To be Reaped (with wolfthehybrid)

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Beta chuckled, "While I do think Kyla's behaviour is odd, let's not think about it too much. We got enough on our plate with tryin' to take out the prophecy and making sure Kyla doesn't outsmart us." Runt lifted his head up and yawned, blinking slowly and looking around, "Runt, go back to sleep." The smaller hound nodded slowly and rested his head on the floor. Dozing off again.

"Ha, I like the way you think. But not lava... How about we just toss him in acid and watch him squirm." Beta glanced over at Mark.


Kuro stirred and opened her eyes slowly, covering a yawn with her hand, "Yeah, I'm awake. Now atleast. And I have no fucking idea." She gave a grunt and buried her face in Seth's chest.
Jackal let the flame on his glove go out and tilted his hat down slightly. "You are right. Best not to worry about things out of our control, and just deal with it as it comes along." He closed his eyes and smiled. "Whatever you choose to use on Mark will be good enough for me." He almost said he was just along for the ride, but that was not true. He was here for himself and nothing more. Go where you not only survive, but also thrive, but he was now starting to question if he could thrive here with Kyle. "I suppose now is as good a time for a nap as any. We have nothing to do except wait for Kyle."


Seth smiled and kissed the top of Kuro's head, wrapping his arms around her. "Maybe we will get a break today. Wouldn't that be nice?" It seemed unlikely, but at least the thought as nice to think about. It was better than the other thoughts that wanted to swarm his mind at least. Those unwanted thoughts from yesterday could stay away for a good long while.
Beta grunted and stood up, "You nap if you want to, I'm gonna draw a moustache and dick on Mark's head with permanent marker." He left the room, returning a few moments later with a black marker in his mouth, the lid already off.


Kuro gave a hum, "Yeah, a break would be amazing..." She ducked her head as she yawned again before pulling herself away from Seth, stretching her arms over her head, "What should we do today?"
When he heard the returning footsteps of Beta Jackal used the tip of his finger to lift the hat from his eyes. A few things went through his mind. First, he was surprised that Beta was serious about what he said. I was going to be fun to see Mark's reaction after he woke up. Second, how the hell did Beta get the cap off of the marker? For once in his life he was struck by confusion, and something else. This second feeling was also felt on occasion when he hung out with his old gang. It was amusement, but also more than that. Perhaps something similar to joy, but not quite joy itself.


"We could always do more reaper duties." He took a deep breath, remembering how yesterday went. "It may not be the funnest, but I don't want to become known as the lazy reaper. I guess I can't say I did much while living, but at least I earned the position to not do much." Breaking a few skulls had helped with that. Having power and knowing how to use it was a great thing, and he was ok working under Death since Death knew how to use the power he held. Plus he had Kuro. Couldn't want more than that.
Beta sent Jackal a grin before creeping over to Mark, he slept like a rock anyway. He drew a moustache on him, before drawing a large penis on the male's forehead and backing away, letting his marker drop to the ground as he snickered before making his way back over to Jack, "He is now literally a dickhead." The hound snickered, he thought about waking Mark up, but just decide to watch, and wait.


"Yeah, sure." She picked up the list that was still on her table, "we'll get ready then head out. Looks like it's gonna be a fun day, filled with killing people. Joy." She walked off, deciding to shower.

"I'm taking a shower, be free to join me if you want. And I'm being serious!"
Jackal watched Beta draw on Mark's face. It was weird watching a hellhound use a writing utensil, and Beta seemed a bit skilled with it. At least skilled enough for the drawings to come out. At Beta's words he tilted his head back and let out a quiet laugh. "Now I can't sleep. It would be a shame to miss out on Mark waking up." To occupy his mind for the time being, he took out his cards and shuffled them multiple ways.


Seth slowly sat up, not excited to kill people, but when Kuro spoke about showering, and him joining her, he stood up quickly. He could not ignore an invitation as inviting as that. "Of course I want to join you." He stretched out his back and then followed her. Maybe today would not be so bad after all.
Half an hour later Mark stirred and slowly woke up, yawning and rubbing his eyes. Beta snickered, "Mornin' dickhead." Mark just gave a grunt, not seeming to notice Beta's snickering.

"Yeah, mornin' to you too..."


Kuro giggled, "Of course..." She shook her head and walked into the bathroom, turning on the shower and undressing before climbing in, tilting her head back and humming softly, "no funny business, I am here to clean."
Once Mark woke up Jackal put the cards away and looked up, the smile that appeared only a moment before quickly disappearing to look serious. He cast his eyes across Mark's face and raised an eyebrow. "I suggest you look in a mirror." His nose twitched to hide the smile that wanted to reappear. Dickhead.


Seth bit his bottom lip and looked down. He would have to behave? Damn. He supposed that would not be too hard to do, and the shower would still be quite enjoyable. "As you wish." Seth removed his clothes and joined Kuro in the shower, smiling happily. She was beautiful. He hugged her so the warm water hit his hair also. "I never realized how much of a luxury a warm shower is."
Mark gave a grunt and left the room, once Beta was sure he was out of sight the hound burst into a fit of laughter, his shoulders shaking as he laughed. Beta's laughter proceeded to get worse when he heard Mark's yell of anger before he came rushing back in, "This better not be permanent marker!"

