To be Reaped (with wolfthehybrid)

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Kuro opened her mouth to answer when the door swung open and Lucifer walked in, Death following him, "Oh thank fuck, there you are. Death I need to talk to you."

Death nodded slowly before the two left the room, she turned to give Seth the 'wait one minute' sign before Death shut the door behind them, "What is it you wished to talk to me about?"

"What are you hiding from me Death? I have a terrible feeling in the pit of my stomach and I know that you know something, and you aren't telling me."

Death didn't give much of a reaction, but he did lower his gaze slightly, it was silent for awhile before he spoke, "I know who Mark's working for."


He shook his head and opened the door, walking back into his office, Kyla jogged after him, "It's your father Kuro."

She tensed up, "W-What?"

"Your father, that's who Mark's working for."
Seth let out a sigh when Kuro wanted him to wait, but it may have been better if the wait was longer. With all that had gone on his threads were slowly breaking. It had been a long day and all he wanted to do was sit back, relax, and hope for something good to happen. Maybe take out some frustration in the training room. He did not get to hear what Kuro wanted to talk to Death about, but it was not needed since he heard the last thing Death said. And what a joy it was to hear. The last thread of frustration broke. "Great. The day was going ok, but then there is her," he pointed at Meg, "and there was the boy, and now this. I am going to knock the head off of the next enemy I see." He took a deep breath, trying to calm himself, but how much was someone expected to deal with in a day? He took another deep breath, knowing acting like this would not help Kuro. Hearing this news she would need him, if only to hold her back from doing something stupid. Doing stupid stuff was his job.
Kuro could sense Seth's stress, "We'll be going now." She muttered, placing a hand on Seth's shoulder and teleporting them to her dimension before the others got a chance to say anything. She pushed him onto the couch and sat on his lap, practically straddling him. The reaper then leaned down to press and kiss on Seth's nose before peppering his face with kisses, leaning down and resting her face on Seth's shoulder.

"Stressed?" She muttered, one of her hands stroking his side while the other was playing with his hair.
Seth nodded his head and rest his cheek against the top of Kuro's head. He thought about saying something about her kissing him, but since she had not kissed his lips he kept his mouth shut. Technically she had not broken her promise to not kiss him. "I am used to being in control of what goes on, so all of this is a lot to take in. I feel stripped and on the sidelines." As a reaper he was stuck doing what he was told, but as human he had been the boss of the streets. Except for the fact he had to move, but he would have quickly found a way to move back up to the top. Here he couldn't do anything about the prophecy (not that it mattered much to him), there was not much he could do to help the boy see reason, and the hellhounds, Mark, and now Kuro's own father were causing trouble and there wasn't much he could do about it. "I can't believe your father.." He hugged Kuro tight, realizing her sister was gone not because of Mark, but because of Kyle.
Kuro hugged him back, sighing slightly, "I'm not that surprised if I'm honest." She muttered, pressing her lips against Seth's neck, she briefly thought about what she had said before and muttered something under her breath. She wasn't gonna last two weeks, so fuck it.

Kuro pulled back and pressed her lips against Seth's, biting and sucking on his lip slightly before pulling away.
Seth blinked away the shock that had formed in his eyes. That was the last thing he expected her to do. "You certainly know how to make someone feel better, and I am glad to two week thing is off." He licked his bottom lip and smiled slightly. She had taken away some of the tension. Kyle would be a problem and would never leave his mind until he was dealt with, but everything else was pushed away for a later date. He kissed her neck and worked up to her ear. In a whisper he spoke. "Did you know I love you?"
Kuro groaned and tilted her head to the side, a blush covering her cheeks, "You might of mentioned it once or twice..." She muttered, smiling slightly before turning the table and pushing him back, leaning down to starts kissing, biting and sucking on his neck, no doubt leaving a hickey. She moved up, kissing his jaw and just behind his ear.

