Two Friends (With Icystorm)

[fieldbox=Bailey Fallen, #e0ffff, solid]
A whole family was dead. Because of him. Because he had failed to notice that movement earlier, something that could have prevented the loss of two lives. Or if he had just pulled the trigger faster. Anything, anything he could have done yet hadn't. And the two bodies, three if you counted the zombie, on the floor in front of him attested to that. Bailey hated it. Sure, the world had gone to shit, but these were innocent people trying to make the best out of their horrible situation.

And now they were dead. The pat on his shoulder was no comfort at all despite what it was intended to be, however there was no point in sticking around. Bailey nodded silently, his eyes still locked on the bodies. No burial, no nothing. Just how the world worked. However, he flinched at the thought of other zombies coming around. "We should... At least put them all together. So other zombies won't eat them."

It was a suggestion, but the least they could do. Without waiting for an answer, Bailey began to drag the bodies towards the trapdoor. There was no way of lowering them down gently, but the male made sure they dropped feet first. That way, the family could be together, and they would be protected from animals and zombies alike. He wanted to say something, anything, but the mood was far too dark. He didn't want to show any more weakness in front of Seth, especially when he seemed to be taking it a lot lighter than Bailey. "Let's go then."[/fieldbox]
Halting after taking five steps, Seth turned around and looked at the bodies. Right, they couldn't exactly leave the bodies where they lay. Well they could, but they had already caused enough damage to these people. The least they could do was bring their bodies somewhere safe and where they could rest with their son. It caused his heart to clench and for him to look down at the ground. Best to get this over with quickly so they could get a move on and away from this painful reminder.

Letting out a heavy sigh, he walked back over to where the living and dead were and helped Bailey bring the husband and wife to the trapdoor. Upon reaching it, he opened it for his companion, watching as the other guy dropped them as respectfully as he could into the hole. It wasn't fun to look at the bodies of the two adults, but the thought of the smaller body down below was too much to bare. As soon as he could, he let the door fall shut, his fists clenching as he attempted to keep himself under control.

His body relaxed some when Bailey spoke, giving a small nod. This time, instead of walking ahead, he stayed next to his companion as they left the gun store for the second time in one day. All the sadness was leaving him feeling mentally drained, so for the sake of being able to keep moving the rest of the day, he shoved aside all negative thoughts and settled for a blank nothingness as he stared at the street ahead of him. If his thoughts started to drift into unwanted territory, he focused on the rubble around him, which was thankfully enough to push him back towards the bliss of nothingness.
[fieldbox=Bailey Fallen, #e0ffff, solid]
They walked in silence, both trying their best to deal with the tragedy they had just witnessed. Bailey tried to keep alert, his eyes glancing around every so often, but it was clear that he couldn't focus. The other male was at his side, but Bailey wasn't sure what he was thinking about. Or perhaps, it was nothing at all. Either way, he wasn't going to ask.

At least he still knew where they were going. It didn't make him feel any better, knowing where they were headed. But he had already agreed to the compromise, and he would look like a coward if he backed out of it. He kept his promises to the very end... And after. Bailey wanted to cry, thinking back to the incident, and the one before. But a glance at Seth told him to keep it under control. Who knew what the other thought if he lost it then and there.

Shaking his head, he tried to turn his thoughts to different things. Like food, ammo, water... How much they had taken from the room... The room... "Fuck this," Bailey growled under his breath. "Fuck this world." He had to get it out. Their world had gone to absolute shit, and there was nothing they could do about it. Even the ones that had survived, they had to struggle, they were scarred. "Fuck the stupid virus that ruined it for everyone. I hate this."
The surroundings began to blur into one and made it so Seth did not realize how much time had passed, but long enough for the sun to reach it's highest point and begin it's course back down. Staying alert would have been the better option, but if zombies were going to attack them then they would hear them first. The sudden movement would no doubt draw their attention also, so that would have to be enough.

Angry words, while not loud, shook Seth out of his deadened state. His head turned and cocked slightly to the side as he stared at Bailey. He couldn't blame the man for feeling the way he did, for needing to get out how he felt. What happened wasn't fair, and the world should go fuck itself. There was one big thing on his mind, though, and that was that he did not agree with all that Bailey had said.

