These Violent Delights

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He nodded as she croaked his name. "Yeah, it's me." He watched as the healer worked on the burns, grinning as she spoke. "Edward couldn't kill you, so I doubt a rookie will." He grinned again as she squeezed his knee reassuringly. He brushed some hair out of her face as she closed her eyes, still watching the healer. The concentration on his face was incredible. The burns were clearly causing him trouble, but he wasn't giving up easily. After a while, he sat back, glancing at Alex and nodding. "I've done as much as I can do without passing out. There's some scarring, and there is going to be a little bit of pain for a day or two, but I don't want to exhaust myself either." Alex nodded, putting a hand on his shoulder. "You did well. Here, help me move her." Between the two of them, they moved her over to the wall as gently as they could. Alex straightened up, looking at the recruits. "Now you know that this isn't a game. People are going to die, and people are going to get hurt. If you don't control yourself and your emotions, you are going to hurt yourself and other people." His eyes landed on the pyrokinetic, who was crying.

"Guns and fists are all very well, but powers are at the core of this fight. You've seen what I can do. We need to work on your control before someone else get hurt, and we can't save them this time. Pair up. We've got work to do."
A warm hand brushed through her hair, tucking her bangs behind her ear. It was the last thing she remembered before passing out. A large hole tore through her shirt, revealing a glimpse of her bra. Black soot covered her torso, providing a sense of modesty. After she was relocated, Yun didn't stir from her slumber. The young boy, whom Yun saved, covered her with her leather jacket. He remained shaken from the incident, realizing if Yun didn't shove him to the ground, he could of been fried. A few supers wondered if Yun was going to wake up. Many were shaken by the event. However, a few noticed the close bond between their unofficial leaders. On the other hand, no one was brave enough to comment.

One hour later, Yun awakened from unconsciousness. A groan pierced through the air. She pressed a hand against her aching forehead. A migraine pierced through her skull. Yun leaned forward, massaging her temples. She opened her eyes, scanning her surroundings. "Fucking hell," she muttered. Her torso ached. However, it didn't surprise her. The healer fixed her burns, but she wasn't completely healed. It would take her a few days to stop aching. Regardless, he worked his magic. He was a decent healer for a beginner. "Where in the hell is that bitch?" Yun mumbled, recalling the pyrochick.
Alex ducked to avoid a stray bolt of some kind. The mental based powers were all working together, and he'd taken a break to make sure that everyone else was doing okay. He glanced over towards Yun and saw she was awake. He ducked again as he walked over to her, grinning a little. He squatted to her level, glancing briefly back at the group before looking back at her. "Hey. How's the chest?" He asked, looking back at the group. After the incident with the pyrokinetic, he didn't intend on leaving them unsupervised for too long. There had been a few near misses, but he'd managed to get in there and stop them. Admittedly, his hair had gotten a decent coating of frost, and his eardrums had nearly been burst by a sonic scream. But overall, they were improving. Slowly but surely. "We really don't have a great experience with pyrokinetics, do we?" He laughed a little.
"Hey. How's the chest?"

Yun averted her eyes towards Alex. A scowl carved into her expression. "I need a new shirt. That bitch burned a large hole. Flashing these brats is the last thing on my mind," she grumbled. She noticed his hair. A fleeting chuckle rumbled through her chest. "They kept you on your toes, eh Frosty?" she jested, referring to his hair. She winced slightly from the pain caused by her chortle. Her torso ached, pulsing with pain. A part of her wished Arabella could tag along. Her healing was remarkable. Unfortunately, it would be disastrous if Edward captured her.

"We really don't have a great experience with pyrokinetics, do we?"

