Wandering and Wondering

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Riushu smirked at her reaction, and the scent of lust still filled the room. He knew the cause of it, and he also knew that tonight could probably get pretty interesting, he had still yet to decide what tonight would bring. Looking over the selection, he easily chose something that looked alot like his last outfit, he didn't want anything fancy. His suit was pretty much ready for any social situation. Looking over as the tailor dropped to the floor, he laughed softly as he watched her pick out her dress, " Looks like you made quick work of the bill. ", he laughed to his own joke after he said this, thought it was quite comical himself.

Walking over towards her, he put his hand on her waist. " You know, seeing you with that dress makes me want to find a ball somewhere. ", he honestly did, he would love to dance around a ballroom with her, everyone watching the two immortals enjoy something so simple as a dance. Well, there was celebration, for sure there was something of the sort around this town. He had passed through here a couple times before. Spotting a small piece of paper on the desk, he tilted his head a bit in curiosity. He reached down, grabbed the small slip of paper from the desk and brought it up closer so he could read the fine print.

" Please make sure that our attire is delivered to said address by 5:00. So that we may have proper dress for the Masquerade Ball "

634 Bullington Lane

Riushu smiled a bit, then looked back over towards Rika. This would be perfect, it had been ages since he had actually been to any type of social gathering, and a ball was perfect. They were at the tailors already, why not pick up something extra to wear? Smiling softly, he proceeded over in her direction. Slowly coming up behind her, he trailed a finger from the top of her neck to the bottom of her back, following her spine perfectly, " How would you like to join me to the Ball my' lady. ", he said with a bit of an accent to add to the comment, make it seem more genuine. He was serious after all, he thought it might be fun, and you never know, they could crash the party and just make a horrible little mess of things.
A small smile pulled at her lips, his hands were on her again. It made her shiver, the feeling of fire licked at her skin. Tilting her head to one side, "I'm not much for paying. Especially when they call me cheap." Her voice held a soft giggle even while she spoke. Rika's hips began to move restlessly against him, if he was going to make her hot and bothered. Why not give him a taste of his own medicine, "A ball you say.....Hopefully they wont have mirrors." That old saying always made her laugh, carpathians not having a reflection please. She could even walk on holy ground, how humans came up with such tall tales were far from reasoning.

Though a ball did sound fun, pushing off him gently she picked up the dress. Walking over to the other side of the shop, she found the masquerade masks. Leaning over, she shifted through the pile until she found it. It was beautiful, the color of her dress. A blue gem sitting on the side with small feathers bursting from it. Glitter surrounded the edges, "Perfect." She whispered before striding to a near by dressing screen, slipping behind it she undressed. Rika's silhouette could be seen, each movement caught by the canvas. One foot after the other stepped into the dress, wiggling her hour glass shape into the fabric. It clung to her like a glove, looking down at herself. A bright smile appeared on her face, she did look beautiful. Her hand reached out to grab the mask, slipping it onto her face.

Finally she stepped out from behind the screen, simply staring at him. Trying to see if he approved of her attire, but what interested her the most is why should she care? He was probably just a phase, in her life for the night then gone. She looked down at her self once again trying to clear her thoughts, "Oops, I forgot shoes." She looked down at her bare feet, wiggling her small toes.

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Riushu sighed softly as she ground her hips against his. Smirking softly, he pulled her a bit closer, then let her go when she went to change. He admired her from through the thin canvas, but then was a bit shocked by her beauty whenever she came out from behind the canvas. A look of astonishment crossed his face whenever he laid his eyes upon her perfect form. He forgot how beautiful Carpathian woman truly were. He was amazed actually by his reaction. He hadn't been effected by a woman like this in a quite a long time. Smiling softly he approached her, taking one hand and placing his other upon her hip, he pulled her close until they were pushed against eachother. " You look beautiful Rika.. " He said this in almost a near whisper, since they were so close, he actually looked deep into her eyes, he thought he actually began to grow an attraction for this woman, and not just on a physical level. He was truly starting to enjoy her company, and he knew she felt the same way. He then walked over to the shoe rack, and found a matching pair of shoes for her beautiful outfit.

