Tokyo Ghoul: Two Worlds (IC)

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As the cafe's door opened and the bell went off, Reiku's attention went over to their new guests as she dropped off from continuing her conversation with Roger for now. Who was at the door she did not expect, but at least she did not have to entirely make up a cover story or anything into a human facade. Sighing out quietly, Reikuhara smiled gently as she walked over to the center of the group, arms crossed underhanded, "Vera.. It truly has, hasn't it.." She spoke with a genuine smile and eased eyes, turning her head to look at Usami for a moment before a faint frown. Looking back, her frown disappears before she looks back to Vera, their eyes sharing similar colors, "What brings you back to your old home away from home?.." Although most of the others likely did not know who Vera was initially, Usami and Reiku certainly did, and on that note Reiku slightly looked over to Roger over her shoulder in slight wariness of his wiles. She also took note of the person that came with Vera. A curious look to him, rather young looking too. She was curious above all else of what brought Vera to Iblis Fleur, particularly not being alone either. "Would you two like to enjoy a cup of coffee? I just brewed some and there's enough for you two if you'd like. It's the least I can do for good visitors.."
7th Ward
[Oshiage, Sumida: Apartments]

Collaboration with @Akashi

Moving past the police car, Taiki ducked under the yellow caution tape and made his way to the two officers at the front. Giving a small wave and showing his badge he introduced himself, "Kobayashi Taiki, Rank 1 Investigator." he said with a smile, "We were sent by the CCG to inspect the scene, mind leading us?" Taiki said as he motioned back to Akina.

"Inspector Sugiura, nice to make your acquaintance Investigator. Although the circumstances could be better." the Inspector said with a slight bow of his head. Watching as the female investigator arrived, he turned around and opened the door to the building.

"The scene is on the second floor, but there's blood splatter and evidence throughout the halls. So do watch your step." he said as he made his way inside. "So we think that the Ghoul that did this, came in through the window of the room 27B... It attacked the occupants and made it's way into the halls." he said motioning to a large blood stain on the floor, "It came out here and killed the land lady who heard the commotion in the room, liely she came to check.... Terrible stuff really." He stopped at a door pushed out from the inside, clearly separated from the top hinges. "The Ghoul didn't even undo the latches when it came out of the room, just burst right through the door."

Switching on his torch and shining the beam into the room he continued, "This is 27B, everything's a mess in there, so watch yourself. I need to get back to my partner outside, can't have a lone officer at the scene of a Ghoul attack. Never know who might show up." he said as he stowed his torch and started back down the hall.

As the Inspector started walking away Taiki gave a quick "Thank you" and motioned for Akina to be the first in, "This was always your area of expertise-" he paused, "Or at least... That's what your file said." he chimed with a smirk apparent on his face.

Akina stayed quiet and only showed her badge to the Inspectors outside, right after Taiki introduced himself. One of the officers lead them to the room where the incident happened. She mostly kept quiet and didn't ask any questions, because she knew that they could not answer any of them. Her expression was serious and focused as they made it to the second floor. 'Blood..' She thought to herself

Glancing at the blood on the floor and the walls in the hallway, leading up the the room 27B, they all stopped in their tracks, before the officer who lead the way left. A light smile was expressed in response. Shifting her attention away from the officer, she looked at Taiki, before the broken door. The light inside the room was also flickering. The place was indeed in a bad shape. "I never pegged you for reading anything that wouldn't suit your interests.." She casually finished.

A few seconds passed before she continued. "Alright. Lets see what this Ghoul has done so far.." Even from outside the room, the smell was almost unbearable. Taking a small handkerchief from her pocket, she covered her nose. An almost nauseous expression was plastered on her face, before a sigh escaped her lips. They had to get this done and over with.

Once they were inside, blood splatters were on the wall. A half-destroyed lamp on the ground. The light on the ceiling flickering. The kitchen was a mess. There were also more than just one bedroom in the apartment. The glass table in the bed room was shattered into pieces. Standing there still for the moment she opened up her briefcase, taking the file for the investigation out. Extending her hand backwards, where Taiki was, she wanted to hand it to him.

