These Violent Delights

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He nodded at her comment about the nightmare. "Well, it triggered a number of things that triggered a lot of other stuff that just so happened to work out in our favour. We got lucky." He mused, yawning a little. He laughed a little. "That seems to happen a lot to us. I think we've actually only ever had one proper plan, which was getting the others away. And it worked anyway, so at least we know that our plans do work." He rubbed his temples slightly, smothering a yawn.

"Anyway, I'm going to take this opportunity for a nap, before we have to end up thinking on our feet again." He said, kicking off his shoes and closing his eyes. He didn't think he was that tired, until he fell asleep straight away. He was marginally worried about nightmares, but figured that he couldn't do himself as much damage as he had the first time he'd had one. And besides, if it was bad, he had an idea that Yun would wake him up to snap him out of it.
"...I think we've actually only ever had one proper plan..."

A faint smirk adorned her face. "More or less. I'm the type of gal that likes action first, questions later. You did most of the planning," Yun replied. She remained in her spot, ignoring her combat boots. She shifted to her side, facing Alex. "I'm known to be one lucky son of a bitch, so I guess that's why we lasted this long," she mused. A few minutes later, Alex fell asleep. She watched him for a moment. Her eyes softened a bit. A sigh escaped her lips. Yun turned around, back facing Alex. Her eyes fluttered shut. A wave of exhaustion washed over her. Yun subconsciously rubbed her aching chest. Before she knew it, Yun drifted off. She didn't want to fall asleep, especially after her previous nightmare. However, her body won her inner battle. Hopefully, she wouldn't destroy this room in her sleep. It was better than a depraved prison cell with chains on the walls.
Alex dreamed, but he didn't have a nightmare as such. The dream unsettled him, but didn't scare him. He was running. Just running. And for some reason, he knew that he was running to something, rather than from something. And he knew what he was running to, but he just couldn't bring it to mind for some strange reason. He looked down at his clothes, which were new and unfamiliar. That troubled him for some reason, and he kept running.

He woke up and stretched a little, rubbing his eyes. It took a second for him to remember the events of the day before, and he ran his hands over his hair and down his face. He had no clue what the dream meant or if it meant anything at all. He knew that the dreams were often a message from the sub-conscious, but all he was gathering from that was that he needed new clothes and would end up running at some point. He looked over at Yun, making sure she was okay.
Yun was laying on her side, back facing Alex. Based from a soft snore, she was still asleep. Fortunately, her body was calm. She was currently free from her string of violent nightmares. A soft groan escaped her lips. Yun twisted her body around, mumbling a few words in Korean. She laid on her stomach, ignoring the dull pain in her chest. Her arm hung over the edge, brushing against the floor. A curtain of dark hair draped over her face, obscuring her eyes from view. Half her ponytail fell out, creating a wispy mess. Her combat boots remained attached to her feet. Yun never bothered to remove them in the first place. Her shirt rode up, revealing a glimpse of her back tattoo. Despite her wrinkled attire, Yun looked peaceful, a deep contrast to her previous slumber. She grumbled a few more words, a few slurs switching to English.

"...-ill you...brat..." Yun mumbled.
He smiled, glad to see that she wasn't having nightmares. He caught a glance of the tattoo on her back as he sat up, stretching a little. He had no clue what time it was, or how long he had slept, but he ran a hand over his hair, yawning a little. He pulled out his phone and glanced at the time. Two AM. He occasionally did wake up in the middle of the night for no reason. But as he sat up, he realised how cold it was in the room. He considered climbing under the covers, but he glanced over at Yun, before standing up and crossing the room to retrieve her jacket. It was battered, but still intact. He put it over her, covering her bare arms and her chest, before going back to his own bed and climbing under the covers, pulling them over himself.
Yun didn't stir when her leather jacket was draped over her shoulders, providing warmth. She remained asleep, laying on her stomach. Her chest was still sore, but it didn't pose as a threat for the slumbering female. She continued mumbling in her sleep, slipping back to her native tongue. Yun burrowed her head further against her pillow, curling her dangling arm around the fluffy object. She snored lightly, feeling more comfortable. A calm expression plastered on her face. A few minutes later, Yun rolled over, shifting to her side. Her back faced Alex. She was notorious for moving in her sleep. Yun never stayed in one spot for the whole night.
When Alex awoke, it was to shouting nearby. He glanced at his phone to find that it was morning. He smothered a yawn as he sat up, creeping silently over to the door and pulling it open slightly, just enough to allow him to see out. Edward was yelling at somebody, who was attempting to yell back. Alex listened to the conversation, and grinned. The guy who Edward was yelling at had evidently been ordered to try and trace their friends, but had failed. Edward was pissed about that. Alex heard Edward starting to come back towards the room, and closed the door, sitting on the edge of the bed and stretching as Edward stormed in.

