Waking up early

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I've despised waking up early ever since I was a little tyke in High School, waking up at 6am for 7am classes never appealed to me. That's the main reason why I have never, ever scheduled a college course earlier than noon(and probably never will.) but I generally wake up around 8am to start my day. That's if I don't have work.

On workdays, I can be up as early as 0230 to be at work by 0400 for the day shift. Those days I wonder what the hell I'm doing and think my intelligence is lower than what I like to believe.
I don't really mind waking up early, considering I have no choice in the matter most days. The thought of a good cup of coffee drags my happy ass out of bed no problem. My problem is actually getting enough sleep. I rarely get more than four hours of sleep a night, but being used to it helps me feel better about it in a strange way. I wouldn't necessarily say that I hate waking up early, but I definitely prefer nights.
I love waking up early (4:45) because most of the RPs get responses while I'm asleep, and I try to put my replies in before I go to work at 6:00.

I like the early shift because I have time to do other things in the daylight after work, and I avoid the rush hours here.
I wake up around 5:00 and go to work by 6:30. I like it because I avoid a lot of the traffic, as I travel along some very congested roads in Okinawa City when it gets to rush hour. And I'm not too experienced as a driver so I would rather drive when there aren't many other cars on the road, both in the morning and when I go home at 3:30.
I like waking up early, if only for the first reason. I hate waking up late only to find most of my day has been wasted.

That said, trying to get up early for me is like trying to get blood from a stone. Impossible.
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