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Crystal placed her forefingers right under her eye as if trying to feel for wrinkles. She was no expert in human anatomy, but it didn't feel as if there were many crevices on her skin. "No, I don't think so?" she said with uncertainty. The former dragoness was beginning to question her methods and whether or not transforming into an alien race would come with any strange side effects, an old lady for instance. After all, she had never tried this before, and time worked a little differently per planet. "Nope, not an old lady. Probably just a young adult, since that's my normal age," Crystal concluded.

Placing her hands in her sweatshirt pockets, Crystal turned around to survey the area. The street was lightly populated with a few cars here and there, empty-ish due to the nighttime. Various shops were placed along the sidelines in which a bright light shone form inside, signifying that they were open. The area looked more like a plaza of some sort rather than a dwelling or center of travel. "Anything in particular you'd like to try? I see a coffee shop over there, if you're interested," Crystal suggested and pointed in the direction of the dwelling.


"Yeah, I guess you're right. Sorry for delaying," Gem agreed. Unfortunately, trust wasn't something that came across to her very easily due to living on her own for the first few years of her life. And even though she didn't suspect nor feel that Fly would try to betray her or anything, that didn't prevent a constant feeling of cautiousness from lingering. For the most part, however, she felt that her life was in good talons. "I'm ready to go."

Attempting to take charge and redeem herself for her previous moment of exposure, Gem raised her arms and fanned out her wings, testing for the current of the wind. Luckily, it seemed favorable on this night. Dashing in the direction of the city, the pterroct furiously beat her wings to become airborne and ascended from the ground. Fluttering in mid-air, she turned back to face the direction of her green friend. "Oooo-kay, then. Hopefully this won't take too long, considering we ended up near there in the first place. I just hope those two have a plan when we get there.."
"Good. Then you're going to lead me to them," Zein announced, and poked Noah in the chest just to make a point. In truth, he wasn't quite sure how to feel about this situation, though it seemed to lean a bit more on the better side. Perhaps his nemesis' had already found a way to warp back, though it wasn't that he was miserable around these little creatures or anything. In fact, Zein was having a great time here, though being stranded on this planet wasn't how he intended to use the remainder of his life, and the person in his captivity seemed like the best chance he had. "Yes, I'm going to let you go, though I'll be watching you," the raptor stopped for a moment, making a brief decision, "--you have one hour."

"One hour? That's impossible!" Noah shrieked with anger. "That's not nearly enough time to--" but he trailed off, not wanting to finish his sentence. Truthfully, he had no idea where the dragons where, or if they were even dragons anymore. The last time he saw them, they looked a lot more like birds (the regular kind) or at least, that's who he thought they were. It was all very hard to comprehend. So, how was he supposed to find them in just one hour?!

The cybernetic bird slightly narrowed his eyes at this sudden outburst, gaining a faint idea of what was holding the detective back. "Is there a problem?" he asked, not really out of concern. "One hour is more than enough time to lead me to your dragonic companions. Unless, of course, you don't actually know where they are."

"Nuu-no, no problem," the human male reassured, lying through his teeth. "Just put me down, okay? I'll get right to it." Soon after, Noah was released from the shaft that he was suspended from, falling onto his knees. Grunting with effort and leftover pain, he pulled himself upwards and brushed off the dust clinging to his clothing, inching away from the creature that had threatened him.

Zein simply turned and began to head in his own direction, evaluating the best way to follow his victim from a safe distance. "Well? Go on, then. Find the dragons before I find you." he said, as if the choice to leave was obvious and slightly hinted what would happen if the detective resulted in failure.

Feeling considerably terrified, Noah stopped lingering around and dashed for the exit a third time, and this time no one stopped him from departing. He was finally out, yet stuck in a nearly impossible situation.
Tiana bobbed her head,"Hm.. I'm pretty sure I can't transform into a human''. Tiana never attempted to transform into a human, and she probably didn't even want to do it.
''Maybe a pet of some sort? As far as my research on humans goes, they have pets, most commonly canid. Maybe I could be your dog or something?''


''Oh we're gonna fly to there? Ok..'', Fly streched his arms and took off behind Gem.
''So do you know where we're going? Or do we just wander until we run into your friends?"
Crystal silently smiled and nodded her head, considering this option. "Yeah, that would be a good idea," she agreed with her blue friend. "Though perhaps I could suggest turning into a small-ish canine of some sort? I don't really know how Earth shopkeepers feel about pets, so it might be a good idea to draw less attention from yourself," the former dragoness suggested.


