'Til Death do You Part (Medieval Arranged Marriage) OOC

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  • [BCOLOR=#333333]V E S C E R O S[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=#333333]The country of Vesceros has long been a divided one; despite being under the rule of a single emperor the land has always been divided into twelve kingdoms, each with their own royalty, cultures and purposes in regards to the economy of the land. Alliances and enemies have been formed between these kingdoms, and wars constantly plague the Empire.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=#333333]Emperor Nathaniel de Verossa, the sixteenth of his generation to rule the entire country, is growing old. Without an heir, he has decided that the eldest heir or heiress of each of the kingdoms in his Empire will be married to that of another kingdom. This will not only eradicate the wars of the country, but will also help the Vescerosian Council determine the new Emperor and Empress; the couple who best rules their kingdom for a year after they are married will rule the entire empire.[/BCOLOR]

  • [BCOLOR=#333333]M O O R V A I N S[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=#333333]BIOME: plains[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=#333333]Moorvains is the most economically powerful kingdom in the country, besides the Capital. The people are merchants and farmers who occupy the plains with huge trading towns or fields for livestock. People travel all the way across the country to sell their products in Moorvains. Due to the country's close proximity to the Capital, they are very involved in politics.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=#333333]R A S T S T H W H A[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=#333333]BIOME: tropical/jungle[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=#333333]A kingdom known for its hardworking people, great surplus of food, its sugar and its rum. They're seen as drunkards due to the association with the strong drink, but they actually have a legendary tolerance for the stuff and don't even get fazed by normal amounts. They're not technologically advanced and are scene as a "primitive" nation.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=#333333]R A H ' V I R A[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=#333333]BIOME: desert[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=#333333]A nation inhabited solely for the sake of its bountiful supply of gold and silver, there isn't much water that's drinkable and most towns gain it from underground. They are next to the ocean and make steady profits mining salts as well. They're known as shrewd traders and have a pessimistic outlook on life.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=#333333]V E L A N C H A[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=#333333]BIOME: mountains[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=#333333]This kingdom is hidden in a valley, bordered on all sides by huge, treacherous mountains only the citizens know how to properly navigate. Inside the valley is the largest military base in Vesceros; the warmongering Velanchians consider it an honour to die in battle. They are a powerful kingdom due to their impressive military prowess but can occasionally be persuaded to fight for another kingdom, usually for money. They have a rivarly with Cavanaugh.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=#333333]C A V A N A U G H[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=#333333]BIOME: mountains[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=#333333]Easily the most opulent kingdom, Cavanaugh is renowned for their precious gems and dazzling jewellery. The kingdom is made of several large mining families who make tonnes of gold and silver from the precious stones they find in their mountains, which are slightly smaller than that of Velancha. Cavanaugh has a rivalry with Velancha due to their close proximity. The Cavanaugh royals are the richest.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=#333333]G R E N D E L H E I M[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=#333333]BIOME: northlands[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=#333333]A country made of hard, frozen men and powerful animals. It always snows and it always teems with life in defiance to that. They're known for their superior breeds of hunting dogs, ice that they export in massive, tonne weighing blocks to keep it from melting quickly, and their legendary prey that's hunt for both necessity and sport. They're seen as incredibly fierce and territorial and absolutely hate hot weather.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=#333333]D E T R O V A S I A[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=#333333]BIOME: ocean[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=#333333]An island nation off the coast of Rah'vira, it mainly exports fish and pearls. Seen as rather primitive and a jolly folk, they supply the desert country with most of its food through dried fish in exchange for financial backing in matters of political intrigue.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=#333333]S A N C T U A R Y[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=#333333]BIOME: semi-desert[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=#333333]Simply named 'Sanctuary', this nation is the crime capital of Vesceros and is referred to as 'Paradise for Escapees'. Every year, hundreds of exiled citizens from other kingdoms flee to Sanctuary to start a new life. Crime is abundant there but the harsh guards manage to keep things relatively under control. This nation is very independent, with small farms here and there, but they still need to import from other nations. They offer mercenaries in return.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=#333333]W R A L T H O N[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=#333333]BIOME: forest [/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=#333333]The vasts forest of Wralthon are home to the best archers and hunters in the land. The kingdom is also home to loggers who export large amounts of timber to other kingdoms. Despite wood being their main export they still manage to keep the forests of Wralthon vast and lush. Wralthon has an alliance with Grendelheim as they trade wood for hunting dogs.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=#333333]D U V A R I A N[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=#333333]BIOME: wasteland[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=#333333]A dry wasteland with little rain and no prospects, Duvarian is occupied by industries and factories that import raw materials from other kingdoms and turn them into completed products. Most people who work in Duvarian are middle-class or poor; only the royal family are well off. Many Duvarians travel to Moorvains to sell the products they are unable to sell to other kingdoms.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=#333333]M O O N S A G E[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=#333333]BIOME: forest[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=#333333]Moonsage is the religious capital of Vesceros. They take the religion of Saatham, the most commonly practiced religion in Vesceros, very seriously and are incredibly faithful. They also experiment with natural herbal remedies and reject the concept of modern medicine. Moonsage is the weakest kingdom economically but the people and royals are content with their way of life.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=#333333]T A L O R[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=#333333]BIOME: tundra[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=#333333]The most intellectual scholars and wisest teachers in the land come from Talor. Scientists, inventors, scholars, academics and writers make up the population of Talor. The kingdom is filled with the largest and best known schools, universities and libraries in all of Vesceros. Those from Talor look down upon those from Moonsage as they refuse to accept the advances of science.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=#333333]___: reserved by @Shayla[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=#333333]Adrianna @Pasi[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=#333333]Mistokhida Grabev: played by @Lurcolm[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=#333333]___: reserved by ___[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=#333333]Dratae Kynch: played by @Ulysses[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=#333333]Yeshra AdharaEIR OF[BCOLOR=#333333] CAVANAUGH[/BCOLOR][/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=#333333]: reserved by @DANAsaur [/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=#333333]___: reserved by @Vio[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=#333333]Calder Balsam-Anise Vann: reserved by @MaryGoldRound[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=#333333]Odessa Delyth Lupus II: played by @Mysty [/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=#333333]Akinyi Masika: reserved by @Darru[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=#333333]___: reserved by @Justinaholic[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=#333333]Andelina de la Vaceska: played by @lxngdon[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=#333333]Sebastian de la Vaceska: played by @Akashi[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=#333333]Nikolay Chernev: played by @Aleksandar[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=#333333]Current male to female count: 6 : 7[/BCOLOR]

