and then cleared my throat and calmed down to turn and focus on driving again. I circled the block and nodded in mild cockiness to everyone in cars that my parents were cool enough to let their 15 year old daughter drive around the block. I even seen a cute boy that smiled back. I blushed. Then my face went back to normal looking at dad. the radio was turned back to the original station. I abruptly turn it off.

Radio: --In a series of satellite images it seems the unknown objects were seen in the stratosphere around--
"Ahem, yeah uh...so am I doing good?"

Dad looks back at mom, who's still eating this up.

Mom: "Haha hey don't look at me, it's your daughter."

What I wouldn't give for another one of those moments. Just even one more.


"MOVE IT!!! GO GO GO!!!!"

I was on my hands and knees, panting, tired, defeated. Sweat drenched my hair and dripped from the tip of my nose as I gazed into the grass below me. A high pitched sound rings into my ears and snaps me back into primal instinct to keep pushing. I burst from my position and run as fast as I can. I can see the goal in sight, and in one swift kick, I kick the soccer ball into the goal and sprint back to the other end of the field. Coach blows his whistle as my teammates and I run sprint drills to finish up practice. Playoffs were next week, and with our #2 state seed we had to be ready. Just another day for me. Practice, home, shower & eat, homework, TV & internet, text, sleep. Another day I wish I could have again. My teammate Stacey drops me off at home and that was the last time I'd see her. Dad wasn't home yet. I shower, and put on some fresh clothes and start to cook something for us, a nice Fettuccine and some grilled asparagus. I put dad's plate in the microwave and eat mine while finishing homework. AP classes served to be too easy for me even then, but I knew it'd be harder my senior year. It was April, and school was weeks away from being over. Little did I know, so was everything else. I would never get to have a senior year.

My life as I knew it was about to die.


I pull my earbuds out my ears and listen as someone pounds on the door downstairs.

"What the hell?"

I skimp down the stairs and look at the door visibly shaking from the force of the person beating on the door like some madman. And then I heard the voice of said madman requesting the door be open. Said madman was my neighbor talking to dad. I rush to the door and I see some neighbors outside in the streets on the phone, and even some taking luggage out into their cars for some reason. Dad pushes me back inside and slams the door.

"Dad what--"
Dad: "Go to your room, pack some clothes, your necessities, and wait in the car."
"What is it..? You're scaring me..."

The TV breaks programming to go to a special news report breaking. The anchorwoman speaks with a hasted reproach and a antsy demeanor, the commotion outside was actually drowning out the TV noise. Right when I wanted to turn the volume up to hear her words, the TV cut to pictures of dark...holes in the sky? Rounded holes? Or wait....were they...? Dad cuts my view from the TV and grabs my shoulders.

Dad: "Now, Dess!"

I rush upstairs with my heart pounding. I put some clothes into my soccer team duffel bag, with my phone, charger, laptop, and some shoes. I grab some toiletries as well and place them in the side pockets. I was in a slight panic, I didn't know what all I'd need because I had no idea what was happening. I hear raised voices outside and look out my window to see the neighborhood scurrying to pack and leave. I could hear booms in the distance and my mind immediately went to terrorist attack. My heart dropped in my chest as fanned myself out of fear. I take my school backpack just in case, and head downstairs to see dad packing water, first aid kits, and the like.

"Daddy! What is HAPPENING!?"
Dad: "We're going to get your mother and we're leaving. The city is under attack."
"What? What...? What? Is mom okay? Did you talk to her? Where is she?"
Dad: "Dess, calm down. It'll be fine. Go to the car."

I zip outside and see the once smiling neighbors now panicked and frantic, all with their kids scooting in the sedans and minivans. Babies being held and placed in carseats. I dump my bags in the trunk of the car and I wait in the backseat, why the back I'll never know. I wasn't in the most clear mindset.

And then the golden streets became dark and pale with a large shadow, as I slowly and ominously look up to the voided sky.




I open my eyes and dart up. Another dream. Same dream. About the past. About how things were. I could hear the rain drops outside, at least we'd have fresh water for the new day. It was still dark outside, probably about 4 AM or so. I look over to the baby monitor beside me, listening to dad sleeping. He slept downstairs in their bedroom...him and mom's...I don't know how he can do it. I haven't stepped foot in there since...

I yawn and get up to head downstairs to check on dad personally. We'd been here since it all began. We packed and left to leave like everyone else. We made it to the highway, but that was about it. That was the first time we saw them. The bombs. They dropped like meteors from the sky, unleashing a blood red mist everywhere. For the ones that didn't get away like we did...they were changed into demons. The undead. We saw them with our own eyes, collapse then glow from the inside, before getting back up and walking empty minded. Dad called them Tweakers because of their demeanor. I'll never forget that traumatic sight of some of them biting...eating into people's flesh like hamburger. My own screams still haunt me to this day. We were setting off to find mom. He handed me a gun and told me he'd be back with mom as I waited in his car. I'm sure he had to kill them...were they even people anymore? I never asked him if he had to. I haven't had to yet. We've seen a few, but none have been a direct threat. But he didn't come back with mom. Just a defeated face, a hopeless face. And him crying, looking in the direction of her jeep, empty and abandoned. Me rushing and ripping that jeep apart just for a tiny sign of where she could be, but the reality set in. That was 6 months ago, the first day of the worst days of the rest of our lives.