"The police made the right call. This is definitely up our alley. So.. Take a look in the file for the pictures of the body they found in this apartment. Check the wounds so we can re-confirm exactly how big they are." She asked. She was not done though, there was more to it than what she relayed.

Once Taiki grabbed the file from her hand, she continued. "This was definitely a struggle. The Ghoul did not catch the victim by surprise. He was an amateur.. But what do I know.. These Ghouls are unpredictable at best... By the way.. I'll take a look at the living room.. Seems like he missed with his Rinkaku and made some holes in the wall.." Akina explained, before she grabbed a few white gloves from her briefcase, handing a pair to Taiki before putting the second pair on.

Taking the folder from Akina he opened it and sifted through the papers for the pictures of the body. Choosing a picture of where the body was found, he moved to the blood stain in the carpet that coincided with the picture. 'Almost ripped in half, almost... Perhaps a Rinkaku user that can only use a single tentacle?' he thought as he knelt down to the stain on the floor. Cocking his head to the side he looked at the window, only a few meters away, and to his left the couch, in between it all was the glass table shattered and in pieces. "Through the window, the occupant was on the couch, she stood up at the sight and was tackled onto the table..." he said in a low voice, turning his head to the living room he yelled to Akina.

"Do you think that the Ghoul may have knocked over the lamp when it revealed its Rinkaku? I mean if it's unskilled; which I agree on that part with you... It would make sense, right?" he said 'An untrained person, even against a lightly skilled Ghoul, wouldn't stand much of a chance. This fight was over quick no doubt.' he thought as he waited for her response. Shifting his body he moved to the TV stand, behind it the TV. Putting on his gloves he lifted the flat screen out from behind it and laid it down. He ran his fingers over a gash in the screen, '10 cm wide, and it tapers to the right. The Rinkaku swung from left to right, knocked over the lamp and then came through the occupant. Rough way to go.' he thought.

"Hey Akina, I don't think there was much of a fight..." he said standing from where he was, "...So why would there be holes in the living room if it ended here, in the bedroom?" he asked s he made his way inside.

Her briefcase was placed on the floor close to her. Akina was in the living room. Slightly crouched as she touched the bloodstains that were dry. Her sense of smell was unique. She was able to smell the difference between a Ghoul or a Human. It was something about the blood of the former which made it unique. It was something she trained back in the CCG during her years in the Academy and what not. "Hmm?" She wondered, hearing Taiki from the bedroom. "Obviously.. This would be the victims blood.." Akina whispered to herself.

Her attention shifted to her fellow Investigator, before she decided to give a response. "It may have been the Ghoul. I'm a bit unsure about that.. Something doesn't seem right about this.." Akina was unsure if the police report was actually accurate anymore. Touching some other blood stains on the hard floor, she rubbed her thumb against her index finger. "They sure took their time in reporting this to the CCG.." Akina whispered to herself, before standing up.

Approaching the wall behind the TV, she noticed the big holes in it and the TV, which was surprisingly still standing on the TV table. A curious expression was plastered on her face, following the trail from the holes to the right side of the wall, with her left hand placed on the wall as she walked, ending up in the right bottom corner. Her gaze ended up on the scratch marks on the hard floor. Something bothered her. "[/COLOR]Now.. Why would there be scratch marks on the floor when the victim was killed in the bedroom?[/COLOR]" Asking herself that question a few times, she sighed.

"It apparently wasn't much of a struggle as you said.. But Taiki.. How old was the victim? Wasn't she young? In her early twenties?" Akina asked.

Standing in the doorway to the living room, Taiki watched as Akina traced the holes in the wall. "Yeah she was-" he flipped through the folder, "23, it says. Why does that matter though?" he asked as he moved to the middle of the living room, "You think since she's young she may have had a better chance...?" he said as he too moved closer to the holes in the wall.

'Why are these here...' he thought as he took out a small flashlight and looked inside the hole, "They don't penetrate all that deep, may a quarter of the way through the wall..." he said as he stepped back from the holes.As he stood in the middle of the room he glanced around, the swaying light was beginning to get on his nerves, 'Fuck that light.' he thought.