"Get up. You two have got some talking to do." He drew two guns, pointing one at each of their heads. Alex checked his bedside table and scowled as he found his gun missing. "You little bastard." He snarled, standing up. Edward grinned a little. "Now, talk, or I'll kill the other."
"Get up. You two have got some talking to do."

A groan escaped her lips. Yun rolled over, nearly falling on the floor. She rose into a sitting position, rubbing her eyes. "Hm?" She noticed Edward. Her expression hardened. She slipped on her leather jacket. Her eyes averted towards Edward's guns. A scowl carved into her expression. "Really? Trying to pull off Laura Croft? You wouldn't look good in a tight tee and short shorts Eddie," she sneered. She rose into a standing position, walking closer to Alex. She flanked his right side. Her eyes inspected the barrel aiming at her face. "You should know by now that I'm not afraid of guns Edward," she pointed out. She ran a hand through her hair, taming her unruly locks. She pulled it back into a messy ponytail, adjusting it. "Nor will I break through threats," she jeered. Her fingertips crackled with kinetic energy. She could disarm him easily. However, two guns put her at a disadvantage. She couldn't afford the second gun shooting Alex.
Edward smiled. "No, I know that neither of you are afraid of guns or dying, but I do know that both of you care about each other. So look at it like this, Miss Lang. You will co-operate, or Mr Hooper dies." Alex laughed a little. "When did you start using our last names?" He asked, staring straight at the older man. He was attempting to get into the man's head, but failing. He had never failed at getting into another mutants head, and he'd never had a problem getting into his head before.

"Ever since I realised that you're actually a force to contend with. I underestimated both of you. Especially you, Alex, and I should never have made that mistake. I know what you can do better than anyone else." Alex stared down the barrel of the gun. "Now, talk. Where are your friends?" Edward demanded, looking at Yun. "I know you've been talking to your brother. You know."
Yun threw her head back and laughed. "Oh man, this is too good," she cackled. She ignored his jibe about her brother. A smirk plastered on her face. "You're still underestimating me, Edward," she sneered. Her dark brown eyes gleamed a deep amethyst. Her expression darkened. "I'm not telling you anything," she growled. Her fingertips crackled with energy. "You really shouldn't of pointed something explosive in front of me. I don't react too kindly to those that threaten people I care about," she warned. Her body trembled as a wave of kinetic energy washed over her. She focused on the guns in front of them. Without another word, Yun shoved Alex to the floor and grabbed the barrels of Edward's guns. An explosion ensued, her energy reacting to the bullets inside the hand guns. Yun was thrown back from the force, slamming into a nearby wall. A groan escaped her lips. Despite her impromptu plan, it managed to destroy Edward's guns. If she reacted a second too slower, Edward would of shot her. Based from the explosion, Edward would of been thrown back as well.
Alex shot a glance at Yun, but she didn't notice. Before he could take in what she was really saying, she shoved him to the ground. He covered his head with his hands as he heard the explosion, waiting for a minute or two before looking up. Both Yun and Edward had been thrown away, and it appeared that Alex had been the only one not hurt from the explosion. Edward appeared to be unconscious, and he could hear Yun groaning. He bolted to his feet, running to Yun and pulling her to her feet. "We've got to go, now. We've got to get out of here altogether, we can't stay not after this." He said, taking a moment to look her up and down to check for injuries.
"We've got to go, now. We've got to get out of here altogether, we can't stay not after this."

After Alex pulled her up, Yun teetered to her side heavily. However, she stabilized herself before she fell. She rubbed the back of her head. A migraine pierced through her skull. Her ribs felt bruised. Yun anticipated more bruises from her reckless attack. "Got it," Yun bit out gruffly. She stumbled forward, exiting the room. She dragged Edward's unconscious form inside the room. She kneeled, patting him down. She retrieved a set of keys and access card from his pocket. "Might be useful," she muttered. Yun rubbed her forehead. A part of her regretted her last minute decision. Crashing in a wall wasn't painless. Yun scrambled to her feet, running out of the room. She fumbled with the keys, locking the door. Fortunately, the lock was on the outside. Edward would be trapped for the time being. She handed the access card to Alex. "Those were the only guns he got. Stay behind me until you get your hands on another one," Yun commanded. She started jogging down the hallway. "What about the others? Do we got time?" she inquired, referring to their recruits. She scanned her surroundings, recognizing her path. "Got a solid plan in mind, hotshot? We went through all that trouble getting caught willingly. I don't think he'll make the same mistake again if we're caught again," she added.
He took the access card and kept jogging behind her, thinking. "We have to leave them here. A large group will be more conspicuous, and it's more than possible we'll have to hide out for a while. And no, I don't have a plan. Just keep running." But as he spoke, he focused in on her mind, wincing as all of her thoughts rushed into his head, but he was able to focus in on transmitting his own voice.