"But ya know what? I reckon I love you more..." She whispered into Seth's ear before getting back to work on his neck, licking at the flesh she had no doubt already made tender.
Seth sucked in air through his teeth, eyes glazing over with lust. The spot on his neck where her tongue was had become sensitive, and it felt wonderful in a slightly painful way. Love is pain, and it felt damn good. "I don't know about that." The words came out breathless. "My body won't allow me to argue against yours statement, though." He rubbed his hands up and down her sides before working them up her shirt, not trying at all to be inconspicuous.
Kuro chuckled and gave his neck a final nip before pulling away, she leaned back and giggled, placing her hands over Seth's, "My god you should see your neck..." She snickered before leaning down to press her lips against his, cupping his cheeks with her hands and being a lot more gentle then she was before.

After a moment she pulled away resting her head against Seth's chest, "I've gotten you all worked up again haven't I?" She asked, holding back a snicker as she looked up, "sorry..."
Seth was in a state of euphoria, but now that the excitement was slowing down he felt half asleep. "It's alright. Too tired to do much anyway. Thank you for making the day better." He reached up to rub his neck, but winced when he touched the tender spot. Instead of rubbing his neck, he wrapped his arms around Kuro and cuddled into the couch, his eyes half closed. He kissed her forehead and started humming. There was no specific song in the hums, it was only a way to help keep himself awake.


Jackal had stayed to himself for quite awhile, wanting to give Kyle time to do whatever the man needed. Now, though, he was growing bored and went in search of the room he had first showed up in. It took a few minutes to find, passing the spiral staircase in his search, but finally he pushed pulled open a door that revealed the room. He quickly scanned it before stepping in and letting the door close behind him.
Kuro smiled softly, cuddling into him and humming happily, "You're tired Seth, get some rest alright." It wasn't a question or a request. The female reaper leaned up and presses her lips against his cheek, getting comfy herself and letting her eyes droop shut. It had bean busy today, a couple of minutes wouldn't hurt anybody.


Kyle was seated in front of the fire, staring into the dancing embers with a far away look in his eyes. Mark was sat on the floor, twirling his bloodied knife in his hand while Alpha paced back and fourth, "Can't believe she got away... Pathetic little brat..." The hound muttered as he paced, snarling slightly. Beta was curled up in a ball, watching his older brother.

"That's what you get for underestimating her, at least we know she's the prophecy though..." He yawned and, glancing over at Jack, giving him a nod of acknowledgement.

Runt was running around in circles in the middle of the room, further proving how much of a 'fierce' beast he was. He leaned over to snap at his tail, but only succeeded in falling over and landing in a funny position, before falling onto his side.

The hound jumped up again and spotted Jackal, letting out a happy bark before rolling onto his back and wiggling about. Alpha grunted when he saw his youngest brother, "Pathetic. Runt, stop acting like a fucking puppy, you're a hellhound. Now don't make me bite you."

The hound whimpered and rolled onto his stomach, resting his head on the floor.
Seth nodded. "Alright. Could be busy day morrow 'oo." His words became mumbles as his eyes finished closing, and was asleep a few moments later.


Jackal kept locked his eyes onto Mark and the knife the man held. Unlike Alpha, it seemed Mark had gotten lucky. "It seems as though you succeeded, Mark. From what I am hearing she was not the one in the prophecy, but it had to be a hard blow nonetheless." He looked down and Runt and raised an eyebrow, but not in contempt. The hound could do whatever he liked for all he cared. Why not let Runt enjoy doing what made him happy. It wasn't hurting anyone. Out of the corner of his eye he glanced at Alpha but said nothing. "It is a nice place you have here, Kyle. If you don't mind me saying, you seem quite distracted. Care to share what is on your mind?"
Kyle dragged his green eyes from the fire towards Jackal, a small smirk tugged at his lips, "Kyla knows I'm 'alive' and well, I can only imagine she'll be pissed knowing I gave the order for her precious sister to be killed. She's going to act on rage, making it easier to trap her, or kill her." He turned his eyes back towards the fire.