"Maybe, just maybe... And hear me out on this. Could there have been someone other than the Ghoul and our victim in the room? Maybe a lover, or a second Ghoul...?" he asked Akina.

"No to your first question.. And a maybe to your second.." Turning around from the wall she followed the scratch marks to the middle of the living room. Standing before the trail which ended, she gazed at Taiki. Her arms crossed before her chest, her eyes squinted. "In the report it was said that the victim was found naked, with her towel covered in blood. She was in the shower room, which is connected to the bed room.. So once she was done taking a shower, and made her way to the bed room, that's when she met with an unfortunate end. Hmmm... Nor did the police find a second victim."

Walking past Taiki before glancing around in the kitchen, nothing out of the ordinary was there. Everything regarding that one section was thoroughly explained in the report, nor was it necessary for their investigation. The victim or the perpetrator never did make it there. Turning around, she ended up kicking one of the light lamps in the living room, which was on the floor. Her eyes locked onto it. "I'm not sure why the police was unable to actually discover this...."

Thanks to her eyes focused towards the floor due to the light lamp, she ended up looking at the scratch marks again, and decided to walk towards the balcony. Right before the transparent door leading outside, she crouched, looking at the wall. "There are some more scratch marks here.." Squinting her eyes she pushed the small table that had the light lamp placed upon it. "Nails..." She discovered.

Taking them up, she noticed the bad shape they were in. Blood was covering them, but she was able to figure out that they were to that of a female. "Well.. Apparently, both you and I assumed the right thing. That's why I asked you to check how old she was. I'm almost that age and if I were like the victim, I'd probably have friends over occasionally.. It may be a lover or just a friend though, but its definitely another female.."

Standing up, she walked outside and to the balcony, looking at the view before her. It was finally dark outside. A few moments passed before she turned around, walking back inside. Her expression was quite serious. "Since this Ghoul has been attacking in this area.. We can probably assume that he or she... Is somewhere close to the crime scenes. The Ghoul probably lives in this area, or moved here due to how easy it is for him to get what he wants... And we both know what that is... Humans..."

Looking over at the holes on the wall, she diverted her attention back at Taiki, to explain further what she had deduced. "The Ghoul probably didn't intend to have more than just one person here.. Once it discovered someone was in the living room, it tried to kill the second victim, but instead.... Decided to kidnap her... I would only assume its to quench its hunger... When the Ghoul is hungry again.. That is.."

Taiki expression became tensed as Akina got to what he had been thinking, "So you think it too, it took whoever else was in this room with it..." he said as he motioned to the balcony that she had been standing on. "Take your folder back, we got what needed from this room I'd say." he outstretched his arm to allow her to take it. 'So there's still a survivor out there.' he thought as he turned for the door. "We should go inform the Inspector, get police involved in a missing persons search. You know posters, ads, door to door sort of stuff." he said as he headed for the door, "They still do that sort of thing these days right?" he asked, not entirely expecting an answer.

As he exited the room, he was careful not to further destroy the door. Making his way down the hall he took note of all the rooms that were dark, and the ones with light visible from under the door. "We should start with the neighbors once we talk to the police, they're our best bet at figuring out who our unknown victim in this..." he said as he turned to start down the stair well.

A few moments later and they were back at the door to the building, "Inspector Sugiura, we have something that you need to relay up to your superiors." he said allowing the Inspector a moment to be ready, "We have reason to believe, that our suspect, the Ghoul... Kidnapped another victim from inside 27B after it had already dispatched the apartment owner. We don't know who but it's very likely that there is someone out there with this Ghoul still alive." he said as he glanced out into the darkness of the night. "You need to get some sort of a search started, whatever cops do in these situations." he said, still unsure of exactly what they could do to help.

"Thank you for your cooperation Inspector" he said with a slight bow of his head as he turned back to Akina, "Lets start with the neighbors yeah?" Taiki said. Making his way up the stairs, the Inspector could be faintly heard talking on the radio.
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Iblis Fleur Cafe
14th Ward

Feeling rather ignored, Hikari pouted as she clung to Roger's back like a Kuala babe to its mother. Watching from behind his shoulder as Sora strode up looking ready to strangle the blonde boy. Grinning she stuck her tongue out at the bluenette before she was suddenly upside than in Roger's arms being tickled to death. Squirming and giggling she tried to get away but his hold was strong.