The flight was going smoothly, with a dark, quiet atmosphere and no military forces in sight. The pterroct leisurely beat her wings against the air, sailing on a gentle current of air. They have almost reached the city, whose outline shone yellow under the night sky.

"Of course I know where I'm going!" Gem lied, though put on the most confident look she could muster. Vector had told them to look for the abandoned building on East Hale Parkway during the night, and knowing the yellow dragon, his analysis' were usually correct. Without turning to face her companion, she continued to speak: "Besides, I'm just doing what Vector tells us to do. As soon as we all group back together, maybe he'll teleport us outta here or something. I dunno, it's just a thought."
"O-K,'' Tiana bobbed her head:''Soo... Yorkie? Maltese? Or a chihuahua? Maybe a miniature poodle?"
Tiana began vibrating her head, and then rapidly swinging it from side to side as if shaking off imaginary dirt. She fixed a strand of mane that fell out of place and looked at Crystal, who was now at eye-to-eye height. "So..?"


''Muh." Fly looked up and flapped his wings: "I sure hope he does, cos my agent thingy won't be happy I'm gone for this long..''
He sped up a bit, but stopped flapping a few meters in front of Gem and then slowly glided back. "Oh well. Like I care. apart from that meeting I had nothing else to do anyway''.
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Crystal held up her arms in a shrugging manner. "You would probably look cute as a yorkie..." she playfully teased Tiana. Otherwise in thoughts, she was beginning to notice her friend's dependance on her for the first time. Crystal was a naive person like that, not really noticing something until it stares her right in the face. Still thinking about this, she began to twiddle with her hair out of slight nervousness. "Sure, why not a yorkie? That seems normal enough," she claimed, despite having little knowledge of what was considered 'normal' herself. "Tell me when you're ready and let's head on in!"


The pterroct faintly smirked at this, feeling somewhat pleased with their conversation. In a strange way, Gem almost enjoyed hearing about Fly's situation, despite it not being a very good one. At least she and her friends weren't the only ones who got stuck in this kind of thing. "Uh-huh, okay," she hissed, acknowledging her friend's statement, though not in a threatening way. It was more of a content hiss. Deciding to push for a little further for information, "So, you said that you were supposed to be at a meeting. Then what exactly are you doing here? Did ya get lost or something?" she questioned, feeling mildly curious. Upon saying this, the pterroct stopped in mid-flight, hanging in the air with the beat of her wings. By now, they were hovering right above the city.
Scattered below the city, right under where Fly and Gem were hovering was a familiar organization of people. Their bright silver jackets shone brightly under the streetlight, moving quickly about and appeared to be either searching for or working on something. Various vehicles, including a pickup truck and a helicopter were placed close by, with their occupants casually talking with any nearby people. Last but not least, a crimson red "V" was stamped to the sleeves of their clothing: It was the Vagabonds.

"Yo, look down there," Gem announced to her green friend and pointed down at the people below. "...Aren't those the Vagabonds? What are they doin' here at this time of night?!" Her tone slightly hinted panic at this new discovery, and her eyes widened with surprise. She didn't think that people were usually out at this time. "Vector didn't say anything about this! Oh gosh, I hope they haven't found Crystal or Tiana.."

However, Vagabond soldiers weren't the only ones here. Maggie, the high-ranking (and somewhat creepy) exceutive lady was around as well, and busy barking orders to the surrounding sentries and pilots. "They have to be around here somewhere, with all the strange happenings being reported in and what not. Find the creatures and sedate them, but don't shoot! The Director wants them alive." She paused for a moment, briefly going into thought. "And for goodness sake, don't cause a mess in front of the public! It'll ruin our image."
Noah practically flew to his car, not even stopping to make talk with the sentry posted outside. The only thing he said was, "Don't go in the building!" as he passed by, and ignored the funny look that was shot at him. Shutting the car door behind him, the detective took in a deep sigh of relief and looked over at his luggage in the passenger's seat-- a certain bag among his usual items stood out, the bag that once belonged to the smaller dragon back at the mountains. He must've taken it with him in his hurry to leave, briefly forgetting that it didn't belong to him. After all, who would expect for a blue reptile to own a bag?

Curiosity soon got the better of him, and Noah opened up the bag that once belonged to... Tiana, was it? Maybe something in here could help him find the dragons, not to mention keep him away from the raptor's digestive track. After some searching, he found a few animal books, some drawings and pencils, and perhaps most usefully a spare communication-like device. At least that's what he thought it was, since the gadget looked much like a walkie-talkie.