I see dad had moved to the couch in the den for some reason, his baby monitor beside him as well. The blankets had drifted off onto the floor. I walk over and cover him back with the sheets. I head to the front door to make sure it's locked, peering out the window to the darkness outside to see a handful of tweakers leaving the neighborhood. About a few houses down across the street I could see a small light on in the window of Mr. Cameron Townes house, a neighbor. Seems like him and Mrs. Townes were still alive. Thank God. Didn't want it to just be dad and I. Who knows how many of us are left. Here, the nation....the world. I head back upstairs and decide to get on the laptop. Even though servers are down I still try to find a way to reach someone out there, if there is anyone out there to reach. Everyday for 6 months. Nothing. I soon doze off and fall asleep on my keyboard. Hoping to awaken from this nightmare. I used to kid about this in school with my friends, and now that I was in it...

This shit is far from funny.


@Tyrannosaurus Rekt
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[BCOLOR=transparent]"Fuck!" she rarely cursed unless it was something really important. His father and him looked up from the dining table, as his mother slammed closed the refrigerator door. [/BCOLOR]​

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Something wrong?" his father asked.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]While he was frowning at a piece of paper at current. Trying to finish the script of his latest video. His mother no longer asked him what he was doing most of the time. It was never that they did not have a good relationship. She was simply worried about that his videos enabled unhealthy thoughts. But Parson argued they helped him maintain and better managed his episodes.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]And he was making a generous amount of money as well. Bringing well over seven hundred dollars in of revenue. Plus disability. It was enough to sustain off of. Still Parson tapped the pen on his notebook. His father watched him.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Giving each other a brief look. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"You should know," his mother snapped at his father.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]There were suppose to be having someone over for dinner tonight. His mother's old high school friend. It was suppose to be some kind of reunion. She always stressed about all of these small things. Though Parson was not criticizing her. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Well, what do you need?" father asked trying to ignore the obvious.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Mother did that thing that she does, when she crosses her arms across her chest and puffs out her breast. Made her look like a clucking hen. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"I can get what you need," Parson volunteered, "Wanted to take a walk."[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]His mother looked at him and grabbed a sheet of notepaper off the post it on the fridge magnet. She began to write a quick list on the post it. It's all she wanted was someone to volunteer to get what she needed. She handed him the post it.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]He grabbed it and didn't look it over. His father looked at him.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"You want me to drive you?" his father asked.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"I was planning on walking," the store was only twenty minutes away. Though his father always worried. Partially because of the neighborhood.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"I can pick you up, so you're not carrying too much," his father said, "Call me, when you're ready."[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Parson nodded.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Okay," Parson told him.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Parson took the post it, crumbling it in his pockets. He hopped out of his chair. With pep in his step. His mother didn't say anything because she was still upset with his father for not volunteering earlier. Still he put on his shoes, an off brand converse. That were actually better than the expensive ones anyway. Over his black sweater, he put on his blue coat.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]He didn't necessarily like passing the mirror right before leaving the door. He was always afraid that it could steal his soul. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Today was a nice day though. A clear sky with mild temperatures. Sometimes fresh air allowed him to think more clearly. Though he didn't like going outside as much as he use too either. Too worried about things people told him only had a .01% of occurring.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]He didn't care about statistics. He simply knew something could happen. And that should be frightening. You should prepare for what is happening. You should always be prepared. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]That's at least what he told himself or his subscribers. Some people just said he was plain old crazy. But he always thought there was some rationality to the way he thought. Then again everyone likes to think they are rational.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]He prided himself of being a rationalist. Realistic. And rational. The walk was not as exciting. Then again it never was exciting. He was simply day dreaming about the things that could happen. He ended up at the store without a single event. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Parson, didn't think I'd see you today," one of the clerk's named Kurtis said while putting away some carts, rolling one to him.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Mom's got someone coming over," Parson replied.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Ah, doing a little shopping for a dinner,"[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Parson nodded. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Well that's cool. How's the family?" Kurtis asked.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Parson scratched his head. He was never sure he understood the reason why people asked this question.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Good, normal," Parson replied with a nod of his head.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Saw your latest video, good shit, do you think the end times really coming?" Kurtis asked, making small talk. And making this very uncomfortable.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Parson didn't think the end time was coming. Not from a God. But there was too much evidence to ignore. Parson simply shook his head.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Not the end times," Parson told Kurtis, "But the government has started galactic war."[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Some passersby just gave them an odd look. While Kurtis gave a nod that seemed semi mocking.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Cool, well I gotta get back to work," Kurtis says. Parson flinches when Kurtis pats his shoulder. Touch was still something he was uncomfortable with. He was never to sure about the intentions of others when they touched him.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Some say it was irrational. Parson took the list out of his pocket and began to take his time down the aisle. Though he knew if he took too much time, his mother would call and start having a full meltdown about how long he had been taking.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Details get blurry from here. It started with people looking at their phones. Or maybe people were looking at their phones, and some weren't.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Fear. And panic. People were all running at the same time. Leaving their carts aside. Grabbing their family members. Trying to drag each other out.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]The next was the rubble. And the sound of the shockwave. The walls bursted. The aisle were a mess. People were screaming. When the dust settled after that the world changed. [/BCOLOR]



