To be Reaped (with wolfthehybrid)

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Kuro looked around at the forest they seemed to have appeared next to, her eyes slowly trailing to the body on the side of the road. Okay, so it looks like a kid got hit by a car. But how? This place was practically abandoned, and who would just leave his body on the side of the road?

Kuro offered a kind smile, "Hey, I'm Kuro, that hunk of muscle over there is Seth and you must be..." She pulled the list put of nowhere and scanned down it, "Reikon? Cool name buddy." The list vanished, "anyway, it is our job to inform you that you're... Well, dead."

The black haired female got herself ready for the hurricane of questions she was no doubt about to face, oh the joy of being a reaper.
Dead? He didn't feel dead, on the contrary he felt perfectly fine and healthy. A little confused, but quite chipper otherwise. He looked down at the body again. Well, maybe he was dead, so that meant he was a spirit? That seemed ok. It was like being alive but with more perks. Unless..he reached up and touched his necklace and then made sure his arm and ankle still had the bracelets. So long as he had them everything would be good. He glanced at Seth for a second. Hunk of muscle? She took the words right out of his mouth. He scurried over to Kuro and gave a happy smile. He had been right. She was nice. "S-so n-now what? Do I get to come with you? You are nice so I would really like to come with you." Now that he felt more sure about Kuro his stutter disappeared. Plus, he wanted to stay around the other guy, Seth. His thoughts made his cheeks turn red.

Seth stared after the white haired boy. What the hell was up with this kid? He not only looked strange, but acted even stranger. Not to mention way the kid seemed to want to ignore him, and instead talk to Kuro. Kuro was his girlfriend, not this little freaks. If little white haired boy was trying to hit on his girl he would be put in his place pretty quickly. It did not help that the ordeal with the little girl was still affecting his mood. With an unhappy look on his face he walked towards Kuro and the boy.
Kuro shrugged and went to shove her hands in her pockets, only to remember she didn't have any as she was wearing a dress, "Eh, for now you'll be able to stay with us. We gotta go find out what you're gonna be, me and Seth are reapers but there's also the chance of being a demon or angel. You don't look like a demon though, so I think you're either gonna be an angel or a reaper."

She stretched her arms over her head, her eyes flickering to Seth, he looked tense, understandable since they just saw a little girl die. Her gaze flickered back to Reikon for a second but going back to Seth, her lips tugging up into a slight smile. Was he jealous? Because if he was that would be adorable.

The thought of possibly getting to tease Seth made her grin, "Anyway Reikon, Rei? Can I call you Rei? Anyway, we need to find out what you are my dear friend." She took Seth's hand in her own when he was close enough and slung an arm over Reikon's shoulders.

They appeared in the same crowded room that her and Seth had been in before, people sent her glares as they passed, which Kuro happily returned. She lead the two over to a big white door, it opened automatically, showing a fairly small room that had light grey walls. There was a desk in the room, a girl with platinum blonde hair and completely blue eyes (She had no irises and no pupils so he eyes really were completely blue) sat at the desk, a bored look on her face.

"Yo, thingy-ma-bob! Sorry I always forget your name, anyway, dude here is called Reikon what list is he on?"

She pulled open a filing cabinet and flicked through it before pulling out a file, "Reikon? He is an angel."

"Thanks Thingy-ma-bob!" She pulled the two out of the room, ignoring the glare the other women sent her, "well then Rei, looks like you're an angel. Now me and Seth have more jobs to do but I know somebody who'll teach you the ropes, if you want. Or you can hang out with us, as we are awesome and apparently I am all knowing."
The look some of the crowd was giving Kuro was the same look Seth was giving to Reikon. He did not care if this little shit was an angel, he was asking to get a beating. The way Reikon stuck to Kuro's side was aggravating, and to make it worse Kuro was going along with it, even going as far to give the freak a nickname. She couldn't seriously like this kid, could she? This was answered when she asked if Reikon wanted to come with them. His fists clenched and he was about to say something, but Reikon beat him to speaking. Jealousy burned in him and he told whoever might be listening to his thoughts to give him one good reason why he should not throw a punch at this kid.

"I would love to come with you for a bit." He was happy to have been made an angel, but he was even happier to have made a friend. It would also be easier to get to know these two better before meeting someone new. "You could bring me to your other friend later." He smiled brightly at Kuro before looking at Seth, who did not seem at all pleased. His smile vanished and he stared, his eyes big, brown orbs.