Leaning down on one knee, he placed them on her feet one by one, then took a step back to admire the whole package. With an approving nod, he then walked around a bit looking for a mask to match his outfit. Finally finding one, he placed it upon his face and took her hand. After leading her out of the store, they began the small journey to the manor where the ball was being held, in the prince's honor. The night was beautiful, and a warm breeze made its way through the streets. The star and moon shone brightly upon them, casting there shadows along the cobblestone street. Looking over to her, he smiled as he put his hand around her waist and pulled her closer to him. He enjoyed feeling her body against his, put a kind of fuzzy feeling deep in his chest that he hadn't felt since he was a younger man.
Rika smiled brightly, she couldn't stop the butterfly feeling in her stomach when he stared at her. Not to mention his good choice in shoes, "Thank you." She said after he placed them on her feet, her inner thigh rubbed gently against his cheek. Even though she prompted it, she couldn't stop the shiver that went down her spine. Rika gaze followed him as he stood to go grab his own mask, "Riushu, do you have a family?" She asked while he lead her onto the streets.

The night was beautiful, stars glittering in the sky. Even though she hadn't seen the sun in a long while, she hadn't missed it. Everything about this night seemed to grow more amazing. When Riushu pulled her close she wrapped her arm around his waist, and placed her head on his shoulder. His wild untamed sent filled her lungs. Deep inside her mind she actually was growing more fond of him. Her free hand rubbed idly down his arm. How she missed this, human interaction. Creatures like them don't interact with people, and if they did they never got attached. Rika was so lost in her thoughts she didn't notice the manor walls growing in the distance. She lifted her gaze, the king had very expensive taste. A small giggle escaped her lips, "Let the murders of the prince crash the party." She whispered softly. "Not to mention all the mortal ladies are going to be chasing after you." A giggle escaped her lips.
Riushu handed over the tailor's invitation with a +1. Smiling as they let him in, they entered the main ball room. The ballroom was huge, the floor pure albino marble. Collumns held the frame of the ceiling surrounding the main floor. Tables of food lined the walls, and small hallways branched off into brandy rooms. Leading her over towards a small corner, woman all around the room turned they're head to see him. Men around the room scowled at the sight of they're dates behavior. Riushu chuckled to himself as he led her towards a clear space. He didn't want to rush into anything here, just wanted to make sure the place was as safe as it seemed.

Pulling her a bit closer, he whispered softly, " Im going to go check out a couple things before i really get comfortable here. Just a few to many people here for me to spot anyone inperticular. After that he softly kissed her cheek and left her side. He continued along the border of the room, then into one of the brandy rooms. Here girls were giggling at the men, tipsy ofcourse before they decided to have there fun on the beautiful ballroom floor. The men were also a bit chuckly for the atmosphere as well, surely he could walk through here as if he were a ghost. Walking a bit slowly towards the bar, he grabbed a brandy glass and filled it a bit. Taking the shot quickly, he felt the warmth of the liquid slip down his throat and into his stomach. Smiling softly at the warmth, he made his leave. Surely no one in here of any interest, so he swiftly made his way to the other side of the room, where the second brandy room was found.

Making his way inside, he found the atmosphere to be a bit more serious. A few politics and the king's close advisors were huddled in the corner. He made his way in without a sound, and made his way once more over to the bar. Making himself seem like a younger man, just having his fun. He poured himself a decent sized glass, then turned and leaned upon the bar. Simply sipping his drink, and admiring his new shoes, he easily heard every word spoken.

" These men have to be stopped at any cost, theres rumor that the king is next, and at the princes ceremony tomorrow at the royal plot, he will be an easy target. We must get him to retire the idea and simpy bury him on castle grounds, perhaps even in the royal garden! ", the man got excited for a moment, but quickly huddled back down.