[BCOLOR=transparent]He was convinced someone was after him. Been looking for his home for a while now. But was too afraid to go back. He knew too much. He knew all of their secrets. Someone must have been working with them. Someone from the inside. Someone from the Pentagon. Had he met someone from the Pentagon? Not sure. But that didn't mean they didn't know him.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]It was the videos. He had exposed too much. They knew. He knew. He knew too much. It's why he had to get home. Had been getting home for a while. The walk had seemed so much longer. Now shambling people walked the streets. And blue lights streaked in the sky sometimes. They were looking for him. He couldn't let them find him.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Just like he couldn't let them take his family. Wandering into a neighborhood. It kind of looked familiar. It could have been familiar. Was that the door? Walking up steps. Putting in his key. The lock wouldn't unlock. Had they changed the locks. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Panicked at the doorstep. He started to knock on the door. He tried not to do it loudly. Because the shambling people. They didn't like the noise much. [/BCOLOR]
They were bathed in starlight, they were like holes punctured into the sky without rhythm of cadence. It was beautiful, and yet Callum only ever had eyes for Isabella's face. The whole world could have been covered in ethereal light, and he would have never of noticed.
"Shall I compare thee to… something-something romantic and Shakespearean?" Callum said, laughing.
"Oh, such a charmer," she deadpanned.
"Look, you didn't agree to go out on a date with me due to my eloquence. Must have been my handsome looks."
"Or maybe when you managed to drop all your mail, slip on said mail, and drag a woman's skirt off her body with all your flailing." She leaned in close. "I was like 'this guy really needs all the help he can get.'"
"Mail is dangerous."
Callum huffed, playfully. "You know that better than anyone." He picked up her hand. A lot of her fingers had band aids wrapped around them. So many papercuts. He kissed each one lightly.
Isabella giggled all the while. "Stop it, you crazy person."
"Make me," he challenged, his grin turning Cheshire.
She pulled her hand from his grasp and placed it firmly on his chest, pushing him back. It wasn't enough force for him to actually fall back, but he feigned defeat. She hung over him, her hair a soft curtain between him and the rest of the world. She laughed. He laughed with her. Her lips tightened into a frown.
"What's wrong?" he asked.
She opened her mouth and blood poured out through gaps of broken, blackened teeth.

Callum woke up with a start. He slowly pulled himself up, rubbing his eyes. They felt like tiny shards of glass rested right behind the lids. He was on the couch. Why was he on the couch? Why wasn't he—ah—right. Sometimes he woke up aware of the situation, but sometimes he woke up thinking that everything had just been some odd dream. A fevered haze. He then realized that he'd been woken up by a knock on the door. Shit. He scrambled up, a mess of blankets and crumpled clothes. He tossed them to the side and firmly planted his feet on the ground, nowadays finding it easier to sleep in his shoes. The bat was still by the door, and he made a bee line to it, peering out the peephole after he grabbed it.

Who the hell was that?

Drifters came by on occasion. Callum only let a handful of them in. It was usually the ones with children, elderly, or who were more terrified than terrifying. But there were the occasional ones that hesitated at the door with a white-knuckled grip on a blood-caked knife or viscera covered crowbar. Those were the ones that Callum would threaten. He'd yell out that he had a gun. He never had a gun, but they didn't know that. Usually, they were more scared than brave, and they skittered off the porch as quickly as they came. This kid—was different. There was something frantic in his motions. He might have been dangerous, Callum couldn't guess. What he did know, though, was that the continued noise would rattle the tweakers. Sure, he and Des placed traps all around the property, but they wouldn't do much to a tweaker force en masse.