A smirk painted her lips. She punched Alex's shoulder lightly. "You gotta admit, though. If it weren't for that last bitch, we would probably of killed each other by now," Yun mused. Her dark brown eyes filled with mirth. She slipped on her leather jacket, buttoning it up. She wasn't exactly modest, but the last thing she needed was a pervert staring at her chest.
He raised his eyebrows, laughing a little. "True. I'll see if I can do anything about getting you a shirt. I doubt anyone will want to go out alone, but we'll manage." Raised voices caught his attention, and he glanced over. It looked like a fight was breaking out between two recruits. Alex recognised the blood manipulator and the ice manipulator. In short, it could turn messy. He grimaced and straightened up, striding over to them. As he neared, he sped up into a run, getting between them. "Stop!" He yelled, but had to duck as something red flew over his head. He reached out and grabbed both of their wrists. "STOP IT!" He yelled. They stopped yelling, and the projectiles stopped flying.

He turned to the ice manipulator. "You. Take him and go find Yun a shirt. Don't let yourself be seen. Go straight there and straight back. Cause any trouble, and you'll regret it." He indicated the pain manipulator, and the two of them left the room. He turned to the rest of them. "We're in enough trouble without you lot fighting among yourselves. I don't give a shit who hit who, or who called whose mother a slut. We're all on the same side, and if you can't get over your differences, we're in deep shit. Change around. Go with somebody new." He ordered, letting his anger come across. There was close enough to silence as they all found somebody new to work with. As they started again, he went back over to Yun, running a hand over his hair and shaking away the frost that fell as a result.
Yun witnessed the scene unfold. Her expression darkened instantly. After Alex returned, Yun forced herself in a standing position. Her chest ached, but she ignored the pulsating pain. She cracked her knuckles, thankful for the healer's touch. He noticed her bandages when he healed her twisted ankle. Since her power was physical, it wouldn't be long until her knuckles are ripped up. "I'm going to teach these brats to listen. If they want to fight with their power so badly, I'll show them why they need to take this seriously and work as a team," Yun snarled. Ten minutes later, the duo returned with a large, plain black shirt. The blood manipulator tossed it towards her with a scoff. A sadistic smirk plastered on her face. She turned around, shrugged off her jacket, and changed. Yun wasn't very modest, so she wasn't bothered by the fact a group of supers could see the back of her bra. A few gasped at her massive back tattoo. Once she slipped on her new shirt, Yun spun around. She pointed at the ice manipulator and blood manipulator. "Change of plans. Since you brats aren't taking this seriously, I'm going to show you a demonstration why this mission is dangerous. It seems none of you realize how crucial this training is. You two pussies are going to fight me. A two-on-one match. Power and all. No holding back. If someone dies, that's not my problem. I'm fucking tired of your defiance," she declared.

Yun slipped into a fighting stance. She didn't need her signature objects to fight. Her hands illuminated a brilliant neon purple. Her fingertips crackled with kinetic energy. Her smile widened at her opponents' wariness. It seemed they didn't expect her challenge. She intended to put them in their place. "Ladies first," Yun sneered. She lunged at the blood manipulator. She swung her fist forward, aiming at his chest. He stiffened, not expecting her speed. He managed to dodge, rolling away. Her fist connected with a wall. A large explosion ensued. Smoke billowed from the crater she created. Fortunately, the wall was thick enough to prevent a hole. A couple of mutants gapped.

"That could of killed me!" The guy cried.

A bitter laugh escaped her lips. "Not too long ago, you could of killed Iceman over there-" she motioned to her left. Yun ducked low, dodging a stream of ice. "If Edward isn't going to show you mercy, why should I? All of you need to be prepared! If you continue to ignore us, all of you will die! We need your help if you want freedom! Teamwork is crucial. It's all we have since we'll be outnumbered and unarmed. Now stop bitching like a sniveling coward and fight me!" Yun snapped. She executed a few advanced formations, conveying her martial arts training. Both supers managed to evade her devastating blows. Her power fluctuated. Some attacks were stronger, others were normal. Yun was losing her patience. It was pointless training if most supers wouldn't listen. She was notorious for approaching situations with brute force when it came to discipline. Despite her intellect, Yun preferred using her fists instead of peaceful negotiations. Alex was the persuader. She was the soldier. Yun unleashed all her stress in this fight, never letting up. If the duo wanted to survive, they would have to work together. Her combatant skills were superior, but mutants with no control could be dangerous. Yun hoped this would teach the brats control.
Alex started towards her with concern as she stood up, but she seemed to be pretty damn determined. As she changed, he averted his eyes. He had a pretty decent idea that she wouldn't care, but he didn't particularly want to blush in front of everyone. He folded his arms and watched as she challenged the ice and blood manipulators. "Aren't you going to stop her?" Someone asked him. He shook his head. "You need to see this." His expression didn't change as she blew a hole in the crates. He could hear the mutants whispering behind him, and turned around. "Shut it. You need to see this." He turned back around to watch the fight.

