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She will be a lady. Found some beautiful pictures I just can't resist. I might bring in an NPC trap priest later on though ; D

@Arcadia Lumina I started my Red Priestess character below but before I finish her off, how do you want to handle the "magic" that the red priests and priestesses seem to have access to? I want her to be a shadow binder, but Melisandre at least seems to be immune to poison, cold resistant, have some level of vision and at least some of them can freaking resurrect people. I would be fine with her being able to resurrect people but if that's too much I obviously understand. I just added a magic skill to her skills but if you want me to handle it in a different way that's fine too.
I'm fine with resurrection, as long as it is a player character in turn that you sacrifice.
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Finally got his sample post up if you have any complaints let me know.
Name: Valor Baratheon
Age: 21
Great House: Baratheon
Valor is a proud member of his family and strives to prove that in all of his actions. Yet he must also not forget his duties as a follower of the Red Religion and will always devote most of his free time to praying to the one true god, R'hllor. He always has a convincing and confident air about him whenever he speaks which makes recruiting people towards his faith quite easy to do. Even though his appearance might say otherwise he is an honest man that hates any form of plotting and prefers to speak nothing but plain truth to anyone he speaks to. The only way to anger or upset Valor is to speak ill of his religion or his house since those are the two things he holds of the utmost importance in this world.


Occupation: Follower of the Red Religion/Prince

-Longsword: 10
-Coercion: 30
-Diplomacy: 10

Other: Lost his eye in a battle that almost claimed his life if not for the help of what he assumes to have been R'hllor.
Special Weaponry: Carries the Lightbringer that has been given to all that R'hllor believe to be his chosen one.

Pets: A black crow that is more intelligent then it appears to be.

Allergies: Pepper
A Lord's Aid
"Run!" That was the only word that could be heard in Valor's head as he was running through a dense forest hoping that he had finally out run his pursuers, but those hopes were quickly dashed as he heard someone shout out his position. You see Valor Baratheon had been ambushed by a group of hired thugs no doubt sent by another family to try and off him and lessen the competitive power of their house..that or they were just some really bold bastards either way they were trying to kill him all the same. Finally he came to a clearing which wasn't good as the brigands had caught up to him and just as they were about to strike a circle of fire appeared around him charring everything around that wasn't within said circle. Valor looked around clearly confused before he heard something ring inside of his head in a deep voice, "You are to be my chosen one. The one that shall lead all of man from this hell that they called home." He heard the voice quite clearly and asked that they show themselves, and just as he shouted that a firey being appeared in front of him, "Who are you?" It only stared deep into his soul and watched his every movement before finally stating in a proud voice, "R'hllor the Lord of Light and you boy you shall be my champion." The being then formed a sword in its hand and placed it into the ground making a motion for him to pick it up, "Take your badge of office chosen and serve me and deliver this world from its infernal darkness." As if that were a trigger phrase all the fire around him,including the being itself, were sucked into the blade making it shine brightly and give of a radiating heat. Ever since that day Valor has taken the oath he swore that day seriously about being R'hllor's chosen one and made it his life mission to deliver all of men from the darkness of this world.​
Accepted :D
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Sorry forgot about that one i'll fix it.
Quick question - if we make a second character do we need to do another writing sample for that character?
Yes we do indeed.
Quick question - if we make a second character do we need to do another writing sample for that character?
Not necessarily. It's a second character. Your primary is your first. There'd be no need to fill it in a second time if you ere just looking to make NPCs for your House.
As things progress i kind of want to make a wildling if they ever come into play or a man of the nights watch, maybe a recruiter
As things progress i kind of want to make a wildling if they ever come into play or a man of the nights watch, maybe a recruiter
It may come into play after the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th event.
A 100.000 strong? Really? Do you understand how crazy much that is for a mediaval setting like this? In the actual setting/books, the average army is around 25-30 thusand. And even that is generous compared to anything remotely realistic.
Well really their just for looks and cannon fodder not a real professional force but I can lower the number if that shall cause problems.

Edit: It has been put down to 20,000 but I can go lower if needed.
20.000 standing troops are plenty enough. Thats more then most will be willing to try and mess with. This is Targaryan you are playing. They have a rep.
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Oh if you were still looking for that person to follow Valor wouldn't mind having her follow him if your interested.
Yeah I kinda took the Stannis route just a lot kinder and more tolerant of others.
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Illia - The Crimson Maiden


Great House:
None- Illia is solely loyal to the The Lord of Light

Illia is an aloof girl. She rarely smiles or frowns, rarely shouts or cries or emotes much at all. She's focused and driven and willing to do whatever it takes to further the agenda of The Lord of Light. She is not enraged by heresy and instead offers only knowing smirks, heretics' time will come. She's a masochist and makes trying to harm her very difficult. The only thing guaranteed to upset her is the mistreatment of women or children as she believes women are especially dear to the Lord of Light due to their ability to bring his shadow minions into the world. She's unafraid to assert her opinion or influence and seems to be fearless. She is, however, very much afraid of the ocean due to never having learned how to swim. She hopes to never be put in a situation to show that fear.

Illia is a beautiful girl, but that beauty doesn't hide the power behind her pale, haunted eyes. Pale and unblemished save for various scars, she looks cold to the touch despite the flame she claims to carry. She's soft and womanly with delicate facial features and small, thin hands and feet. Despite her girlish appearance, Illia's face is always controlled and it is rare to see her smile or frown.
Priestess of the R'hllor, The Lord of Light
(I'd like her to have an advising position to someone of importance like Melisandre has with Stannis if anyone is interested ; D)

Skills :
-Coercion: 10
-Short Sword (Dagger): 5
-Seduction: 15

-Magic (Shadow Binding namely and I guess poison resistance, cold resistance, and fire visions would be under here as well as Melisandre seems to exhibit those traits. I am happy to split up the points into more categories if necessary): 20

Exhibits unusually high body temperature and is unaffected by cold.

Special Weaponry:
A beautiful dagger made of a strange red metal. It's not special in anyway other than the fact it is completely resistant to fire.

A white messenger raven raven called Vein


Already done ; D​
Accepted :D
Jerelin and I came up with a basic framework for the Lannister family (just the main branch, not the Lannisport Lannisters) for our own purposes and so anyone else wanting to make a lion could work their way in without any conflicts.

Tyrek Lannister - Lord of House Lannister. Old and weak, but not quite on death's door. His one and only wife, mother to all his trueborn children, died many years ago. Fiercely prideful of his family, but content to sit and wallow in his status rather than advance it. Likes to keep out of problems and conflict until it becomes absolutely necessary that he acts. Has a weakness for wine, and a greater weakness for pretty women. There are more than a few blonde bastards running around the Westerlands thanks to this combination. Sat out of the last major war until things looked pretty certain for Jon Arryn, then swooped in to help with the assault on King's Landing..

Tybolt Lannister - Heir to House Lannister. He's very much like his father: proud of his family, but largely driven by self-preservation and hedonism.

Eden Lannister - Brother to Tyrek. He is the military mind of the family, the only reason their men-at-arms and city guards aren't completely useless. He rarely sees more action than fighting bandits, thanks to his older brother's disinterest in getting involved with the game of thrones, but he did get a chance to join in the great war that seated Jon Arryn on the throne. The Lannister host was held back by Tyrek until it seemed clear that Arryn's side was winning, and then they joined with that side for the assault on King's Landing.

Shella Lannister - Sister to Tyrek. She was married into the Tully family and rarely returns to the Westerlands.

There's plenty of room for other children or siblings of Tyrek, they just won't be mentioned as being in or near Casterly Rock near the start of things.
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