Callum leaned into the door. "Kid, be quiet." He wanted to tell the kid to leave, get off his porch, and distance himself from his house and daughter. Yet, he felt a pang of guilt when he thought about that. Was that really the answer? They were all humans and their enemies were something that was not. They shouldn't have been divided, but they were. "State your intention," he said in a husky whisper. He hoped he wasn't going to regret this. "I have a gun, and I will shoot if you try to do anything."
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[fieldbox="Destiny, orange, dashed, 10, Tahoma"]

(( Dialogue code: Pink - Very close/family level / Green - Friend or ally level / Blue-Grey - Neutral or mysterious level / Red - enemy, threat, or violator level / Grey - Unknown / Orange - Destiny speaking ))

My head pounds in perfect sync with the door as my drowsiness possesses my conscious mind. My heart drops as I begin to process the reality of things. I wasn't still sleep, nor was this a dream. This was back to the waking nightmare before me. I hop up and unlock my window in contingency, just for the case I might have to run up and escape for some reason. I grab the XD9 handgun from under my pillow. I remove the safety and with my shoes and socks off I lightly tread down the steps to maintain stealth. Dad was awake, I could hear him whispering.

Dad: "State your intention, I have a gun, and I will shoot if you try to do anything."

I make sure to step down harder on the floor so dad knew I was behind him. In this world sneaking up on someone and scaring them could cause nerves to react, and the only thing that would crush me worse than being killed by my dad, would be knowing that dad would live with the memory of killing me on accident. I join him at the door and I bring my finger up to my lips, cocking the hammer back on the gun.

"Can we not just send him to Mr. Cameron Townes house? What if he's a decoy? Or a scout of a larger group?"

His noise will for sure attract some tweakers. Most left the neighborhood when I woke up the first time, but with his pounding that will bring them back. I step away from the door, supporting dad's choice no matter which way he decided. I can see that the tripwire system has activated, meaning that whoever it is outside didn't notice them in the yard, and has triggered the system. That was out most basic one, and considering that, he didn't even want to know what else we had up our sleeves.

"Psst, dad. If you let him in... leave the lights off. I can aim on him from the backlight patio."

My heart was racing. We've had less than a dozen people come through here for brief stays. Usually we traded them food and they would give us medicine or maybe some wares they had that would be useful, or vice versa. Our garden was small, but at least it was enough to get by. The rainwater collectors gave us hydration as well. So in the one-in-ten chance someone comes to our door, that could all be jeopardized.

I aim my gun at the door, ready for what comes next.


[BCOLOR=transparent]Voices. Unrecognizable voices. Had they already gotten to them? That seemed the most likely right now. He had to make sure they didn't know he knew. So he calmed down a little at the door. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Did you guys change the lock?" he asked, "I'm just trying to get home."[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]He was trying to stop the shaking of his own voice. They weren't suppose to know he knew. They were armed. Of course they were armed. Had they recognized who he was? He hoped not. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Couple Years Ago[/BCOLOR]​

[BCOLOR=transparent]"This isn't funny any more,"[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Mom had kept the door locked and had taken his spare key. He was standing outside the door trying to convince her to let him back inside. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"My cat is inside," he told her through the mail slot.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Are you going to take your medication?" mom spoke back through the mail slot.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Yes, yes," he told her.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]He heard the latch on the door finally unlock. There was a sense of relief that he could not have expressed. The world was a chaotic place. He wasn't sure what he would have done if he wasn't allowed back inside. Swore the black neighbor had been eying him this whole entire time. Mom's looking at him with her arms crossed. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"I'm not going to put up with this," she huffs at him, only to reinforce her authority in this house. Parson gives her an awkward smiled.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"I'm sorry, mom," he tells her, he means it. But he wasn't sure if the intent came off in the right way. He always came off looking a little bored sometimes. Mom finally sighs and puts a loving hand on his. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"You didn't do anything wrong," mom tells him suddenly, she looks ashamed, "I did overreact." she added, "But you cannot go without your medication. I need you to be responsible. And make it a commitment."[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Parson nods.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"I promise, I am sorry," he tells her.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]His mind was like a puzzle sometimes. Some voices he wasn't sure if they were thoughts. Or voices he was suppose to ignore. Still he leaned into the door. Remember they weren't suppose to know. Needed to make it natural. Needed to know who had taken over his home. His cat was in there after all too.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Mom, this isn't funny any more," Parson adds at the door. In hopes finally the door will be released.[/BCOLOR]

Dan O'Brien sat in a small circle with six other people. Dan was 32 the others ranged from ages to 22 thru 6 years old. Dan was viewed as the leader of this group, and it was a role he was very reluctant in accepting. However, he did so for the sake of the younger ones in the group to give them a sense of safety.

Leaning against a wall it was hard to believe that just six months ago this was a vibrant and thriving apartment complex. It had a waiting list just to get a look at the inside of one of the apartments, but now it was a glorified mausoleum for the most part. The smell of death and desperation filled the air, and it was only a matter of minutes before the Tweakers were all over them. They had held off the Tweakers for the better part of five days, but with each passing it was getting harder and supplies to fight with were starting to become scarce. The decision was made the other six would leave the apartment building while Dan stayed behind to by them time.