  • [BCOLOR=#333333]1. ___ x ___[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=#333333]2. ___ x ___[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=#333333]3. ___ x ___[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=#333333]4. ___ x ___[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=#333333]5. ___ x ___[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=#333333]7. ___ x ___[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=#333333]8. ___ x ___[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=#333333](The pairings will be determined by lxngdon and Lurcolm, and will be announced when all places have been taken.[/BCOLOR]

  • [BCOLOR=#333333]NAME[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=#333333]AGE (between 16 and 26)[/BCOLOR]




    [BCOLOR=#333333]PERSONAL HISTORY (optional)[/BCOLOR]

  • [BCOLOR=#333333]1. Unless this is changed by myself or the co-GM, only one character is allowed per player, and only one character per kingdom.[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=#333333]2. The pairings will ultimately be decided by lxngdon and Lurcolm. If you have a major issue with the character yours has been paired with, please let us know, but otherwise, our decision is final.[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=#333333]3. Only heterosexual pairings will be made. I have no issues with the LGBT community (being bisexual myself) but for the sake of the medieval setting, these pairings will be straight. However, you can make a gay character if you think that would be good.[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=#333333]4. Please respect one another OOC.[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=#333333]5. Put "long live the king" at the end of your CS in a bright colour to prove you have read the rules.[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=#333333]6. Please stick to the CS I have provided. If you want to add additional information, that is fine, but please stick to the template.[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=#333333]7. Only realistic face claims are allowed.[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=#333333]8. THIS ROLEPLAY IS BEST COME, BEST DRESSED! You need to get in first in order to secure the kingdom you want. [/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=#333333]9. Please, have fun! This is the most important part![/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=#333333]10. NO SEXUAL SCENES: fade to black only. I don't mind if you go into explicit detail in PMs.[/BCOLOR]

  • [BCOLOR=#333333]- The roleplay will start with a Grand Ball in the Capital, which is where the Emperor lives, where all the characters will meet and interact with one another for the first time.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=#333333]- The roleplay will stretch a little into the ruling of each individual kingdom. The pairings will go to the kingdom of the man; the female's kingdom will be ruled by their parents and inherited by their younger siblings. So, if you're playing a female, make sure they have a younger sibling.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=#333333]- The main religion of the country is Saatham, which is predominately practiced in Moonsage. It follows the same idea as Christianity; they follow one deity, Vellha, and practices in the ideals of peace, prosperity and selflessness. There are no dietary restrictions but it does forbid sexual interactions before marriage. They have priests and churches.[/BCOLOR]

