War for Gods and Races (sign-up / OOC)

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All right, so now that I have approval...Does that mean I can finally post for Lizbeth?
Hm, post didn't say it was posted xD
Yes, you can post as I said earlier. The approval was simply regarding your version of Void-magic ^^
(just don't get involved in the current fighting, it won't end well)
It's been so long since I have been online, but I have something I would like to put into the roleplay if possible
@bloodlight we are always open for more merry adventurers ^^
If you want an original race you are of course free to create one, just talk with us GMs and we'll fit you into the backstory ;)
@Rion if @ResolverOshawott doesn't reappear by my next nation-post I will consider doing just that.

@bloodlight post it and we'll put it to the looking-glass ^^
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Name: Creator J
Occupation: Creator J is the god over the Shadowless, known as the God of Magics and Armories
Age: 10 millennia old
Appearance/appearances: Creator J's looks give him the appearance of a man in white armor, along with white hair and silver eyes. Most of that is true considering his magic that he wields is Creation Magic and it appears as a bright white light. But some of his armor pieces are navy blue, such as his chest piece and boots. He is also the height of six foot seven when walking amongst his followers. When using his god powers he is in the shape of a small orb of light that traverses around to create or destroy according to how he needs things to be for his followers. That is a part of his Creation Magic.
Real body: His real body is the human form.
State of existence:
Creator J walks among his people, but only as his orb of light form. He floats around aimlessly, wandering wherever he may please, but not to interfere with his followers lives unless they please.
Personality: Creator J is a creative person as his name also ensues. Unlike many of the other Creators that are his siblings he is of the most powerful when it comes to creating. He cares for his followers, his biggest creation ever the Shadowless, at least in his opinion. He doesn't like when others speak of his creations as if they were nothing.
Responsibility: Creator J cares for his creations as if they were his own children, which in technicality they are. Creator J also wants to see the best out of his race, but his pride child that now leads the Shadowless Race, Creas Faerowl.
Backstory: Creator J has kept his past a mystery. He hopes to keep it that way, but he is from another world far away from the one known as Grale, where the Shadowless call home. He used to be a lowly human, but that was before higher hands took control and changed him for the better. That is how he became Creator J. But he created more than the Shadowless as well. He created the entire world of Grale and its inhabitants. When he had seen his creations, Shadowless or non-Shadowless, fight each other over petty reasons, he spoke out and brought his only son, Creas Faerowl into the world of Grale. He spread the word to other Shadowless that Creator J would take them to a new world, but not like this. When the Shadowless finally understood, they went along with the plan, every Shadowless that was on that world, took a leap through dimensions and joined this world. This was his plan, but the place where they would end up was unknown. Now, Creator J is looking towards the gods of this world to be able to stay.
Connections: Creator J is apart of a set of other Creators known as the Alpha set, the First set is also its name. There are two sets the Alpha set and the Omega set. The Alpha set is known for its Lettered Creators of A-Z ,and the Omega set is known for its Numerical Creators of 1-10.
Relics: There are several Relics that Creator J has left, that a majority of Shadowless hold onto to this current day. Some are armories and some are ancient spellbooks, some are also gems and pottery.
Powers: Creator J uses Creation Magic, a type of Magic that can replicate, create, destroy and even negate other things if the user has the strength. The god also is known for his divine ability to be able to transform into any shape or form and mimic the shapeor form perfectly, this is another way he watches over his people. He can transform into a ball of light whenever he pleases to enhance the magic and divine power before it is used. He also wields the power to move trans dimmensionally.
Children: Creator J has one child, that is Creas Faerowl. Though his child was not given the title of a Creator, he does share his fathers power, but has not mastered it yet.
Realm: Currently until Creator J can make peace with the other Gods, he has crafted a large city in the air for the Shadowless to live on. He lives with them in his human form.