"Not everyone." He stopped walking after glancing around to make sure they were safe. Hopefully his companion wouldn't mind that he needed a few minutes to rest his shoulder. "My life was fucked up before the virus happened." He gave a shrug of his shoulders, as if it was no big deal, then slipped the backpack off his shoulders and set it on the ground next to him. "I just need a few minutes." Unless the guy had a problem with that, in which case he would grit his teeth and deal with the pain because an argument was the last thing he wanted right now.
[fieldbox=Bailey Fallen, #e0ffff, solid]
Bailey hadn't exactly been expecting a response, however he shot a glance at the other male when he spoke. Seth had a point. Bailey often forgot that others hadn't always been as well off as he had been, but at the same time, he couldn't really care at this point. He didn't want to talk any more. Sighing softly, he stopped, but didn't speak another word.

He had also forgotten about the shoulder. Looking at it, a grimace was visible for half a second before it went back to that same neutral expression. Should he take blame for it? No. He would always consider his decision as right, in Seth's case. Since he was forced to go on this stupid fucking thing that he never wanted to do. Already, two days in and they had caused the death of a family. If that wasn't a bad omen, then he didn't know what was.

Leaning against a nearby wall, he set the rifle down against it and stared at his feet. There was a broken toy truck, lying on its side, dirt caked and covered in cracks. He stared at it, wondering what kind of life it had had before all of this happened. Perhaps it belonged to a little boy in a happy house. Or maybe, like Seth, it's life had gone down the drain before the apocalypse happened. Either way, they were all in the same boat now. Looking up at Seth, Bailey narrowed his eyes. They were all at the same level now. Or at least, that was what he would have liked to think, but considering the other's survival skills...

After a few minutes, Bailey sighed and picked up the rifle. "Let's get going. It's getting dark, and we need to find some place to sleep again." His voice was still dark, as it was unlikely he would forget the day's events for a while, but he tried to keep it neutral. Even so, he was sure the other would understand. Not waiting for him, Bailey began to walk in the direction they were headed.
Lifting the bag a few inches off the ground, Seth moved it over to the wall Bailey was leaning against and sat down, head resting against the bricks. While the other man did not say anything about his need to rest, he could not help but wonder what he was thinking about. Negative thoughts about him and this stupid journey? How everything had been fucked up quickly and because of them? Or something else entirely? Maybe it was best not to know since all he could come up with was negatives.

Following his companion's line of sight, his eyes came to rest on the toy truck. Unlike Bailey, he didn't think much of it, only that it was now like the rest of the world: broken. Or perhaps the world was always broken, but that line of thinking was too much for him, so he quickly dropped the thought. Whatever the world was before the virus didn't mattered, all that mattered currently was the here and now and surviving one day at a time.

He stood up after a couple of minutes in order to stretch, missing the way Bailey looked at him since he was too busy stretching out his neck and then his back. Lastly he rolled his shoulders, attempting to work out any stiffness in the injured one. It was sore, but it felt a lot better without the weight of the backpack pressing down and against it.

Hearing Bailey speak, Seth reached down and picked up the bag, letting it hang on his non injured shoulder. His mouth opened to reply, but he closed it quickly, choosing not to speak and instead began following Bailey. Talking was pointless right now, and he just wanted to get to a safe place and sleep and eat. In that order would be preferable, but swapping the two around would be the smarter option.
[fieldbox=Bailey Fallen, #e0ffff, solid]
Bailey was hungry, but he wouldn't mention it. They hadn't really eaten since that morning, but they needed to conserve their food despite having just stocked up. At least canned food was better than nothing. He kept his eyes on the road in front of him, glancing around every so often. The sun was dipping lower and lower in the sky, yet none of the houses seemed suitable.

The scarred male was growing increasingly worried as they continued to walk, his eyes darting from house to house. Nothing seemed right. There were no sounds however, no scrambling zombies, and so he forced himself to relax. He was probably still in his depressed mood, yet things were still putting him on edge. Shaking his head, he tried to clear himself of those thoughts.

