Those Who Walk the Planes

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Moonlit Blade

Original poster
Time changes all things. People, hopes, dreams, and even life. Time changes the nature of conflict, yet conflict always exists. In the vast Multiverse, conflicts of all shapes and sizes exist. Each universe fights the conflicts it harbors, and many of these wars are fought between universes themselves. The Guild of Planeswalkers, which trains many powerful Mages known as Planeswalkers, acts as the highest authority in the Multiverse. Ascending those who have the spark, and training those who have ascended, they fight the many terrors of the Multiverse. However, despite this, there are still many Planeswalkers who run away from the Guild, or are hidden from it, and are known as Wilders. Planeswalkers who are not to be trusted by the Guild, who might possibly be insane, dangerous, or both. Each Planeswalker has their own agenda, and traitors are not uncommon in the Guild. Yet traitors are killed on sight, their spark harvested, and given to a child with potential.

Recently, many problems have arisen, seemingly all at once. Though these conflicts have nothing in common on the outside, few believe otherwise. Yet the Guild, with all its protocols and arrogance, do little to nothing to aid the many universes.

And so, Wilders, Planeswalkers who have been branded as untrustworthy, act of their own will to investigate.

Colors of Magic

The Multiverse and its Planes

Species in the Multiverse

The Gatherer: Use it to search for a Legendary Creature

A Planeswalker is a powerful Mage. There is no one type of Planeswalker. For example, Chandra Nalaar is a Planeswalker who uses Red Mana. She manipulates it into fire, and is thus a Pyromancer. Jace, however, wields Blue Mana, and can delve into people's minds and conjure up illusions. Remember, a Planeswalker can use any combination of the Five Colors of Magic. Some only use one, others will ue all five. It all depends on what that Planeswalker is like. Also, a Planeswalker may have one Legendary Creature as their ally. This creature is summoned when the Planeswalker wills it, and only if they have gathered enough Mana. These "contracts" can be willingly or forced, however, be aware that forced contracts may backfire if the summoned Legendary Creature attacks the Planeswalker that summoned them. A contract may be terminated if the Planeswalker finds and binds another Legendary Creature, they simply decide to terminate the contract, or the one they are contracted with dies.

There will be a restriction to some Legendary Creatures, though mostly for those that are simply too broken. Keep the Legendary Creature choice reasonable. Also, the Legendary Creature's ability will be based off of their card's ability.

How Magic is Utilized:
Legendary Creature:


Moonlit Blade ~~~ Regeil Seff
Hartke ~~~ Dhalenka Vig

Rory ~~~ ????
Aki Okami ~~~ Isseth Antorat
TheNeverThere ~~~ Kaldesh the Primordial
Name: Regeil Seff
Red, Green, Black
How Magic is Utilized:
Summons Dragons, infects them, and sends them to fight. Also capable of utilizing lightning.
A black battle staff. Both ends are encased in a heavy metal. Silver shamanic runes are engraved into the staff.

Dressed in pieces of armor and animal fur,
Regeil is strongly built, due to his life of training. He always looks scruffy and seems like he could use a shave, and his black and gray hair is kept relatively messy. He has lightly tanned skin and has piercing golden eyes. Scars cover the front of his body. He speaks in a gruff voice, and is very blunt.

Regeil is a warrior through and through. Unless he knows a fight is hopeless, he will fight until he or his foe falls, and if a fight is hopeless, he will fight until his comrades have safely escaped. He is brave, though to the point of recklessness, and always seems to be displeased about something.

Born and raised on Alara, he was taught to fear and respect the Dragons that owned the skies. His tribe consisted of warriors that fought the Dragons that attacked villages and towns, and that fearing and respecting one's foe prevented foolishness and overconfidence.
Regeil's father, who was a Planeswalker, personally trained Regeil, teaching him the arts of magic. Eventually, his father was forced to flee when the Guild of Planeswalkers came for him, and Regeil never saw his father again. Not long after, Regeil's mother died fighting a Dragon, which caused him to Ascend. Not long after, Regeil contracted a few Dragons and left Alara to search for his father. He is still seeking his father.