Mark bolted over to the couch when he noticed the marker on the floor, picking it up to lead to label before throwing it down, "Beta!!!"


Kuro smiled, leaning against Seth with a happy sigh, she gave a grin, "Yeah, warm showers are awesome..." The reaper stood up, picking up her coconut shampoo and starting to wash her hair. Humming slightly and swaying her hips to the beat of whatever song was in her mind.
Jackal stood up and, with his hands behind his back, leaned back just enough so his back cracked. Feeling satisfied he smiled to Mark before making his way towards the door. "I will leave the two of you alone. It seems you to discuss." Runt was still in the room, but for the most part they would be alone to laugh and rant. He turned, tipped his hat in a gesture of farewell, then left the room.


Seth leaned back against the shower wall and watched Kuro with a smile. He loved the way her body moved, and he could not help but wonder what beat was playing in her head. It did not take long for the coconut smell to overwhelm his sense of smell. He let out a happy sound. "That smells good. Don't happen to have any men's shampoo, do you?" If not he would take a quick shower later tonight. Right now he was too content to care too much.
Kuro looked around, "Huh... I don't think I do have any male shampoo..." She bit her lip as she looked around, "unless you wanna smell like jasmine flower or coconut... Or cocoa! I have chocolate scented shampoo how did I not notice that?!" She gave a grunt before leaning forward to wash the shampoo out of her hair, humming as she did so.

After that Kuro turned around and wrapped his arms around Seth, pressing her face into his neck and continuing to hum along with swaying to the soft melody in her head.
Seth relaxed all his muscles and rested his head against Kuros. He would shower again tonight. "I could get used to this. You, the warmth, the wonderful smells." What more could he ask for? "It might be too much if you started smelling like chocolate. I would have to nibble you." He leaned back and showed his teeth, biting once at the air. Giving a laugh he kissed her forehead. "Feeling clean tiny dancer? And what tune are you humming?"
"Oh so clean. And I'm not tiny, you're just freakishly tall you fricking titan." Kuro, like the 'mature' adult she was, stuck her tongue out at Seth and went cross eyed for a moment before relaxing her features and going back to how she normally looked, "and if you must know I was humming, 'my girls ex-boyfriend' as the tune is beautiful."

Kuro gave a shrug before getting out of the shower and wrapping a towel around herself, "Oh, and I'm the only one here allowed to bite and nibble, and I won't hesitate to chomp on you."

The ebony haired female exited the bathroom and made her way to the bedroom, walking into her wardrobe and starting to dig around for something to wear.
Seth's eyes sparkled with humor as he stepped out of the shower. Freakishly tall? That sounded more like a title for Death. As for the tune she was had a strange name, but he agreed it was beautiful so long as she was humming it. He shook out his hair and, spotting another towel, grabbed it. He only had one pair of clothes here so he would put them back on. As Kuro left the bathroom he called after her. "You can bite me any time you want!"

He dried off and put on his clothes. Giving his hair one last shake he followed Kuro to the bedroom. Coming up behind her he wrapped his arms lightly around and rest his chin on her shoulder and sang softly. :note:"Hold me closer tiny dancer. Count the headlights on the highway. Lay me down in sheets of linen, you had a busy day today." He released his arms from around her and went to sit on the bed, smiling. "I don't know many songs, but that one used to play all the time. Hard not to remember it after seeing you dance to the song in your head." She may not like it, but now she was his tiny dancer, and maybe one day she would show him the song she was humming.
Kuro gave a soft chuckle, leaning back against Seth when he wrapped his arms around her, humming happily, "It sounds nice. I like it." She sent him a small smile before vanishing into the wardorbe. Kuro dug around for awhile, looking for something she would want to wear, after a moment of thought she decided just to go with the flow and actually picked out a dress.

She came out wearing a black dress, a white belt around her waist, she had gray tights to go with it and knee high black boots, Kuro gave a littke twirl before picking up her hairbrush and starting to brush her hair. After s moment she started to sing softly, something she rarely did in front of people besides her younger sister, "So then along comes me, this undeserving mess. Who would believe, my life would be so blessed. Two years ago, when he left all out to breathe, who would've known he would leave everything I need." She stood up, placing her hairbrush on the table, "He's the guy that you should feel sorry for, he had the world but he thought that he wanted more. I owe to the mistake he made back then, I owe to my girl's ex-boyfriend."

Kuro sang the song slower then how it normally was sang, with a softer tone. Starting to hum it as apposed to actually singing it. She wrapped her arms around Seth in a hug, pressing a kiss against his cheek.
When Kuro came out of the wardrobe Seth's eyes closed halfway and he grinned like a love struck idiot. He could get used to seeing her in a dress more often, just so long as she did not expect him to try on a tux. He already had the personality of a mob boss, so the clothing he could do without. His eyes closed the rest of the way when she started to sing. A beautiful voice to match a beautiful girl.