"Her sister doesn't react much to pain, surprising actually considering how much Kuro reacts to it." Mark muttered, Beta slowly turned to stare at him.

"You appeared out of nowhere, you honestly think she would have time to react to being stabbed?"

Mark paused, "Ooh... Right... Yeah. So Alpha how did-"

"Don't you dare start Mark. Say another word and I'll rip your balls off and stuff them down your throat." Alpha's eyes narrowed and Mark gulped and shifted to be further away from the hound. Alpha was being honest. He really would do that.

Runt yawned (sounding similar to a puppy) before stretching, "Don't threaten Mark, he obviously did a better job then you. You were in charge of finding a twelve tear old that you let escape."

Alpha lunged forward, his jaws snapping shut around Runt's neck and causing the much smaller hound to yelp and screech in pain before he threw him to the side. Runt landed on his back with a dull 'thud' and 'crack' and Beta rushed over to him instantly. Alpha just gave an annoyed grunt and stalked off and out of the room, growling at Mark who was gaping at what had just happened.
Jackal stared after Alpha before turning his gaze towards Runt and Beta. Runt had been fine acting like a puppy, but as soon as he opened his mouth he was asking for it. Alpha's reaction may have been a bit much, but a little pain never hurt anyone. In fact, it helped to define someone. More could be learned about someone by watching how they react to pain than by sitting down and having a conversation with them. Words were filled with lies, but action were full of truth.

He walked over to stand next to Kyle, locking his eyes on Mark as he passed. Mark may have done a good job, but he was still and idiot and a coward. Was her honestly surprised at Alpha's reaction? Even a fool could have seen the hellhound was close to snapping. His eyes scanned by Kyle and followed the man's gaze into the fire. "An enraged creature is the easiest to read. I take it you have a plan to capture or kill her?"
"Runt, you were asking for that. You know how Alpha is." Beta helped the younger one stand.

"He acts all tough, but he can't even capture a twelve tear old, she wasn't even being protected, and so what if she's the prophecy. She's frickin twelve!" He limped away from everybody and curled up by the wall. Dozing off instantly. Beta sighed and walked over to Kyle and Jack, sitting on the opposite side of Kyle.

"Yes, we'll lead her somewhere, maybe here maybe not haven't decided yet, which should be easy considering how angry and emotional she is right now. Mark will most likely be the one to lead her here, seeing as he was the one who killed Sam, you can distract Seth or bring him here yourself. That's up to you. But I'll use my shadow manipulation to hold Kyla, then one of the hounds can remove her necklace. It should give me most of my power back." Kyle petted Beta's head, making the hound tilt his head to the side and let out a catlike purr of appreciation.

"And with that power at hand overpowering Death and the others should be easier, with all the power we'll be able to rule over all four worlds. Heaven, Hell, the Underworld and the Over world."
"You'll be able to rule over all four worlds." Jackal corrected Kyle. "I have no need for that much power since my wants are quite simple. As for Mark, I couldn't see him ruling anything that personality of his. Unless you plan on having the hellhounds rule with you? Runt seems too childish, Alpha is too quick in his decisions, but Beta has a level head. The three of them would hold three separate opinion, and it is always good to learn and weigh all options in a decision. That is if you have them rule with you. Other than that I have no other opinions on the matter."

Jackal stopped speaking for a moment, going over everything else that Kyle had said. "I will gladly take care of Seth until someone powerful enough can eliminate him as a threat." With how close Seth has become with Kuro, there was no doubt he would be trouble and would try everything in his power to protect her. Although the same went for Kuro. People who care about each other became dangerous, but they also became blind.

"Before anything I have a favor to ask. I am seeking a certain knife. I do not want to say your plan would fail, but to be ignorant and say that it won't would be foolish. It is always good to have a back up plan, and if anything were to happen I wish for a way to finish myself off instead of giving anyone else the chance to do as they wish with me."
Kyle hummed in thought, "I see, very smart of you indeed. But I'm afraid I do not know of that blade's location as of now, but I will try to find it for you. You've been helpful, much more helpful then Mark." He turned his gaze towards the male, who had slumped onto one of the couches and fallen asleep. Kyle stood up, cracking his neck, "I do believe I have a blade to try and locate, if you need me I'll be in my study." He turned and walked off.

