War for Gods and Races (sign-up / OOC)

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First, edit the IC-post so the little OOC-information isn't there. And have your drow elf be more careful IC, please.
For the Drow race, elaborate on "resistant towards magic". And for a race hell-bent on being ready for war they train for a very short amount of time, what do they do when they are done? I have no objections to the slave-armies, just remember that its not the exact same races as in DnD or other fantasy stories. Also, your god is dead, or in very good hiding, as you live in the central area, which means that the titans are less than they might have been. By the way, what kind of demons do your people summon ?
The reason I made the drow as strong as they are is because there is only 20 thousand of them. Ill elaborate more in abit. I will actually move the location of the Races home off the Central Island. \

What areas are not currently taken?
@CrimsonHorizons well, the reason your drow live in the central area is that that is where the races whose gods "lost" in the first god-war was slowly forced into by the other races. And for the areas not occupied, I am waiting on a race/god/nation that is the last to have an area of their own (if I accept it). So I'd say your race stays in the central area :) Also change your population count to a little more, 20.000 is far to small a population.

@Dedtoo your champion is up for a fight, though in this case I would suggest what he is already thinking, kill some and injury more if he has the opportunity, then run xD
Honestly I like having the drow at 20,000. They are a small but highly trained race. Ill make it 200,000 if that is alright.
@Windstormugly You truly believe a champion of Khorne would flee?!

Well, maybe in this case. Aint gonna be no blood spilt by a dead guy >_>
@Dedtoo flee!? Of course not! I meant a strategical retreat xD
I'll start shooting arrows and engaging you people once @Silvir and preferably @Rion posts ^^

Which reminds me, @Yonsisac are you up for a post soon? Or would you prefer to wait until the little battle is over?
And are you still feeling up for this @Tatsua Aiisen ? Making an adventurer would allow you a much bigger interaction due to the way your god and nation is.
Also suggesting that @Nocturne997 and @Crow if you want to be a more frequent part of the story :)
Did I say flee? I of course meant to advance out of missile range, and to a position of advantage! The advantage being, not being surrounded.
@Dedtoo of course of course, I suggest the forest, and then continue pursuing that position of advantage until the middle of the night. As the puny soldiers would no doubt be afraid of engaging a champion in the middle of a dark forest at night...
Oh, Sedianna is best during the night and especially in a forest. I like that @Windstormugly

I have Sedianna touching a tree to use it to travel to the tree line nearby.
sorry i have not posted im with me Bro Now so might post later and yea maybe wen the Fights end but who knows XD....Will think aswell for a Good Intro still thinking Aswell
@CrimsonHorizons right, how exactly does that magic work?
If she makes her body become part of her spirit, and then uses the connection the tree she is standing next to has with the rest of the nearby forest as a path: She would need an incantation period to change her mortal body, that's no easy feat. And when she arrives she would be mentally drained from having to regain herself as well as keeping her spirit on course during the "walk".

@Yonsisac great ^^
It is a lot like a person using a minor form of teleporting. She would be tired but shes done it many times. She would still be able to walk but she would be drained. You are right with how she does it. That is how she gets around as fast as she does.
@Rion you almost done with your post?
(So I don't post and you'll have to redo ^^)
@Rion otherwise I'll have far too much fun ;)
But nah, you have gotten it right so far, I think you'll have gotten it now as well.
I'll post an adventurer sheet when I get the chance...After all, Oshawott bes taken a while.
@Nocturne997 lovely ^^
@Rion Tiger will find out not everything goes as easy as he would hope ;)
Looking forward to seeing the Drake smash through anything you throw at it =3
I just hope for the guys that Oshawott get slightly more active.
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