"Wait no-hahaha-st-stop!" She pleaded between giggles. Ari's attention was diverted though as a blonde woman with scary eyes and a boy with an eyepatch walked in. Instantly her mood switched from happy/light to closed off as she went silent. It seemed Reiku knew the woman as they exchanged tense greetings. She could tell from the atmosphere in the room though, this was dangerous company. Hikari moved onto Roger's back once more, her light crimson eyes peaking out from beneath the Ghoul's shoulder. "Who are they?" She whispered to the blonde.

@Akashi @Detective Zero
14th Ward - CCG Headquarters
Eitoro & Luffy


Collaboration with @Ascendant

The large man and lithe woman entered the elevator to return to the lower levels of headquarters where their offices and lockers would be so that the pair could change into something more appropriate, Eitoro quietly pressing a key to send them down. After a few moments, he looked over at the redhead and asked a simple question, "Feelings?"

Luffy was automatically following Eitoro as she flipped through the document. She wanted to be prepared for their next assignment, though there was only so much preparing they could do if they were going to possibly be attacked. She looked up from the papers when her partner spoke. Frowning in thought she taps her chin with her index finger as she closes the file. "Well...I'm a little curious as to why they suddenly want to get rid of so many research Ghoul's at once...And wary of a possible ambush when we arrive by a separate party. The Director did say there was rumors of a group planning to attack the facility. What about you?" Her tone was calm and serious, a rare occurrence for the usually bubbly redhead.

The familiar "ding" let them know they reached their floor before the doors slid open. Instead of following this time Luffy took the lead, walking out she headed for their lockers. 'I should of asked the Director about upgrading my Quinque.....Maybe I'll just ask one of the researchers...' She'd been thinking of a pretty good upgrade for her Utaku Quinque but just recently finished the plans for it.

Eitoro casually followed the woman while making a mental note to absolutely not wander into the woman's locker room. He'd had one too many close calls by just absent-mindedly following Luffy, but Eitoro quickly turned his attention to the matter at hand, "I think the Director might know more than he's telling us. But we should always be prepared for an attack at any time anyway..." Sighing lightly, he popped open his book from earlier, trailing behind Luffy as he read. This particular one was of the science fiction genre, centered around a man who fused with biological energy, becoming like a God. It was a fair bit more interesting to Eitoro than the current situation. As much as he trained to kill ghouls, it was not his focus in life.

Luffy rolled her eyes at Eitoro's bland explanation before he stuck his head in a book, again. Leading the purple haired man toward the locker rooms, she stopped in front of the woman's before lightly punching him in the bicep to get his attention. "Hey Bookworm, I dont mind but I'm pretty sure the others will if you wander into the ladies lockers again." She teased, remembering the last time he had received a shoe to the face.

Flipping her index and middle finger off her temple in a "c ya" gesture with a grin she goes into the locker room. It only took Luffy about 5 minutes to switch out of her gym clothes and into her casual ones (the shorts are a bit longer). With her silver briefcases in hand she walks out looking for Eitoro, her red hair down now.

you don't mind might be a bit more disconcerting, flashed through Eitoro's mind before nodding in agreement. The last time wasn't particularly fun, considering he had a shoe imprint on his face for a few hours afterwards. Disappearing into the men's locker room, he took his time changing, making Luffy wait about five extra minutes before he emerged in his usual comfortable button-up shirt, slacks, and tie, book once more in hand with his briefcases held together in another. As he walked out, he couldn't help but look at her and mutter just loud enough for her to hear, "Trying to seduce the ghouls to death?"

Eitoro took so long by the time he returned she was playing with her phone out of boredom. Before responding to his comment about her attire, Luffy snapped a pic of him with her phone. With a grin on her lips she tucked it back into her pocket. "I realized I didn't have a photo of you for my contact list, problem solved." Moving from the wall where she had been leaning she starts walking toward the elevator, a purposeful swagger to her hips.

