Uncontrolled: The Continuation

  • Thread starter DJae Writer Chick
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Jack sighed in relief. Okay so she's not dieing. Great. More than great. Awesome really. He looked her in the eye before looking outside. He watched as the sea of infected continued to surge forward. Something told him this was only the beginning. He turned back to Alex, thinking. "Well, might as well try." He said and stood. He held his hand out to Alex. "Wanna go kick some infected ass fire lady?" Jack smirked at his own joke, of course he was the only one that found humor in anything he said and awaited her answer.
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Alex took a deep breath, her bones cracking back into place. Her eyes returned to their dark navy form and she took his hand. "Let's go." She smiled faintly. Of course they could do this. Easy, just a giant group of infected...right?
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Jack flashed a smile, taking hold of Alex's hand. He could feel the friendship forming and that was something he hadn't felt in a long time. Jack could finally trust and rely on someone other than himself. He walked with the navy eyed girl and stood in the doorway for a moment. The infected buzzed around the clearing like bees in a hive. Jack could practically feel the iminant doom approaching them. He took a deep breath and loaded his gun. "Let's kick some undead ass." He muttered mostly to himself. He stepped out of the doorway, shooting at the infected. He walked into the throng of infected lab projects gone bad.
"Well if you're gonna kick some ass. I might as well join you right?" Isaac stood in the doorway, smirking. "I might have been gone for a long time, but that doesn't mean i forgot everything already. The ass kicking, the.... betrayel." Isaac's eyes went to Jack. "Who are you anyway?"
"He's an ally...a friend, per-say. Isaac, get back in my room. I don't care what you think, I need you safe for the others. Mya could be out here too, but I can't let you all out here." She said, backing towards the door. "Please Isaac...it isn't like usual." She felt something against her back. Twirling around, she came face to face with an infected. It had a sword sticking out of it's chest, and it's eyes were completely gone. It groaned loudly. Alex's arm shot out in front of her to block it as it swung. The infected stumbled. She kicked it in the ribs, crushing the ribs, and then twisted the thing's head, snapping it's neck. She followed Jack's path, keeping the infected off his back.
Isaac's mind didn't change when he heared that Mya was there too. "I ....dont want to stay in a room, waiting till everyone dies. And dont.forget. I helped creating these things. I know what they are like." Isaac pushed Jack and Alex aside and grabbed a nearby pipe as defense. "I just want to kill those that tried to kill me all those times." Isaac kicked the door to let all the smoke out. "Dont let me waiting"
Alex glared at Isaac momentarily, but stayed focused on keeping the infected out. The ice that had only covered her arms and feet earlier now covered everything but her head. She almost, almost, looking like A201..but not quite. She grabbed an infected by the throat, squeezing hard. The infected squealed, racking it's fingers against the ice, but it was useless. The creature fell to the ground, dead. Quickly, she turned to kick the next one when it grabbed her foot, flipping her. She landed with a grunt. "Crap...forgot.." she muttered, rolling away as it dropped to crush her. She burned it with a simple touch to the forehead.
Jaylin gritted her teeth in pain. She could feel the infection spreading. The burning had spread throughout her entire left side. Every vein was showing a shocking black against her now pale tan skin. She squeezed her eyes shut, right hand coming up to rub her pregnant stomach. She knew Markus was the reason she hadn't turned yet. She was truly greatful but it wouldn't last forever. She desperately wished for the fight to end soon. She couldn't do this on her own.

