Two Sentence Horror Stories

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I told you that you could have my heart
I just never thought you would take it literally.
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The girl stood before the altar to pray.
Little did she know the demon behind her, sent to get her soul, wasn't going to give her the chance.
I hear her voice telling me, I'm innocent, but I'm confused as I stare in the mirror wearing a smile.
who's voice it is telling me such while I hold this knife covered in blood, "Oh that's right, it's what she told me before, I wonder if she still thinks such!"
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I was once so tired of all the loud sounds around me, it overwhelmed my senses.
standing here now, if I could even just hear a single chirp of a cricket I would be ever so grateful...
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"Who are you-?!? What the fuck are you doing in my house-!?!"
where the last words of I heard of my grandpa with dementia, before he drove his cane down into my skull
tw: racism

They thought what the chop house needed to survive
was more love in what they served -- after all
what was it that everyone's nonna claimed
made magic of her Sunday gravy? --
such that a deal was struck with the scientists
who were their final regulars to design
a box which, in less than a minute, discerned
the genetic makeup of those plants
or animals their customers once knew
as pets, ataxia induced by ingesting
misfolded proteins was where they drew
the line, only when a certain famous
colonel asked for something country-fried,
their prized invention began to print
a black boy's foot.

ps i don't think i'm writing poetry, but because the sentences i use are so long, it just seems easier to break things down into lines xD
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the mother and her child screamed for help, trapped in their car after a painful total.
it took just hours for the asphalt to melt them, being forced to stay awake as their skin sizzled against the road.
She stares at the body lying before her, the guts spread across the ground half eaten, the person's face torn off revealing the broken skull and brain. Blood dripped from her mouth, "Oh no...I did it again..."
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The seconds count backwards as he drew his last breath from the stab wound the killer inflicted. All he could think was here we go again as the time went back to an hour before he died.
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"Can we talk?" the message read.

Sent from a number whose owner you just buried.
You walk into a bare forest, and a dark bird settles on a tree watching you. More dark birds settle on the trees around you until your surrounded, all of them watching you,
and the first one opens its beak you think to caw, but instead an eyeball falls out and rolls at your feet.
Warm candlelight muted the horrors of the night, a hand sliding over yours, fitting a golden band over your ring finger.

"Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down," the vow reverberated amongst the deceased witnesses.
I came in hope of peace, in the hopes that I'd be able to change.
but, it turns out, I was just fodder for them, I'll be able to change into something more helpful- into rancid meat.
The boy gasped for air as he sprinted down the sidewalk, every muscle and instinct in his body screaming at him with each passing streetlamp.

His mouth watered as he imagined slowly tearing into the runner's stomach with his teeth, and how delectable a healthy liver would be compared to the alcoholic he ate last week.
"Bloody murder," Samwell screamed.

Startling the coroner whose scalpel was still in the victim, Samwell.
"I-i can't believe it-!! I'm finally a surgeon!!"
his grin spread across his face as he looked around at hospitals to take in a residency, knowing full now his life as a murderer was about to begin.
The sight of him always left me tongue-tied.

Little did I know, this time he planned on cutting my tongue clean off.
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We were friends.
at least I thought so.
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"Itty bitty spider," the girl sang.

The eight legged creature was anything but small or a spider but it was very hungry and the girl looked positively snack-sized.
Why do you fret, Feodosiy, that the ghosts
of these our Cossack ancestors are charging
alongside the invaders? Don't you see
who stand with us, their thirst for vengeance slaked
at once, upon their deaths, by their much greater
hunger for justice and for righteousness:
they whom the Lord had taken to His breast
through these same ancestors' pogroms?

edit: didn't say we couldn't prefer inline spoilers right KEKW