Finally, they came across an empty looking house. Bailey stopped in front of it, studying it with a careful eye. There was no unusual smell, or sights, and it seemed stable. "Here should be fine," he muttered, heading towards the door. It was one storey, something the male was not fond of, but it was getting dark and he was uncomfortable being out after dark. A campfire was out of the question as well, as they were getting close to the border of the other group and he didn't want to attract attention. Best they eat fast and then sleep.
Seth stared ahead, feeling slightly more alert than he had most of the day. If there was any time to pay attention, it was as it was starting to get dark, especially now when he was uncertain about state of mind Bailey was in. It was possible that the days events were still bothering him, and if that were the case then he wouldn't be able to trust the guy to be on the best look out for danger. It didn't bother him, but he didn't want them to get caught off guard and end up like the man from earlier.

Stopping when Bailey did, he took a look at the house they were in front of. Like every other building, it was becoming run down. The fact that it was one story meant it would be quick to check out It looked fine to him, but so did most places, preferring to test out if a place was safe by just going in. So that is what he did.

"Alright." Quickening his pace, he caught up to Bailey and entered the house before his companion, his eyes quickly darting around and scanning the room as he walked. Everything was oddly in tact: the furniture dusty and only a little torn, pictures hanging on a the walls, a television still plugged into the wall. If it were not for all the dust, he would have thought that the world had never gone to hell. The rest of the rooms were similar to the living room. It would have been unsettling if it wasn't for the couch, which he quickly made his way over and collapsed onto. The bag was set down next to him. Bailey probably had plans for how they should sleep or something like that, but he had no plans of moving from the couch.
[fieldbox=Bailey Fallen, #e0ffff, solid]
Bailey was a little surprised when he walked in, having expected it to look a lot worse. The dust was understandable at least, as it had been more than a few years since the whole apocalypse thing started, and it made certain that nothing had been touched since then. At least no one had died in the house. To him, that was all that mattered. There was no rotting meat, nothing that could attract the zombies. Or anything else for that matter.

The blonde hadn't noticed the other collapse onto the couch, having been fascinated by the pictures. Those were something a lot of people took when they had to evacuate, for sentimental reasons. He had always been curious about the people that had lived in the houses before, and wondered what kind of life they had lived. Blowing gently on the glass, a cloud of dust floated up and he rubbed at it to get a better view.

It looked like a family. Two parents, two kids, at the beach it seemed. They looked so happy. Bailey wondered if they made it out. Not many had, but perhaps they were lucky. Or perhaps not. Maybe some got out, but they had to leave their mother, wife, son or brother behind. Shaking his head, the scarred male sighed to himself. All he was doing was mentally torturing himself for no reason. He glanced around the room to see if he could spot anything that could tell him more about the family, but instead his eyes landed on Seth who had taken up residence on the couch.

"You probably shouldn't sleep there. It'll be bad for your shoulder."
From his position on the couch, Seth could not see Bailey, but he could see the other male's shadow stretching out against the wall in front of him, which happened to be the side of the couch since he was laying across it. He was curious as to what the guy was doing, his shadow barely moving, but not curious enough to turn his head and actually look at the other male. Whatever it was was probably as depressing as the days events, and he would rather not have any of that right now.

His eyes began to close, but sensing movement they opened again and this time he forced his head to turn so his eyes could lock with Bailey's. Just as he had thought, his companion had issues about where he chose to lay down but not for the reason he had been expecting. He lived his life on a couch for as long as he could remember, so he didn't need this guy telling him what he should and should not do. Because of that, he gave Bailey a look that read piss off, but then a better idea came to mind and the look vanished after a second.

His whole body relaxed, his eyelids lowered halfway, and his lips curved upward in charming smile to complete his seductive look, an odd purring sound rumbling in his throat for a few moments before speaking. "Would you rather I join you on the bed?" His search had revealed that there were a few beds in this place, so he would even be happy to let Bailey choose which one. He didn't dare say that, though, not wanting to be too much of an ass and risk getting shot again.
[fieldbox=Bailey Fallen, #e0ffff, solid]
Bailey had been about to go check out the rooms after seeing the obvious stink eye from the other. However something changed, and the scarred male paused to hear the other's words. "Would you rather I join you on the bed?" The male's movements faltered, his brain trying to process exactly what Seth had meant.