Beta shook his head slightly, "I try to be level headed, you gotta be when you have brothers like mine, but I don't think I'm ruler material. I'm only the beta of my little group, and Alpha isn't backing down from leader anytime soon. I'm only there to stop him from murdering Runt." He turned his gaze towards his sleeping younger brother, blood was still dripping from the deep wound on his neck but the pup didn't seem to be in pain, or care.

"For the runt of the litter he sure is a pain when he wants to be... Loyal as all hell mind you, but a pain nonetheless." Beta gave a chuckle and shook his head.
Jackal continued to stare into the fire. When Mark had agreed to make his glove more powerful, it was partly because the man was not right in the head. It had seemed as though it was all a game for Mark, but that was the problem. Wasn't this all just one big game? Unlike Mark, Kyle agreeing to his request so quickly was worth some thought on. He had not been very helpful as of yet, and Mark had succeeded in the kill so surely he could not be considered more helpful than Mark. Why was Kyle helping him find the knife? What motives did the man have? More importantly, in the end what were Kyles true intentions for those who help him? Yes, this was all just one big game, and right now he was nothing more than a pawn.

He turned towards Beta. "Think of it like Cerberus. There are three of you, and you all have different thoughts. Only one can act as leader, but that still does not stop the the other two from having opinions. In the matter of Cerberus, those opinions can sway the lead head, so would that not make all three a leader in their own way? The thoughts of one are no longer relevant when he has two other thoughts to contest with. The thoughts of the other two will sway the one, even if the one does not fully realize it." He walked over and sat by Runt and absentmindedly started stroking the hounds fur. "A pain is something I can understand. Those that are a pain are easily dealt with, but that does not mean they still should not be heard when speaking. Loyalty, on the other hand, is something I do not care to understand anymore."
Beta hummed and nodded, "Never thought of it like that, I guess you're right. In a way. If Alpha has his mind sat on something, not matter how stupid, there's no changing his mind. It's pretty pathetic actually, considering how he taunts Runt for being pathetic and being the... Well, the runt." He took a seat on the floor across from Jack, taking note of him petting Runt but no saying anything. Runt wined softly in his sleep and moved his head so he was nuzzling Jackal's leg. But he didn't wake up.

"Eh, doesn't really matter anymore, I feel like something in our pack is messed up. You didn't hear this from me, but I reckon Kyle's up to somethin' he isn't telling us. He accepted you without hesitance... Actually then again anybody is better than Mark..." The hound hummed and glanced over towards said male, who grunted in his sleep and scratched his nose. He gave a snort and turned back to face Jackal, "I feel like Kyla has something big planned, and hopefully it involves throwing Mark into a pool of lava, can't stand the self obsessed dick. And to think how different he started acting once you found out he wasn't big boss, kinda stupid if you ask me..."
Jackal stopped petting Runt, and ignored when his leg was nuzzled. To hear Beta speak the same thoughts that he had made the situation seem more important. What was Kyle up to? "You are right, Beta. Kyle is up to something. He does not seem the man to accept someone without question unless he has an ulterior motive. The fact that not even you know makes it all the more troublesome. Anybody may be better than Mark, but that does not seem enough to accept me without question." He lifted his gloved hand and watched the flame creep from the palm. "If it does not involve throwing Mark in lava, we can always have a little fun and do that ourselves." Yes, Mark certainly changed when he no longer seemed like the big boss.


Seth woke slowly, enjoying the warmth Kuro gave. He had slept well, and had gotten a good amount of sleep. It was nice to sleep on the couch, but next time they could sleep on a bed since it seemed that was what Kuro was most used to. He nuzzled the top of Kuro's head. "You awake? If you are, what kind of crazy shit is going to happen to us today?"
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