Dan shook his head and said, "We've already discussed this. The plan is set you all are to get out of here and I stay behind to buy you all time! We don't have the time to discuss this! I am one less person to drain on the resource that we have."

Cody, the 22 year old and basically the second in command, said, "Dan, we need you! You are the only one who has kept us alive during these last couple of attacks."

Dan replied shaking his head, "No, we kept each other alive Cody. Now it's time for you all to take the responsibility for each other. This is something that I have to do. If you all ever had a shred of feeling for me then please do this for me." He looked at the group and he could sense their disappointment that he wasn't coming with them. Dan felt close to this group, and he knew that if he continued to feel this way then the day one of them was killed it would reopen an ugly wound. Dan vowed he would never feel that pain again. He said, "You all are bright and determined. Those two factors will see you through this I have no doubt." Dan gave a nod and said to Cody, "You're ready young man. You're ready to be the leader of this group. Besides now you don't have the old man telling you that you ain't ready anymore."

Cody gave a nod and said, "Thanks Dan."

Dan gave a last look around at each one of them and said, "Remember follow the sewer line for 500 yards, then get out of the sewer, three blocks North then once you get to the I-57 corridor. Travel at night stick to the back roads, river beds all of that but stay parallel with I-57 at all times until you hit Tuscola. Once you get there look for their library you will find other survivors there. I was there not long ago trust me they will take you in. Any of them gives you an attitude tell them O'Brien is calling in the favor. That should get you in there." Dan had been in Tuscola not long ago and helped out a group of survivors, but as always he left before they got close to him.

Walking over to the window Dan looked out and he could see a couple of straggling Tweakers approaching from a couple of blocks away. That usually meant more would soon be on their way. He looked back to the group and said, "I got two coming in, and that means you six going out now." The rest of the group stood up and Dan said, "Get going now! Hurry!" The group began to leave but then the six year old Emily ran back to Dan and threw her arms around him and said, "Goodbye Mr. Dan.. Dan was surprised but he put his arms around Emily and said, "Goodbye Emily." They broke their embrace and Dan stood at the window and saw a few more approaching. Soon there were close to seven of them and he said, "Okay that ought to be enough."

With that Dan grabbed his baseball bat along with his back pack which had some basic survival tools like rope, bottled water, beef jerky, his survival knife, a jacket, and some sweats and picked up some aerosol cans. Dan left the apartment and went into four other apartments one on each floor. He cut on the gas stoves and then in the last one he put the aerosol cans in the microwave ovens. He set the timer on the microwave oven for two minutes and began running out the door he saw the Tweakers coming towards him and he said, "Come on you sons of bitches! Time to end your suffering!" Dan started to run and didn't look back. Once he got about one block away he looked at his watch and said, "Hope this works like in the movies!" Just then a huge explosion erupted from the apartment building and Dan briefly turned back to see it. Once he saw that the building was fully engulfed he pulled out the picture of Katy that he carried with him. It was a picture of her looking at him with the wind in her hair during a trip to the Mount Rushmore and a smile that he would go to war for. He looked at the picture and smiled as he said, "Well looks like it's time to move on. I got a feeling that property values in this neighborhood are about to plummet."

Dan put the picture away and just began to walk on. He came across another person who was standing in a doorway. Dan gave out a slight whistle as he approached so he didn't sneak up on the person. As he approached the door he heard someone say something about stating intention. He said to the person at the doorway, "Relax kid I got this." Dan looked at the door and said, "Look if we were psychos or anything like that we would've already been in your house. Our intention is getting out from being in the open and surviving."

@Tyrannosaurus Rekt
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Callum waved behind him. Hopefully that would be enough to direct Dess into the back where she wanted to be. She was a stronger marksman than himself. And she was his only daughter. He didn't want her in danger. The frantic kid's messages didn't get any better. And then there was another voice from that interrupted his thoughts. Callum hesitated. Honestly, he didn't know what to do. The strange, paranoid child wouldn't receive anything from him, but the voice that resounded next was strong and coherent.

"Dess," Callum said. "Get back and shoot anyone that jumps at me. Is that okay?" He asked while commanding. He expected her to do such, but he was scared that he might strain their already broken relationship.

Callum whipped the door open quickly. He grabbed the collar of the young man, the one that was disturbed, and pressed the bat against his temple. "I'll beat his brains out if you don't mean peace." Callum stared at the man with fully functioning thoughts. "Do you understand? I'm not like this, usually. But I will protect my family. Otherwise get in the house and remain silent and still."
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[fieldbox="Destiny, orange, dashed, 10, Tahoma"]

I aimed the gun at the door, and my heart sunk even more to hear yet another voice in conjunction. This one seemed more direct, stronger. Solid. My mind started to race at how many more there were outside. I look out the back kitchen window near the patio to see no one, at least yet. I cock the hammer back on the handgun, listening to dad exchange conversation with the two men. The first voice actually sounded lost, or maybe scared. It wanted to let my guard down, but I've watched too much TV before all this to know it could be an act. I even heard him say:

?: "Mom, this isn't funny anymore."