" But, what if he refuses?! We can't force him to do it, he's the king! We would be dead by morning if we even argued! ", the rest of the men nodded in agreement with this mans words.

" Then we just have to hope that we can change his mind by noon tomorrow, the king believes the high sun will send his sun straight to the heavens, with the gods themselves. ", some of the men chuckled at the thought of the kings ignorance.

Riushu turned with a gleaming smile on his face, it was about time he caused another uproar, it seemed he suddenly had a need for a bit more reputation, and Riushu the King slayer sounded beautiful for this phase in his life. He admired the chase anyway, why not cause a little ruccus. So he simply left the room, that evil smile still plastered upon his face. He quickly made his way back to Rika to give her the news of his new goal in life.
Rika looked around the room in awe, each piece of art was gorgeous. Naked women covered with silk, peering up at the heavens. Bare bottomed angels flying about with bows and arrows. Her gaze continued to move to each painting, until they came to a halt. It was a portrait of the king, she was so focused she almost didn't hear Riushu, glancing over at him she nodded. Once he left her side, she moved herself. Rika wanted a better look at the portrait. Moving easily through the crowd, noting a few men stopped what they were doing to admire her. Their pulse quickened, the sound grew louder in her ears. The sent of lust and alcohol filled her nose, "Disgusting creatures." She whispered to herself, once at the portrait she turned her full attention on it's detail. Peach colored flesh, large pointed nose. A royal ass, his normal demeanor appearing in the photo. Instantly she had a distaste for the man.

Rika shook her head steadily, time had changed. Men only cared for wealth, not for the people. If his son was anything like him, then it was best he had died. This kingdom needed a new successor, turning on her heel she moved away from the picture. A frown pulling at her brows, as she dove deeper into her thoughts. Before the night was over this monumental establishment will burn to the ground. Rika's eyes were looking at the tile floor, until one shoe after another appeared in her vision. Lifting her head she saw Riushu standing before her, a bright smile appeared on her face. His looks were addicting, even the evil smile was mesmerizing.

Standing slowly she leaned into his body, want to feel him against her. Snuggling into him, she listened to his new ambitions. How they thought alike was amusing, she waited patiently for him to finish. Before speaking of her own plans, "I found the king's portrait, he looks like a pompous ass. If you wish to kill him, please do so. However, before you do lets make him angry. Enjoy our time here, then burn this place to the ground. So many curtains, so many candles, and we still have all night." Her voice sounding as if it were a seductive whisper. Rika lifted her head to look at his face, her eyes glossing over. She pushed up on the tips of her toes, to press a light kiss on the pulse of his neck.
Riushu smiled softly as he listened to her words, it was pretty interesting how they thought so similar. After feeling her lips against her neck, he shuttered softly then led her onto the dance floor. The song was slow, but soothing. He began to lead the waltz, leading her around the floor. The couples around them were giggling softly to on another as they spoke of future plans, all of them blushing brightly from the liquor. Smiling softly, he soon took his thoughts else where. The thought of this place burning like hell's fury brought a pleasure only his psychotic mental state could enjoy. His eyes closed and his feet seemed to take on a rythym of they're own as he paraded around the ballroom with Rika. Couples gave them space and moved to the outer edge of the room as they took the main attraction of the crowd.

People watched them with wonder as Riushu's century of dance experience took effect. Back during his younger days, a kingdom had actually accepted him as a Knight, and he fought or a king that he rightfully respected for he was of Lycan herritage himself. He had taken onto dancing while he was there, and the dance he was flawlessly doing now, showed how much experience he truly had. It actually looked like a scene you would see during the courtship of a princess. The rightful prince taking his future bride for they're first dance.

