Two Sentence Horror Stories

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I was choking on a simple, dry dinner roll in a house I'd never seen before.
Until I opened my eyes to find hands wrapped around my throat.
Dreams are weird aren't they?
I never did understand why people were so averse to facing one mirror towards another.
After all, I just want to be let out.
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"I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end,"

the voice spoke, thundering and echoing through the minds of the trapped. The room dark and bright all at once, endless and suffocating at the same time, as arms of darkness like tendrils reached out, climbing the body and invading the minds reminding all; this was not a benevolent god.
" I wish everyone would look exactly like the Halloween costumes," the young child told the genie in the park.

It was with mounting horror, the young couple realized they were dressed as peanut butter and jelly and surrounded by a flock of pigeons they had been feeding.
For the last month or so I've been haunted by the ghostly apparition of some long dead woman.
So why is it that, when I heard wailing coming from somewhere deep within my basement, I found her sitting inside my bedroom closet waiting for me?
I stare into the abyss, the abyss stares back.

Forming a wide smile, flashing all its teeth and tips reaching for its yellowed eyes, unblinkingly meeting mine.
" Come with me, you'll be safe with me," the man replied from another safer room, as I ran from the monsters.

It was only after I entered the room that I noticed his glowing red eyes and sharp fangs and the hungry look in his eyes.
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The pathologist had finished removing the heart, lungs, and intestines from the corpse. It had been awake and screaming all this time.
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Anxiety ridden the students bowed over their exam papers in the church.

Trying really hard to ignore the bleeding cross right in front of them accompanied with the haunting moans of those who failed before.
I enjoyed an absolutely delectable roast last night.
Shame about all the screaming though.
No matter how much I screamed at my brother to stop digging in our parents' garden, he wouldn't listen.

All I could do was hope he didn't dig deep enough to suffer the same fate I did.
As long as he got enough sleep, the man was not a murderous, homicidal maniac who thrived on chaos and bloodshed.

It was too bad he didn't get enough sleep last night.
Anxiety plagues the old woman as an unknown man enters her room and sorrow plagues her son as his mother stares in fright.
I heard my mom call me from the kitchen.

As I went down the stairs, I heard a whisper "Don't go down there honey, I heard it too."
Did you know that salmon farmers use a feed that turns the flesh orange?
been practicing on small animals, and I'm ready to try the real thing.
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I love Spooky Season! These are not two sentences, but thought they would be fun to share (:

Ever since I moved to the new place this kid has been playing tricks on me. He often misplaces my things - keys, wallet, - stuff like that. The other day while I was washing myself, he poured a bucket of cold water on me. Mind you, I live alone.

I was breastfeeding my firstborn in the old house when I saw a man looking at us. He watched us through a small window 13 feet off the ground.

I was trying to sleep but the dogs kept barking outside. I flashed my flashlight out the window a few times but after a few minutes, they would start barking again. When I got up for the third time, a headless woman in a dress was standing at the foot of my bed.
When I was young, I had this imaginary friend. It would often make my sister cry when I talked about her. One day, we were going to a relative's house and we had forgotten to bring my friend with us. I cried and screamed until we turned back to get her. Finally, when we got there, my friend told me she wanted to stay. A few days later, my mom got a call. They said, "Tell your daughter to take it back." After this, my parents took me to a few places. In the end, they had to tell me that my friend had died and that I had to say goodbye. I don't remember it too much because they made me forget, but I remember crying so much.

I went to a festival with a few friends and at the end of the night, we decided to do a courage test. We just wanted to have some fun, you know. There was this forest that we went to, and we spent the night waiting for something to happen. Of course, nothing did. But the next day, I woke up with the most painful feeling around my neck. I couldn't get out of bed for a few days and no one knew what was wrong with me. Even bruises began to form on my skin where it hurt. When I told a few locals about it, they told me it was from the spirits in the forest. That place was known for being a place for people to go hang themselves. The locals said I had to kindly ask them to leave. I thought it was silly, but I did, out loud. The next day, my neck stopped hurting.
The skeleton looked in the mirror, gasping in horror.

It was trapped in a giant meat suit that moved in the same way it had, unable to tell anyone it was trapped.
GORE. You've been warned!​

A pair of reflective eyes blinked at me in the darkness beneath my bed - I thought it to be my cat.
I called her name as I reached beneath, but it turned into a scream as flesh was torn from bone and all that came back out was a bloody stump.
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