The heck was that about?

Man: "Look if we were psychos or anything like that we would've already been in your house. Our intention is getting out from being in the open and surviving."
"Then find another house!"
Dad: "Dess,"

I look at dad, still aiming at the door.

Dad: "Get back and shoot anyone that jumps at me. Is that okay?"
"Are you serious!? You're going to let them in? Usually we can see them before they hit the door but this is different! Don't!"

It was too late, my heart sunk as dad whipped the door open with hasted and precise fashion. He grabbed a young man, probably the faint sounding one. The house lights were off, but the light from the moon outside revealed his face to me. Looked a bit older than me. Of course he couldn't see me, they probably didn't even know I was there. Dad put a bat against his head and talked to the other man, saying he'd bash the boy's brains out. It was weird hearing dad talk like that, the same man who would slight panic anytime he seen I was in pain of any sort. Dad addresses the Terminator looking man, a bit younger than dad looking.

Dad: "Do you understand? I'm not like this, usually. But I will protect my family. Otherwise get in the house and remain silent and still."

I come from the shadows, seemingly surprising both the men as I grabbed the older man's backpack and his baseball bat. I kept the gun on the man as I closed the door and turned on the lamp in the living room. I then drew the black poster board paper up behind the blinds, so that no one outside could see the light. The light reveals dad and my faces to the two, with mine looking stern and focused. The man was about 30 or so, like he belonged to some motor club, the other one looked like a college student, one that was very afraid at this moment. I searched him too, he didn't have much. Some medication and various items. I left his medication with him and took everything else. Dad held them near the door with his bat, and myself with the gun. I dump the man's backpack and I find some rope, bottled water, beef jerky, his survival knife, a jacket, and some sweats. I threw his knife in my pocket in case he tried funny business. Inside I felt pride with a ting of adrenaline. I feel like I'm in a movie or something. Shit you'd see on shows, I was living it.

"Dad, they don't have guns."

I then look to the two strangers.

"Please don't try anything. I will shoot you. And don't think that it's a fear tactic... I have been trained and will actually put a bullet in you if you try something, either of you."

I pull dad back near the center of our den, holding the strangers near the door. I whisper so they can't hear us, but best believe my eyes and aim are still on them, ready for anything.

"What do we do?"

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As Dan was brought into the living room every part of him wanted to fight back. However, he thought about the situation for a moment and realized that the father was doing what he could not really to protect himself, but more importantly his daughter. Her age didn't matter much there had been reports of women of all kinds of ages being kidnapped and…well Dan didn't let his mind go any further. It would make him feel physically ill if he dwelt on it. The kid he was brought in with Dan didn't think much of him at the moment. Other than he was like Dan and just looking for shelter. Taking his gear was not an issue for Dan, but if they touched the picture of Katy in his pocket Dan was not going to hesitate in sending them straight to Hell.

Katy once told Dan that he had been gifted with many talents, but diplomacy wasn't one of them. The threats and so forth weren't doing much to help Dan long for that gift at the moment. He had just been through yet another emotional goodbye, blew up an apartment building, and was now having watching a kid with a bat pressed against his temple. On the whole Dan was pretty much done with everything. He put his hands behind his head and took three steps towards the center of the room and dropped to his knees. If he got his head blown off so be it Dan didn't care. It would mean that he might finally be reunited with Katy.

Dan made sure that he wasn't looking at anyone, but kept his focus on the floor as he spoke, "Okay time for you all to think with a bit of logic. One, you threatened the teenage boy here. I showed no reaction which meant that we obviously aren't a team. No offense kid but I don't know you well enough yet. Second, there are several empty houses in this area why didn't I go for them if I was looking to lay low? Good question and here's my answer." Dan motioned behind him and said, "Take a look out your side kitchen window that glow and the smoke." Dan wasn't sure if they had seen it, but he trusted that they had. He said, "That was the apartment complex on the corner of Forth and Grand and I just turned it into a parking lot about ten minutes ago. Now, one thing we know is that Tweakers won't just ignore that sort of thing many of them are going to be crawling out of the woodwork. Hell we might even have a Breacher or two show up. Fact is that this area is gonna be very active very soon, and I figured two things one warn you all and two all of us together might have a fighting chance as opposed to one on one. Not to mention, don't you think by now I would've motioned to the teenage boy or shouted some kind of phrase or something which would've cued an ambush on you all?"

Dan looked back for a moment and said, "Besides, how many bandits and psychos do you know that knock or don't carry a firearm? Which by the way I expect that knife back."