GMs: @lxngdon and @Lurcolm

Tagging people who showed interest: @Shayla @Pasi @DelilahSparks @-Vesper- @Vio @MaryGoldRound @Ulysses @Alexstrasza @Mysty @derelict_lilyflower @Darru @DANAsaur @LostInWonderLand @Nightwing95

We may actually need to open up more spaces.
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!!! READ !!!
@Lurcolm and I have decided to go forth with @Aleksander 's idea and introduce a rival empire. They want to take over the Vesceros Empire and enslave the people. This could be used as fuel for the alliances that will be formed when the marriages happen; it can be used to cause the kingdoms to stop fighting and band together. The only thing keeping the other empire out is Velancha and their military prowess.

Nickolay Chernev ?: @Aleksander : This is a hard one. Odessa would definently try to read into Nickolay's polite and kind dispositions, and maybe think he is a pushover at first because of the act, but perhaps, if she ever is able to read past his front they'd get along, they seem to have some of the same views and aspects on life, especially in their search for power. If their relationship isn't neutral, than perhaps positive.

Nobody goes to Sanctuary willingly? Oh, but that's where you're wrong, princess! Imagine a whole kingdom of convicts, living in abhorrent conditions. Imagine the poverty, the disease and infections that are so abundant? How can the noble Royal Apothecary Society of Talor not have their operatives swarm to Sanctuary in disguise and help alleviate the the poor people's suffering? Well... for a certain price, of course. A price, that may not always be paid in gold.

An organisation of health investigators and poison makers, from a kingdom of inventors and researchers, going into a kingdom that has such has such low tolerance for morals and justice, is just a match made in haven. I'd imagine Sanctuary would be one of the most vibrant black trade markets, and there is no way Nikolai's personal organisation could miss on those profits. Surely, not only the R.A.S., but also other organisations from Talor, that have seemingly humanitarian and research purposes, would have secret underground "offices" inside Sanctuary, to benefit from the favourable climate of lawlessness. I mean, come on, where else could one get away with human trials?

And as the heir of this wonderful place, Odessa would most surely be most welcome in Nikolai's circle of friends! The Black Prince likes to keep his friends happy, but perhaps sometime, when they're all alone, or when the crowd is thick enough for none to see, he would wink and smile, in a way that would clearly tell you "I know you know".

(If it's not obvious from the last part, he would not expect the ruler of Sanctuary to fall for any of his charms, or polite manners. That doesn't mean he'd drop them, of course, but for the most part, he would likely consider her the same kind as him.)
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Can I marry you? I mean, nevermind, i will think of something good and ai will write it. I .. man...you left speachless.
I think the GM has to decide on the marriage part :D
!!! READ !!!
@Lurcolm and I have decided to go forth with @Aleksander 's idea and introduce a rival empire. They want to take over the Vesceros Empire and enslave the people. This could be used as fuel for the alliances that will be formed when the marriages happen; it can be used to cause the kingdoms to stop fighting and band together. The only thing keeping the other empire out is Velancha and their military prowess.
My guy got the ranged weapons and bombs ready xD. Goodnight and see you friday since probably won't be active till friday.
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@DANAsaur That's exactly what I was thinking. xD Odessa would wear bigger diamonds just to piss her off; and she doesn't even like diamonds.

@Aleksandar I DIDN'T EVEN THINK OF IT THAT WAY. These two would be the biggest snakes in the grass, I l o v e it. I'm so down for this, I'll edit that post when I get a chance to change it accordingly. B)
I think the GM has to decide on the marriage part :D

It happens :) I mean, I really love your style of writing, is so pompous, elaborate and I think somehow it fits you very well.