The blonde stared at Seth, taking in the expression he had. He wasn't quite sure what to think; he had only asked him not to sleep on the couch, not to join him on the bed? Blinking, he tried to come up with something to say. "W-what?" Great, the best thing he could come up with. He felt like an idiot, but he really had no idea what Seth was insinuating.

"If you really want to sleep there then... Do you want me to do your bandages again?" Bailey wanted to switch the topic so he didn't seem as much of a fool. While he waited for the other male's answer, he glanced around to figure out where he would sleep. The floor was looking like a good option, as the beds had far too much dust for his comfort. Plus, he didn't exactly like the feel of them. Knowing a family had slept here before made him uncomfortable, however he was okay to take a pillow. His eyes moved back to Seth, waiting for his answer.
That Bailey did not take a step back out of surprise, get angry and want to hit him, or become flustered by his words told Seth everything he needed to know: the other male was oblivious to the meaning behind his words and actions. It was amusing, and it told him a lot about his companion. He couldn't say for sure if the guy had ever been laid, but he sure as hell held onto some of the innocence that most guys their age lost by now.

The stuttered one-word question was great, but what really caused his smile to widen was the words that came after. Oh his poor naive companion was really missing out on the better side of life, although perhaps that better side of life was no longer an open option. Unless there were already females in your group, then getting with a person of the opposite sex was not a likely option. But teaching this other male what he referring to was.

Letting out a lengthy, satisfied groan, he stretched his body out, causing his shirt to ride up a few inches. "Only if you plan on removing all my clothes in the process." Letting out the odd purring sound again, he gave Bailey the same look as before, but this time he took his bottom lip between his teeth before releasing it a moment later. "I have only ever caused girls to moan my name, but in this case I can make an exception." If that was not enough of a hint for Bailey to realize what he was referring to, then the scarred male was hopeless.
[fieldbox=Bailey Fallen, #e0ffff, solid]
Having expected a simple yes or no answer, the scarred male's eyes widened first in confusion, then shock. Uh what? Take off all of his clothes? Was he saying what he thought he was saying? About to reply, he paused when he saw that look thrown his way. It was the same one as before, or at least similar, however this time he knew it definitely had a different meaning.

It was at the other's next words that the insinuation finally hit Bailey. Heat rushed to his cheeks, and he took a step back. His mouth opened and closed like a fish, unable to find the words he wanted to say. "Uh... U-uh... W-what? You can't be serious," he gasped out, trying to fully understand the situation. He didn't want to understand it.

"Uh... Sorry but... I'm not interested in guys..." Clearing his throat, he forced his eyes to the ground. "And didn't you say you were only interested in Drustan...?" The red was slowly fading, but he didn't dare look up. He hadn't been hit on for so long, and never by a guy. And never so... Forward. Sure, Bailey knew he was okay looking, the scar having marred his looks, but he hadn't been interested in anyone after she died. And he hoped to whatever higher being that it wouldn't be awkward between them.
As hard as it was to do, with wanting to laugh and grin widely, Seth kept the look of seduction on his face, even adding a small hint of skepticism into his features by raising his eyebrows slightly as if to say, Oh really? No, he was not serious. God forbid he ever get with Bailey in that way, but he had some doubts about the guy not being into guys. How could he not? He wasn't into guys, yet somehow he had fallen for one.

The question that came last nearly broke the look he was trying so hard to keep. Bailey was not wrong there, he was only interested in Drustan, but now that the fun had started it was hard to stop. He knew he should, that this might only push his companion to hate him even more, but it had been awhile since something had been this enjoyable. He couldn't not continue.

Speaking in a husky voice, he ignored the Drustan question for the time being. "If you give me the chance I'm sure I can change your mind about that." Without taking his eyes off the other male, he pushed himself into a sitting position and slowly got to his feet. His eyes narrowing even more, he let his tongue drag lazily across his lip as he took slow, deliberate steps towards the other male.
[fieldbox=Bailey Fallen, #e0ffff, solid]
Apparently nothing Bailey had said dissuaded him. If anything, he'd made it even worse... A glance up told him that Seth was still giving him that look, and it wasn't one he wanted to see. It was almost as if the other was questioning him, and not in a good way either. Trying to regain his composure, he stood up straighter but took a step back at the same time.