Jack kept shooting. By now there were bodies of the infected strewn around the clearing. It was a sea of death and carnage and for what? So they could live another day in fear of these things. Jack shook his head to clear away the negative thoughts. He couldn't be thinking like that. He promised Jaylin he would fight for them. He promised to protect the house and he even promised Alex to kick some ass. If anything Jack wasn't was a liar. He would stay true to his word and do his best to keep these people, these strangers, safe.
Alex turned to see three infected charging Jack all at once. Everything seemed to slow down in her eyes. She watched it disappear, then reappear closer as she grabbed Jack, suddenly beside him, and pushed him over, rolling so he landed on top of her and she took the force of the fall. As two of the infected collided, they attacked eachother, one ripping the other to shreds within seconds. Then the remaining two burned to the ground before Alex let go of Jack. "Sorry.." she apologized, laying on her back a few more moments before standing. "Reflex.."
Jack looked down at Alex confused. He wasn't sure how he ended up on top of her. He looked up to see the infected that had been coming for him ripping each other apart. He looked down at the girl beneath him as she apologized. He stood with her still looking at her for a long moment. "Well uh...thanks. It would kinda suck to die." He joked to ease the strange tension he felt growing. He raised his arm, seemingly at Alex. He pulled the trigger, bullet flying past her and landing between the eyes of a screamer who had been running at her. "Stupid things." He grumbled.
Alex nodded. She could see this was getting nowhere, and that Liam seemed to be keeping most of them back. She grabbed Jack's arm. "We need to get inside." she motioned to the door of the church. "I have an idea, do you trust me?" she asked, glancing around to locate Isaac before looking Jack dead in the eyes. She was dead serious, with a slight touch of unease.
"You just saved my life Alex....duh I trust you." He rolled his eyes. He followed the girl into the church, shooting infected as they broke through some of their defenses. Once he got to the safety of the church he turned back to Alex, curious. "Why are we in here?" He wondered unaware that the woman upstairs was struggling to slow the spread of the infection if only to keep her unborn child safe.
She waited until Isaac was inside before locking the door. It was true that Liam and Zerian were still outside, but she knew they could handle it. "Something's very wrong... I feel it. I can hear a low rumbling, but I can't tell wee it's coming from and I feel like it's safer in here. She said, leaning against the wall. She slid down to the floor, sighing softly. "I've never seen so many infected in one place... Never."
"Why do you sound so surprised?" Jack questioned, one brow raised in an almost contemptuous way. He crossed his arms and squatted in front of Alex. "You're the one who admitted they would be coming for you so, please explain why you seem shocked? This little shits have be running over this little fuck we now call Earth for nearly four, maybe even five years now. What did you think they would just stay in place after foods run out? Stop being a downer Alex, well unless you wanna die. Then by all means give up but I'm not going to stay here and watch you give up. Got it." Jack's face and voice was stern as he stared the girl opposite him in the eyes. "Now get the hell up and lets find a way to save these people. You obviously care about them."
Alex shook her head. "Not this many though.. Something else is attracting them." She stared him back. "And I am protecting them. That's why all of you are in here..." She trailed off, confusion replacing the confidence as she sat up straight, looking around. She heard a low grumble and a crack, but she wasn't sure it was close. "Did you all hear that?" She could have sworn she felt the floor shift.
John and mya were still hugging tightly. He couldn't take it anymore, the not knowing. They would just die in here. He pulled her even closer to him, Mya almost in his lap. "we won't give up okay? We will never"
Isaac looked up at Alex when she said 'attracted'. He didn't know anything about Infected being attracted to something. Maybe a strange power? "Something is telling them to come.. Maybe a strange force?" Isaac didn't expect the rumbling, so he tripped and fell on the ground, face flat against the stone floor. "W..wha? What was that? Ow.. My face, maybe i should've stayed in the bathroom."
Alex's breathing became unsteady. She was shaking slightly. "I-Isaac, don't get back up." She said, putting her palms flat on the ground. "If b-by strange force, you mean natural..then you're right. She reached forwards, grabbing Jack and forcing him onto his knees instead of his feet. Just as she did that, the entire church building groaned and the ground shook. Alex covered her head, the noise deafening. She whimpered softly as it continued.
And Earthquake.
One of the rafters fell and the wall behind Alex crumbled a little, but other than that, the church seemed to stay fairly stable. As the tremors grew to a stop, Alex looked around, still shaking, her breathing staggered, and tears in her eyes. Her head hurt extremely bad and she couldn't really see well, stars in her eyes. She winced. "That.." she took a deep breath. "Is why they came here.." She tried to sit up, but only ended up falling over on her side, curling up. Her entire body was in pain.
Outside, hundreds of the infected were screaming, collapsing to the ground. The could hear it too, the Earth smashing into itself to cause the tremors.

Mya squeaked, hugging John tightly as the room shook. She buried her face against his chest, closing her eyes tight. "Earthquake.." she whispered softly when it was over. She sniffled.

Craig gently covered Kasey's ears so she would stay asleep. He stayed calm, knowing the old building of stone was built well.
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Jack raised a confused brow. "Hear what?" He asked, arms still crossed. He received no answer as the ground began to move. It started as soft vibrations, little things he didn't notice. It quickly escalated to a full on quake as Alex forced Jack to his knees.

He looked around as the walls shook. He acted on instinct, pulling Alex to his chest protectively. His arms tightened as the quake went on, the sounds of wailing infected echoing eerily. He stood, taking Alex into his arms and moving to the doorway, the safest place to be in an earthquake. He looked around, eyes finding Isaac. He set Alex down gently. "Stay here." He sped off and picked up the younger male. He shoved Isaac towards Alex as a wooden beam fell. Jack was knocked to the ground, wooden pillar smashing his ankle eliciting a sharp yell of pain.
Alex sat up weakly at the sound of Jack's yelp. She stumbled to her feet, adrenaline pumping through her. She nudged Isaac into the doorway, the door still locked. "Stay here." She said before stumbling over to Jack. She put a hand on his chest. "Shhh." She said softly. She tucked her hands under the beam and barely lifted it. She winced, her arms burning.
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