
She smiles and chuckles, moving her hands into her pockets. "I'll admit I was intimidated."
Emily blinks. "Uh.. It isn't something I regret. But it was kind of a surprise."
Charles saw the bus coming as he heard her statement.
"So you would...consider it again?" He mumbled.
She looks at Charles and nods. "Yes.. I would." Looks at the bus as it approaches.
Charles had this look of confusion on his face.
"I have to go," he said,still confuse do
He got onto the bus and sat down.
She sighs and runs off towards her car, starting the car and driving home.
The next day was a weird school day.
The principal was sick and the teachers all seemed to be meaner than usual.
Emily as in the back of class like usual, wearing a skirt and a band tee shirt. She was looking out the widow like usual.
Oke of the girls was there again.
She took her pencil and kept poking him in the back of the head with it, whispering the word 'Tranny'.
Emily glances to her and recognized her from the party, then scribbled 'horse lips' on a note and tossed it to the girl.
Charles glared at her,knowing that Emily would at least get a slap from the girl.
The girl got up and stood in front of her desk.
Emily glances to the girl, then her gaze hardened to a glare as she stood up. "You know, I'm starting to see a pattern with you. Not only do out have horse lips, your face looks like a horses ass to." She smirks.
She took her desk and slid it away from her,then slapping her in the face at least three times.
Emily caught her hand the last time and glared at the girl. "God, you hit like a bitch..." After she said that she drew her fist back and punched the girl in the eye.
The girls was furios, throwing a chair on her before leaving the room.
Charles was covering his head the whole time.
Emily fells back against the wall from the blow of the chair and glares at the girl. She didn't bother going after her.
"Are you okay?" He mouthed as his head rose from his desk.
She stood up and nodded, turning her head away and fixes her desk. She say back down and rests her head in her hand and looks out the window.
"Hey... You wanan just skip class?" He mumbled to her.