"If you give me the chance I'm sure I can change your mind about that." Oh hell no, Bailey didn't want to give the other chance, not at all. But it was starting to seem that he wasn't getting a choice in the matter. Watching Seth get up from the couch with all the elegance of a large cat, the scarred male took another step back when he saw the other advance. Only to find that his back had hit a wall. Bailey's eyes glanced around him, as if looking for an escape.

Deciding he wasn't going to run, the male relaxed his stance and gave Seth an almost annoyed glance. "I don't think that's something you can change my mind on," he stated flatly. Males didn't interest him, but Seth could certainly try as long as it didn't go too far. Crossing his arms, the next glance he sent him was almost challenging. This was the last thing he expected on a night like this, but despite the other having taken him by surprise and getting him flustered earlier, he was determined not to let it happen again.
The quick glance around did not go unnoticed by Seth, and it only added to the fun time he was having. He loved when people thought about running, the idea of a chase was very appealing. He was glad Bailey didn't run, no way in hell was he chasing a guy, but the annoyed look he was sent nearly caused him to stop this little game. It was no fun if the other person wasn't giving a reaction he enjoyed. Too bad for Bailey, it was that nearly challenging look that caused him to continue with these fake advances. He was always up for a challenge.

Keeping with his slow pace, he eventually reached the other male and stopped in front of him. Leaning forward slightly, his left hand moved to rest on the wall near Bailey's head. Bailey was a bit taller than him, and this type of action was better used on someone shorter, but he would make it work. "You should have ran. I enjoy the thrill of the chase." His head was far enough from his companion's so the other male could see the thoughtful expression that came over him. "Or perhaps I prefer it this way. Maybe I could even be a good boy and let you be on top. But there is one thing about that.." His free hand to rest lightly on Bailey's cheek while his lips moved close to his ear, and he continued to speak in his husky voice. "You are right. I am only interested in Drustan. I'd have to be pretty damn drunk to want to fuck or be fucked by the likes of you."

Grinning, both hands dropped down to his sides and he turned away quickly and walked back over to the couch. He lay back down on it while keeping one eye on Bailey. To think that his companion actually thought he was serious was hilarious. Although, his last sentence may have been a bit too much, which is why he took his leave quickly.
[fieldbox=Bailey Fallen, #e0ffff, solid]
Bailey was more than a little surprised when Seth walked over, placing a hand next to his head. It almost felt awkward, considering how the other male was shorter, but he seemed to pull it off quite well. A chill went down his spine at the other's words, but Bailey mostly felt his pride surge up. As if he would run away from something like that. However seeing Seth's expression change caused him to pause, about to say something in retaliation. Be on top? Bailey had honestly no idea what he meant by that, having had exactly zero experience in gay relationships, let alone sex, so that was lost on him.

What Seth said afterwards however... Bailey's eyes narrowed. "I'd have to be pretty damn drunk to want to fuck or be fucked by the likes of you." His pride surged up once again, demanding retribution for such a thing, but he forced it down. Swallowing his hurt pride, he snorted and pretended that it didn't mean anything to him. "Glad I'm not into guys," was all he muttered, never really one to come up with witty comebacks. Glancing to the rifle that lay next to the couch, he wondered if he would be justified in shooting him again. He probably would, and he wanted to, but the scarred male didn't want to have to patch it up.

His mood having soured, the male decided he was no longer hungry and wanted to sleep. Pushing himself off the wall, he ignored Seth and went to find a pillow. Beds were uncomfortable, and he didn't want to wake up sore from sleeping on something he wasn't used to. In his mind, he kept imagining different scenarios of a bullet going through Seth's shoulder, but he kept it to himself. Grabbing a pillow off one of the beds, he dusted it off before heading back. Deciding he didn't want to sleep too close to the other, Bailey set it down near the door to the hallway. He was clearly unhappy, but he'd be damned if he would ever admit that.
Seth kept track of where Bailey was as the guy left the room and came back not long after with a pillow in hand, noting the place Bailey chose to sleep. It was no doubt for the best they stayed away from each other, and now that the humor of the situation was fading, he found a fondness for the other male creeping inside of him. Instead of yelling or becoming aggressive, Bailey only muttered a quick sentence and then shrugged it off. It was something to admire, yet he could not help but feel he deserved to have something more violent be thrown his way, whether it be actions or words. He couldn't pinpoint why, so instead of falling asleep right away, he decided to reflect on the recent events.