Seth's eyes became even more deadly when the kid decided to stop his conversation with Kuro and stare at him for no goddamn reason. Did this kid have mental issues or something? There was no reason to stare at him. He was used to being stared at by girls, but they always had other things on their mind when staring at him. Things that only Kuro would be allowed from now on..and wait a bloody minute. He took a closer look at the way Reikon was staring at him, and it now looked to be similar to the ways girls stared at him. That could only mean.. "What the fuck?!" He watched Reikon look away, mumble an apology, and scoot closer to Kuro. Seth gave Kuro a look that said 'hell no'.
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"Sounds like a plan." She sent him a grin before turning her attention to Seth, trying her best to hide her grin. Making Seth jealous was fun, probably more fun then it should be.

She took notice of Reikon's staring at Seth at the same time he did, and while she didn't vocalise her realisation or surprise she couldn't help but snicker at them. She wrapped an arm around Rei's shoulder and pulled him against her, giving Seth a grin, "Looks like you're gonna get two people complimenting your amazing build, and I, as your girlfriend, give Rei here permission to flirt as much as he wants. Just no kissing, that's my job." With a snicker she unwrapped her arm from around the white haired boy, ignoring and look Seth might of sent her.

It amused Kuro greatly to know that she had found somebody who happened to like Seth as much as she did, and it would give her an opportunity to embarrass the taller male as he had embarrassed her yesterday. An added bonus was the fact that teasing Seth was fun as all hell, and Reikon seemed cool. And also very adorable and cuddly, but she would never admit that outloud.
Seth gave Kuro a look of horror. "You can't be serious?" She was going to allow this kid to hit on him? Did she secretly want a threesome, because he did not think that was the way it went. And why the hell did his mind wander to that anyway? He ran a hand through his hair, tugging at it slightly to make sure he was not dreaming. It hurt a bit..he was not dreaming. They would have to have a conversation when they got done with reaper duties. He looked down at Reikon. Touch me, kid, and I will break your hand. Looking away he mumbled. "Lets go."

Reikon was shocked at Kuro's words. He did not know they were boyfriend and girlfriend. He only thought they were friends. What was even more shocking was that she was ok with him hitting on Seth. Why would she be ok with that? Better yet, it seemed she enjoyed it. That was strange. Now that he knew the situation he did not want to hit on the guy, but didn't think he would be able to help himself. He looked up at Kuro. "He uhh d-does have a nice body." Reikon admitted. The only problem was Seth seemed very angry with him.
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Kuro chuckled and sent Seth a grin in response, "You know you love the attention." She snickered and leaned down so she could communicate with Reikon better.

"Pfft, is it that obvious? You should see him shirtless, hot damn." She whispered back, adding a low whistle for affect. She liked Rei, he seemed cool. And now she had somebody to help her tease Seth, "Don't mind him by the way, probably a bit pissed that I'm totally okay with this. He teased me yesterday in front of my boss, I think it's only fair I get him back. Plus, you seem cool." With that she took Reikon's hand and practically skipped over to Seth. Letting go once she got there.

She leaned up to peck his cheek, leaning over to his ear, "Hey, cool down hot stuff. It's only a little fun, one, to clear my mind from what just happened, what has happened and what is going to happen. Two, to get you back for yesterday. And three, because Rei seems cool and I like him." She pressed another kiss to Seth's cheek, her voice dropped to a much lower tone and she pretty much purred,"but I do like you more."

With a grin she pulled back and teleported the three of them, happy with what she had done. Seth couldn't stay mad around her anyway. They appeared in a field and Kuro looked around, "Well shit, whoever managed to die here earns a god damn medal. There's like nothing here, no roads, no rocks, nothing danger-..... Oh..."

She had started walking towards a tree, noticing a body slumped there. She also noticed the way in which the person had died and cringed, "Reikon stay over there... I don't want you to see this." Her playful tone had vanished as she walked over to the dead male, cringing as she took in his sliced wrists. He had offed himself.

Kuro had dealt with suicides in the past, they were horrible to deal with, especially the more bloody ones (which was why she had told Rei to stay back) but it never hurt any less seeing them. With a sigh she placed a hand against the male's head, turning to face the now stunned man as he looked around.

"I hope you're happy with yourself... of all the ways to die..." The man drooped his gaze to the ground and Kuro tapped him on the shoulder, sending him off to the after life. She turned to face the other two makes she was with a took a deep breath to calm herself.