His eyes opened when she kissed his cheek. "You should sing more often." He was tempted to grab her and relax on the bed, but they had work to do. He settled for a quick kiss on the lips and stood up. "You look wonderful. It is almost a shame we are going to kill people. A fancy restaurant or nice theater would suite that dress much better. I suppose we should go, though." He stood up and took one of her hands in his, giving a small bow. "Ready madame?"
Kuro giggled.

Yes, giggled, something she rarely ever did.

"Ready, let us go travel across the land, stealing peoples souls." The ebony haired female paused and scrunched up her nose, "Oh lord that sounded... Just, no. I'm never saying anything that cliché again." She took Seth's hand in her own, feeling the familiar sensation of teleportation.

Kuro stumbled back slightly as somebody passed right through her. They were in a hospital room, with people fussing around them and obviously not noticing the two reapers stood there. Kuro looked around, her eyes landing on who was laying in the bed, and she winced.

A little girl being fussed on by doctors and nurses alike, she couldn't have been older then 10, her hair was long, blonde and incredibly thin. Her skin pale and her eyes sunken in with bags under. She was very sick, and it was a surprise she was even awake, her grey eyes scanning everybody in the room, she gave a weak cough as people continued to fuss around her.

After a moment almost all of the people left the room, leaving a man sat beside the bed, the little girl's pale hand in his much larger one. Much to Kuro's surprise the little girl smiled at her.

"You're very pretty."

The men perked up, "Casey, dear, who are you talking to?" He looked around not seeing Kuro and Seth stood there.

"Can't you see them daddy? The man with the pretty woman?"

"There's nobody else here sweetie. You're seeing things."

Kuro walked over, leaving Seth's side, "Casey, love, your daddy can't see us, only you can. He can't hear us either. We're reapers, we help the dead move on to the afterlife." She sat down the the bed, placing a hand over the little girl's pale one. She nodded slowly.

Seth's heart sank when he saw the little girl on the bed. The poor thing looked like the definition of sick. Why did it have to be a little girl and not some old man or..or someone who deserved to die? She didn't deserve death. She didn't even get to really live her life. The words she spoke broke his heart even more, and when Kuro walked over to her he felt hollow. He wanted to leave her to deal with this one, but he also did not want to worry the girl.

Putting on a light smile he followed Kuro. "I am glad you think she is pretty." He told Casey as he put a hand on Kuro's shoulder. "But you know what? You are very pretty too." It took all his will power to not turn around and run. The least he could do was try to help Kuro and show the little girl she was safe and help her feel better about the situation.
Casey just smiled, her eyes twinkling. For somebody so sick, it seemed as this little girl, this poor fragile girl, was a beacon in a dark room. Despite the pain she was probably feeling, she was still smiling.

That alone was enough to make Kuro drop her gaze. She hated taking care of children, some were so broken when they passed, but some just acted to happy, they didn't seem like they were dying.

A doctor poked his head into the room, making a gesture with his hand that made Casey's father stand up and leave the room to talk to him.

"I'm gonna sleep, aren't I?" Kuro perked up, her eyes landing on the little girl as she coughed, "my mummy went to sleep a long time ago, Daddy says she's with the angels now in a place called heaven. I'll be with her won't I? I do miss my mummy..."

Kuro's heart had broken, right then and there. It felt as if it had been ripped out and stomped on. In the year she had worked as a reaper she hadn't met a young child so accepting of death. She didn't know what to say.

Kuro just nodded slowly, placing a hand on the girls forehead and watching her body slump as the machine that monitored her heart let out a high pitched beep. The doctor and Casey's father rushed back into the room, the younger of the two letting out a cry when he saw his dead daughter.

Kuro winced and took Seth's hand along with the little girl's. They appeared at a new place, the little girl no longer with them. The female reaper let out a shaky breath, letting go of Seth's hand to rub her face.
Seth was glad the situation was over, but his mood was..depressed? Upset? Angry at the way the world worked? All of the above sounded most accurate. He paced back and forth, shaking his head slowly with mostly closed eyes. This lasted for about two minutes, and then he walked a few feet in a random direction and kicked a tree. Startled he looked up. Why the hell were they in a forest? He gave Kuro a confused glance before looking around.

It felt like he was in a dream as he took in the trees around him, and then at the road that cut through the trees. On the side of the road lay a body, but the road was devoid of traffic. After another look towards Kuro he made his way over to the body. It was a boy around sixteen, white hair, white shirt, black jeans, a gold spiked necklace, and a bracelet on his left hand and right foot. It looked as if he had been hit by a vehicle. Two thoughts crossed Seth's mind. First, how the hell do you get killed by a car on a road like this? Second, who the hell hits a kid and leaves him? He shook his head as he reached down and touched the boy.

Reikon blinked in confusion as he looked down at his body. Was he looking at himself? Weird, but kind of cool. He remembered looking for something to eat and then..nothing. The strangest part was he was not as hungry, but he still wanted food. His head tilted as he looked away from it and at the two other people. The guy who stood next to him was tall, had nice eyes, was muscular.. He felt his eyes start to widen so quickly turned to look at the girl. She was pretty and seemed nice. He gave her a nervous smile. "Hi. Who a-are y-y-you?"
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