Unity of the Universe | Animesque Ben 10 AU | OoC

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*hopes he wasn't forgotten just because he was being silent to allow for the omnitrix conversation.*

You have not been forgotten, it's just that since you hide your presence when you are online we assume you aren't.

We were also discussing villain faces, and faces of other kinds.

And I still don't know how Outlaw found porn while looking for pictures of cartoon animals.

Oh right, Outlaw, Ben's Big Chill is already female. Just thought I'd want you to know.

I personally find breasts on Necrofriggians weird due to that episode, but... whatever rows the boat.

It's the internet, Why wouldn't there be porn? XD
You have not been forgotten, it's just that since you hide your presence when you are online we assume you aren't.

I hide my presence? Huh, I see that little green triangle on the corner of my profile just fine. Unless I forgot that I set myself to invisible in some manner.

Ah ok but my character will loose nightmare right?

@Crow >_> wot.....

Because people are disgusting and ruin everything with bizarre sex scenarios -_-
Ah ok but my character will loose nightmare right?

I actually did have a Zs'skyar arc planned. I was originally going to make Ghostfreak(or Nightmare as you call her) have the Nanomech thing where she's half-human so that the user has better control, but it ultimately only serves to delay the inevitable.
Oh, cool. Any chance i can have an alien that turns anything they touch into a bomb?
Yeah that dose sound a tad much, maybe make a limit as to what can be made into an explosive?
Anything that has little to no explosive components in it cant be detonated, this includes, oxygen, sulfur, hydrogen and nitroglycerin. But yes organic life can be detonated if it has at minimum 20% of any of those components in it's genetic make-up
Now you guys made me scared that my character could become possessed by Ghostfreak...
Detonating organic life is what I kind of want to avoid. Pretty broken ability to just kill a chap on-spot.

Now you guys made me scared that my character could become possessed by Ghostfreak...


"What's the matter, Mana, afraid of the dark?"
The alien im thinking of with that ability is wickedly self serving and the more it's used the more it's personality will rub off on the user hence it'll by like alien x and be a last resort, also who said they'll die in one hit? They could still survive the explosion with severe injuries. Also there will be a mass limit, the higher the mass in weight or chemical abundance will make the explosions snaller and less damaging. Or i can have the ability work only on inanimate objects.

Yup that's why she called it nightmare.
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So, you're switching Ectonurite for a custom species?

I guess if it had such drawbacks it'd be alright... let's see how it is.
I'm not getting rid of nightmare lol :P embrace the fear

Im thinking of what custom species to add
Detonating organic life is what I kind of want to avoid. Pretty broken ability to just kill a chap on-spot.


"What's the matter, Mana, afraid of the dark?"

Oh god... Yes, I'm very scared of the dark!

I swear, Ghostfreak in the original show, when it came out, gave me the creeps on a whole 'nother level. Though now I'll probably just laugh in its face.
Terror-Dactyl is actually based off ghost freak in terms of powers
On the topic of villains we should talk a bit about the line up, or at least that's what I think
Crystal Skull was my first ever custom alien. I pretty much slapped Chromastone, Diamondhead and Ghostfreak together, and added some design motif from Duskull.

Plus Crystal Skull sounded cool.

That used to be basically it, but now I made Obsidracs a greedy, stingy race that use their powers to fill their money-minded mannerisms, out for cash. Maybe I should make 'enhanced negotiation' a power, the same way Gravattack is supposed to have enhanced wisdom.

Hmmm... I have thought of using Lucy as a first villain of sorts.
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Can my character have a kaiju as one of her aliens? Cuz way big?
Can my character have a kaiju as one of her aliens? Cuz way big?

I don't see why not, no one ever said that Way Big's race was the only giant race (I mean I have Drago who's like a mini Kaiju)

Hmmm... I have thought of using Lucy as a first villain of sorts.

I have no oppositions against that, will villains have multiple arcs?
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