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Under This Setting Sun

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"He's hunting hunters you know." He could smell them ,their tainted human scent rotated though the air like the smoke from a fire. "You know why wolves hunt humans? I mean like wolves that were born as just wolves. MidnightMoon stood slightly letting his front paws come off the ground. His tail lashed around for balance and he closed his eyes tightly taking in the deepest scent of the forest. When he opened his eyes again they were deep red. "It's because we fear them, they kill even us for our pelts teeth and bones. They don't even have the audacity to eat our meat. Tell me are you afraid of vampires?"
Akira silently watched him and listened, taking note of his now-red eyes. At his question, her ears perked up and she lifted her head. "Not in the slightest. They're bloodsucking lunatics that get off on doing overly sexual things," she said as she looked up at him. "Why are your eyes red?" She asked calmly as she stood up and stretched. She briefly cleaned herself and walked over to the fire and faced him, laying down beside it so the warm oranges and yellows danced across her shining fur.
"Oh, no reason, none at all, there's only the matter of the fact I'm a bloodsucking lunatic." MidnightMoon shook his head and chose to purposely simply ignore her. He hadn't the slightest idea why he even brought up the subject where now he wished he hadn't. There was not point in changing werewolves minds... they were right. Most vampires were bloodsucking lunatics and they did sexual things that would make a player jealous. Luckily for him he hated playing with his food, it was drink and be done with it. He rarely if ever crossed both lives in the way of personal life living on his own and dating. He wanted to be close to the fire but his silver and grey pelt was just too far away from it's flicking flames. "Ah, they change colour with my mood," he lied. His lies were so seamlessly tied in with his normal speech which for the record was like a dark toned with subtle hints of emotion here and there interlacing within each word. Sometimes he would sound mysterious and others he would sound like a complete well... lunatic.
Akira shrugged a bit and laid her head down. She glanced around and sniffed the air, still no sign of the hunting pack. She sighed softly and closed her eyes though her ears remained squared. "Might as well get some sleep. Theyre gonna be a while," she said simply as she moved away from the fire and laid down near him, enjoying the cool snow against her fur. She turned and laid on her side as she stilled her tail and closed her eyes, falling into a light sleep soon after.
MidnightMoon sort of stood there watching her wondering what in the hell she was thinking rolling over like she had. Every wolf- every last wolf knew that showing your belly was a sign of weakness and though every bone in his body told him to attack, to show her who was boss he felt somehow with her grave mistake that she wouldn't understand. He laid down and curled himself around- as close as he could get to- the fire and stared at the wolf. He didn't need to sleep, plus he didn't want to, he just didn't want to be here and he wanted everything to do with getting as far away from here and this girl as possible.

Small sorta time-skip to MORNING
He opened his brownish blue eyes and looked around. at some point he had to of fallen asleep because when he closed his eyes it was night time and now it was morning. Now though he lauy stark right in the middle of the pack, that same collar still around his neck.

"Morning sleepy head." Kabitsu threw some cloths at him and gave him a comb, to which he dressed in immedately. A button down shirt, coat, pair of matching jeans and a pair of almost cowboy looking boots were handed to him.

"Remove it," he snarled gesturiong to the collar, even though he had his shirt- and coat on, he left them unbuttoned.

"Only if you promise not to run away."

"Why when you'll probably drug me and drag me back?" He looked almost nothing like his large bulky brother, he was about a few inches taller than Kabitsu but he was thinner than a rail and paler than a ghost. His skin did not catch sun rays easily and when he tanned it burned... turning eventually back to it's pale almost porcelain like tone and texture. His brown matte fur changed to a parted down the middle and combed brownish hairstyle at about mid length to his shoulders.

"Today you will be with Akira, I think she has something planned in the ways of howling lessons or something."

"You've got to be joking." MidnightMoon prayed to god that she would not be learning how to actually howl, he already did and could break classes and fine china by doing so. Kabitsu took the collar off of him and smiled gesturing to the young girl.

"Probably not, she doesn;t teach them to do that, their mothers do. But you might have to live with a few hunting lessons,"

"I KNOW how to hunt Kabitsu, I don't want to Re-learn!"

"have fun you two!!!" The boy took off again towards some wolf shaped pack members obviously going out again.