@Tyrannosaurus Rekt
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[BCOLOR=transparent]He had only ever been threatened before when he came to America. Mostly at school though. He had thought the Government would have been more ruthless in their tactics. His parents would be tied up somewhere in the living room, and he was meant to watch them be tortured. But while his eyes were on the bat and the man threatening them. The house was unrecognizable to the things he was use to seeing. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Which set him in a momentary amount of panic. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"I...just…" Parson stuttered, "I...just...thought...I been looking for my home. Mom and dad. They're in danger."[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]It wasn't a ruse. It was genuine moment of fear and confusion on his part. He thought he was finally home. He thought after that long walk. After the world had been destroyed, he had finally found his home. And no one here was recognizably recognizable. The man was not working for the government. The young girl, even younger than he was, definitely wasn't working for the government.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]And this was definitely not his home. There wasn't any of the same furniture. There weren't the pictures or the memories.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]He thought. He thought. What did he do now? He couldn't breath. He couldn't think straight. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]It's clear isn't, they're lying[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Of course the government would send a teenage girl and her father to lie to you. Think about it makes sense. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]You'd be looking for them. They know. You know they know. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]They'd trick you[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]They'd disguise their operatives[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Whe-re...are...my parents?" he managed to ask through his state of panic. Though his voice came off shaky. Unsteady and shaky. As was his gaze.[/BCOLOR]
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Everything changed so quickly. One moment, him and Dess were enjoying their safe lives of solitude and now there were people in their home. Callum wanted to believe, without a doubt, that these two strangers were intentionally good, but he couldn't risk it when the life of his daughter was at stake. When she pulled him back a little to ask what they should do, he honestly didn't know. She was right, they did not have guns, and she'd frisked them. Didn't mean they weren't dangerous. That one of them couldn't leap on her or him and wrestle their weapons away.

"Believe me, I know what I'm doing." Oh the lies that he told himself to work through the day.

The older man spoke calmly and rationally. Yet, he'd not been Callum's concern, it was the teenage boy who seemed jumpy and loud. Callum listened, still primed to defend himself. The news about the building catching fire was more than disconcerting, and the stranger's tone and actions were not conducive for Callum believing him. He honestly didn't want to walk away from his daughter to check this out, but he figured he had to. No, he hadn't noticed the smoke and the fire, but the last ten minutes had been a little hectic. "Look, people get more desperate every day. There could easily be raiders that play the 'innocence game.'" He said flatly, while moving towards the kitchen window.

He smelled the smoke before he saw the horizon. A plume of gray darkness rose into the air. "Shit," he said, under his breath. "The guy's right." He turned to Dess.

The unstable kid eked out incoherent sentences and then asked about his parents. "I don't know," Callum said. "This is my house. Most people are—gone. If they lived in this neighborhood, they're gone too." That might not have been the best thing to say to the kid, but his mind was now rolling over what they needed to do. Could they survive a horde of Tweakers? Would it be possible to barricade themselves in? Apparently, they were stuck with these two, as any more questioning or altercation would only draw Tweakers closer to their door.

"Dess," he said. "What do you—" Callum was cut off by a crash upstairs. There was a flurry of loud clomping and then a wood-shattering slam. "How the hell? They shouldn't have been able to get past our traps." He glanced back at the older man. "If we give you a weapon, will you help us get rid of them?" He hesitated for a moment. "And then help us gather supplies to get out of here." If they hadn't had rations upstairs, squirreled away, he wouldn't have even bothered. But, they'd been over prepared. And, dammit, they were possibly paying for now.
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[fieldbox="Destiny, orange, dashed, 10, Tahoma"]

Dad: "Believe me I know what I'm doing"

Something told me he didn't really have a complete grasp of things. I watch as the older man gets up and takes three steps towards the middle of the den. I clutch both hands on the gun, my heart pounding out of my chest as he kneels back down. I sigh relief inside as he looks at dad and I, trying to state his case of being "non-hostile".

"Okay time for you all to think with a bit of logic. One, you threatened the teenage boy here. I showed no reaction which meant that we obviously aren't a team. No offense kid but I don't know you well enough yet. Second, there are several empty houses in this area why didn't I go for them if I was looking to lay low? Good question and here's my answer." Dan motioned behind him and said, "Take a look out your side kitchen window that glow and the smoke." Dan wasn't sure if they had seen it, but he trusted that they had. He said, "That was the apartment complex on the corner of Forth and Grand and I just turned it into a parking lot about ten minutes ago. Now, one thing we know is that Tweakers won't just ignore that sort of thing many of them are going to be crawling out of the woodwork. Hell we might even have a Breacher or two show up. Fact is that this area is gonna be very active very soon, and I figured two things one warn you all and two all of us together might have a fighting chance as opposed to one on one. Not to mention, don't you think by now I would've motioned to the teenage boy or shouted some kind of phrase or something which would've cued an ambush on you all?"

