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I am thinking about joining this. I'm going to take a quick look through the characters and see what I can whip up.
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I am thinking about joining this. I'm going to take a quick look through the characters and see what I can whip up.
Welcome to Valar Morghulis, Drifter :D Welcome to our little family :)
Here he is. Dargo and I are currently in talks for me to play his Braavosi dancer daughter, but we'll see. As for the writing sample, I wanted to try him in a position that might not come up in the IC. There will be tons of time to see him charging off into battle to try to stab something.

[fieldbox="Allec Harlaw, grey, solid"]Name: Allecthen Harlaw
Age: 23
Great House: Greyjoy

Personality: Arrogant and self-assured, Allec is a skilled warrior, but he fails to live up to his potential due to impulsiveness. Some would go so far as to call him an oversized child, but that would earn them a ruthless smack from his shield. When in battle, which is where he prefers to be, he shows an uncharacteristic focus, but he is prone to showing off and underestimating should he feel he is not being sufficiently challenged. Impatient, bold, brazen, and obessed with the idea of honour, Allec seeks out adventure and danger to prove his worth. Should he find a comrade capable of keeping up with him, he shows signs of almost being a team player.

Appearance: Standing at 5'8" and having something of a wiry frame, Allec does not look the part of a ruthless warlord. In fact, nothing from his clean shaven face, well-kept blonde hair, or his ornamental armor screams House Greyjoy. He has a thin scar adorning his upper lip. Despite his penchant for grooming, he doesn't mind ending up caked in dirt and blood when out in the field.

Occupation: Sellsword, and son of the noble House Harlaw, aspiring raider under Lord Pyke

-Shortsword: 15
-Shield: 10
-Lancing: 10
-Music: 5
-Seduction: 10

Other: Athough he doesn't always advertise the talent, Allec is a fairly good lute player. He never knew his mother, but his father insists she must have been a Lannister bastard girl, accounting for Allec's blonde hair and uppity attitude.

Special Weaponry: He carries a round heirloom shield that bears the crest of the Harlaw family.

Pets: A young, scrappy cat that survived an attack from his father's attack dogs. He calls her Trouble. A sandy coated cat with a ragged left ear and a scar on her left rear haunch, Trouble used to come and go as she pleased, but she has recently taken more to following Allec around on some of his escapades.

Allergies: Shellfish. It is an allergy that causes a great deal of frustration among cooks in Ten Towers.


He ran a hand across the light stubble that dotted his chin as he clenched his jaw. Sitting upon one of the many low walls that snaked through the yard of Ten Towers, Allec stared intently at the little bundle of fur, its leg still bandaged. The stray cat wobbled across the hewn stones, and as she teetered close to the edge, the blonde quickly tugged her up by the scruff of her neck. He clicked his tongue impatiently and ruffled his hair with his free hand, "You're going to be trouble, aren't you?" The feline mewled curiously and tilted her head at the phrase. The young man laughed and placed the cat down on the dirt below, "Is that what I should call you? Trouble?" When she made no response, Allec hefted his shield and shrugged, turning his back on the animal and continued to pummel the dummy before him. Loosing a few quick strikes with his sword, he practiced his footwork around the target, trying to pry his attention away from the fluffy intruder for long enough to get back to his all-important practice. Upon turning over his shoulder, the Harlaw heir noticed that Trouble was conspicuosly absent from his line of sight. Spitting to the ground below, he shook his fist and grunted, "What an ungrateful, foul little roden-" He looked over the wall as he went on, and noticed Trouble flicking her tail at him mockingly with the closest thing she could muster to a grin as she sauntered off. Allec blinked and laughed in spite of himself.

"Just as well. You'd be worse for me than an amputation, y'hear?" he called to the beast's retreating frame. He checked around the courtyard to make sure nobody had witnessed his momentary diversion, before tackling the unsuspecting dummy with full force, and pummeling it with the rim of his shield. He let out a satisifed grunt when he looked down at the carnage and then let himself back into the tower, completely ignorant to the fact that Trouble had slipped in with him, between his feet.[/fieldbox]
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*is kinda lazy but also busy to go through all the questions asked here* So I'm going to spit it out even if it has been asked before. How many people are you taking on? ^^
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[fieldbox="Liliyana Tyrell, #4CC552, solid"]
Name: Liliyana Tyrell
Age: 27
Great House: Tyrell
Personality: Cunning, manipulative, caring, shrewd, vigilant, just in judgement
Occupation: Representative of the Great House Tyrell

Pets: horse Sparks
Allergies: Idiocy

Skill System (120)

Diplomacy: 40
Seduction: 30
Bartering: 20
Leadership: 30

Outside of the Skill System

Reading: 15
Horse riding: 10
Writing: 10

Writing sample:
The sorceress looked at the phoenix with gentle eyes, placing a sweet short kiss on his lips. He was so open to things, so willing to follow to get to know her world. She would show it all to him. In time he would come to love this place as his home too, or at least she would try to elicit that emotion. But it would need to wait. Now her stomach was rumbling lightly and she felt almost bad for not having coal for Faireheart that he could feast on as she cleaned out the fireplace that morning. "I'll make sure to find you some tomorrow, I promise." After all, she would not want him to starve.