Gathering a bit of courage, the detective pressed the bright green button located in the center and began to speak into it: "H-hello? Is anyone t-there?" This message was being sent not only to Vector, but straight into Tiana's earpiece as well...
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Tiana huffed at Crystal's teasing."Yorkie it is.", she suddenly started shrinking and eventually grew into a Yorkshire Terrier with long fur, but this time she didn't have that blue hue in her color like in her other transforms.
"So much hair...,'' Tiana raised one of her paws to check if she actually had some feet under all that fur, when Noah's message got through. She flinched at the sudden sound."Ya gotta stop scaring me like that, Vector," she growled in annoyance.


Fly wondered if he should reveal that much information to his new friend. "Hmm.. Well.. I was just traveling through this world when those annoying peeps showed up. Then they took me to their center thingy, and then you showed up... and wrecked my jetpack."

"Yep, that's them..," Fly's eyes widened as he looked around, searching for a hiding place. "We gotta land, they'll see us up here!", he turned toward the nearest building and tried to fly there as fast as he could.
"Oh.. Yeah, I'm still sorry about that," Gem apologized once more, her expression slightly softening with a cheesy smile. She really hadn't meant to get Fly caught up in her troubles, but then again, she might not be here if it weren't for him.

Turning in mid-air, the pterroct began to fly as fast as she could after the greeny upon hearing his last statement, her wings beating much harder than they usually did. And just in time, too-- one of the sentries from below was pointing upwards at their location right as they curved to the other side of a nearby building. Landing on the outer sill, Gem briefly took a peep inside before breaking the window with a punch of her feet talons, sending a small spray of glass below and making a space large enough for them to crawl through.

"Hey, Fly.. check it out," the pterroct pointed inside-- it was the same abandoned building that Tiana and Crystal had been using! The only reason she knew that was because of the scattered packages of Aurophian food and water, and because of a note laying in the center: [You finally made it, huh? Well, your friends have just left to try out some Earth customs, but they'll be back soon. --Vector] The yellow genius had teleported this here earlier as an indication for the traveling two.


"Huh? Who's Vector?" Noah's voice questioned. "No, it's, uh... me. Noah?" he felt very uncertain about this, and briefly wondered whether or not the dragons would trust him enough to get close.

"Oi! Who are you??!" Vector's voice suddenly burst into life, causing two-way conversation in the middle of the mic. "Stay out of my transmitters! I'm not going to tolerate hackers." The yellow dragon then inserted a new console command and began to trace the human's signal onto the map. Think you can get by Vector, huh? We'll see about that..

"What? No!" Noah's voice reassured, "I just found a remote of some sort that's-- ugh. I don't know. It was in one of your bags. Sorry," the human male stopped for a moment, placing his hand behind his head out of frustration; he could feel a slight headache coming on. Making a brief decision, "Look... I don't think we got off on the right foot. Err, paw. Something. Would it be alright if I could come see you two again..?" Noah asked.
"Hey!! Don't touch my bag!!", Tiana growled. "If that's what you meant..", she thought it might not have been her bag after all.

She huffed angrily at his request and looked up at Crystal, waiting for her response.
She barely shook her head, trying to show Crystal what her opinion was, and again, trying not to have too much of an influence. Crystal was older anyway, so she should make the decisions, ..right?
It made sense, at least to Tiana.


Fly followed Gem into the abandoned building. "Woah... What is all this?", he came up to the pile of leftovers, going past Gem and not bothering to even look at the note. He leaned down and sniffed the leftover fruit, most still unfamiliar to him. "This smells weird. Is this what you eat in your home world?", he finally looked around and noticed the note. "And what's that say?"
"Alright, alright! Yes, it's your bag, though I have a pretty good reason to be touching it," the human male replied, who was starting to feel a somewhat frustrated. Still holding the transmitter up to his face, Noah felt the need for a bit of air due to his apprehensive state. And, after opening the car door, he stepped back outside onto the street. Continuing to talk, "Look, I'll give you your bag back. Just please tell me where you are!"