Sorry about this, but it's entirely possible that we're being monitored. He'll be expecting us to recruit more people. So we won't. We'll have to get in contact with the others, get them to send over someone to meet and work with us. We've got to go completely incognito. Pay everything in cash, avoid CCTV, and minimise our public exposure. Any ideas?
Yun felt a familiar prickling sensation. A few seconds later, her mind was bombarded by Alex's voice. A frown marred her lips. Yun scanned her surroundings.[BCOLOR=#000000] "We need to find a vehicle. I don't know how to pilot a helicopter. Our mission was destroying Edward from the inside,"[/BCOLOR] she thought. She noticed a henchman walking around a corner. Yun instinctively pressed her back against the wall, dragging Alex with her. She stalked towards the corner, slipping around it. The man sauntered down the hallway, back facing her direction. Yun lunged, tackling him to the floor. She wrestled a bit, but subdued the man in the end. Yun slammed his head against the floor, knocking him unconscious. Yun patted him down, retrieving a single glock 19. She handed the weapon to Alex. "Since our mission is shot, we need to get the hell out of here, regroup, and find a way to make it happen. Killing Edward is too easy. If we want to destroy his legacy, his secret needed to be exposed," she added. Yun scrambled to her feet, dropping the man. She continued jogging, leading Alex away from the man.

"Hopefully, those brats won't take it too personally," she mused, referring to the recruits they trained.
"There's probably a basement of some kind where there'll be cars. I'd be willing to bet that this key card can get us into a lift of some kind." He thought as he examined the gun, locking his fingers around it. "And when they hear the circumstances under which we left, hopefully they'll understand. But I think they'd be a liability." Alex felt someone approaching and grabbed Yun's wrist, pulling her around a corner and pressing her against a door, flattening himself against the wall beside her. Someone went running past, and after a few seconds, he pulled her out again and kept going. "Keep an eye out for something like a lift."
Yun nodded in response. "Sounds plausible. What about money, kid? We don't have enough to start paying everything in cash. It's going to take awhile before we contact the others. Frankly, I don't want to reunite with them. They'll be fine on their own. He wasn't able to trace them. I don't want to put them at risk. Edward wants us, not them," she thought. Before she could react, Yun was pressed flat against a door. A scowl carved into her expression. "A little warning next time," she added dryly. After the person disappeared, Yun resumed jogging. She scanned her surroundings, searching for anything out of the ordinary. Edward would awaken from unconsciousness soon. Both of them were on a strict time frame.
Sorry. He started to run again. However, a few minutes later, he heard gunshots- sounding like they were being aimed towards them. He put on another burst of speed. How's your chest? He asked. But before either of them could reply, pain exploded in his lower leg. He severed the link as soon as he could, but was worried that some of the pain had transmitted across it. He tried to keep running, but his leg went from underneath him and he hit the ground, gasping. Arms wrapped around him and dragged him to his feet. His hands were shoved roughly behind his back and something was wrapped around them, keeping them together, and an arm wrapped tightly across his chest, meaning he couldn't even try and get to his gun. He couldn't even try and get some physical contact.

The pain of having weight on his injured leg meant that his concentration was gone, but he tried and get into the head of whoever was holding him. His breath caught a little as he realised that he couldn't. Either they were human, or there was some sort of block stopping him. He felt the barrel of a gun against his head and swallowed.

"Here's the deal. Both of you come with us, we patch up your boyfriend and he doesn't get even more badly hurt. If you run... Well, you won't know what happens to him, will you?" Alex stared at Yun, forcing himself to reopen their link.

Don't. Run, please. I can't get into his head to make him let me go. They won't kill me, I'm too valuable. It's me or both of us. Run, get out of here. If you need money, go to Griffin's. My wallet is in my room, my debit card is in it. Pin is 2194. I've got about a thousand dollars in my account, and if you contact my mom, she'll send on more money and won't ask too many questions. If you try and use your ability, you'll probably kill me. He's too close to me. Please, just run. I'll be fine, just go!

Yun formulated a response, but a flurry of gunshots interrupted her thoughts. She ducked instinctively, increasing her speed. She gritted her teeth in aggravation.