Riushu finally opened his eyes when the song came to a soft descent into a beautiful ending that seemed to take ages as they stood there. He then backed up a step, and bowed to her. After her curtsey, he took her hand and led her off of the dance floor, so they could enjoy a bit of brandy between the two of them.
A small giggle escaped Rika's lips as she felt him shutter. It sent a race of adrenaline through her blood, following him to the dance floor she took up her position. Left hand in his right hand, her free on slipped around his neck. Riushu lead her into the waltz, each step went along with his perfectly. The small twirls, made her laugh. The fabric of her dress lifting from their movements, revealing the length of her cream colored legs. Her gaze drifted over him, he was ancient. His form was flawless, a old dance of royalty. It made her remember the days of her time, she was so lost in the dance. She did not notice the people allowing them their space. Only when she lifted her dress on each side and bowed, did she notice. Taking his hand she looked at all of them, a bright arrogant smile meeting their gaze.

She mocked them as he lead her off the dance floor, "That was amazing Riushu. You almost had me thinking we were in the era of knights." She said softly, while shifting her gaze to him. Rika left her hand in his, while he lightly pulled her to the bar. Taking a crystal glass of brandy, she swirled the contents idly. Rika couldn't stomach the stuff, but she gave off the illusion that she happily drank. Though she knew Riushu wouldn't fall for the act, "Tell me. How do you plan on killing him?" She said softly, not bothering to say the victims name. Moving closer to him, she placed herself beneath his arm. She wrapped her free hand around his back, wanting to feel closer to him. Not to mention all the women were admiring his beauty. It awakened something in her, rage.....No jealousy, that emotion had evaded her until now. A deep color of crimson moved onto her cheeks. How could she be jealous, she had only met him this night.
He took a sip as she spoke, then noticed how close she was all of a sudden. He sqeezed her close for a moment, then just let his hand rest. The other woman in the room slowly made there way out, glaring in Rika's direction as they went. " Showing off your prize are we? " He said this with a good hearted chuckle. He smiled softly at the thought, all those woman had so many fantasies that he could make true, but they would all end horribly, and he always loved that look of suprise and fear before they took they're last breathe.

" Well, i'm honestly going to leave that as a suprise to you. But, we do have VIP invitations. He said this with a soft smirk as he pulled out they're invitations. " It seems one of my horribly old partners is setting up the whole thing. And, he oh so reluctantly handed these over. He also feels the same way we do about this place, and he was happy to agree to my plan. He can be trusted, I promise you that. ", he placed the envelopes back in his inner breast pocket, then took another sip of brandy.

He was actually feeling a little tingle in the back of his head that he hadn't felt in a long time. Riushu was actually suprised to admit to himself that he had a bit of a buzz. He chuckled softly to himself as he remembered they're little plan. " So would you like to start on one side of the room, and then meet in the middle? We could always start the fire, then have some fun in the panic. Ofcourse, if we get a little fierce that will just help us keep them all inside. I never like to leave witness's to what I can do. I like to let what I leave tell a nice enough story. ", he said this with a horribly malicious smile that quickly spread across his face.
Rika looked over at him, before nodding slowly. She didn't say a word, reluctantly she pulled away from him. Her strides were slow, as she moved away. The back of her clearly in his vision, each step she took was smooth and elegant. A small sway in her hips, she turned her silver piercing of her eyes onto the men. Enticing their minds with the promises of her flesh, all that smooth cream catching the flickers of the candles. The sent of royal blood, called to her she moved through the crowd. Till she came on the source, a nobleman stood tall in a black suit. His hair closely cropped, eyes glittering with excitement when he saw Rika approaching him.

