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I have a habit of not going back to read the CSs of others to prevent accidental metagaming.

That's probably why I hadn't noticed before that Brynhildr is a hardcore badass.
I actually find that humorous, as that was not how I portrayed her thus far. Maybe I'll have her use her energy ball to distract Alex... Maybe take him to Valhalla!
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@Zeraj I am pretty much waiting on you.

In regards to combat or anything else regarding plot-progression I shall now employ a three day rule at which I regard anyone who hasn't posted as simply absent-minded or whatever, this can or can not have dire circumstances.

@IceChateau777 is your sheet really finished? Like, really really? I just want to be reaaaallllllyyyyy sure that it's finished finished!

@Random Since Tsu dropped we should probably do a collab that twists time. But I am not haivng too much time today/tomorrow.
@Zeraj I am pretty much waiting on you.

In regards to combat or anything else regarding plot-progression I shall now employ a three day rule at which I regard anyone who hasn't posted as simply absent-minded or whatever, this can or can not have dire circumstances.

@IceChateau777 is your sheet really finished? Like, really really? I just want to be reaaaallllllyyyyy sure that it's finished finished!

@Random Since Tsu dropped we should probably do a collab that twists time. But I am not haivng too much time today/tomorrow.
Yes; 110% finished.
And I've a post coming, just so everyone knows.
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Yes; 110% finished.
And I've a post coming, just so everyone knows.
If it includes actual combat I'd like you to hold off on it until I looked over the sheet.
If it includes actual combat I'd like you to hold off on it until I looked over the sheet.
Okay; take as much time as you need.
Riddle it with as many holes as you like.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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Okay; take as much time as you need.
Riddle it with as many holes as you like.
I gave it a read now. Regarding her history I have to re-read it once I am more awake because I am bad with remembering all dem names @@.

Her abilities sound overall okay-ish, I have to see how I go about balancing her "magical abilities" despite her having a low magic stat but seeing as most of them are blinds(blinds are actually a pretty strong "disable" so don't count on them all working all the time, especially her perma-blind sword) and another one costs her health? I can work with that too. What I don't like though is The Prayer of Peace, it's the standard GM "Messing with another characters mental state" kind of thing and a lot of players don't like such things, personally I don't mind it but let's just say that there are certain individuals who simply resist it becau- BURN THOSE NON BELIEVERS. Now, onto her Rejuvination shenningans, I have to think more about those but even if I tell you to change something it won't be anything too breaking. Also regarding her 'return to Sunder' I'll shoot you a PM about stuff when I feel better.

Sorry if some of my rambling made no sense and bad grammar, I am kinda a corpse right now but wanted to get that out. You can go ahead and post with Bryn and stuff, but keep in mind in terms of combat a turn consists of movement and one action~. Now an action doesn't need to be a skill or an attack of yours, it could also be something like "preparing to defend", I'll dice around accordingly.
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Her abilities sound overall okay-ish, I have to see how I go about balancing her "magical abilities" despite her having a low magic stat but seeing as most of them are blinds(blinds are actually a pretty strong "disable" so don't count on them all working all the time, especially her perma-blind sword) and another one costs her health? I can work with that too. What I don't like though is The Prayer of Peace, it's the standard GM "Messing with another characters mental state" kind of thing and a lot of players don't like such things, personally I don't mind it but let's just say that there are certain individuals who simply resist it becau- BURN THOSE NON BELIEVERS. Now, onto her Rejuvination shenningans, I have to think more about those but even if I tell you to change something it won't be anything too breaking. Also regarding her 'return to Sunder' I'll shoot you a PM about stuff when I feel better.
Ah, so I thought. The 'U' in 'Sunder' was supposed to have two dots on top of it. Since I went so fast, I was like "whatever, I'll fix it later."

Light is a source she could burn, create, and all that other stuff. To be honest, Brynhildr was one of the hardest characters to play without throwing in what light does to your eyes. Your vision would get distorted, making it harder to see (if not blind). In light of that (no pun intended), I'll need to add what happens to her to balance it out.

This power allows Brynhildr to permeate a bright white energy, persuading her party to calm down and clear the mind - including hers. She will see the battlefield in her perspective, wondering the first one to fight.
I'll admit that is a terribly worded ability. I thought about that at the last minute. At first, I wanted her powers to follow as much of the Nordic lore as possible. However, even absurdity has its limits. For now, I'll think of a substitute for that ability. Because I can't think of a good one without going overboard (time warp hole, summoning magic horses, super strength, operatic voice [duh], etc.) let me consult the audience on this matter.
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@Skyswimsky. Due to technical difficulties, I have trouble getting computer access. I can only use by iPod at this stage and thus, it is very difficult to type long paragraphs. In turn, I believe it is best to quit so that I do not hold back the progression of te RP in any way. My apologises for the sudden word. I hope you understand and all of you enjoy his RP.

To break the mood, how is everyone?
@TerraBooma @Zeraj @DoughGuy @PandaChu @AiDee @Kitt @Kal @Random @Jakers @IceChateau777

Alright. I know I kinda lazed off too the past few days too but I really plan on getting back into this and all, the sloooow speed demotivated me a tad too. I mean I haven't even updated the first post in ages, that will come too.

Basically just calling right now who is still with me to continue this roleplay?
I'm still in this!
I'll be just as fast this time.
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@TerraBooma @Zeraj @DoughGuy @PandaChu @AiDee @Kitt @Kal @Random @Jakers @IceChateau777

Alright. I know I kinda lazed off too the past few days too but I really plan on getting back into this and all, the sloooow speed demotivated me a tad too. I mean I haven't even updated the first post in ages, that will come too.

Basically just calling right now who is still with me to continue this roleplay?
.m. Moi
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