Hours passed since then. The candles around her modest dwelling were lit, throwing long shadows across the two rooms whilst casting mellow oranges at the same time. Those were the hours during which Blitz has found the courage to be more up close and personal with Faireheart, pattering around the phoenix, getting accustomed to him. The fire god himself found that interaction enough to keep him busy whilst Satyra occupied herself with her work in her bedroom. She rarely took out the necromancy book in her village, too afraid for it to be seen by anyone, by accident. Yet, on the shadows of the night a howl was carried into the room through the opened window. Darkness has already fallen on the world, stars glimmering in the sky like lanterns of lost travellers, headed by the almost round moon. It was time. She made her was over to Faireheart, seeing that Blitz has found a safe place on his thigh where the heat was great but not harmful thanks to the jeans. She took him gently from the phoenix's leg and laid him on the bed as he stirred only slightly, sound asleep.
"It's time. Come on." With whispered words and bubbling excitement, Satyra took Faireheart's hand and led the way yet again.

It was easy to sneak out of the village and with the light from the sky illuminating their way it could not have been easier to reach the edge of the forest, with the tall grass brushing against them like invigorating spirits of adventure. Satyra squeezed his hand. Her heart was already beating fast in anticipation of the sight she sometimes sneaked out to see for herself, sometimes she just dreamed about it. But whatever she did, it always took her breath away. The night was much more prominent in the forest. Darkness making it difficult to see what was in front of them, or next to them. Yes, there were predators who could attack, Satyra was aware of their whereabouts. She could feel them, feel their threads as they all connected to one another, as they roamed the nature, living just like any other creature in her world did. She did not fear them and they did not fear her. Then as if born from starlight itself, flickering light began to ascend from nowhere, fluttering around aimlessly. At first there were only a few and it was hard to notice them.
"Nearly there." Her voice quivered just like the glowing wings of the creatures that were not fireflies, neither entirely star dusted spirits.

The further they progressed, the more the wobbling lights came together. It was easier to see that they indeed were not fireflies per say, but small fuzzy creatures whose whole body shimmered with light. As disorganized and random their hovering about might have seemed, none came too close to the two venturers and amidst their drifting their purpose suddenly became clear. Satyra smoothly stopped in her tracks, daring to go no further. They were presented with a sea of these floating creatures, a galaxy of their own, reflecting the stars obstructed by the tree tops, their central suns being the aged trees that even at night asked for reverence and these bugs where there to give it as they crawled around the bark, filling in the carvings done by the village's shamans. It was as if the tree radiate brilliance from within. There were many of them around in that part of the forest. Each with its own devoted flock and every single time one dustling would land on the carving, its light would become brighter and even as it took off to carry the light across to another tree, it never faded.

"These are our sacred trees. Some say they harbour magic, others say that spirits live within them. But everyone is forbidden from cutting them down. That's why our shamans carve runes into the bark, to mark the trees. These dustlings," she gestured at the commotion of small bugs around, "appear only around each new and full moon, crawling within the lines as if they were trying to heal a wound." Her finger pointed at one small dustling that just lifted of a carving, giving space to another one, and flew away towards a different tree. There and then, it became clear that each carving was different and unique to each tree. There was no sound disturbing this almost ritualistic spectacle, no buzzing of wings, only the night's breeze ruffling the branches above them. "Everything is connected, Faireheart. Everything. These dustlings are connected to the trees, the trees to the earth, the earth connects all the creatures that find refuge in its grace and mercy just like me...and you." Her face was lit up by the animate lights as well as the profoundness of the feelings she had for the moment, for her world, for the two of them. She shifted her eyes away from the small beings to look at the man next to her, hoping to witness as great an awe as she felt every time she came to witness this phenomena.
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Just updated Geffroi's stats to fit the new system that seems to have been implemented.
  • Useful
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[fieldbox="Liliyana Tyrell, #4CC552, solid"]
Name: Liliyana Tyrell
Age: 27
Great House: Tyrell
Personality: Cunning, manipulative, caring, shrewd, vigilant, just in judgement
Occupation: Representative of the Great House Tyrell

Pets: horse Sparks
Allergies: Idiocy

Skill System (120)

Diplomacy: 40
Seduction: 20
Bartering: 40
Interrogation: 15

Outside of the Skill System

Reading: 15
Horse riding: 10
Writing: 5

Writing sample:
The sorceress looked at the phoenix with gentle eyes, placing a sweet short kiss on his lips. He was so open to things, so willing to follow to get to know her world. She would show it all to him. In time he would come to love this place as his home too, or at least she would try to elicit that emotion. But it would need to wait. Now her stomach was rumbling lightly and she felt almost bad for not having coal for Faireheart that he could feast on as she cleaned out the fireplace that morning. "I'll make sure to find you some tomorrow, I promise." After all, she would not want him to starve.