"I could kill him," said the boy. "I could so just UGHHHH!!!" He started making gestures like he was strangling his brother and in his mind he was, it made him feel better at least.​
Upon hearing the commotion, Akira slowly opened her eyes and stretched as she yawned. She slowly stood up and shook the excess snow out of her fur before managing to change into a human. She flipped her hair over silently and shook it out before pulling it back and around over one shoulder. As she watched Kabitsu and his brother argue- if you could call it that- she couldn't help but take in the sight of the human form of MidnightMoon. She noticed the skin and the figure before silently inhaling and coming to only one conclusion. She watched her leader run off and ran her fingers through her hair. "Maybe the pups won't find out about you," she said simply yet knowingly as she glanced around. "Follow me. I know my obligations and I'll drag you by a chain if I have to," she said and shrugged as she shifted and headed to the edge of the woods, stopping and sitting. She pointed her muzzle to the sky and let out an ear-piercing howl, signaling for her class to gather, which they did much to her approval.
MidnightMoon shoved his hands into his pockets and then sat right beside Akira crossing his legs on the ground and rested one of his elbows in his lap cradaling his head. "Wahoo," he held up a small white flag that he pulled form out of nowhere. "Look, I'm telling you, I don;t need to be taught anything, everything I learned as a pup after all myself and my brother were born as real wolves, as roaming dogs in the forest. Not half man like we are now. I know how to hunt and work as a team I don't need to be taught. I have no chain and therefore no reason to stay here." The boy stood and turned on his heals making his way to the centre of the camp, he was going to keep his word on staying as long as he didn't have to stay in that girls lesson classes, perhaps though he would act like he was leaving and maybe get chained back at his post, that way and either way, he avoided the lesson.
Akira growled and ran after him, biting his pants leg. She shifted into a human, knowing she was weaker that way but she didn't care at the moment. She reached over and grabbed the chain, knowing he would try to get away but she couldn't care less. She chained his leg to it and undid it from the post as she dragged him back in the direction they came. "If you know how to hunt so well than you'll have to prove it to me. Like I said I have obligations and I'll go to any means necessary to fulfill them," she said as she dragged him along with the pups into the woods. "I know you don't like me and you haven't really gotten into my best side either but I'll be damned if I'll let some bloodsucking mutt disrespect me when I've done absolutely nothing but followed orders," she said as she clenched her jaw and kept dragging him.
MidnightMoon crossed his arms when she chained him and took him into the woods. He let her drag him and all his weight into the woods behind her not caring that she was rambling on and on angrily. "That's just it though, you follow orders blindly, I do not thus me not being accepted, in case you did not know. being called a blood sucker when I know that's what I am isn't going to hurt me. I am a mutt, so what? at least I don't blindly oblige to people that regardless of stature or human placement have told me to do. I am not a pup. I am well over the age of not being told what to do and you know what?" The man yanked his chain from the girl and flashed away, when he returned he dropped a dear snapping it's neck. @I can hunt also," he flashed away again and this time brought back a human. "Obligations or null, I am not going to drop down and worship you. I will kill whoever I choose because I have to not because I want to, but you know what." His eyes flashed deep red and he took the human to his mouth covering his mouth and draining him dry, then he removed the man's head from his shoulders and tossed him into the river. A small thin line of blood traced down his lips. "I don't want to be like this I didn't ask to be like this so you can eather shut your bitchy ass mouth and leave me be or watch me fight to the very end I can hunt I just proved it, I think lessons for me anyway are done for the day." He wiped his lip removed the chain from around his ankle and started back towards the camp.
Allison remained patient and silent as he spoke. She glanced down at the deer then watched as he threw the human into the river. "Pups! Go use what you've learned. When you return to the camp I expect to see a rabbit in your teeth," she said before they dispersed and she followed MidnightMoon. "All valid points. But do you realize that I don't understands why he speaks so highly of me. Everyone in the pack knows I take pride in what I do but if I don't want to do something then I wont. I wanted to take you in. I'm not trying to hurt you. Hell I'm trying to do anything but. I'm not saying you have to accept what you are but you could have to deal with it. I think I've already proved that I have more control of myself that you do of yourself so that's one thing I can teach you. How to control your anger...how to fit in," she said as she followed him, pulling her hair up into a ponytail as she caught up to him easily.
MidnightMoon clenched his fists as he walked hearing the gel ramble on and on endlessly. His mind was particularly swimming but that didn't mean he couldn't hear her. The rush of power he got from his first feed in over three months was soring though his body like his own blood. When the girl caught hot to him and turned and frustratedly kissed her in the slightest attempts to shut her up.

"You don't understand what it's like to starve 24/7 love. My brother speaks highly of you becaus you are the only family he has left. You want to know what happened to our family? When we were caught our whole pack was killed, they were murdered by humans. Once every couple of months or so I take off because I have to... Find a human that's mjrdered someone raped another but not been caught for it. It's kinda my fuck you to the rest of the world." He let her go and turned back to the camp.