How's your chest?

Before she could react, her head exploded with pain. A strangled gasp emitted from her lips. Yun stumbled forward, clutching her head. Her vision swimmed violently. A few seconds later, a loud thud alerted her. Yun whipped her head back, peering at Alex. Her eyes widened in response. "Alex!" she exclaimed. Her expression darkened instantly. Her dark brown eyes filled with rage. She glowered at the man holding Alex hostage. "You fucking bastard!" Yun roared. Her hands crackled with kinetic energy. Her head was pounding from Alex's unintentional whiplash. However, she ignored the stinging sensation.

"Here's the deal. Both of you come with us, we patch up your boyfriend and he doesn't get even more badly hurt. If you run...Well, you won't know what happens to him, will you?"

A bitter laugh escaped her lips. "Look at you, trying to act so tough. I know the art of intimidation, bub. Do you think a gun to the head would intimidate me? Edward would kill you if you damaged his most prized possession. I'm not afraid of you. You're just all talk and no bite," Yun sneered. Her eyes averted towards Alex. A familiar tingling sensation entered her mind.

Don't. Run, please. I can't get into his head to make him let me go. They won't kill me, I'm too valuable. It's me or both of us. Run, get out of here. If you need money, go to Griffin's. My wallet is in my room, my debit card is in it. Pin is 2194. I've got about a thousand dollars in my account, and if you contact my mom, she'll send on more money and wont ask too many questions...

Her mind reeled at his words. "Are you insane? I can't leave you! He'll try to break you Alex! I refuse to abandon you," she thought. Her eyes filled with pain.

.... If you try and use your ability, you'll probably kill me. He's too close to me. Please, just run. I'll be fine, just go!

Yun gritted her teeth. Her hands curled into fists. "We're a team Alex. I'm sure I can break you free!" she added defiantly. Yun scanned her surroundings. She couldn't unleash her ability on the ground. Her explosion would kill Alex in the process. Yun inspected the walls. Alex was too close to the wall to use her next strategy. Yun bit her lip. There was no safe way to subdue the man without injuring Alex! He couldn't survive an explosion at close range. Suddenly, loud shouts resonated off the walls, followed by thundering footsteps. The reinforcements are near. After her performance, Yun doubted Edward wanted her around. Killing her would be a perfect solution for controlling Alex. Despite her role, she was too dangerous. Her heart clenched viciously. She couldn't let that happen. She didn't want to abandon Alex, but she had no choice. Running would keep Alex alive. Edward wouldn't be able to break him if she escaped.

"When I find you again, you better not submit to him, you hear me? Don't you fucking give up Hooper! I promise I'll come back for you," Yun declared. She peered into his eyes. "We'll take him down together," she promised. Yun turned around and bolted, disappearing around the corner. Yun loathed her situation. She always fought back. She preferred standing her ground, not running. She suppressed her pessimistic thoughts. She may of viewed running as cowardly, but she couldn't stand the thought of Alex breaking if he watched her die. Yun wasn't afraid of death. However, her death would impact Alex psychologically. Tears pricked at the corner of her eyes. "I'm going to fucking destroy Edward," she growled. She rubbed her eyes furiously, continuing her journey. After several twists and turns, Yun located an underground garage. She needed a key card to open a door leading to the garage, but Yun improvised, using her ability. Once she tore the door off its hinges, Yun sprinted across the lot, choosing a vehicle closest to her; a black Ford Escape. Yun opened the door and stepped inside the driver's seat, buckling in. She searched for a key. Fortunately, it was stored in the glove compartment. Yun snorted in response. "Never expected a mutant to break out of your base, now did you?" Yun sneered. She inserted the key into the ignition and turned it. She shifted the gears into drive and peeled out of the lot, running over a few henchmen, whom managed to catch up with her. A group gathered behind and fired at her vehicle, but missed. Yun exited the lot, driving towards the closest highway.
He watched her run and felt something loosen in his chest, knowing that she wasn't going to put herself unnecessarily in danger for him. Both of his legs gave away as his vision started to fade, and he could feel himself being dragged away, his injured leg dragging limply behind him. He was vaguely aware of being dumped on the ground and cuffs being snapped behind his back. The pain didn't dull, and as his vision started to go entirely black, he thought he saw a vaguely familiar figure standing over him, a gloating smile on his face.

He lost track of time. Not long after he came around, he was dragged to testing. Dragging wasn't an exaggeration- nothing had been done about his leg, and it was still incredibly painful to put weight on it- not that anyone cared. He was subjected to more testing, trying to block people out or let them in or just do whatever they wanted him to because otherwise, they'd kick his injured leg or punch him or hit him in one way or another. Edward demanded to know where the others were, but Alex didn't tell them.