"Can't be happy for five minutes..."
Seth ignored Reikon as he walked over to Kuro. He took in the scene in front of him, including Kuro's unhappy look. Was she upset that the guy had killed himself? It was the guy's choice, and Seth could not feel anything for the guy. Kuro being unhappy was another story. He didn't like her to be sad and wanted to remedy that. Wrapping his arms around her he kissed the top of her head. "It has been an emotional day. Let's go home. We can even take that kid with us for a little while." Even if Reikon did nothing but stare at him, he would make do. After what Kuro said, it was only fair that she got payback. Smiling down at Kuro, he took her hand in his and walked toward Reikon.

Reikon had been watching a ladybug crawl across the grass, but the red wings with five black spots and the ladybug flew away. He looked disappointed for a second, before sitting up and putting on a happier face. By how Kuro sounded it did not seem a time to be happy, but he could not help it. He guessed there was a dead person over there. The person should not be sad to be dead, though, since it was nice here, at least what he had seen so far it was nice. When he saw Kuro and Seth walking back over to him he brightened up even more.
Kuro managed a weak smile in return to Reikon's happy mood, he reminded her of Sam in a way.

That thought made the reaper cringe before sighing, she missed Sam. She missed her greatly.

The female reaper leaned against Seth as she transported all three of them to her dimension. They appeared in the living room, Kuro blinked lazily and turned her head to the side so it was nuzzling Seth's shoulder.

"Let's just relax here for awhile, oh, and Reikon do whatever you want just don't go in my room. It's the one with the black door." She leaned up and pressed a kiss against Seth's cheek before trudging off into the kitchen. She opened he fridge, pushing some things around before pulling out a can of Pepsi and opening it.

The female sat down at the bar like counter, taking sips of her Pepsi as she let her mind wander to different places. Kuro couldn't help but feel like something was wrong, like something was missing.

It was almost as if they were missing something that was staring right at them, but she didn't know what. It was something important, but what?
Reikon nodded and sat down on the floor, looking around to study the room. It was nice, but not as nice as any of the rooms in the house he came from. It had been nice there, but staying in the rich neighborhood was not worth it if everyone disliked him. Running away from those people had been a good decision, even if it meant dying, and now that he thought of it this room maybe was the nicest room he had been in. Even if Seth did not like him, Kuro did, and that was worth it.

When Kuro went into the kitchen Seth plopped down onto the couch. He would give her a minute or two by herself since sometimes that was needed, but after that he would go check on her. He had already made the mistake of staying away too long when she needed him, and he was not going to make that mistake again.

Seth tried to relax, but he could feel Reikon's eyes on him..again. He knew he said he would put up with the kid, but since Kuro was not in the room he felt the need to deal with Reikon. Getting angry at the kid had not done a thing, so it was time for plan B. He knew what was on Reikon's mind, but did not think the kid was the type to handle anything sexual thrown back at him. Seth leaned back, stretching his arms above his head and displaying some of his stomach. After he figured the kid had had a good enough view he relaxed his arms and looked at Reikon. His eyes narrowed in a relaxed way and he licked his bottom lip.

Reikon's let out a shocked squeak, and his eyes widened in shock. Before he knew it he was on his feet and running down the hall. He turned into the bathroom and locked himself in.

Satisfied, Seth stood up and went into the kitchen to check on Kuro. He found her sitting on the counter, lost in thought. He jumped up on the counter next to her. "Everything alright?"
Kuro jumped slightly, turning her eyes to Seth and blinking in slight surprise, "Huh? What, oh, yeah. Fine." She muttered, taking a sip of her Pepsi. She sat it back down and rubbed her eyes, "no that was a lie... I just, feel like I'm missing something. Something big that could really help us, but my brain is refusing to work." She stood up, dragging her eyes away from the counter and to Seth.

She let out a sigh and walked over to him, standing between his legs and wrapping her arms around his waist, leaning her head against his chest, "Uh, I think I've just given myself a migraine. I think I might make my head explode if I don't figure out what's bugging me, it has something to do with my dad..." She looked up and rested her chin on Seth's chest, gazing into his dark blue eyes with her pale green ones.

Kuro tensed up suddenly, her eyes growing wider before she began to pace up and down her kitchen, messing up her hair as she ran her hands through it, "Wait! Wait, wait, wait. Jack and Mark are working for my dad, it's right there but-but I can't remember! Something important... Like where they are."