"Pff, if they died that easy we wouldn't have an epidemic huh? Besides I hate stuffy clothes and these give me more mobility. Does my outfit bother you Eiti-kun~?" She teases with obvious confidence in her appearance. Once inside the elevator she slips a biker jacket on and zips it up most the way.

Her impromptu photography made the man frown for a moment, but he figured he should just let it go as Eitoro followed Luffy towards the elevator. Honestly, it almost feels like she's trying to seduce me sometimes, moving her hips like that. This woman. The man tried his best to keep his eyes off her hips and rear by increasing his speed until he'd caught up with her. Red's comment made him blush for a moment as they entered the elevator, "Erm..." The correct answer is I want to rip it off and do you in this elevator but that would get us both fired and cause serious trouble, and good god the sexual harassment complaints that would probably result considering she's likely just screwing with me. Eitoro decided to take the best course of action: inch away from Luffy and bury his face in his book to hide his embarrassment, "It bothers all men."

Luffy giggled at Eitoro's reaction, it was quite adorable and she enjoyed causing it. Cuz that meant she was still after all these years, able to catch him off guard. "Oh relax Bookworm, its not like I'm gonna jump ya...Right now." She said the last part with a playful wink before stepping out of the elevator and into the parking garage. But instead of heading to a car, she strode to a sleek motorcycle and took the helmet off the handle bar.

Eitoro couldn't help but avoid eye contact considering Luffy's comment, further hiding himself behind the book. Sometimes the teasing does get a bit annoying, was what he wanted to say, until he found himself staring at her motorcycle, "Eh? You expect me to ride with you this time? We're not taking a train or walking or... something?" What he really wanted to avoid was ending up sitting behind her, with his arms around the woman. That was something unavoidable considering his inability to ride a motorcycle.

Rolling her eyes at her partner, Luffy grabbed a spare silver helmet she kept under the seat. "We're just riding to the train station doof. Or are you against letting me drive?" She taunted with a raised eyebrow. Swinging one long, tan leg over the bike she held out the helmet for him. "C'mon, you know you secretly love riding with me." She teased with a smile. 'I know I do...' She thought a bit wistfully.
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Standing there, in a familiar place, Vera noticed that not much had changed since the old times. Time really flew by quite fast. Normal expression was plastered on her face. It apparently looked like a bunch of people who knew or worked with Reiku was around. Glancing around, she noticed her sister. Her attention shifted from one person to another. Most looked familiar, while some others didn't. "It looks like the staff has gotten even bigger than ever before, hasn't it.. Reiku?" She rhetorically asked. "I assume Kubo is still around?"

It was an obvious question. Vera knew Kubo. "And I assume you've been taking good care of my sister?.." Her eyes peered over at Usami, before they ventured back to Reiku. "Anyhow.. I'm here on important business. So perhaps we should take this conversation somewhere else.." Vera's voice sounded serious. Things were probably going to change more in the 14th Ward than what it already has. Walking past the counter, Vera stopped in her tracks. Tilting her head to the side, from the corner of her purple eyes, she gazed at her companion, Shione.

"Stay here Shione.. I'll be back soon." She finished, before opening up the door to the kitchen and to the back of Iblis Fleur as if she owned the place. "The office is still in the same place?... If so, lets head there... The coffee can wait." Having done that, her gaze shifted back towards Reiku, waiting for her to actually move, so she could follow her.
Reikuhara Veritahl
Standing there as she listened, her black haired wig gently waving about as she shifted her weight from one leg to another. Grinning faintly, the tall woman answered back to their visitor, nodding to her 'questions,' "He's in the kitchen handling some business.. And yeah.. Usami's fitting in just fine here, almost like a little sister to myself.."

