Vianne's rp :P

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Justin clears the rest of the house then walks out side through the front door. "i'll mark this place...." he gets out a black sharpie from his back and draws and X on the door way. "there...we know we've been here..."
Aaron nods. "Lets go back. Amara, get Damian."

Amara nods. "DAMIAN!" She shouts.
(have you ever read or watched any zombie movie? like ever? yes, please draw more attention to ourselves!!! unless you ment her to do that..)

Justin frowns, "what are you doing!" he whispers yells.
A few undead take notice, they start to get off the ground, come around corners, and move closer to our heros.
Amara stumbles backwards. "I didn't see them! I'm sorry!"

Aaron runs forewords and directs some hits towards the zombies. "Justin! Amara!"

Amara runs over and hits a few with her bat.
(i wasn't trying to ignore you!!! never got a notif)

Justin, "guys, screw that and let's go!" he turns to run to the garage.
(Ugh. Fine, it's fine)

Amara runs over to the garage with Aaron, trying not to drop her stuff. "What about Damian?!"
Justin, "he'll be fine!!!"

(Vianne, seriosuly i didn't see it. you can really make me feel terrible you know)
(It's okay.)
Aaron grabs Amara and tugs her inside, he shuts the door and immediately boards up the walls, doors, windows, basically any opening.

Amara almost bursts into tears. "I'm such an idiot.."
(hugs? *hold up arms*)
Justin pats her back, "it's didn't know..."
(Not in the mood, cause I'll probably collapse on you. I'm so damn exausted. I had a LOOONG play practice)
Amara shakes her head. "No..we're gonna die cause of me..."

Aaron walks up to Amara and slides down next to her. "You're probably right...but at least we weren't being wimps. We fought.." He gave a crooked smile. "Isn't that better?"
(i would have caught you! :P how's your play coming?)

Justin sighs, "you guys are so depressing..." he looks around. "and, i'm not dyeing long as i got Aurora to get back to!" he smirks and starts to look around the house.
(Good, people say they get goosebumps when I sing at practice)
Amara stands up. "Yeah! Aurora!"

Aaron, "You gotta love those "A" names.."
(oh, i bet you sing fine..... *cough cough* better then me... *cough*)

Justin sighs, "to many of you..." (you like A names...)
Aaron, "Where's the leader?

Amara peers through the windows carefully.
Damain is waiting outside the garage door, he notices her peeking through the window and waves.
The zombies don't seem to notice him.
Amara signals for him to come inside, and even mouths it.
Damain shakes his head, 'to many zombies' he mouths.
Amara nods. "How will we get home?" She mouths worriedly. Aaron puts his arm around her for comfort. "Don't worry so much.."
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