She knew Riushu would be watching her, lifting one hand she pointed at the noble man. Turning over her palm, she curled her index finger. Motioning him to come to her, everything about Rika allured the mortal. He pushed himself off the wall to stride towards her like a puppet on a string, taking the outstretched hand he kissed her palm. Rika moved into him, her soft body pushing into him seductively. The nobleman lips parted, a plea for her to take what she wished. A small smile crossed her lips, looking over her shoulder at Riushu. Long lashes fluttered beneath the mask, instantly her freehand snapped out. Crushing the man's throat. A long loud hiss escaped her lips, as long incisors burst in her mouth. Rika used all her strength to fling the man into a large bouquet of large burning candles. The sound of metal hitting tile clattered into a echo, flames started to lick up the walls. Catching cascading curtains into a wave of fire. The sounds of wailing screams filled the ball room, knowing deep down it would send the beast of Riushu into a frenzy.
Riushu smiled softly as he watched her elegance, even the way the man fell hissing through his crushed asophagus seemed to add to it with a certain touch. Giggling softly to himself, he slowly strided to the exit, and stood in front of it. He laughed as they tried to push there way through him, but he didn't budge an inch. Suddenly they looked up to see a mouth full of fangs, the smile he gave dripped in malicious intent as he began slashing into the crows that just oh so gingerly found they're way right into his arms. People fell in couples as he ripped them apart, and the rest of the crowd turned and ran, right into the arms of Rika.

Riushu let out a vicious roar. It shook the very collumns that kept the manor standing. People screamed in fear as bodys began to fall all around them. It was as if the crowd of sheep was an innocent herd of lamb, being taken to the slaughter. They had no idea that this would be there last night on this earth, and that just made it that much better. Riushu slowly began to throw himself into a blood rage, he began ripping through the people with almost an artists detail, slicing through them as if they were standing still. Blood flooded across the floor, and he quickly made due with those trying to climb out of the windows.

Riushu spotted people on the streets coming out and staring up at the blazing manor, and listening to the screams that were coming from its burning walls. Grinning widly, he proceeded to throw one of the bodies outside the window and into the street, landing at the feet of the worried crowd, it was shredded beyond relief, and actually broke apart in a mangled mess of body parts when it hit the cobblestone street. Blood splattered up there shaking forms and sent them screaming into there homes. Riushu laughed loudly, letting it echo into the streets, then turned back to the massacre inside.
Rika crouched down, when she saw the huddle of people before her. With the strength of her legs she sprung into the air. Slashing at necks, spewing blood into the air. Droplets fell from the sky, raining crimson at the up turned fearful faces. The smell of sweat and fear sank deep into her lungs, latching onto one of the ladies. Rika stroked the side of the woman's face softly, while her lips traced down her jaw. Each breath was warm against the woman's skin, teeth scrapped gently against her neck. Rika hissed loudly before sinking her teeth deep into the soft tissue. Warm blood filled her mouth, draining the very life essence until there was only one drop left.

The body crumbled to the floor, Rika licked at her lips. Until suddenly a sharp pain ripped through her shoulder. Glancing down a silver blade stuck through the right side of her chest. A deep sigh escaped her lips, reaching back with her wounded arm. She grabbed the hilt, and removed the dagger. Turning slowly she looked at the young man who delivered the blow. His eyes widened with shock, as her blood returned into the slashed flesh. The edges began to pull together, and seal. "Stupid boy." Rika snarled at him, before slamming the very weapon between the man's eyes. Twisting her arms, she broke the blade. Leaving the man to stand their in shock, before falling to his death.

Rika threw the rest of the metal aside, "Riushu finish them off." She said quickly before turning into a blur of speed, the king would sending his army soon. Running on the edges of the wall, she knocked more candles from the shelves. Landing them on furniture, paintings, even the very portrait she despised with a patient.
Riushu grinned at her words when she began to leave. " Thats fine with me my love. " He growled as he slowly chased down the last few. He loved giving them a little headstart, give them a little hope, until he tore them limb from limb. Totally covered in blood, Riushu looked around at the last few people. The joy on his face stopped them in they're tracks. A young woman stood shaking with strips of clothing barely covering her, and blood dripping down her gorgeous body. He walked slowly over towards her, and took her hand.