Staring at the ceiling, he went through events in order. He could find nothing wrong with the first bit of teasing he had done since it was all in good fun and not meant to harm in any way. It was the sort of teasing that used to happen a lot, at least before zombies became a thing. It wasn't until he thought about the last sentence he spoke--taking time to really reflect on the word choice--that he realized why he felt he deserved more than what he was given. He hadn't meant it to sound that harsh, but fuck himself for not thinking before speaking. After realizing the extent of his words, his admiration towards his companion grew. It couldn't have been easy to let something like that slide.

Sitting up, he looked towards where Bailey lay, knowing he should apologize, but he held himself back from saying anything since now might not be the best times. He would wait until morning after thing have had a chance to cool down. Laying back down, he got into his normal sleeping position and closed his eyes. Thanks to the guild he felt, it took longer than he would have liked to fall asleep, but eventually he drifted off.
[fieldbox=Bailey Fallen, #e0ffff, solid]
Bailey could feel eyes on him, but he ignored it and refused to respond. He would get Seth back tomorrow, but for now he just couldn't be bothered. His mood was worsening every second he thought about it, so he tried to instead fall asleep and not be bothered by it any longer. Closing his eyes, he let out a deep breath and tried to think about tomorrow. Soon enough he drifted off to sleep.

It was a dark and stormy night. Thunder crashed, heavy rained poured down and the wind was whistling through the trees. A jeering laugh, a knife, a flash of pain... A face. Her face. But it began twisting, morphing, into someone else. The woman from earlier that day. A gunshot. Blood, pain, emotional pain, gut wrenching screams... His hands, her blood. His gun, her head. That sorrowful expression, yet trying to smile. It only hurt more. The sound of the gunshot echoed in his head, over and over... Shaking hands... The guilt... The pain...

With a startled gasp, Bailey sat up. His heart was beating fast, his breathing shallow and rapid. It took him a moment to figure out where he was, and what had happened, but as soon as he did he relaxed. His eyes darted to the couch, hoping he hadn't woken Seth, but he had a feeling that he would have. Closing them, he took a deep breath and tried to force the remnants of the nightmare out of his mind. It wasn't the first time, and it wouldn't be the last, but he didn't want the other male asking questions. I'm okay. It was just a nightmare. It's not... Real. He tried, tried so hard to believe that, but it had been real, at some point, and he couldn't ever deny that. His hands were shaking, so the scarred male clenched them to try and relax.
Not long after Bailey's breathing quickened, Seth awoke from his light sleep, his muscles tensing for the first few seconds until he realized that there was no danger. His first thought had been a zombie had gotten into the house and was now creeping up on them, but then he realized that it was his companion. The sound was not something that was foreign. These last few years made it so it was not uncommon to hear one of his men breathe in terror, whimper, or even cry out in their sleep. It seemed even now, away from home and with only one other person near, it was not something he was going to be able to escape.

Silently, Seth sat up and looked towards the sleeping male, wondering yet not wanting to know what the guy was dreaming about. Perhaps the death of the family had to do with the nightmare, or maybe it had nothing to do with yesterday and had everything to do with something from the past. The most likely option was that it was both. The death of the mother, father, and the already dead boy brought out memories from the past and merged into a swirling ball of torment that was now floating around in the scarred male's head.

If he had not been prepared for it, Bailey's sudden gasp would have caused him to jump. He didn't want to admit it, but he did flinch. His eyes never looked away from the guy though, even when Bailey gave a quick glance over. After waiting a few minutes for everything to calm down, he spoke up in a soft, concerned voice, the opposite of how he had last spoken to the male. "Are you ok?" Now he was feeling even worse about the way he treated Bailey last night. It was obvious the guy had some demons.