With violet eyes, Reiku stared back at Vera's similarly colored irises and nodded again as she began to walk to the door, "Very well then, I was thinking to suggest we head there anyways.." Looking around the cafe once and smiling as she looked at some of the others, "Everyone knows the drill, alright? Keep things civil and the like, alright Sora? I don't need you trying to bite Roger's head off.. And speaking of, Roger.. We'll finish what we were talking about shortly after this visit, ok? We'll discuss what you'll get in return then, sound good?" And with that, the calm, gentle woman turned back to Vera as she slipped by, leading her through the place to the meeting room.​

Iblis Fleur Cafe

Roger Burns

"I don't know," was the whispered reply to Hikari's question, "But I don't think it concerns you, little one... This looks like adult business." Roger patted the koala on the head, and the nodded in confirmation to Reiku's instructions, "I understand." The Ghoul couldn't help but eye the weird fucker carrying a violin of all things. The eyepatched one put him on edge, his Kagune practically boiling to cut the man apart.

Roger ignored that instinct as much as he could, though he would pounce in an instant if violin-boy showed any aggression, as he turned his attention to Hikari, "Let's have something to drink. Maybe play a game. You can tell me how life is going." With Hikari still attached to his back, he casually walked over to the bar, motioning for Sora to attend to him with a smile, as well as trying to lighten the mood, "I would like some coffee, blue-haired cutie!"
Shione Tatsuyoshi
Iblis Fleur

Shione nodded his head silently in response to Vera's order, not once letting down his guard as he looked at all of the unfamiliar faces and the interior of the cafe. Upon one of the few faces, he noticed someone eyeing him, making him smile provokingly as he walked to a nearby empty table. The feeling of causing some havoc stirring in him, knowing well how Vera explained the cafe to be. 'A sanctuary'. Hearing that word made him want to instigate some trouble or at least impel a bit of action into the people in the cafe. After all, it wasn't like Vera told him to specifically stay out of trouble. He was only told to stay in the perimeters of the cafe, but the thought of the aftermath made him think twice about his actions and he decided to lay low.

As Shione stood before the empty table, he brought his left foot back to kick it, causing it to tilt to the side and fall back into place unstably as he lazily dragged the chair back with his foot, creating a high pitched sound against the floor and sat down with the violin in his lap. Letting out a yawn, he rested his elbow on the table and leaned against it as he watched the people in the cafe with boredom. His intimidating gaze fixated on anyone making a movement, though more specifically on the person who eyed him earlier. I wanna sleep... He groaned aloud to himself while drumming his fingers that rested on his violin. Why did Vera bring me here again? He questioned mentally with another yawn.
Iblis Fleur Cafe
14th Ward


Kaname cringed at Sora's berating, it wasn't really helping his hunger since his temper was a bit sensitive currently. Luckily the bluenette became distracted and left the two men. Kan felt his stomach cramping enough from his hunger that he nearly went to his knees. Letting Kubo sit him on a bench, Kan couldn't bring himself to respond for fear he would attack instead.

So when the older boy tossed him a bag of flesh, his red irises fixated on the package as he started salivating like a starving dog facing a juicy piece of steak. Without any hesitation the Ghoul tore into the paper and dug into the flesh. If he was in his right mind, Kan would be disgusted with himself. But as he was now, it was all he could do not to growl as he ate, he was more animal than human at this point.

The obsidian haired teenager was finished in less than 30 seconds. "More..More..." He panted, standing up from the bench he headed for the fridge. 'No!' A voice of reason cut through his mind. Stopping just short of the fridge, the red haze that had begun to cloud his visiom faded. Kan could feel his hunger subsiding, though it was very much still there. Taking slow, deep breaths, the boy slowly regained control.

That was when he picked up unfamiliar scents, Ghoul scents. Frowning Kaname quickly washed the blood from his hands before proceeding into the dinning room. But right as he reached for the door, it swung back his way, hitting him square in the face. Stumbling back the Ghoul covered his face with his hands as Reiku entered. "" He winced, emerald eyes peaking out from between fingers to see Reiku and another woman. 'Who is she?' He mentally questioned but thought better than to voice it, he was on thin ice already.
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Sophie Hirijikawa

Sophie sighed softly, keeping silent as Kumari babbles her nonsense and giggles like a maniac. She can't believe she needs to work with her. Well, not that she doesn't have any choice but she needs to follow orders or else Vera won't be happy.

She nodded at Hakaze's statement about Kumari is dumb. Well, the guy does have a point. Why bring someone else when two people are already considered as a group?