Crystal narrowed her eyes; not out of anger, but more out of concern. She then looked over at her yorkie friend for their opinion, and in turn gained the faint idea that Tiana didn't really want to meet the guy again. "I don't know... he sounded kind of desperate," Crystal concluded, who began to babble her thoughts aloud to her friend. "I honestly don't think that Noah is a bad person. After all, he DID help us out when we were stranded on that mountain. If there's something wrong, then we should probably return the favor." Crystal's morality was starting to get the better of her judgement. And upon that statement, she made the brief decision to speak into Tiana's mic: "Alright. We're at the coffee shop on East Hale. Come and find us," the former dragoness offered and backed away, then gazed down at the still-yorkiefied Tiana. "Shall we go inside?"
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"Dammit, Crystal!" Gem screeched aloud. This is just like you, to go and wander off as soon as we get somewhere! This note had instantly put the pterroct into a mild flux, causing her eyes to slit from anger. Turning around to face Fly, she suddenly realized how bad that must've looked. "Uhh... sorry," she apologized, and help up the note. "It basically says that they've left the building to wander around or something. Idiots." she muttered and rolled her eyes. "And yeah, that's usually the kind of stuff we eat back on Aurophia, though I'm more of a carnivore myself. In case you haven't noticed."


Suddenly, a new noise burst to life in mid-conversation; it was the sound of slow and wary footsteps coming from the lower stairs. Gem instantly whirled around upon this, feeling fairly enraged that their day had gone so badly, and yet someone else had the audacity to come and invade their privacy. Or maybe it's just Tiana and Crystal returning, she thought to herself, expression softening.

Of course, it wasn't either of their friends. Standing in the doorway was the flamboyantly-dressed Richard, one of the two pilots who had taken in and interrogated Fly. He was holding what appeared to be a futuristic lasergun in one of his hands, and pointed the weapon in the duo's direction. He didn't look the least bit happy about seeing them.
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Tiana sighed:"..Sure.. Whatever floats your goat.", she started slowly walking toward the entrance of the café.
I don't like that guy... I don't trust him.. Still, when have I ever trusted anyone? Hmm... He DID help us back there thou..
Again, what if he IS a villain? Maybe he'll lead us to some freaky research center.. They'll probably knock us out and then experiment on us! Ugh, buzzers.... Electroshocks... What if they perform brain surgery on me? I wouldn't feel anything! I wouldn't know what they're doing! What if it makes me dummer?! I'll never figure out the codes from that episode! Cheese.. I never thought of it like that..

Paranoid thoughts began creeping into her mind again, along with some gorey pictures of brain surgery and machinery she thought the experiment devices would look like.

She stared through the windows as she walked toward the entrance, trying to figure out what kind of atmosphere was inside.
It must've looked odd to see a dog without a leash walk strait into the cafe alongside it's 'owner', but the clerk was either too busy to notice or simply didn't care. After all, it had been a long day and not everyone could justify everything. The environment inside was casual enough; it felt like any other indoor foodplace, a little awkward though, and was rather empty at the moment. Crystal proceeded to take a seat at one of the tables near the shopping window and picked up her yorkie friend, setting her on the chair next to herself. Once again, no one made a fuss. She then gazed over at the counter, looking at what all was available for consumption. Unfortunately, she hadn't considered the fact that she would have to have some of the native currency in order to purchase something, which left her kind of disappointed.

Unable to do much as the moment, the former dragoness looked to the side to see how Tiana was doing. Though, judging by her friend's expression, it was apparent that she was deep in thought, probably worried-- Crystal knew Tiana pretty well, so it was somewhat easy for her to decipher what was going in that head of hers. Letting out a faint and rather tired-looking smile, "Hey, I know that look you're giving. Don't worry about it. Everything going to turn out fine," she tried to reassure. What could possibly go wrong? They were virtually undetectable with this current disguise, or maybe that was just Crystal being naive.

It didn't take long for Noah to arrive, as he had gotten here as fast as he could. And running by foot, no less. The poor guy was huffing and out of breath, and he didn't look to well as far as appearance went: the edges of his trenchcoat looked a little tattered and he was covered in a bit of debris, though nothing too serious. The human male did his best to brush off most of it from his clothing, since he simply didn't have the time to go back home and wash it off. Meanwhile, the clerk simply ignored him, not wanting to get involved nor deal with anything troublesome during this hour.

"You know what, Tiana..? I'm starting to have second thoughts," Crystal said and heavily sighed at the sight of their 'friend'. She then placed her hands up to her head in a bored manner similar to that of a facepalm, and using her other free limb, she gestured for their visitor to come sit by them. The fates, gods, of whoever it was out there really loved to to prove her wrong, and she was tired of it.
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