Till Death Do Us Part

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"That would be awesome." Eliza said, moving her leg and doing some simpler positions that didn't look like they hurt as much.
John nodded. "I'll bring it to you, then." With that, he walked downstairs, getting a plate of food from the innkeeper and then returning upstairs with it.
Eliza smiled, now in a normal position. "Thank you." She eagerly dug in. "Mm! They always have the best food here!"
John chuckled softly, nodding. "Yeah, I noticed that earlier. Amazing we missed it last night."
"We were tired, I was stressed because I was with the man that most likely would arrest me and sentence me to death. You were stressed from what I told you." Eliza said, mouth full.
"I wouldn't have-" John almost protested that he wouldn't kill her, then thought about it. "Well. I-" He sighed. "Yeah, probably. If I'd met you here, and not in the forest."
"Exactly. We didn't have time to enjoy food." Eliza said, finishing up her meal.
She was right, he'd knew. "True," John replied, crossing his arms. "So, what are we going to do now?"
"Well my leg is still useless as fuck." Eliza said, pointing to her leg. "Not much we can do unless you want to help me walk everywhere."
"I can do that, Eliza." Not like it was hard helping her walk, anyways, and if it meant that they could do something other than sit around, chat, and eat all day, John was more than willing to do it.
"Alright, if you're really that willing, we'll leave in the morning. We need to set out for Ragnon." Eliza said. The thieves' market is what most people called Ragnon. They had the largest black market of their time and Eliza had to get a few things from there.
"Ragnon?" John was unfamiliar with the name. He'd heard of it, of course, but he didn't know what it was. Being a guard had it's advantages and disadvantages, after all.
"Basically the black market. We're gonna have to hide your identity though. Most thieves aren't as... well anything like me. I'm one of the special ones." Eliza said, stretching.
Yeah, John knew what thieves were like. "Shouldn't be too hard. Not like people know my face." He usually wore a helmet, after all.
"You'd be surprised at how many people know you by face and name in that city. Hell, people I've never even met know almost everything about me and I do pretty fucking well to hide my face and all of that when I want to be unseen." Eliza said, lying down on the bed.
"How should I disguise myself, then?" John asked, head tilting. Did he need a beard? ...Actual hair?
"Leave the disguises to me. I know how to make sure we don't attract unwanted attention." Eliza said, smirking. She was going to have so much fun with this.
That thought was terrifying. She'd probably make him do all kinds of crazy shit. Well, it was worth it. "Need me to go to the market and get some things?" he asked, lifting his eyebrows.
"Nope. There's a circus coming in a day. I can get everything I need from them and the innkeeper." Eliza said, still smirking.
A circus? Yeah, she was going to make him do crazy shit. Oh well. "Alright. Want me to help you down the stairs?"
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