To find his father and destroy the Guild, believing them to be the reason his mother killed.
Fears: Very claustrophobic. Also has a fear of being restrained.
Legendary Creature:
Ryusei, the Falling Star.
Name:Dhalenka Vig (D-all-lang-kah)
How Magic is Utilized:
Summoning creatures with graft, grafting cytoplasts onto creatures, transferring cytoplasts from one creature to another (thus transferring beneficial genetic DNA), evolving creatures beyond the grasp of imagination

Biomancy generates and manipulates bio-magical matter known as cytoplasts (SEE CYTOPLASTS). A biomancer generates cytoplasts by drawing in and converting mana into the bio-magical tissue. Once created, the biomancer then may graft the material onto a creature (, or companion, enemy, self). The biomancer may then take the grafted cytoplast and graft it onto another creature (etc.). Each time the cytoplast is re-grafted it gains the genetic data of the previous creature and passes it onto the next. This causes physical changes in the affected creature (new limbs, can spit webs, glowing eyes, etc.).
Appearance: Dhalenka's skin is pale but due to her heart/blood bonding with cytoplasm has a blue/green bio-lluminesence originating from her veins. She stands only five-foot two. Her tiny frame is slightly angular, her chin, nose, and ears all slightly pointed. Unable to see particularly well through her dark-brown eyes, she wears glasses with frames made of cherry-wood. The wood matches her auburn hair, which is often kept up in a bun. When released, however, her hair unfurls into a mess of curls. Though this rarely happens and is thus mostly conjecture.

She usually dresses as she did when she was a researcher: professionally. Clean, hygienic, but able to endure if necessary (the labs were always dangerous). Her dress is indigo coloured, sleeveless, and with an armoured torso. Although most were designed with sleeves, Dhalenka's arms were built from cytoplasm making sleeves undesirable. From just above the elbow down her arms glow a brighter blue/green than the rest of her body. The cytoplasm regularly churns and bubbles but is surgically attached to Dhalenka.
Personality: What Dhalenka has in intellect she lacks in charisma. She has never really had meaningful interpersonal relationships outside her family. In social situations she usually internalizes herself, keeping conversation professional. Sometimes she might seem cold, aloof, or completely disinterested but truth be told she's actually more interested in socializing than she lets on. In non-formal situations she may seem prudish, reclusive, and even a little awkward. Still, Dhalenka is usually somewhat likeable as she has, what she believes, to be the best interest of her allies in mind. It is hard for her not to tread the line as her father did, 'assisting' others where they do not wish to be assisted. The ever looming thought that she might make the same mistakes as her father is always present.

Dhalenka Vig is the daughter of the deceased Simic Guildmaster, Momir Vig. She was born with a weak heart and non-functional arms. Without treatment, she would have died. However, her father, wanting to save his daughter, utilized cytoplasm to copy his healthy DNA and pass it onto his daughter. The operation was a success, but unexpectedly the cytoplasm also bonded with Dhalenka's blood causing the bio-magical material to flow through her bloodstream.

Dhalenka lived within the confines of the Novijen, Heart of Progress. There she researched alongside her father and practised biomancy. While she and her father shared many views, including the best interests of society, Dhalenka noticed her father's perspective was changing. Momir began to believe that he knew what was best for the world. When people rejected his miracle invention, he decided to go about his research covertly. While Dhalenka knew her father was trying to advance evolution, she had not realized until it was too late that her father was using unwilling test subjects. Worse, she had learned of a plan, project Kraj, to wipe Ravnica of life and start over. He was determined to fix a world where people rejected change and evolution.

She was unable to confront her father before his untimely death and the disaster which resulted when the experimental Kraj was released. The creature called out to her and every piece of cytoplasm in the world of Ravnica. All who had bio-augmentations were mutilated or killed, all except Dhalenka. As Kraj called out to the cytoplasm her heart began to beat faster than it ever had before, the cytoplasm in her veins glowing brightly as her spark ascended. She was able to escape her untimely death by traversing planes.

Since then Dhalenka has acted on her own. The Guild of Planeswalkers was never an option. They would not allow the continued use of her abilities knowing what happened on Ravnica. She frequently debates returning to Ravnica, to fix the mess left behind by her father and find the answers she seeks in the remnants of Novijen. However, the thought terrifies her more than anything else. So Dhalenka continues her research, utilizing her new abilities as a planeswalker to explore the limitations of evolution.
Fixing her father's mistakes/prove his motivations, evolve life to its greatest level, improve life with cytoplast tissues
Becoming her father, That her father really was a megalomaniac, That she will become a megalomaniac, Being completely disabled
Legendary Creature: Experimental Kraj

Although the original Experimental Kraj has been destroyed, its presence still lurks in Dhalenka's mind. With enough mana she is able to re-form the beast; however, it is difficult to predict whether or not it will be controlled. Perhaps, with time, she will come to understand it, and it will come to understand she.
How Magic is Utilized:
Legendary Creature:

Name: Senharu Taka
Age: 22

Race: Human

Colors: Green, Red, White

How Magic is Utilized: Using burn spells to weaken opponents and creatures. summoning a large ammount of medium to powerful creatures (usually dragons). buffing the creatures up and attacking, then using healing spells to undo any damage done during combat.