Sophie just kept on walking, not bothered that Kumari is way ahead of her and left her with Hakaze. Hakaze seems like a good guy, but she's not someone to trust so easily.

"Yep, and I know who you are" Sophie answered, eyeing his hand for a moment before shaking it. She didn't want to be rude or anything but she's just not in the mood right now to get all sweet and mushy around him. She wanted to get back to the headquarters as soon as she can to play with her pomegranates once again.

Sighing, she placed her masquerade mask on her face. Huh.. I really shouldn't blame this guy for my wretched mood, she thought to herself, stopping in her tracks before speaking "Look.. I'm sorry if I'm being a bitch right now. I just.. Want to get back to my pomegranates, that's all. Sorry.. Um.. Anyway, it's nice to meet you.." she said in a sweet voice and a warm smile. It's really wrong for her to be so moody and suddenly be sweet all of a sudden but what the heck? Just being she's being sweet doesn't mean she trusts him.
A small thud was heard from the other side of the door once Vera had opened it, but decided not to react to it. Her attention was immediately caught by what Reiku said in return, regarding her sister. It was almost as if the woman was trying to provoke something out of Vera. She almost twitched to the respond, but decided to let it go. "Good, I wouldn't have it any other way..." Obviously it was not something she meant in its entirety.

Just before she followed Reiku inside the room, her eyes glanced over at the last person she spoke to. 'An unfamiliar face.... But a Ghoul...' She wondered. Walking in after Reiku, she noticed a young boy on the ground, covering his face with his hands. Standing right infront of him, she was almost glaring down at him, before crouching down at his level. Vera's face was quite close to the young ghoul, which she noticed right away. "Hmm..."

Her eyes squinted as she held his chin. "Isn't the coffee helping you quench your... hunger?" Vera rhetorically asked. "I can see that you're having hard time controlling your... inner beast.." The boy infront of her was somewhat interesting. Perhaps it was someone she could use for herself. Judging by the smell surrounding the kitchen, and definetely around the boy. Vera knew exactly what he had been doing back there.

"Oh well.." She started, before standing up, looking over at Reiku with an interesting smile on her face. "Is all of your new staff in this condition?.." Vera walked past the young Ghoul, towards Reiku. She had definetely taken note of the young boy, and his appetite.
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Iblis Fleur Cafe
14th Ward


Eyeing the same weirdo as Roger was from behind his shoulder, Hikari automatically didn't like the strange Ghouls that seemed to know Reiki. Her attention was pulled away though as the blonde brought up games, knowing that would distract the redhead. Her scowl turning into a beaming grin, she nodded enthusiastically. Hopping off the older Ghoul, she took a seat next to him and giggled at his nickname for Sora.

"You know shes probably gonna spit in your coffee now." She warned lightly. "Oh! I'm finally getting my mask tomorrow!" Hikari announced excitedly, she was impatient to see it, she just hoped Mayuri didn't make it all frilly. "Maybe I could come-" Her sentence was cut off as a loud thump echoed through the room, making the young Ghoul nearly jump out of her seat. Frowning she looked over at the Ghoul with the eyepatch. Seeing the table knocked over she scowled at him.

Before Roger could stop her, Hikari hopped off the bench and walked straight over to Mr. Wierdo. "What was that for?" She fearlessly questioned, still scowling at the boy.
Reikuhara Veritahl

Sighing a bit as she crossed her arms, Reiku looked between Vera and Kaname as they 'met' beyond the door. "No, he just seems to have his own little... Issue on keeping track lately I suppose. Kaname's a good kid, and so are the others. If Kubo's to join us in the meeting room I'll leave it to his discretion unless that's something you don't want, Vera?.. Either way, it looks like we'll need to get down to business, the door's in its usual spot.." Reiku then looked over to Kaname with a hand resting gently on her side, "And Kaname? I do hope you keep that in check atleast for tonight. You still remember last time you let this happen, no? I won't hesitate to have you clean the entire place again to the last speck of dust, if not something worse to come to mind.."
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18th District

Hakaze was bewildered by Sophie's response, but he brushed his thoughts aside as he nodded at her with a smile in return and retreated his hand to his side with a puzzled expression. Seriously? Pomegranates... What's wrong with these people? Hakaze thought to himself as he tried to catch up to Kumari's pace. I can't say that i'm surprised after meeting most of them anyway. Weirdos. They really have some screws loose. Maybe even all of them.