Name: The Shadowless. They have different social classes but they are based off of their military ranks to a point. There are six social classes. The richest are Ronins, the second richest are Helixes. In the high middle class the people are known as Jerads, while the low middle class are known as Vexiles. The second poorest are known as Fielders, and the poorest are Houslings.
Appearances: The Shadowless hold no demonic appearance, but a human appearance. Their key look is that they truly have no shadow to cast, plus their eyes, they are all the same color, silver.
Physiology: The Shadowless are many things, merchants, warriors, and everyday farmers even. They use their magic and tools to go through their everyday lives. Because they have no shadow they have a special ability called Celestial Light, this ability gives them more stength than a supposed arch angel. The Shadowless do not cast a shadow for this very reason as well, instead, they cast an embodiment of light in shadows. Their life span stretches up to 500 years, some have become slightly older, the oldest Shadowless is 509. The climate they are used to living in is a large sunny, yet windy area, that is why they now live in the laegest sky forretress. The biggest disease the Shadowless have ever faced is the Corroding Shadow disease, which gives the host a dark appearance, and can tear up the insides slowly and make them rot from the inside out. It's a fatal disease.
Reproduction: The way that Shadowless reproduce is like an average human, but more time consuming and less weight gaining in a short period of time. The average time it would usually take for a normal Shadowless woman to reproduce would be about a full year. And it takes less of a toll on the body.
Culture: They live many lives that a lot of people would know, farmers, merchants and many more. But the biggest is job of all is the warriors. It is the biggest job of all that most Shadowless take up. But with the move through dimensions that has been taken recently, all guilds, or groups, that have taken up the job of a warrior. The highest technology the Shadowless have is automotons, and autonomous objects that help do every day tasks, but only the Jerads and up have the ability to buy one whole autonomous thing. But some have been crafted by crafters known to create, and are shared through black markets. The current leader is Creas Faerowl
Dresscode: Their dress code is based on their social status, (which will be explained in another post by the way)
Religion: Their god Creator J, has given them true strength, by following the rules he expected them to set. To them Creator J was benevolent, and helped them as much as he could. They don't know of any other gods except the ones that Creator J has put in ancient texts of their own.
Infrastructure: They live on a large flying island that is like an autonomous forretress, known as Giga Island. The giant island in the sky is held together by their god Creator J so they may be ready when the time comes for them to meet the inhabitants of the world they have journeyed to. Their currency is known as Shadow Coin, as black as the shadows that they do not own (their food will be explained in another post along with the clothing they wear). Their animals are ever foreboding, but they can be explained later (along with the other things), and they use the labor of automotons to help with daily chores and labor.
Ways of transportation: Currently until they have been given the clear which will be a set day on their calendar, they cannot partake in the land below them, but they walk around their city, hell they even climb atop the towers and jump from roof to roof to get to places quicker, and in a fun way if I might add.
Magic: There are many different types of magic that the Shadowless people practice every day, some for battle and some even used for basic chores. It is even taught in guilds and schools altogether. Usually the rich don't dabble in many magics unless if they have exquisite tastes for it.
Army: The armies of the Shadowless are mainly foot soldiers, but each large unit always carries a back-up squad of warriors. When going into large battles they use automotons as heavy weaponry.
Background: Since coming to this world the Shadowless have been waiting for the day to join with the land and see. They have been going about their every day lives, mainly as normal citizens or military trainers, and government officials.
Relations: The Shadowless are not connected with the old society they once knew anymore, and they have no connections with anyone on the ground or sea.
Legends/Myths: This will be explained later.
The Lands: The Giga Island is the Shadowless people's current land they live in their own city of Helonia surrounded by some of the plains land that the enormous city has encompassed on the Giga Island from their own home world.
Notable beasts: Some of knownwn beasts are kept as pets now, mainly things like war and crime prevention. The Veran Hound, a canine like animal that the city guard use to help when crime is at high levels. The Shadow Jenetic, is a war beast that the Shadowless use to fight along automotons. The harmful beasts, are known as the Killeeda, a toxic creature whose saliva is dangerous to even touch, its weakness is the neck where its head is attached to its reptilian like body. The basic Jetine is a dangerous animal in its own, where its steely body is sharper than the strongest metals, of course though, its cat like body has a weak underside. The caring farm animals are known by what they create for the people they are owned by. The Faero, is a cow like creature that produces a drinkable purple liquid called Helena juice. There is also the Yukata Bird, a small creature that lays eggs for their owners. Even the hidden legendary animals reside on the Giga Island, of course they are said only to be myths, but only a few people have kept their secrets about the fact they are there hidden in the plains area of the island.
Location: The location of the Giga Island is in the sky, hidden during the day, and thought to be the stars at night. This is due to a charm that was cast by Creas Faerowl, the charm continues on until the day they are able join the world they have joined.
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I will post more about my leader Creas Faerowl when I am able to. As for the post I will make for the small sections I said I would make another post for I will do the same, but for now, goodnight fellow roleplayers.
Funny how flying cities are so popular, when there is literally huge amount land for the taking.
But the higher you get the harder you fall...
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I was actually planning for a slow fall, kind of like a landing in the middle of the ocean somewhere and then having the Giga Island float towards someone's land if possible.
Hmm a small request for us reading the CS. @bloodlight could you give it a bit of an overhaul visually.
For example. Give the things like Name: a bold sett like this. And also it would really help if the longer parts are separated a bit. It's much easier for us Gm's to look it trough then.
Also if possible try and stick to the original CS as much as possible it helps you but also us when we refer to it during the RP. ^-^
ResolverOshawott have not reacted to Endora's corrupting of his land.
IMO game over for the Drakes.
Firstly, sorry for having been gone the last few days, had some stuff that took my time. But now I'm back :D