Hours passed since then. The candles around her modest dwelling were lit, throwing long shadows across the two rooms whilst casting mellow oranges at the same time. Those were the hours during which Blitz has found the courage to be more up close and personal with Faireheart, pattering around the phoenix, getting accustomed to him. The fire god himself found that interaction enough to keep him busy whilst Satyra occupied herself with her work in her bedroom. She rarely took out the necromancy book in her village, too afraid for it to be seen by anyone, by accident. Yet, on the shadows of the night a howl was carried into the room through the opened window. Darkness has already fallen on the world, stars glimmering in the sky like lanterns of lost travellers, headed by the almost round moon. It was time. She made her was over to Faireheart, seeing that Blitz has found a safe place on his thigh where the heat was great but not harmful thanks to the jeans. She took him gently from the phoenix's leg and laid him on the bed as he stirred only slightly, sound asleep.
"It's time. Come on." With whispered words and bubbling excitement, Satyra took Faireheart's hand and led the way yet again.

It was easy to sneak out of the village and with the light from the sky illuminating their way it could not have been easier to reach the edge of the forest, with the tall grass brushing against them like invigorating spirits of adventure. Satyra squeezed his hand. Her heart was already beating fast in anticipation of the sight she sometimes sneaked out to see for herself, sometimes she just dreamed about it. But whatever she did, it always took her breath away. The night was much more prominent in the forest. Darkness making it difficult to see what was in front of them, or next to them. Yes, there were predators who could attack, Satyra was aware of their whereabouts. She could feel them, feel their threads as they all connected to one another, as they roamed the nature, living just like any other creature in her world did. She did not fear them and they did not fear her. Then as if born from starlight itself, flickering light began to ascend from nowhere, fluttering around aimlessly. At first there were only a few and it was hard to notice them.
"Nearly there." Her voice quivered just like the glowing wings of the creatures that were not fireflies, neither entirely star dusted spirits.

The further they progressed, the more the wobbling lights came together. It was easier to see that they indeed were not fireflies per say, but small fuzzy creatures whose whole body shimmered with light. As disorganized and random their hovering about might have seemed, none came too close to the two venturers and amidst their drifting their purpose suddenly became clear. Satyra smoothly stopped in her tracks, daring to go no further. They were presented with a sea of these floating creatures, a galaxy of their own, reflecting the stars obstructed by the tree tops, their central suns being the aged trees that even at night asked for reverence and these bugs where there to give it as they crawled around the bark, filling in the carvings done by the village's shamans. It was as if the tree radiate brilliance from within. There were many of them around in that part of the forest. Each with its own devoted flock and every single time one dustling would land on the carving, its light would become brighter and even as it took off to carry the light across to another tree, it never faded.

"These are our sacred trees. Some say they harbour magic, others say that spirits live within them. But everyone is forbidden from cutting them down. That's why our shamans carve runes into the bark, to mark the trees. These dustlings," she gestured at the commotion of small bugs around, "appear only around each new and full moon, crawling within the lines as if they were trying to heal a wound." Her finger pointed at one small dustling that just lifted of a carving, giving space to another one, and flew away towards a different tree. There and then, it became clear that each carving was different and unique to each tree. There was no sound disturbing this almost ritualistic spectacle, no buzzing of wings, only the night's breeze ruffling the branches above them. "Everything is connected, Faireheart. Everything. These dustlings are connected to the trees, the trees to the earth, the earth connects all the creatures that find refuge in its grace and mercy just like me...and you." Her face was lit up by the animate lights as well as the profoundness of the feelings she had for the moment, for her world, for the two of them. She shifted her eyes away from the small beings to look at the man next to her, hoping to witness as great an awe as she felt every time she came to witness this phenomena.
Great App! Accepted! :D
Just updated Geffroi's stats to fit the new system that seems to have been implemented.
Thank you, Gwazi :)
Alright, Sorry guys.


and Tactics
to the skills list!

They were supposed to be in there, not sure why they weren't!

>.> I'm gonna blame fatigue.
Liliyanna Tyrell has been added to the Character Sheet List in the Valar Morghulis group.

I will update Annalys once I've had my coffee. As long as everyone edits their stats to their main character sheet, they should remain updated in the Character Sheet List. I have no idea why you wouldn't do that anyway, but I'm just letting you now incase... you don't do that for some reason.

I will also be compiling a list of resources that can be used during the duration of the RP. Mainly some things like maps and a nice chart to help you plan your travel time. Nice little fun things that may or may not be useful. If you have anything you would like to contribute, feel free to send it to me via PM.
Added a couple more freebies too to help the story make sense *Punts the players at the Original Post*
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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Updated as well.
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