Leading her onto the blood covered floor, he led her in a dance. She was tense at first, but soon the only thing she could focus on was his gaze. She actually relaxed in his arms, and let him lead without any type of regret. Smiling as he led her, he looked behind them, seeing they're beautiful tracks in the blood that was still dripping from the walls. He laughed as he looked back into her eyes, and she didn't even seem to notice how mad this situation was. The rest of the men were shocked by the situation, they're psych had broken and they were pretty much vegetables. Suddenly he tore her arm to shreds with a simple movement, and she suddenly burst from her trance.

Screaming she tried to run, and Riushu dug into her neck, tearing muscle and sinew from its place, leaving a gaping hole behind. The woman grabbed her neck, then fell to the floor gushing blood across the floor. The other two men suddenly seemed to have found the will to move, but it was way to slow. Riushu was upon them in a flash, tearing there midsections from there very bodies before they could even hit the floor they were dead. Suddenly gaurds rushed into the burning manor, spears at the ready. Riushu laughed, his fangs at full extension now, they were actually cutting into his gums, making it drip from his mouth constantly. He bowed to the men, then burst through them like a blur. After they got to they're feet they were absolutely shocked by the scene left behind. Bodies, well what was left of them. Were nearly totally covering the floor. Atleast fifty to a hundred people had came to the event that night, but none had survived. Thanks to the elegant skills of him and his new found love.
Rika appeared beside Riushu, reaching out to rub a gentle hand down his arm. Blood dripped from her mouth, traveling down to disappear in the valley of her breast. She bit at her lip seductively, as her eyes drifted about the room. Blood splattered the walls, flames turned fabric and wood into ash. It was a beautiful sight to behold. Rika was amazed out how much destruction they could do in one night, every where they seemed to go carnage was left behind. Then to her disliking the sound of marching foot steps filled her ears, "Riushu listen, the king has sent out his army. Patrons outside must of sent word." She said looking over at him, she hoped he had a plan. They needed to leave this place fast, and find somewhere to go. Sunlight would be on them in the next two hours.

Through all the horror she was inflicting she didn't notice the prickling of her skin. Rika's limbs were starting to feel leaded. The internal warning system began to go off. Closer to sunrise it became, the weaker she would get. Tugging at his arm gently, she needed to leave this place. Her tongue darted out to dry her suddenly dry lips.
Riushu then noticed Rika's sudden excitement. He knew what caused it as well, " Looks like im going to have to get a little rough I guess. ", he said this as if the sudden situation hadn't even bothered him. Turning to the men he laughed as they began to march upon them. " Well do you all really have the bravery to continue? ", he said this with a bow as if to invite them over. They all took a bit of a hurting to this, and ofcourse to prove they're pride was still there, they began to charge.

Riushu easily took to the air, then landing behind them, he came in quick. Taking them out one by one, slipping his clawed hand under the pieces of they're chest plates. He easily cut through they're flesh, dropping them quicker than they actually died. He wanted them to understand why they were dying, he dare threaten her? He was furious, but he didn't show it. After the final one stood in front of him, he pointed to the door. " Go tell your king what happened here, I want him to know what has come into his kingdom, and if you still decide to pursue us. I will drop his army by myself, then come for his head. Now leave you disgusting piece of rat shit. ", Riushu said these last words with pure rage, and he actually grew a bit from his excitement. His size nearly dubbled as his more natural side started to show, then the man got a bit more of a view of him then he wanted to.

The man dropped his weapon and ran screaming bloody murder, " LYCAN!! LYCAN!! He's a true Lycan!! ", he tripped a few times as he ran in the direction of the castle, and he knew the man would be retired of his duties, so he didn't mind letting him see his face and still live. Riushu then turned back to Rika, come we need to leave and find a place to stay during the day. Tomorrow I will leave you for a bit while you sleep, but I will ensure your safety before I leave.