"Ah!" Kumari exclaimed after awhile as she put a hand to her head, squinting her eyes to scan the area of several drab buildings surrounding them after passing the border of the 5th district. This made Hakaze stop right behind Kumari from surprise and followed her gaze as she looked around. She then stopped as she looked at a specific building in the distance, not too far away and smiled. Just as Vera had said, it wasn't very difficult to spot it when they knew what they were looking for. "Kumari found it~" She spoke quietly as she turned around to face Hakaze and Sophie. "Kumari's going to find another way in... Mission first," she spoke sullenly as she turned back around, her steps gradually growing quiet with caution as they began to near the Quillex Research Facility.

Hakaze was taken by surprise from Kumari's sudden transition to having a serious attitude by doing what she was told to do first. This made him smile as he decided to go with Kumari. Knowing well that she wouldn't mind his presence as much as Sophie, who had clearly shown her distrust towards him. That, and Kumari was the one who forcefully brought him with them in the first place. "What about you, Sophie?" Hakaze asked curiously with hesitation as he glanced at her.

Shione Tatsuyoshi
Iblis Fleur

Shione's attention landed on the girl that was hanging onto the person who was eyeing him before and watched the girl as she approached. Not moving from his spot, he looked up at her and sat up slowly with amusement from her reaction. "Who are you... Chibi?" He asked out of curiosity, completely ignoring her scowl and question as his expression softened slightly, but was quickly replaced with a provoking smirk. The girl somehow reminded him of Kumari, though it might have just been their age group or maybe just because they were brats in general, but it brought him out of his boredom nonetheless.

Solus Ryuukage
14th District; Library

By the time the sun had set and the sky grew dark, many people had left the library but a few who were also getting ready to leave. The sound of people shuffling their things with quick movements were heard, as well as the faintly ticking noises from the clock, hanging on the wall. In the back of the library as always, Solus was sprawled on the ground with books surrounding her as she flipped through them. Suddenly sitting up, she lifted her arm to look at Doku who stared back at her with his blank and beady eyes. "I think it's about time... I think," she spoke as she let out a sigh and closed her book. "I hope everything will be over by the time I get there. Just need to salvage a few things for information," she said as she picked her books up to put them back.

"That's rare. Are you leaving?" Aria asked from a few feet away while putting some stray books back on the shelves and noticing that Solus was oddly putting the books away also.

"Yeah, i'll be back," Solus responded. "Hopefully." she mumbled as she put up the last of her books and crouched down under her table to grab a small, plastic storage container. Grabbing Shipo who was sitting on her shoulder, she stuck him inside and pulled out a larger container to stick Doku in. Giving them a small smile, she pushed the containers back under the table with a table cloth over them and passed by Aria to leave.

"It's really late. Where are you going at a time like this anyway?" Aria asked, with her voice filled with concern, making Solus turn to look at Aria with irritation. "When are you going to be back? Does it have anything to do with those strange people that always come by to see you?" She continued, making Solus rub her head because of the woman. "You shouldn't go alone and especially during this time of day. It's-"

"Persistent..." Solus cut her off harshly, losing her patience from Aria's nagging. "This has nothing to do with you. Just go back to whatever you always do and be ignorant like everyone else," Solus spoke coldly as she left without another word, leaving Aria speechless and hurt from the girl's distant words.

Solus walked through the doors of the library to be greeted with the cool night air as she looked around the empty streets that were illuminated by the street lamps and windows of shops that were still open. Inhaling the cold air deeply, she then exhaled a sigh of relief as she was finally out and away from Aria, though a small sign of guilt lingered afterwards. Brushing the feeling off, she focused on her current task at hand. There's no way i'm going to walk all the way over to the 18th district. That's too far away... She thought to herself with a groan. I'll just hitch a ride and walk the rest of the way there, Solus decided as she walked down the streets to see if there were any free cabs she could take advantage of.
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