True love between species?

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Chane stood up from the table and waved at the shops owner as he was a regular. He walked outside and waited next to Zoey. "Alright we have some time to spare. Would you like to go back to the office?"
Zoey looks over at him. "Do you want to see my apartment?" She asks him. She still couldn't get her head around his odd scent, when he got closer the scent got stronger and she couldn't help but turn up her nose to herself, not wanting to see rude. What was he? This wasn't a human scent. She knew perfectly well about the supernatural world. She wasn't a human. She looked like one... But she wasn't.
Chane nodded "Sure, if you think we have time?" He smiled friendly. Either this was a step closer to dating her or a step closer to being her personal servant. As the second wasnt gonna happen he certainly hoped for the first. "We have about fifteen minutes till lunch break is over. You dont wanna be late your first day. But i believe you and i'd love to see where you live."
Zoey headed in the direction of her apartment and showed him from outside, then points towards where they worked. "I'm not too far. It's super quite around here" She says and then shrugs. "I just wanted to show you where abouts I'd move to, nothing interesting" She says and then shrugged.

[Personal servant?]
(Personal grudge. if you wanna know ill explain but its not a big deal)

He nodded "I see. Well at least its close. If you want ill show you my appartment when.. or rather if you let me show you around town?" He gave her his brightest friendliest smile hoping for a positive response
She smiles back and then sniffed a little. "What fragrance for you use? It's super strong" She says and then looks at him.

[Yeah sure, you can explain]
His face turned bright red and he stuttered a little. "I eh.. well, I-heh.. i didnt shower ths morning and my can of deodorant is nearly empty.. So.. none." Shit.. hes such a f**kup sometimes. He lost his chance for sure now.
She nods, understanding. "It's okay! It's just a strong scent you have! Don't worry about it at all" She says and then smiles at him, blushing. She began to walk in the direction of work. "Shall we head back?" She asks, gently.
"Sure" He answered, his face still a reddish hue. "I dont mean to exert pressure but as youre rather attractive and all the men are going to go after you.. could we schedule dinner soon? I wouldnt want to lose my chances with a woman like you to a workplace casanova.."
A blush rose to Zoey's cheek. "Why thank you... Of course we can do dinner soon!" She says happily and then began to walk back to the office, making sure to walk beside him. She spent the rest of the afternoon, typing away and sending out emails. When the day ended she yawned, stretched and then collected her things.
Even when the manager told everyone they could leave Chane stayed, working on his computer and often checking his phone. He didnt mind working extra hours and could very much use the extra payment. Next to that he was qualified for a manager position and within a years time one of the assistant managers would leave.
Zoey stood up and then began to walk away. "Bye! See you tomorrow" She says to Chane, smiling. Once she got home, she places her keys away, shutting her front door and then settling down in front of the TV, curling up with some chocolate ice cream. When it got late she switched off the TV and when to bed. The next morning, she went to work again.
Chane went home late, he needed to finish his work so he could use the hours to take a day off soon. Nobody knew what he was and wanted to keep it hidden from everyone. It was getting late as Chane finished his meal. Being rather tired he decided to take a shower, go to bed and watch some stuff on his tablet before going to sleep.
Zoey was sat at her desk again and then saw a note stuck to her computer, another work schedule. She sighed. Emailing. Emailing. Emailing. Then a little bit of printing. She puts the note beside her and then began to type away at her computer. Work sure was boring. No one except Chane had spoken to her. But Chane wasn't human, was he? He defiantly wasn't, not with that scent.
Chane was neatly on time again, the same outfit although perhaps a little more refined. Like he was trying harder to look good. He occasionally glanced at Zoey hoping their eyes would meet. It happened accasionally and he blushed whenever it did.
Zoey stood up and goes over to the coffee machine, making herself some coffee and the sipping it. It gave her a boost of energy from the caffeine. When she finished drinking her coffee she goes back over to her desk and looks out of the window. Yesterday, her eyes were a light honey brown, today her eyes were a little darker and tinted red. She forgot to bring her contacts with her.
Chane had an eerie feeling in the back of his mind whenever he looked at her eyes. Something was wrong but the new feelings of affection for her mostly pressed it away. Lunch break came again and today he decided to wait and see who else was going to try to take her out. Pherpa she'd even approach him.
Zoey made herself some more coffee and then goes over to Chane, smiling. "Hey!" She says and then sat down on the empty desk beside him. The office was empty as most of her colleagues had gone out to get lunch.
Chane smiled brightly. Holy shit she came to him. "Hey! Hows your second day? Easy going i hope?" He was sure she was fitting in. She was quite obviously interested in him and the rest of the office seemed to realise it. "Wanna go out to eat again?" He asked already thinking of a place he'd take her if she said yes.
Zoey nodded, "I'd love to go out and eat again" She says and then finis she'd her coffee and goes over to her own desk to collect her things. She left their office and waited outside so they could go out and eat with each other. His scent was still pretty strong, as she noticed.
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