Uncontrolled: The Continuation

  • Thread starter DJae Writer Chick
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John rubbed her back while the earthquake was happening and he kept his own fears locked away. When it was over he smiled at her. "look, we're still safe and sound"
Mya sniffled softly and nuzzled his chest. "Wh-what if there's another one?" She said, looking up at him fearfully a moment before returning her face to hiding against his chest.
Jack groaned as the weight was lifted from his ankle. He hurriedly pulled his foot from beneath the beam so Alex wouldn't have to hold on to it any longer. He looked down and winced. His ankle was definitely broken, possibly shattered. There was surely no way he was walking for a while, although that wouldn't exactly stop him from trying it. Jack took Alex by the arm, forcing himself up on to his good foot. He hopped towards the doorway, half dragging Alex behind him all the while cursing under his breath about how she was being stupid and risking her life when she had been perfectly safe. Jack let go of her once they reached the doorway with Isaac and allowed himself to finally take a seat. Not too long afterwards, the earthquake stopped. It was strangely silent and that made fear well in Jack's stomach. It was never good to have complete silence. There were no birds chirping, insects buzzing, not even the ruffles of leaves while the wind blew. Nothing.

That's when Jaylin screamed.

The pain had became too much. Her entire body was being torn and eaten by the virus. She was sweating, unable to truly take a breath without a heavy feeling of nausea. Her veins were traced out by the inky black substance her blood had turned into after being eaten. One eye was her natural hazel color, the other was faded and glassy. Her pupils were dilated, taking up most of her iris as her eyes darted back and forth. The earthquake did nothing to ease her fear and pain. In fact, all of the shaking only amplified it.
Alex squeaked softly at the scream. She was shaking. "Don't move." She glared at Jack. "I mean it." She looked at Isaac. "Keep him here." She stood, stumbling a little before dashing up the stairs. She slipped into Jaylin's room. "J-Jaylin?" Her eyes widened as she saw Jaylin. "No..." She gripped the doorway.
"Erm...what?" Jack mumbled. He watched confused, and slightly afraid for Alex as she ran upstairs. Whatever was happening up their wasn't good. He wanted to go follow her, and if his ankle wasn't temporarily out of service, he would be running up those steps two at a time, no question about it.

Jaylin panted softly, eyes turning towards Alex. Her figure was blurry and tilting at an odd angle. Jaylin blinked slowly, struggling to keep her eyes open. She just wanted to give in. She just wanted to let the pain take over and fade away as she slipped out of consiouness but Markus. She always thought of him when she felt weak. Jaylin reached out a pain, black veined hand to Alex. Her lips were dry and crack, hands shaking. She looked terrible. The only area the infection hadn't spread was her stomach. Markus having partial DNA infused with the cure, was able to combat the infection but it wouldn't last forever.
Alex kneeled beside her, taking her hand. "Jaylin...I'm so sorry." She used her other hand to wipe away the tears. "I broke my promise." She sniffled softly, gently squeezing Jaylin's hand.
Jaylin took a slow, shaking breath. She shook her head, which looked like it drained all of her energy. She squeezed Alex's hand, grip weak and fading as she forced a tired smile. "No. It's okay. Save Markus." She rasped out. It sounded like she had aged decades in the few hours the battle had waged. She leaned on Alex's shoulder heavily, barely capable of holding herself up any longer.
"Jaylin...don't give up. Tell me what to do." She said quietly, biting her lip so hard it was close to bleeding.
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Jaylin blinked slowly, breathing becoming shallow. Her grip on Alex's hand was all but non existent as her body began to give in. Markus would die if he wasn't born now. Forcing her eyes open, only able to successfully open them a fraction of an inch, Jaylin looked up at Alex. She looked at the bedside table, reaching over slowing and pulling out a small blade with her trembling hands. "He has to be born or else he'll die Alex." She rasped out. Jaylin had complete faith in Alex. She trusted her with not only her own life, but her child's as well.
Alex's hand was shaking. "W-wait..I-I can't do this!" She said, shaking her head.

Craig heard the scream and immediately knew what had happened. She set Kasey down gently. "You all stay here." He said quietly. "I'll make sure everything's okay." He disappeared upstairs. He saw Jack. "Hey...what happened?"
Jack shrugged. "Not sure..." He said, eyes traveling up the steps. He could only assume it was Jaylin. "She was bitten....the pregnant one. I think it was her." He mumbled softly, eyes never leaving the staircase. Although his voice held nonchalance, mixed with slight boredom, Jack's eyes shone with worry. He liked Jaylin. She was totally kick ass and was like everyone's mother. Then there was Alex. She was quirky and irritatingly cryptic beyond fucking belief but she had saved his life too many times for him to not like her around.
Craig was up the stairs next, looking around. He noticed Jaylin's room and stepped in. "Hey..woah." He sighed softly. "You got bitten bad..." He saw the knife Alex had. "What are you going to do with that?"

Alex jumped, her face wet with tears. She couldn't speak, her voice little to nothing as she tried to explain, but ended up whimpering instead.

"Jaylin?" He asked, worried as he looked for some explanation to the girl's tears, other than the infection.
Jaylin breathed in deep and let out a slow breath. Her eyes were unfocused as she looked up at Craig. She reached out, grabbing his hand in a weak hold. "Save Markus...please." She rasped out, squeezing his hand in a weak hold. "Please."
Isaac could stand it much longer. All that whispering behind the door. He slowly walked to the door and turned his head around the corner. "w...what? W..hat's going on here?! Jaylin! Whats happening to you?!" Isaac ran fast towards her and sat down. "And why am i not allowed to know this?!"
Alex jumped at Isaac's voice. She stared at him a moment before sitting down, holding her head in her hands. She shuddered, shaking her head just barely.

Craig winced. "Isaac." He turned to face the boy. "I need you to do me a huge favor. Take Alex and go get the other kids. I need you to take them and Alex and start cleaning up the mess downstairs." His eyes pleaded him, but his voice was calm. "Please, Isaac. Do this for Jaylin?"

Isaac looked up. He had no idea who it was, but he had to do it for Jaylin. ''S..sure, but first i want to know. What's wrong with Jaylin? Did the virus do something to her?''
"She was bitten." Craig said, his voice quiet.

Alex tensed. "An infected bit her shoulder.." she said, her voice cracked and almost broken-sounding. She wiped her eyes and looked up to Jaylin, sad. She felt like the past year was a lie. She'd spent all this time protecting people she never even promised to protect, and lost the one person she had managed to protect and promised to protect. Jaylin had showed her that she could help people...and now...now Alex felt like everything was a failure. She had done nothing.
John watched Craig go and stroked Mya's hair. "It's probably save but let's wait till Jaylin get's us" He said softly, not aware Jaylin was on the edge of living. He smiled weakly at the girl and looked at the other one sleeping. How the hell did she do that? "Is she ill?" He asked out loud.
Mya looked over at Kasey. "No...she's just sleepy." Mya said, still clinging to John. "At least...I can't sense anything wrong." She nuzzled John's shoulder.

Kasey shifted, confused by the sudden lack of warmth as Craig left, but then she curled up, returning to her deep sleep.
Isaac knew that an infected bite is the worst that can happen. "Alex? W..we should go." Isaac looked at Craig and nodded. He didn't know where the rest was, but he knew he had to find Mya first.
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