"I don't want or need lessons. I know how to fit in, I wont. It's not that I'm not open to it. I just don't want to have to apply the effort it takes to trust everyone in the pack. You can't trust them all. So I leave all of them untrustworthy."
Akira froze in her spot when she felt his lips against her. She was too stunned to accept as well as protest so she just stood there. She stared at him, her jaw hanging open slightly in shock. She listened silently to his words, trying to think of something-anything-to say. Once he finally stopped talking, she closed her mouth and sighed. "You say I don't know what it's like to starve but I do. You're willing to do anything and everything to stay alive...you'll eat anything you can find. I lived off of dirt, tree bark, and water that I've had to dig countless of hours to find for over two years. By the time I found it I was too exhausted to even drink anything. I know what it's like to starve. Your brother is the only one that would bother taking me in when I was on the verge of dying," she crossed her arms as she continued to think. "To be completely honest, I'm not judging you like everyone else would. If humans killed everyone and everything I loved I wouldn't think twice about hunting them, killing them, then hunting and killing anyone else making someone suffer. You don't have to trust everyone in the pack. I don't trust everyone in the pack. I'm not asking that though. I'm asking you to trust me and Kabitsu," she said before finally growing silently and staring up at him with an unreadable expression...for the most part. For anyone that really looked, there was a slight pleading look behind her eyes but otherwise it was a blank mask.
He couldn't believe after everything this girl was just that relenetless. His expression went void and his eyes laid low for a moment. "Not that kind of starving," it was all he could say. Not thinking of anything else in particular to say that was the only thing that came to his mind. "I... I'm a vampire love. I starve over the blood of humans. I kill them because I have to. The humans I choose to kill are the ones that deserve to die. Not that I'm playing God here but it's better I kill them than turn them. When a vampire bites a human toxins are transferred to the human and without severing the spinal cord they could easily come back to life and kill like me. I need to stop that from happening. You know how it feels to starve... Well. Imagine the pain of a thousand heartbreaks, like acid running through your veins. You also have felt dehydration so you know that your body is weak and weaknes and pain are two things that should never be caught together. I don't trust you. Nor will I ever. But you are a sweet girl, I'll admit that. And as for my brother. I have always trusted him. When we were younger we used to hunt as pups together. Much like your little class here only our mother taught us. My. She was beautiful, a lot like your wolf form, almost solid black with hints of brown and silver. You would have liked her."

(I'm tiered. Sorry. This whole post is like. "Whoa! What the fuck are you doing with your life!?")
She listened intently to his words as she thought about it. From the way he described her, she would have liked his mother. "I can't imagine a thousand heartbreaks because I haven't ever experienced one. It's hard to experience a heartbreak when there's no one to break it. You say that you'll never trust me but you can't predict the future. If you trust your brother and he trusts me then I've got to be doing something right," she added before looking down and realizing something. "What do you mean I WOULD HAVE LIKED HER?" She asked, emphasizing her last words. Her tone wasn't harsh or prying, but curious and hesitant instead.
"My mother was sweet, she used to take in Pups that were mutated and deformed... even when she had us, the den was always full of pups that wouldn't make it... we had a group of sisters at the time... runts of litters that our pack would normally drown in the river. Do remind yourself that we are wolves and pups of mutated nature though inhuman to you were just a downfall. She took them in and raised them, they reached about four moons old when the famine hit us... only one girl survived. While our mother was dying trying to protect us, her milk having dried up and her strength to hunt for us lost, she told the girls and us that we were lucky to have been alive. She told my sister of the tales her mother would do for her to check on her even as they were from different packs. Before she died the pack was raided and my sister and my brother and I went after the people, our father having left us at the time was nowhere to be seen until they attacked but when he came he was too late... My mother sacrificed herself so that we might get away. I wish I could say the same for my father and my sister because both of them were shot and kiled on scene right after our mother. Kabitsu and I were shot as well but we didn't die so easily. My mother planned it this way, she knew." At the end of his story he paused and crossed his arms smirking.