Dan looked back for a moment and said, "Besides, how many bandits and psychos do you know that knock or don't carry a firearm? Which by the way I expect that knife back."

"Or you could be looking to take what you need to ensure you survive against them out there. For all we know you could be saying everything we wanna hear mister. And you're not in a position to make demands bout your knife..."

I was scared as hell right now. The tough talk was just a mask. I've never had to shoot a human person before. We've managed to down a few Tweakers that were caught in traps around the house, and thank God we haven't ran into any Breachers yet, but being placed in this position was scary. The only other people we've seen really was our neighborhood residents the Townes'. We've traded some water and crops with them for things like witch hazel, alcohol, and bandages. They very rarely leave their home. I wish I could signal them for backup...

I study the younger one, looked about my age. He seemed so disoriented and distraught. While dad moved to the back window to confirm the potential raider's allibi, I kept my eyes on the guy who was confused. He was saying his parents are in danger, he's only looking for them. How would I feel if I had been separated from dad? I would give anything just to find them, he's simply just trying to do the same. The older one however, did not sit well with me. He already threw the young one under the bus trying to save his own hide. Dad then turned to me and confirmed the story, bringing me to look as well and see a distant fire in the air.

Dad: "Shit, the guy's right."
"Why should we help him? This is his mess not ours. The other guy is just looking for his family."

Dad then addresses the guy about my age and seemed to ignore Mr. Gung-Ho for the time being. I take the gun off of the younger and aim it at the older. I moved the backpack back towards the kitchen in case he tried anything funny. I zoned out for a bit, just me and the older man exchanging eyes and unspoken words. I could hear my heart thumping, envisioning myself shooting this man if it came to it, I was sure I could do it, but thinking about it and doing it were two different things. Ever since I saw that ship in the sky... ever since I saw mom's empty jeep... there's just no going back to normal. You can't unsee or unexperience any of this. Dad's voice snapped me from my trance.

Dad: "Dess, What do you—"


My heart dropped into my leg as I swiftly turned and aimed upstairs, still watching the others out of my peripheral.

Dad: "How the hell? They shouldn't have been able to get past our traps."

He then looked at the older man, and asked for his assistance, as my fashed becomes washed with shock and surprise. I lookedat dad with a severe disapproval. We don't know anything about him! For all I knew he could have planned this and had his buddy climb up and create a diversion! In any case this thought process could be considered insane and paranoid, but considering the world we live in now...anything is possible. We had rations upstairs, and a makeshift emergency room to fortify against a horde of Tweakers. All my things were up there. I run to the kitchen window and look out, and I can see that a collection of Tweakers are actually moving towards the fire and away from the house, but I took into account the surrounding Tweakers around the neighborhood that would pass through...all things pointed to a bad scenario for us. All because of Terminator man. I put his backpack on and I keep his knife pocketed.

"You did this! If you really wanna help, then leave!"

My standpoint was basically opposite of my father's. I loved him and didn't want to lose him, which was why I had to be the one to consider the things he doesn't. I was sure he was going to try to project some sort of discipline dad mode on me for my outburst, but I could care less. We should be sleep in harmony right now. The clatter upstairs stops, and I honestly didn't know what to do. A Tweaker wasn't smart enough to climb right? Which means...

It's either a human...or far....far worse. But there's no ship...so it couldn't be a Breacher could it? Screw this. I run to the stairs and aim up at the head of the steps. Dad was ready with his weapon, and the other two were probably up and about by the time I started to move up the steps. Before dad would deny me, I raised my hand telling him to keep quiet. I whisper.

"Shh! I'm only going a couple of steps up!"

I then direct my attention to upstairs. My hands started to tremble.

"....h-hello? Announce yourself now! I have four armed men down here and we will shoot on sight...!"

I move up silently and slowly, my bare feet making no noise whatsoever going up the stairs. Dad was right there with me, no way he'd let me go alone. He glues himself to my hip, his weight a bit more audible on the steps. I reach the top, to see the far east side of the hallway was an open door...that was my room. My heart thumped as I whispered again to see if anyone was there. Nothing. I check my corners into the bathroom and guest room, they were empty. I get to the doorway of my room and I breath rapid breaths, readying myself to open the door.


I burst open the door with my foot to find my room curtains blowing in the wind, the entire frame broken with glass everywhere. Amid the mess was a garden gnome with a note tied to it. I was careful not to step on any glass as I picked up the letter from the rubber band, opening it to read these words:


A split second later, my peripheral catches two sharp and quick flashes of light from the house next door on the second story. My eyes dart over as the dark window flashes the light again. Who was that?? Was it Mr. Townes? Mrs. Townes? Maybe another survivor? There was no time to determine, as my eyes drifted down onto the night streets, at the end of the road near the Townes' house...a flurry of Tweakers emerging from the dark corners of the homes and avenues. They were already here.

"Oh shit."

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