Soo I miss two days and all the fun is gone ? :) ok then little people, I will squeeze my little brain into relationships.
So when will we all be paired up etc? XD
!!! READ !!!
@Lurcolm and I have decided to go forth with @Aleksander 's idea and introduce a rival empire. They want to take over the Vesceros Empire and enslave the people. This could be used as fuel for the alliances that will be formed when the marriages happen; it can be used to cause the kingdoms to stop fighting and band together. The only thing keeping the other empire out is Velancha and their military prowess.
And just like that I feel my kingdom is getting popular.
So when will we all be paired up etc? XD
I think we need everyone to post their IC, right? I mean, some royals actually don't have an army of highly educated orators swarming in to write every post for them, and actually need to find time to do it on their own, amidst all the hassle of running a kingdom. Can you imagine?! Ah, well, I guess not everyone is lucky enough to be born the prince of Talor...

Rest assured, though, my future subjects, for there will be no more of this debauchery, once I'm emperor!
I think we need everyone to post their IC, right? I mean, some royals actually don't have an army of highly educated orators swarming in to write every post for them, and actually need to find time to do it on their own, amidst all the hassle of running a kingdom. Can you imagine?! Ah, well, I guess not everyone is lucky enough to be born the prince of Talor...

Fear not, though, there will be no more of this debauchery, once I'm emperor!
@Akashi once everyone posts their completed characters, @Lurcolm and I will decide on the pairings.
Me and you @Aleksandar might not get along, you think the others aren't lucky to have a team to do everything for them? I think you're the unlucky one because without your team you'd collapse. At least I have a personal value to my kingdom as a commander.
Me and you @Aleksandar might not get along, you think the others aren't lucky to have a team to do everything for them? I think you're the unlucky one because without your team you'd collapse. At least I have a personal value to my kingdom as a commander.
oooooooooooooh #shade
Me and you @Aleksandar might not get along, you think the others aren't lucky to have a team to do everything for them? I think you're the unlucky one because without your team you'd collapse. At least I have a personal value to my kingdom as a commander.

I love me some bantz

But... a leader's ability is measured by how well he is able to delegate the responsibilities to the right person or people, and it just so happens that I have the right people for almost any job. A prince cannot and should not be bothered dealing wih mundane affairs, that's what the servants are for.
I love me some bantz

But... a leader's ability is measured by hiw well he is avle to delegate the right responsibility to the right person or people, and it just so happens that I have the right people for any job. A prince cannot and should not be bothered dealing wih mundane affairs, that's what the servants are for
Oh my guy is going to hate the crap out of your guy XD. He hates pretentious assholes and your guy just oozes it XD rofl, I can't wait for him to interact with your Prince XD.
Oh my guy is going to hate the crap out of your guy XD. He hates pretentious assholes and your guy just oozes it XD rofl, I can't wait for him to interact with your Prince XD.

Pretentious? By the Gods themselves, what makes you say that? I have only increased my servant budget twice this year, and I will have you know I actually proof-read some of my speeches! If it's lavishness you look for, just look at how much my father's personal experiences dwindle mine. I mean, he literally imported a solid gold statue of himself, just to place on the way to the bathroom, so he could use it's outstretched hand as a coathanger, because no hand, but the hand of a king is worthy of touching his robe.
Pretentious? By the Gods themselves, what makes you say that? I have only increased my servant budget twice this year, and I will have you know I actually proof-read some of my speeches! If it's lavishness you look for, just look at how much my father's personal experiences dwindle mine. I mean, he literally imported a solid gold statue of himself, just to place on the way to the bathroom, so he could use it's outstretched hand as a coathanger, because no hand, but the hand of a king is worthy of touching his robe.
.... He will send a bomb to your castle... XD
.... He will send a bomb to your castle... XD

Oh, good!!

I Iong for a change of scenery, and I would like to improve the makeup of the castle with more secret doors, puzzle rooms and underground tunnels. The ones that we have now are sooo last decade, but my father is pretty attached to the old maze and refuses to renovate. I suppose the old torture room just houses too many fond memories...
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Oh, good!!

I Iong for a change of scenery, and I would like to improve the makeup of the castle with more secret doors, puzzle rooms and underground tunnels. The ones that we have now are sooo last decade, but my father is pretty attached to the old maze and refuses to renovate. I suppose the old torture room just houses too many fond memories...
Andelina and I would punch your character in the face
  • Love
Reactions: Justin
Oh, good!!

I Iong for a change of scenery, and I would like to improve the makeup of the castle with more secret doors, puzzle rooms and underground tunnels. The ones that we have now are sooo last decade, but my father is pretty attached to the old maze and refuses to renovate. I suppose the old torture room just houses too many fond memories...
Andelina and I would punch your character in the face
I feel sorry for the girl getting with him... XD
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