She paused, "Wait a second... Where they are... Shit! That's it, my dad owned a mansion in the middle of a restricted forest that only his blood family were allowed to enter, he went there after he abandoned mum. That might be where he's holding up now, ugh, figuring that out hurt my brain..." She huffed and walked back over to Seth, pulling herself close to him and burying her face in his chest.

"Eh, I'll tell Death later..." She muttered, pulling herself closer to her boyfriend.
Seth looked down at Kuro with soft eyes, his hand rubbing up and down her back comfortingly. She had just given very helpful information, and as much as he wanted to jump up and go see Death, it was only right to give Kuro a chance for her head to feel better. Plus they still had the kid to deal with. Before doing anything they would have to send him off, probably with Tenshi since that seemed likely who Kuro was talking about.

What would Death do with the information, especially if it turned out that was where her father was hiding? There would be Kyle, Mark, Jack, and three hellhounds, as a best case scenario. It wouldn't be too hard to take them on. He hoped once given the information Death would want to do something about it right away, cause he was itching for some action.

He pressed his lips to the top of Kuro's head, and then gently moved her back so he could jump off the counter. "Let's go relax, and once you are up to it we can tell Death." As much as he wanted to move and find a more comfortable place to relax, by the sounds of it Reikon was still hiding in the bathroom, and that was not going to be fun to explain. Kuro's head already hurt, he didn't want to make it hurt even more.
Kuro sent Seth a grateful smile, backing up so he had enough room to jump off the counter before walking out of the kitchen and into the living room. She paused and looked around, noting the absence of her new angel friend, "You didn't scare Rei off, did you?" Kuro asked as she took a seat on the couch, narrowing her eyes at Seth, "Seth, if you freaked him out, so help me I will... Do something when I think of it."

She honestly wouldn't care all too much, but her tone almost screamed 'don't lie to me'. She wouldn't kill Seth, but she wouldn't be happy with him. Though he would most likely be a pain to try and ignore.

That thought made Kuro realise how much had actually happened over such a course of short time, she had fallen in love with her charge, been attacked by three hellhounds, gotten a boyfriend, found out her killer and dad were working together... Lost Sam. And all in the time span of a week, the stress must have done a number on her because she had been sleeping more then needed for a Reaper. Which probably wasn't a good sign, she would need to get Tenshi to check that out when she calls him to pick up Reikon.
Seth grimaced inwardly at the grateful smile. That was not going to last long, and he was right. He reluctantly followed her into the living room, and then the questioning began. He walked over to the nearest wall and leaned against it before answering. "I didn't scare him away. He's...hiding in the bathroom." There was no good way to say it in his head, and sounded worse out loud. The only reason someone hid anywhere was because they were freaked out. He cursed Reikon silently for not having come out by now. "I guess I freaked him out a little bit, but he asked for it." He looked at the ground guiltily. "I only showed him a glimpse of what he wanted."

Seth glanced toward the hall where the bathroom was, willing the kid to come out so he would not get in trouble, but there was no sign of movement. What was the kid doing in the bathroom anyway? He shook away the first thought that came to mind. Reikon seemed to innocent to do that. The kid was probably just hiding because if he came out he would not know what to say, and now this whole thing would be much more awkward to him. He looked at Kuro, unsure if he should put on a guilty smile or apologize or defend his actions because after all, Reikon had been staring at him in that way.
Kuro rubbed her nose, trying to resist the urge to snicker at how stupid Seth had sounded at first, "Great, now I have an angel hiding in my bathroom..." She rubbed her eyes and huffed, letting her hands fall into her lap, "ugh, I'll get him in a minute. Don't need a... What, seventeen? I think he's seventeen, anyway, I don't need a seventeen year old angel hiding in my bathroom all day." She paused then narrowed hey eyes, which slowly became more purple, "you did what?"

Kuro narrowed her eyes to appear more threatening, she wasn't actually that angry, but Seth didn't need to know that, "Alright then, from now on I'm not leaving you alone with him, at all. More for his sake then yours, ya bully." She gave a huff and turned her attention to the TV as it flickered to life. Her eyes slowly returning to their pale green colour.
Seth stiffened as her eyes turned purple. Was she really that mad at him? It was only a joke..sort of..ok so maybe it was mean of him to do what he did. Was it really his fault he had given the kid something he had asked for yet couldn't handle? He did not think fully. Reikon had to learn things somehow, and that seemed like a good place to start. He tried to relax and ran a hand through his hair. "He shouldn't have asked for something he couldn't handle. He wanted a sex look so I gave him a sex look." The words were mumbled, as he was unsure if he wanted Kuro to hear or not.