He then took her hand and led her out a back door, the whole building was nearly falling now, but they moved at such speeds the building should have been falling in slow motion. They easily made they're way out and into the back garden, which led into a back service alley. They took they're leave there and found the servants quarters. It was actually nearly as beautiful as the house was, but hidden back in the garden behind a orchard of apple trees. Leading her inside he took a sigh of relief. He loved the excitement, but it got a little wild, and he was happy to finally be able to relaxe a bit. He almost let himself go in there, and that would of been horrible news if they still wanted to make a quick exit. His little outburst could have led him into the streets and out in the open.

Taking his jacket off, he placed it on a table and took a seat at the table. Looking up to Rika he smiled softly, " So do you think this will suffice? ", he said this in a bit of a chuckle, because it would have to. It was the closest place that was hidden, and from here he catch anyone before they got anywhere near the house, there was too much cover for anyone to notice that the house was even there. Standing up, he looked down at himself. His jacket caught most of the gore, but he suprisingly still wasn't that bloody when he removed it. His pants were pretty clean as well. He was glad, because he was exhausted.

Looking up at Rika he smiled as he passed by her to check the bedroom for windows. The room was concealed from wall to wall, there wasn't anyway for the sun to make its way in here. Coming back to her he smiled as he took her hand. " Shall we take a rest before tomorrows activities. I know I could use a nap, perhaps we could even cuddle. ", he said this with a chuckle as well, for he knew she had other things on her mind, but he couldn't lie. He knew the act would pull out a bit more of the carnal side of him, and that could get pretty vicious. He was sure after getting a bit more comfortable with her, he would be better at controlling himself, but still, it brought a bit of a smile to his face knowing he could hold her in his arms for the rest of the night.
Rika watched him rip through people so easily, no wonder her species would fall under the lycans. They were stronger than vampires, that almost caused a shutter run through her spine. Lips parting and eyes going wide, realization hit. Riushu was the whispers of fear, but what surprised her most that the ghost lycan was the same person. When he reached out to her, still she took it. He mesmerized her, but not with his abilities. It was just him in general, following close behind. She didn't stop looking at him, until the orchard of apples. Rika looked up at each long trunk, admiring how the apples caught the last rays of moonlight. She almost hesitated from going inside, though she continued to follow him.

Closing the door behind her she watched him remove his jacket. Before looking around the room, it was beautiful. Walls made of smooth stone, if servants lived like this. Then she would consider them lucky, "Yes this will do perfectly." Rika said turning in a small lazy circle, it felt like she was in a dream. The night was amazing, especially this one. Clasping onto his hand, she moved into him. Pushing gently to get him to back into the room, her body melting into his. "A nap sounds amazing." She said through a bright smile, Rika's fangs grew slightly.
Riushu smiled softly as he removed the blankets from the blanket, the damn servants even had extra decoration linen upon the bed. Man, these damn servants lived better than he did at times. He then removed his shirt, shoes, and socks. He didn't want to get any blood upon the clean sheets, but it would be inevitable with what they had just done. He then laid upon the bed and stretched. It felt good to lay upon such luxury, and the bed was one of the most comfortable he ever lay upon. Turning to Rika then, he simply watched her for a moment, taking in every curve, every spot of skin from her torn dress and just drank it in.

He knew he couldn't get to close this early, but he couldn't help but pull her into the bed and hold her close. He reached down and pulled the covers up over them, and he snuggled in close. His warmth seemed to warm the bed almost immediately. For his species, this was natural, with all the energy pent up, his body had to stay warm at all times just to keep him relaxed, but this didn't show at all, just made him more comfortable. Turning to her once more, he pushed a few strands of her bangs out of her face, he wanted to see her, to actually see her true self. For he knew she was just as warm as he was in heart. She may be Carpathian, but he knew they could love. Then turning his neck to her, he snickered a bit, " I did offer you to a treat earlier, would you like to enjoy it now or later? ", he said this in a whisper, as if he was enticing her. He could actually make love to her in his current state, but he could atleast get a bit of a treat himself, and he knew a Carpathian Elder was the only one who could handle his blood.
Drifting eyes meet is stripping body, she watched him intently like a predator hunting prey. Rika was so focused on him, she didn't feel him grab her hand. Only after she was nestled against him, and the blankets were over them. Then realization hit, she was in a bed with her worst enemy. Rika tried not to let her feelings express themselves on her face. Instead she removed the mask from her face, tossing it lazy aside. Lifting one leg after another she took off her heels. Throwing them from the bed they clattered against the floor. One leg slide up his own leg to rest across his waist. They were so close she could hear the steady beat of his heart. It was like music in her ears, one hand slid across his bare skin to rest over the pulsing muscle.