Weapons: Tatsumasa, the Dragon's fang.


Personality: Taka is inquisitive, he loves to study things especially nature and it's relationship to magic. He is usually joyful, but when he gets angry he usually flies into a rage. He is notoriously impatient and prefers to deal with matters quickly. Taka never shies from a fight he often resorts to violence when he feels everything else is not working. Taka rarely gives up in he face of adversity, he believes that anything started must be finished.

History: Taka grew up training to one day be a samurai. His father was a famous emmissary for lord konda on the plane of kamigawa. Taka grew up traveling the great forests and mountains of his home plane. He was fasinated by nature, it's ability to create and destroy, to heal and kill. He learned much from the Kitsune and orochi who taught him their ways.Taka became dissilusioned with becoming a samurai when he was ordered to kill a young mother, for not getting out of his fathers way quick enough. Taka refused and was ordered to take his own life. Taka fled to the Kitsune lands where he planned to hide. It was there that he met a planeswalker who recognized the spark in Taka, and taught him about the planes. After some time taka returned to his father to try and make peace, but his father trapped him and killed him. The anguish over his past and the hatred his father had for him coupled with dying at his fathers hand caused Taka to ascend.

Taka gathered a few allies from his homeland and left Kamigawa vowing never to return. As Taka traveled the planes he began to amass great power. With the help of an ally from kamigawa he was able to obtain the allegience of several dragons. Taka travels the planes studying nature and gathering strength. While he is still weak compared to most other planeswalkers he is a force to be feared.

Goals: Taka has two goals, he wants to amass as much power as possible. Secretly Taka wants to overthrow lord konda and lessen the extremism of his former people. More importantly Taka desires knwoledge, he wants to understand nature and it's relationship with magic, and to gain an understanding of natures delicate balance.

Fears: Taka fears failure, he is also slightly fearful of crowds. Above all else taka fears becoming cold and vengeful like his father and the other samurai he grew up around.

Legendary Creature: Jugan, the Rising Star
It looks fine so far, Hartke. But for the Experimental Kraj, you can make it so that it can give a creature cytoplasts, and when it moves it back onto itself, gains that ability. It would work with your character's abilities and is essentially what the card does, just tailored to fit the RP.
Name: Kaldesh The Primordial


Ooze/Shapeshifter (Formerly Human)

Green Red Black

How Magic is Utilized: Summons Phytohydras and Progenitus with Dramatic Entrance. Transmutes parts of himself into different oozes by infusing them with different types of mana. His wand contains cells from various hydras, which he uses to 'grow' himself new ones for battle.

Sword and Wand

Body/Ooze Wall



Kaldesh was originally from the plane of Kamigawa. Having survived the Kami War, then known as Rikuto, waited on Iname as One, the kami of life and death, while he was in town one day gathering supplies, he noticed a strangely dressed traveler, showing off a great creature of many heads. When he asked Iname about it, the kami told him it was known as a hydra, a mighty feral snake-beast from another plane. For many years after, Iname tutored Rikuto about other planes, and creatures that lived on them. Over this course, Rikuto came two learn of two other beings, along witht he hydra, that he regarded as incarnations of life through destruction, and destruction through life: Oozes and saprolings, particularly the saproling swarms of Dominaria, feared by its inhabitants. Then one day, it happened, as Iname knew it would: Rikuto's spark ignited. Rikuto had been tending one of Iname's shrines when it was attacked by a band of raiders, and during his fevered defense, found himself hurtling through the Aether. For an instant he blinked, and when he opened his eyes, he found himself on a plane different from his own. If it hadn't been for Iname's teachings, he would have been unprepared and most likely fallen prey to common thugs by the weeks end. But instead he sought out those that he knew: Oozes, hydras, and saprolings. It has been countless ages since that time, and he has learned many tricks since, not the least of which being the permanent transformation of his body into that of an ooze. Using his new amorphous abilities, he has held many faces and many names, changing each every decade or so. And now his search to bring growth to the barren and destruction to the overwhelmed has led him to Innistrad.

Goals: To bring destruction and decay to those areas overgrown, so that new growth may begin to form. To bring growth to those areas considered barren.

To come across a plane that is so ancient that life cannot take root.

Grimoire of the Dead

I figured that being 255 years old, he'd have left behind some evidence of his passing through a plane. Should someone decide to do some (extensive and interplanar) research on him, they'd see these things, in addition to his Legendary Summons, showing up. In short, I'd rather this little bit be unique to Kaldesh's character sheet.