Reikon took a deep breath and opened the door. His heart had finally stopped beating a thousand beats a minute. He also thought he had heard Kuro, so figured it was safe to come out. As he made his way back to the living room he was relieved to see he was right. He quickly walked over and sat next to her on the couch, making sure to avoid making eye contact with Seth at all costs. Fiddling with his necklace he looked at Kuro nervously.
"But did he Seth? Did he really want that, or did you just assume he did?" She shot him another glare before perking up when she heard the bathroom door open, she didn't turn to face Reikon but she did send him a smile when he sat down next to her.

Kuro sent Rei a kind smile in return of his nervous glance, adding a wink and click of her tongue before turning her attention to the television, it was playing some horror movie she couldn't bother to remember the name of. Friday the 13th maybe? Or possibly something else.

She paused again turning off the TV and looking down at her necklace, which was humming louder than normal, she glanced at Seth as if to ask if his was doing the same, "This doesn't happen often, I think we should probably get Tenshi to come pick Reikon up, somebody's calling for us, and it has to be either another reaper or Death himself."
Dammit. Ok so he had just assumed, but that was usually what someone wanted if they gave him that type of stare. He was thankful for the necklace being a distraction, and he took his out from under his shirt. His was definitely doing the same. "Right. I am going to guess Death." Why would another reaper need to call them right now. Plus, if it was Death Kuro could tell him what she figured out. And then they could hopefully get some action. And after Kuro could get her relaxation.

Reikon was glad when Kuro turned the tv off. He didn't like scary movies, but now it seemed he would have to go make a new friend. He guessed that was ok. It was getting a bit too awkward for him here anyway. Plus the thought of Death freaked him out. Someone with that name was bound to look frightening.
"Yeah, me too, plus the only other reaper that knows you is Lilith, isn't it? I don't think she would want to see me anytime soon..." She sighed and stood up, pulling Reikon up to stand next to her, "alright, Rei, you're comin' with us for a second. No doubt Tenshi will be there, I have a feeling this is important." She teleported all three of them to Death's office, looking around at the other people who were here.

They weren't alone.

Lilith, Tenshi, Castiel and a few others were already there, "Tenshi, hi yeah, could you take this one." She pushed Reikon over to Tenshi, who gave the boy a gentle smile. His wings unfurled from his back and spread out before he took the male's hand and took of, leaving behind feathers in his wake.

Kuro turned her attention to Death who was already seated at his chair, "Kuro, Seth, I understand you are confused as to why I have called you here, there have more deaths among reapers. And at this point in time we have reason to believe that Kyle has found a way to remove the gem from a reaper. As you know, this is nearly impossible to do. And also a reaper's gem holds great power."

Kuro spoke up at this point, taking a few steps towards the tall old man, "Death, I know where my... Father might be hiding. He has a mansion, I only visited it once. But I can take use to it."

"How can we know he might actually be there? Or are you just gonna lead us somewhere to kill us off, I mean you are his daughter after all."

Kuro tensed up, gritting her teeth together as Tenshi reappeared. She didn't hesitate before spinning around and punching Lilith in the face, "Don't ever compare me to him, I am nothing like my father! And I don't care who is around, but if you ever compare us again I will not hesitate to kill you were you stand, you blonde bitch."

Tenshi gulped loudly as Death stood up, "Enough you two, Kuro, take us to your father's mansion."

She nodded slowly and teleported, Death followed her quickly, soon everybody was stood outside the front doors of a towering and rather gloomy looking mansion.
Seth wanted to glare at Lilith for the words she spoke. Kuro was better than Lilith in every way he could think of. Knowing Kuro can and did handle the situation he kept his eyes off of Lilith and teleported after them. What good would he have been in a girl fight anyway?

There were far bigger problems than Lilith. If what Death said was true then Kyle would be all the more dangerous. If he really was gaining more power would they be able to stop him, especially with his little minions to help? He shook his head. He was suppose to be excited for this, but now he was nothing but worried.

He wrapped his arms around Kuro. She was the biggest reason he was worried. If something happened to her he wouldn't know what to do. He would feel lost and would probably snap. He pulled back, his hands on her shoulders, and looked her in the eyes. "Be safe, ok?"
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