He could see the fear in the eyes of the two mutants. They looked at him, and he just raised his eyebrows in response. "I'm not going to be able to cover your ass in a fight." He said simply. The blood manipulator ducked and glanced at the blood manipulator. "Does it have to be water?" The ice manipulator frowned, then shook his head. The blood manipulator nodded. "Great." He drew some blood from his own skin, and the ice manipulator's eyes widened in realisation. As the blood formed into a dagger, the ice manipulator froze it, and it flew towards Yun.
Yun witnessed a spark of teamwork. A fleeting laugh escaped her lips. "About time!" she jeered. Yun leaned back, flattening her palms on the floor. The blood dagger whizzed past her, hitting a wall. She rolled to her left and rose into a standing position. Her dark brown eyes gleamed a neon purple. A maniacal grin plastered on her face. "Time to kick it up a notch!" she declared. Her right fist crackled with kinetic energy. She slammed her fist against the ground, creating a shock wave. It ripped through the floor, zipping towards the ice and blood manipulators. If they didn't dodge, this could be potentially fatal. Blowing off a leg was minor compared to half a body being ripped apart. Yun bolted towards the two, preparing a second attack. She didn't care if she was caught in the explosion.

"She's insane," one girl breathed. Her eyes glinted with fear. A few supers agreed, watching the scene unfold.

Fortunately, the two dodged. The shock wave traveled to a nearby wall, exploding on impact. Smoke billowed from another crater, pluming in the air. "Good job. Your reflexes are improving," Yun drawled sarcastically. She raised her knee and swung her opposite leg upwards, using her knee as a booster. Her foot connected with the ice manipulator's jaw, causing him to stagger. Yun dropped to her knees and swiped at the blood manipulator's feet, resulting him to fall. Yun rolled to her left, dodging a harsh ice blast. A chuckle rumbled through her chest. "Don't hold back. Right now, I'm the enemy in this fight. If you don't work together, both of you will die!" she commanded. Unbeknownst to Yun, her body illuminated, crackling with energy. Her dark brown eyes shifted to a bright amethyst. The more she fought, the more stress she relieved. "Observation is the key! I'm tired of you two dodging. Get on the offense, you cowards!" she sneered. Yun slapped her hands on the floor, generating another shock wave.
Alex watched, his arms folded all the time. His eyes mostly watched Yun, making sure that she wasn't pushing herself too far, but he made sure that she wasn't pushing the others too far. He could feel the supers around him pushing back, but he stayed exactly where he was. He could hear them whispering, but didn't say anything, just watched. He frowned as she started to glow slightly, watching the fight.

The two of them were bricking it. They were getting their asses handed to them, and they were just trying not to die. They had no idea how to work together besides combining their powers. They glanced towards Alex, but he just watched, his face stony. On a whim, the blood manipulator glanced at the ice manipulator, before gesturing to the floor as he dodged another kick. The ice manipulator frowned, before throwing a patch of ice. The blood manipulator ran and slid along it, ducking as he slid past Yun, before straightening up and driving his elbow towards Yun's back.
An elbow slammed against her back, knocking her on the icy patch. Suddenly, her left hand was frozen to the floor, courtesy of the ice manipulator. Yun slammed her leg back, hitting the blood manipulator's groin. After he crumpled, Yun averted her attention towards the ice manipulator. A smirk plastered on her face. "Do you feel it now? How serious this situation is? Are you both pussies ready to shut the fuck up and listen? Are you ready to train properly instead of defying our orders?" she sneered. He stood a few feet away from her, posed in a fighting position. A few seconds later, he nodded. "Good. Session is over. Unfreeze me," she added. He complied reluctantly, waving his hand. After Yun was freed, she lunged, tackling him to the floor. Yun pinned him quickly, pressing her hand against his throat. Her fingertips crackled lightly with energy. If he tried to use his power, she wouldn't hesitate to unleash her own. "Always keep your guard up," Yun chastised. She leaned slightly, peering into his eyes. A murderous expression adorned her face. "Defy me again and I'll kill you both, got it? We all have to work as a team, not individually. If you want your freedom, then you better fight for it. Now help your little friend," Yun jeered. She rolled off him and rose into a standing position. Her body stopped glowing. She cracked her knuckles and stretched, loosening her muscles. Yun scanned her surroundings.