Time carried on like this. He would be slung back in his cell, barely conscious, and usually would pass out for a while, before more testing. Meals appeared. If he felt able to, he ate them. A lot of the time, he didn't feel able to. When he was actually able to string a few thoughts together, he managed to look at his leg. The bullet must have been still lodged in it, as he could only see one wound. It seemed to be just flesh, but he couldn't be sure. His hands were behind his back, so he couldn't even make a makeshift bandage.

He was constantly physically and mentally exhausted, and started to hallucinate when his exhaustion reached it's peak. All that was really keeping him going was Yun's promise that she'd be back. He didn't want to fight, he just wanted to get away from this and out of here.

(I'll let you decide how much time passes, as Alex has no track of time and no energy to try and work it out.)
She did it. Against all odds, she escaped! Edward possessed impeccable resources. He could of easily ordered a chopper to tail her! He should of sent reinforcements, commanding every minion to hunt her down. However, it didn't happen. Yun escaped his headquarters successfully. A part of her wanted to laugh, but her victory was short lived. For the first time since her resurrection, Yun was alone. She left her partner in crime in the clutches of a madman. Yun struggled to reason with herself rationally. Alex ordered her to leave. Edward would of used her death against him. She was helping him by leaving! She wasn't abandoning him! Yun intended to return. Unfortunately, it didn't ease her overwhelming guilt. Yun wasn't the type to feel remorse. She didn't care about consequences, unless it involved her family. Her heart twisted painfully.

Did she make a mistake?

Yun contradicted every belief she possessed. In the past, she always remained by her comrade's side. Yun loathed the option of running. She wouldn't hesitate sacrificing herself if it gained her family's freedom. On the other hand, what made her leave? Why did she listen? Regardless of her reasons, when did she start thinking rationally? Yun contemplated on her choices. She drove towards Chicago absentmindedly, not even scanning her surroundings. Her mind was a blur. Her heart was heavy. Yun was an emotional mess. She didn't bother wiping away her traitorous tears. She gripped the steering wheel tightly, until her knuckles turned white.

"Don't you dare die on me Alex," she whispered. A shudder surged down her spine. "Don't you fucking die on me when I come back," she added.


Two months passed since Yun was separated from Alex. Eight weeks passed since she stopped by Griffin's house and picked up Alex's debit card, along with her old duffel bag. Sixty days passed since she cut off all ties from her family and went incognito, knowing it was better if she didn't join them. One thousand, four hundred and forty hours passed since she traveled out of the country, drifting around Canada. Eighty six thousand and four hundred minutes passed since she trained diligently, unlocking her true potential after one month. Yun spent the second month mastering her control, well in Yun's standards. She was far from perfection, but Yun finally controlled her anger. She wasn't a ticking time bomb anymore, unless she unleashed her ability willingly. Yun endured several night terrors, often destroying her hotel room in the process. She developed a habit of running before the hotel staff could contact the local authorities. How could she explain herself without revealing her secret? Fortunately, her nightmares decreased after the first month. After two, grueling months of constant hiding and moving, Yun was ready.

Yun was currently walking through the streets of Tokyo, Japan. A week ago, she contacted her brothers, revealing her current status. Her brothers were outraged, but it was expected. She didn't bother debriefing her family about her elaborate escape, including Alex's imprisonment. She was rebuked violently by Alex's friends, but Yun didn't care. She refused to endanger her family with her presence. She was a danger magnet. If she located her group in the beginning, Edward would of found her. Her friends scorned her, but she knew they understood. Yun wasn't heartless. She wouldn't of done it without a proper reason. After everyone calmed down, she planned a meeting in Tokyo. Yun wasn't aware how many mutants her group recruited, but she hoped it was large. Her outward appearance changed since her escape. She cut her shoulder length hair and dyed it raven black. It fell a few inches below her chin in thick wisps. She exchanged her signature leather jacket for a trench coat. It was a hard decision, but her jacket was an icon. However, she left it at Griffin's. It was a present from her brothers. She wouldn't of thrown it away blindly.

A sigh escaped her lips. She took a seat on a bench, sitting in a secluded park. She ran a hand through her short hair, tucking a few strands behind her ear. She retrieved a card from her pocket, stroking it gently. Ironically, Yun didn't create a large dent in Alex's funds. She used the card only when it was absolutely necessary. A part of her felt guilty, but she crushed the feeling. Her mind wandered briefly, wondering how her brothers would react to her new appearance. Due to her months of isolation, Yun looked older, more wiser.
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