Life amused her, she hadn't know what it felt like in centuries. No heartbeat, no real breathing, and no sunlight. She was far from human, and at times she hated it. Deep inside her mind she stayed, until she heard the offering he laid before her. Rika's body stiffened, "I can't do that Riushu, carpathians have other abilities than normal vampires. Once I take your blood I can go inside your head when ever I please. I could even turn you into my puppet against your will. This I cannot do, no matter how much your blood calls to me." She said softly before looking up to see the expression on his face. Even in the darkness should could see the strong outline of his jaw, perfectly shaped lips. Piercing eyes of a century old murderer.
Riushu laughed softly at her words, apparently she didn't really understand exactly who he was, but she soon would. " I don't think you completely understand who I am, and ofcourse you don't. I haven't explained exactly what I am in the Lycan bloodline. ", shifting a bit in his position, pulling her closer to him. " You see darling, when it comes to our bloodline, the last three true bloods that roam the earth, I am the oldest. You couldn't control me even if you tried, and believe me, im not trying to put your powers down, it's just impossible. My spirit is to wild, too intune with itself to let anyone have control, thats why were so powerufl, because no matter what, we have the will to do what we want, and literally no one has enough power to take that from us. ", he said this with full confidence, he knew exactly what she was capable of, and he wasn't worried at all. He had done this in the past, but never once had anyone been able to pry themselves into his psyche, it was way to well protected.

He simply smiled and placed a hand on the back of her neck, pulling her into a kiss, then once again offering his neck to her. He was a bit curious to her reaction, the power that his body held was fully embodied in his blood, and just maybe she would get a full look at his true power if she tasted it for herself. It would give her a few effects, he knew this. She would learn things about him, but he highly doubted if she would be able to see any farther into his psych. He wasn't worried about the situation, but there was just a few things he never wanted to let anyone know.
Rika listened to him carefully, she knew what he was full and well. Though she had never taken blood from a ancient lycan, but she was carpathian. Her race were the eldest, she was not a vampire. Something more powerful, she was changed by the first carpathian. Deep in her mind she tried to prove herself. Opening her mouth once again to refuse, he pulled her into him. There lips melding together, her body went soft. Melting into him, her eyes glossed over. Rika couldn't stop the slow exploration of his neck. Lips tracing down from his lips, to flutter lightly across his jaw. One she hit is neck her tongue slipped through parted lips. Tasting his skin, just like his sent he was wild.

Rika stopped at the heavy beating pulse, her tongue circled once. Then a second time, she could fill the burst of fangs in her mouth. On the third swirl she bit into him. Sharp incisors cutting deep into his flesh, she drank lightly at first. The taste got more intoxicating, her eyes went a deep red. The pull of blood grew stronger. Rika was starting to fight for control, but it was slowly slipping from her. A deep hiss escaped inside her mind, Rika fault with her inner darkness. Before she was completely lost in the blood lust haze, she pulled her teeth back. Swirling her tongue once over the puncture wounds. She had a healing agent in her saliva, the puncture holes sealed.

Falling back against the bed, she fell into her mind. Memories began to flash before her eyes, these were not her own. Women brutally torn to shreds, men torn limb for limb. Then the lust he had for her, after gaining her composure she looked over at him. She spoke softly, but her lips weren't moving. Rika's voice resonated into his mind, "This is a bad idea Riushu, I lose control with you....."