"Do you see it now? How crucial it is to stick together? If all of you end up fighting, we're dead! Edward isn't going to show mercy. If we work together, we have a chance against the odds. What I just demonstrated is a promise. I won't hesitate to end any of you if you don't cooperate. I won't let you jeopardize our mission with your petty squabbles," Yun declared. She walked towards Alex. Her hand subconsciously rubbed her chest. It ached from her full body tackle.
Alex watched as the fight ended, still not saying anything. As Yun moved towards him, he looked back at the group. "I want to see you working in pairs. That is, a pair of supers fighting a pair. Try not to kill each other." He called, before turning back to face her. "Come on, you're taking a break. Hopefully you didn't do any more damage." He said, heading over to a table and leaning against it, watching them all the while.

"How long do you think we have to train these guys?" He asked, watching them as they tentatively started to fight. He'd never appreciated how well they'd worked as a group until he saw complete novices trying to fight together. Even he and Yun had worked better together when they'd still wanted to tear each other's heads off. He glanced at her. "By the way, you don't want me to try and get you painkillers or anything?" He asked.
"How long do you think we have to train these guys?"

Yun scanned her surroundings. Her hand subconsciously rubbed her back, right where she was hit. "Not long. After our "break" from experiments, Edward is going to subject us to more. He wants to push us to our true potential before initiating his primary goal. I say we have two weeks tops," she deduced. Yun flanked Alex's right side, leaning against a table. She folded her arms across her chest. "My demonstration should give them a taste of what they're up against, but they still haven't grasped how crucial it is for teamwork. We're going to be outnumbered and out armed," Yun explained. She ran a hand through her medium brown hair. She adjusted her messy ponytail.

"...any painkillers or something?"

A faint smile painted her lips. "You still need more rest Alex. I'll be fine. I can live without the painkillers, so you don't have to influence anybody," Yun assured.
He grinned, holding up the gun. "Never said anything about using my ability." He watched them, shaking his head a little. "It'd be incredibly handy if we were still with the others. Then we could show them how teamwork really works." He remarked. They were starting to pick up, but slowly, slowly. The variety of powers meant that they were having to improvise. He noticed that the pain manipulator and the guy with the psychic constructs had teamed up, and they seemed to be doing pretty well. He nodded in their direction. "That's a lethal pairing." He noted, glancing at Yun.
"Never said anything about using my ability."

