Undercover Operations

  • Thread starter Jae- The nonexistant
  • Start date
  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
I say pretend they're going with us. I'm sure they'd feel bad about holding us up.
Yo, anyone may, at any time, take the position of General away from me. I've made another character on the stop of the moment.
I could try the role sometime, he might sound like a psycho though.
I'm leaving that position to you all. I'm not very good with those things. =D

I've got to go to school in about 12 minutes..

I'll post when I come back though =D

I've got to go, be back later!
Name: Jay Hawk (J-Bird)
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Weight: 175 lbs.
Height: 6 feet 4 inches
Birthday: June 4th
Appearance: Jet black hair, pale white skin, red eyes
Specialties/Talents: Extremely stealthy, great swordsman.
Weapon of Choice: Personal double-edged titanium sword.
Still open for new members? I would love to join and reading the already posted stuff shouldn't be a problem.
Can I turn the truck into a tank/apc? o.o or can I have my own tank? I like tanks >...> feel free to say no to both if you want I don't mind.
The General will give you the tank after he 'officially' addresses the whole team. Not yet, though.
Join anytime Norway, we are still open! =D

Necroay, do what you want with the truck, It's yours. =) Have fun.
Name: Sutton Songway; Code name: Rex
Age: 24
Weight: 182
Height: 6'1
Birthday: April fourth
Personality: He is a bit strange, seems happy go lucky but at the same time can be very serious.
Specialties/Talents: He used to work at a black market, selling things like guns and eventually got big enough to sell to the government. He is very sly and good with disguise, even his own people can be manipulated by him. He is also a jack of trades, tech, mechanics, carpentry, he just about can cover most problems faced on the field as far as equipment goes.
Weapon(s) of choice: M9 handgun
Family: If you ask him about it the only thing he will give you is one word "Dead."
Ok, one question Norway... Are you on the team or just someone at the base? I'm just making sure =D
Its all good, truthfully he could do both and I see where it can confuse. I haven't read much but he could either be a contact, like you need to get past a door and call him in for hacking type of thing or he can be on field support that is extremely valuable but seems to slow the team down at parts.
You choose, your character is all yours, I just didn't know which. Well, Welcome to the Undercover Base Ops Norw...I mean Re ;D
I guess I should be on the missions otherwise I would have less to post.
Wait wait, I wanna delete my last post. I'd rather have my own tank, if that's okay with you, [MENTION=2387]SilverJayStorm[/MENTION].