Famous Spells:
Life and Limb, Death Mutation, Doubling Season, Necrogenesis, Scatter The Seeds, Gelatinous Genesis

Known Summons:
Mycoloth, Phytohydra, Bloodhall Ooze

It's all good, TNT. My only issue is having Progenitus as a Legendary Creature. At least to start off with. Also, if your character only utilizes Red, Green, and Black mana, how would he summon Progenitus, who also requires White and Blue mana? Also, is your character an Ooze? Just want to straighten that out.
Yes, well, not originally. He turned himself into an ooze. Sorta. It's complicated. There's alot you can do in 255 years. And yeah, I was just being silly about Progen. As for how he summons Progen and Phytohydra (who is green/white), it says he uses Dramatic Entrance. It's a green spell that let's you summon one green creature from your hand. Back when Alara was Type 2, this was the main way of playing Progen, as hard-casting him was nearly impossible in a competitive deck. As both Progen and Phyto require green mana (thus qualifying them as green), they can be summoned with Dramatic Entrance. The card is great, because it says you PUT a green creature from your hand onto the field, so the creature can't be countered, which stops low-cost cards like Unsummon.

Sad thing for me is, there are only two Legendary Hydras, and 2 Legendary Oozes...One of those oozes has already been taken (though I'd still have to use Dramatic Entrance for it), and the other oozes also requires Dramatic Entrance (Mimeoplasm). Of those 4, the only one I can hard-cast is Ulasth, the Hate Seed.
It looks fine so far, Hartke. But for the Experimental Kraj, you can make it so that it can give a creature cytoplasts, and when it moves it back onto itself, gains that ability. It would work with your character's abilities and is essentially what the card does, just tailored to fit the RP.

Perfect. That works excellently. If there are any kinks/bugs that need to be worked out/altered as we go along we'll hit them as we hit them.

Also sorry about that TNT. Experimental Kraj actually has some significance to Dhalenka's history. I'm altering canon a bit (I hope that's okay, I may actually just be expanding upon it), but Dhalenka is supposed to be Momir Vig's daughter (the man responsible for cytoplasts and the experimental Kraj). More will be detailed in her history shortly.

EDIT: And my profile is done! I've got a more detailed history I'm working on but it has what -I- would consider self-spoilers so I'll update the current history as things pop up.
Don't worry about it Hartke. Simic are one of my favorite guilds from Ravnica, right behind Salesnya(2nd) and Dimir (favorite). Strength-wise, my Simic deck is second only to my Dimir deck (as far as Ravnica Block goes, though Dimir is my strongest overall).
Alright almost finished. Origionally I was going to make a character from Alara but I figured it might be best to keep things diverse.
Okay. Once everyone is done, I'll put the IC up.
I've picked my Legendary. Now for the boring stuff.
Goddamn Karrthus, he wrecks my character! XDDDD But it's a good choice.
There are surprisingly few Legendary RGB creatures. Only 8.
True. But your legendary doesn't need to be all of your colors. Mine is Ryusei, and is only red.
I know. But it's nice to have one like that. I may change it, though, if I find something I like better.
Just checking in. I'm excited to get things started ^_^.
Name: Tensai Serazae
Age: 22
Race: Angel
Colors: White, Red
How Magic is Utilized: Bonds and shackles her foes to prevent them from resisting or attacking. Tensai then destroys those who continue to resist.
Personality: Cool and aloof, Tensai does not open up willingly with others. She is somewhat condescending and judgmental, believing that her views are those that are correct. Still, when conversing with her peers, she attempts to at least listen to their opinions.

Tensai traveled on a pilgrimage for knowledge in her younger years, which resulted in her traversing the planes. Tensai has, as a result, little memory of the plane from which she came and instead prefers to call her favorite of the planes her home plane. This plane is Equilor, where Tensai spends most of her time.

From her memories of childhood, Tensai determined that her most likely plane of origin was Serra. Despite this, Tensai is not particularly fond of Serra and the blind adoration of many of Serra's inhabitants is very vexing to Tensai.

Since adolescence, Tensai has trained under the elders of Equilor and considers them to be more her kin than the Angels of Serra. Choosing to seek out more of the artificial planes, Tensai decided to live as a nomad once more and travel through the planes.

Goals: Learn about all of the planes.

Fears: To lose sight of knowledge and turn a blind eye in favor of belief or some other means of blinding oneself.

Legendary Creature: Iona, Shield of Emeria