Yun snorted in response. "That isn't going to work if there was a group," she pointed out. She scanned her surroundings, observing each individual. "Indeed," she mused. However, it couldn't be helped. Edward would of killed everyone if they didn't execute their plan. Yun noticed the pairing. A smirk plastered on her face. "Lethal pairings are good as long as they're on our side. A mind manipulator and kinetic spitfire can be mighty dangerous too," she reminded. She fingered her tattoo subconsciously, tracing the black four leaf clover. A frown marred her features. "Parkour is a great way of learning agility and sharpening your reflexes. However, that requires an obstacle track. I can't exactly scale up the air," she muttered.
He grinned at the mention of a mind manipulator and kinetic spitfire. He nodded at her mention of a parkour track. "Can't be of much help there, I'm afraid. I don't know what you need and I highly doubt ol' Eddie would have one." He watched them working, starting to slowly improve. He glanced at the clock on the wall. "I don't think we have a whole lot of time left before we've got to be out of here. Still, at least we'll be able to plan a little for tomorrow. Less winging it, more concrete plans. Might make things go a little less disastrously."
A chuckle rumbled through her chest. Yun rose into a standing position. "That's the beauty of parkour. You make everything an obstacle track. Most people just call it a fancy way of running. It's all about maneuvering over everything quickly," Yun explained. She motioned around the room. "Since there's just space and walls, this wouldn't be a good example. However, I could teach these brats if we had a few fences and a building or two," she added. She inspected the clock on a wall. Yun racked a hand through her unruly locks. "Don't forget to influence a good place for us to rest and time off from experiments, kid. You need it," she reminded. She sauntered towards the group. "Oi! Sparring is over. Stop fighting and listen up!" she commanded. She pivoted to her left, walking back to Alex. She stood next to his side, flanking his left. She folded her arms across her chest. "The floor is all yours Xavier," Yun drawled sarcastically, nudging Alex.
He rolled his eyes. "Thanks, Erik." He responded, folding his arms. They all turned to face him. "Right. Today, you've learned some valuable lessons today. Mostly that we don't want any of your bullshit. You've all got to work together, or we may as well just stop trying. We'll meet you again tomorrow for more work. We're hoping that we don't get anywhere near the same level of bullshit as we did today. But you are all improving. Learn to get along and work together, and we might stand a chance. Rest up, and be prepared for tomorrow." He had barely finished when Edward appeared. Alex walked over and clamped a hand around his wrist. "You are going to give myself and Yun somewhere decent to sleep, as well as a break from testing. You will come and get us tomorrow for more training." He let go and raised his eyebrows, as Edward scowled , but was forced to lead them down the hall.
"Thanks, Erik."

A smirk plastered on her face. "Shouldn't it be Magneto?" Yun quipped. She grew silent, listening to his speech. Yun scanned her surroundings, inspecting each mutant. Hopefully, they would listen next time. Frankly, she didn't care much about them. She, along with Alex, promised freedom, but it was pointless if they couldn't cooperate as a team. She wouldn't let a group of brats ruin their goal. She exuded an intimidating aura, daring anyone to interrupt Alex. A few minutes later, Edward appeared. A chuckle rumbled through her chest. He didn't have time to retaliate before Alex influenced him. A wicked grin adorned her expression. "Hello to you too, Eddie," Yun jeered. She walked out the door, following the two. Her group retreated back to their cells. Yun flanked Alex's right side, inspecting her surroundings. She incorporated every detail to memory.
Alex took in their surroundings as they walked. He hadn't spotted any labs for a while, which was good. Or better, at least. Edward pushed open a door, and Alex grinned. It was a bedroom, with two single beds. It was plain, and dull, but it was better than anything else they'd been in. "Sometimes, we have associates who need somewhere to stay. Usually, they prefer a hotel, but we have these rooms just in case." Alex nodded, getting a hand around his wrist again. "Remember, you can't say anything about what we're doing or what you have seen. Leave and don't come back until tomorrow, when we're going to do some training." He said, before releasing his wrist and closing the door. He threw himself onto one of the beds, sighing and grinning. "That's better."
Ten minuted later, Edward led them inside a small dull room, furnished with two single beds and a rickety couch. She snorted in response. This is the luxury Edward provided his business acquaintances? "No wonder they prefer a hotel," Yun muttered. After Edward left, Yun closed the door. She sauntered towards the opposite bed, plopping down. It was surprisingly comfortable. Albeit, it was stiff, Yun didn't care. Compared to their old cell, it was a huge upgrade. A chuckle rumbled through her chest. She scanned her surroundings. She didn't see any security cameras. However, it didn't mean they were safe. She wouldn't be surprised if Edward bugged his rooms. "Get some sleep, kid. You over exerted yourself today," Yun muttered. She slipped off her leather jacket and threw it towards the nearby couch. She laid back completely, not bothering to take off her combat boots. A sigh escaped her lips. "Guess that nightmare was our ticket to this boost," Yun mumbled sardonically. She massaged her forehead, feeling an upcoming migraine.
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