"What if I do know the future? Vampiric powers are practically unlimited to the user, as long as they feed well on a regular basis. (Whichwasnothisideallifestyle)" A small smile creped up to his face. Fed and sort of happy MidnightMoon's cool sweet and joking personality seeped through his dark exterior.
Akira listened quietly and intently to his story about his mother. She couldn't help but smile slightly at the way he described her and she knew only one thing. "She must have really love you..all of you," she said quietly, her thoughts wondering to her own mother. "Walk with me? I know somewhere quiet...away from the pack and away from everything else," she said as she looked at him with a new light. He wasn't a complete jackass...just hurting whether or not he wanted to admit it. She turned and changed into her wolf form with ease, her fur growing out and her limbs contorting, and headed off in the opposite direction at a rather quick pace.
MidnightMoon narrowed his eyes and shoved his hands into his pockets, with a sigh of relief he finally followed her. He could have probably flashed to wherever she was going, wherever that was he hoped there would be a waterfall.. "actually," he started and stopped walking. "Come with me."He turned a quarter of an inch in a northbound direction and started walking alongside the river. He wondered shy the pack didn't pick here for their place of inhabitance, though he could smell their scents near the place, this was his little sanctuary. A place he went, usually in the evenings admittedly and early mornings he would also dwell here before he used the massive waterfall for a shower. His things were kept in a cave behind the large waterfall and that same cave led to one of the best views he's ever seen, the setting sun. He parted a bush to the area of his choosing and slipped through it.
Akira turned her head slightly when she heard his instructions. She hesitated only momentarily before trotting after him as she looked around, the sound of a waterfall ringing in her ears. She changed back into a human as she went through the bushes. She looked around in complete awe as she walked a bit further. Without a word, she sat down near the waterfall, though she was careful not to be too close so he could hear her. Looking up, she sighed softly. "I know what it's like. To lose a mother I mean. Mine died three years after I arrived in Alaska. We moved from Sydney and hunters heard her in the woods once and opened fire, thinking it was...of all things...a wolf. She died instantly and I got bitten a week later. Every time I change its a reminder of what happened. She was caring...loving and was willing to do anything to help anyone. The last time I saw her she was helping out someone create a trap for an animal. Then when Kabitsu took me in, I realized. She was helping him the last time I saw her alive," she said as she willed herself not to cry as she recalled the events. "I haven't seen my father in over a decade. He moved here with us but he went hunting about three days later and I haven't seen him since," she added quietly as she looked down, her black hair forming a curtain around her face to shield the emotions running through her-hate, sadness, anger, abandoned, disappointment....guilty.
He tossed his shirt at her and dove into the lake allowing her, of all things, to know he was naked. He swam around in the shallow end for a bit and then dove under getting the waterfall to wash away some of his mass stink. He went into the cave after pushing back a boulder sealing the entrance and pulled out his washing items. After a few moments he sat beside Akira. "Well sweetheart, I can tell you one thing, your mother was a nice person. She was helping my brother actually break down that cage. I was in it.... Your father was killed three days after he went out hunting. When I came to try and tell your family Kabitsu stopped me but it was too late... I was captured in the cage." He thought for a moment as if that was something she had wanted to hear, everyone wanted closure and at least even if he was lying she got the closure she was looking for. Hopefully she would never find out the truth. Because the truth, no matter how inhumane it was, he and his brother killed everyone, the reason he spoke so highly of her was because he was the one that killed her father. "Have you ever visited the natives around here? they are very welcoming to wolves... I even have my own owner, miss stands with fist. She feeds me and takes me hunting with her, fishing anything and everything you can imagine. I can come and go when I please." he was hoping she would understand that this was the reason he didn't want to be apart of the pack. He had his own little pack and though they were humans they were trustworthy, they worshipped the wolf and it was no small feet to be apart of their tribe. "You should come with me sometime, her brother, little bear is always looking for new recruits. We don;t have to stay, but they feed you, offer you a warm place to sleep and give you all the attention you could ever wish for." he passed over a small tooth, a wolfs' tooth to be exact. "Some of the kidling from the tribe made me this, they are all wonderful people." That was his home, and sure Kabitu's little tribe could be his home too but Kabitsu was in charge of taking in people that had no homes to go to any more, it was he and MidnightMoon's promise not to kill any more humans than they needed to. "Oh, that's actually where I got my name MidnightMoon... my mum used to call me light walker... and my brother called me dumbness all the time but the tribe gave me my name, I've gone by it since I was changed. I'm not saying you have to come with me, but if you do decide to they will give you a name. You don't have to go by it though..." he trailed off and started to get dressed once more.

"If we do go though, you need to see this follow me," He stepped off the rock leaving his shirt where he'd sat moments earlier and went behind the wartertfal without getting wet. The huge cavern under the waterfall was relativity dry even if the small lake did reach up to the huge wall that bowled inwards. He pushed over the boulder and gestured inside. "ladies first,"
Akira watched in complete silence, seemingly unphased by the fact that he chose to jump into the lake without any clothes on. She shrugged it off, her mind on more important things. She listened as she explained what had happened to her parents and looked down, trying not to cry. She ran a hand through her hair and sighed. "If you know so much about my family and know that my father is dead then you must know how he died," she said quietly as she looked at him. She thought about his offer and nodded slightly. "I'll go," she said with a bit more confidence.
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