@CrimsonHorizons are you able to post soon? We would rather not walk right over your adventurer :)

Backstory: Creator J has kept his past a mystery. He hopes to keep it that way, but he is from another world far away from the one known as Grale, where the Shadowless call home. He used to be a lowly human, but that was before higher hands took control and changed him for the better. That is how he became Creator J. But he created more than the Shadowless as well. He created the entire world of Grale and its inhabitants. But he brought the Shadowless because they remained faithful.
This does not really fit with our backstory, PM us GMs and we'll talk it out. This with regards to his age as well.
Powers: Creator J uses Creation Magic, a type of Magic that can replicate, create, destroy and even negate other things if the user has the strength. He can transform into a ball of light whenever he pleases to enhance the magic. He also wields the power to move trans dimmensionally. His child has the same power.
No divine powers ?

Physiology: The Shadowless are many things, merchants, warriors, and everyday farmers even. They use their magic and tools to go through their everyday lives. Because they have no shadow they have a special ability called Celestial Light, this ability gives them more stength than a supposed arch angel. Their life span stretches up to 500 years, some have become slightly older, the oldest Shadowless is 509. The climate they are used to living in is a large sunny, yet windy area, that is why they now live in the laegest sky forretress. The biggest disease the Shadowless have ever faced is the Corroding Shadow disease, which gives the host a dark appearance, and can tear up the insides slowly and make them rot from the inside out. It's a fatal disease.
This is where you should explain why they have no shadows xD And other physiological asects ;)
Magic: There are many different types of magic that the Shadowless people practice every day, some for battle and some even used for basic chores. It is even taught in guilds and schools altogether. Usually the rich don't dabble in many magics unless if they have exquisite tastes for it.
Army: The armies of the Shadowless are mainly foot soldiers, but each large unit always carries a back-up squad of warriors. When going into large battles they use automotons as heavy weaponry.
Interesing choice to have the higher social classes not performing acts of power (magic).
Notable beasts: Some of knownwn beasts are kept as pets now, the harmful beasts, caring farm animals, and even the hidden legendary animals reside on the Giga Island. (Will go into more detail on another post)
Notable beasts are more generally those that are not tamed, and should be avoided.
Location: The location of the Giga Island is in the sky, hidden during the day, and thought to be the stars at night.
So a huge glamour is cast over it ?
Firstly, sorry for having been gone the last few days, had some stuff that took my time. But now I'm back :D

@CrimsonHorizons are you able to post soon? We would rather not walk right over your adventurer :)

Backstory: Creator J has kept his past a mystery. He hopes to keep it that way, but he is from another world far away from the one known as Grale, where the Shadowless call home. He used to be a lowly human, but that was before higher hands took control and changed him for the better. That is how he became Creator J. But he created more than the Shadowless as well. He created the entire world of Grale and its inhabitants. But he brought the Shadowless because they remained faithful.
This does not really fit with our backstory, PM us GMs and we'll talk it out. This with regards to his age as well.
Powers: Creator J uses Creation Magic, a type of Magic that can replicate, create, destroy and even negate other things if the user has the strength. He can transform into a ball of light whenever he pleases to enhance the magic. He also wields the power to move trans dimmensionally. His child has the same power.
No divine powers ?

Physiology: The Shadowless are many things, merchants, warriors, and everyday farmers even. They use their magic and tools to go through their everyday lives. Because they have no shadow they have a special ability called Celestial Light, this ability gives them more stength than a supposed arch angel. Their life span stretches up to 500 years, some have become slightly older, the oldest Shadowless is 509. The climate they are used to living in is a large sunny, yet windy area, that is why they now live in the laegest sky forretress. The biggest disease the Shadowless have ever faced is the Corroding Shadow disease, which gives the host a dark appearance, and can tear up the insides slowly and make them rot from the inside out. It's a fatal disease.
This is where you should explain why they have no shadows xD And other physiological asects ;)
Magic: There are many different types of magic that the Shadowless people practice every day, some for battle and some even used for basic chores. It is even taught in guilds and schools altogether. Usually the rich don't dabble in many magics unless if they have exquisite tastes for it.
Army: The armies of the Shadowless are mainly foot soldiers, but each large unit always carries a back-up squad of warriors. When going into large battles they use automotons as heavy weaponry.
Interesing choice to have the higher social classes not performing acts of power (magic).
Notable beasts: Some of knownwn beasts are kept as pets now, the harmful beasts, caring farm animals, and even the hidden legendary animals reside on the Giga Island. (Will go into more detail on another post)
Notable beasts are more generally those that are not tamed, and should be avoided.
Location: The location of the Giga Island is in the sky, hidden during the day, and thought to be the stars at night.
So a huge glamour is cast over it ?

Ok, I'll post tomorrow you can move my character if you wish. I have been overly busy
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