There is always a choice

  • Thread starter Joanna Silverdale
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((OOC: So sorry about that, I'll avoid that in the future.))

"O-oy! Get a hold of yourself! Hey!"
"Wh-what's going on, Hans?"
"Just...who is this girl?"
"I...don't know."

Sentences flying through the air hazy as morning fog. A thud on the floor, then lights out.

She was carried by Hans and Jaan. Regulus and Priscilla had a serious talk about this.

Eventually everyone called it a day and it was time to turn off the lights of everyone.
Vereesa let out a small groan as she began to wake up several hours later and her eyes flickered slightly, opening halfway and she looked around with a disoriented expression. She felt extremely dizzy and her head was throbbing in pain, she carefully sat up while she looked around a bit. "W...What... happened?" She stuttered.
"You seemed very dazed and weakened by the loss of blood from your leg wound", came from the other side of the bed, "so after collapsing on our floor sir and I carried you here and made sure you would get a terrific good night's sleep. He sat over there on that chair and watched over you until I had to support him so he could waltz off to his own bed without hurting himself like you did back at our foyer. Then I watched over for you until I fell asleep on this side of the bed. Funny that it happened, right? Listen, again, I'm very sorry for what I blathered back there at the forest. Um, is that a coherent enough of an explanation", he paused for a while with his fidgety voice, "Lady Vereesa?"

Silence fell to the bedroom after armorbearer Jaan Hatchet had finished his litany of a speech. They looked at each other for a while.
She let out a surprised yelp and fell out of the bed and down on the floor. Vereesa let out a small groan as she pushed herself up to her knees and she rubbed the side of her head as she then looked at Jaan. "I-It's not lady... I'm just... I'm just a servant." She said low while she brushed away some hair from her face. "I-It's okay, it... didn't turn out as bad as I h-had thought... I really thought those guards were going to take me back..." She then said low, just the thought was enough to frighten her so much that her body would start to tremble again.
"Ehh, what's going on in here, I heard a noise, and..." Hans stopped on the threshold after he opened the door. The toothbrush fell out of his mouth when he stood there utterly dumbfounded and with his mouth open. Jaan suspected that nothing good will come out of this, and he hurried to say: "N-n-not to worry sir! Not to worry! I made sure she had a good night's sleep worthy for a lady to have, so there's no need to worry at all!"

Another silence, a little longer than the previous one, during which Hans picked up his fallen toothbrush and studied the situation first looking at Vereesa who was still on the floor and then at Jaan who was still in bed. "Ah...I...perhaps...perhaps I said something...wrong, sir?" Jaan tried to break the silence to no avail, as Hans opened his mouth for a moment but quickly shut it. He thought about his words carefully for a while, but then chose to go for it, as directly and solemnly as ever: "Jaan Hatchet, son of Gert Hatchet, my most trustworthy armorbearer yet...did you...sleep with Vereesa?"

was all the shocked armorbearer could utter from his mouth, until all of his psychological defensive mechanisms went off at the same time as he understood his situation. "Nooo-no-no-no-no-no-no! I didn't do it! I didn't do anything! Nothing happened! Nothing at all! I swear to God it wasn't me! F-forgive, sir! Forgive me! I fell asleep while watching over her, I swear to God! I couldn't even do anything if I"

Hans' face changed color to a slightly paler skin tone.
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Vereesa's eyes widened and she let out a surprised "Eh?!" At the question if Jaan had slept with her and she blinked a few times. She stood up, but too quickly as she felt a surge of pain through her left leg which was now bandaged by the thigh where the wound was and she staggered slightly. "Nothing happened, he did not sleep with me... at least not in the manner you are thinking, Sir Goban. I... I woke up now and I was surprised to see that he was in the bed so... I fell out of it." She stuttered and she looked at Jaan for a moment before she looked at Hans, her cheeks had begun to turn slightly red as she blushed at Jaan's last words.
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"Jaan", saind Hans slowly with a shaking voice, "you know what this means, do you not?" "Y...yes, sir...I have been a disgrace to the Goban name...In...front of this lady...I'll...I'll..." His voice was a whisper when he finished it: "I'll punish myself...until my sin...has been lifted..." "Get to it, then." "Yes...sir...." the midget of an armorbearer slouched away with dragging steps. "And please call me Hans, Vereesa. I shall prepare your breakfast", said Hans and exited the bedroom, closing the door on his way out.
"Wait-" Vereesa started but silenced herself as Hans exited the room and she lowered her gaze with a guilty expression before she walked closer to the door and she then carefully opened it to see if she could find where Jaan had gone. "He shouldn't have to punish himself, he's done nothing wrong." She thought to herself, as she heard footsteps, she quickly shut the door and went back to sit down on the bed with her hands on her lap. A maid walked by outside the room while she was attending to her duties, having been the footsteps that Vereesa had heard.
It took a while, but eventually Hans returned with the breakfast: a sandwich with two boiled eggs, an apple and a glass of milk. "May I enter?" he asked and entered. "I figured you'd have a lot of questions to ask from me, so I brought my breakfast here to eat with you while I answer with the best of my ability. I might also have one or two things to ask about you. You ask first, please", Hans said as he sat down and placed his breakfast on the table and turned to face Vereesa. "Oh, and before you ask, Jaan is alright. He is just, how shall I say, 'grounded' for the rest of the day. I feel like 'grounding' someone is targeted at a child, not an adult, but..." he cut off from the midst of his sentence and took a bite of his apple.
She looked at Hans as he entered the room and she nodded once at his words, she knew it would be rude of her to decline his offer since he saved her life after all, so she had nothing against sharing breakfast with him. "I-I see." She stuttered as she heard him mention Jaan, there was an obvious sign of relief on her face and she held her hands over her heart. "W-Why did you not give me back to the guards and w-why did you help me when you could've just as easily have continued on with your business?" She asked, quite curious but still cautious as she didn't want to press the matter too much.
"I don't know. I guess I just felt like it", Hans answered and took another bite off of his apple. Suddenly he had a look on his face that would tell anyone conversing with him to pay attention. "Vereesa, I didn't know who you were at the time. I was a knight on duty, even if I was having a break. But even then, why couldn't I just leave you either to the guards or to the wolves? Because it is my duty as a knight to see to it that there are no lives in danger on my watch", Hans finished. "Now how about my question, Vereesa? Who are you exactly and what were you doing in that forest? What made you run for your life and why did you get the guards after you? Tell me a story, Vereesa. Tell me the story of a poor girl who was wronged by her master and fled his mentality", Hans said, partially guessing the gist of her story.
Vereesa looked up at him as he spoke and she then lowered her gaze when he asked her to tell her tale and she swallowed once, her hands clenching tightly.
"I-I am a servant of Lord Elenthras and I have been so since I was five years old. He was kind back then, and gentle, he would never have harmed a soul." She started. "But.... then something happened and five years ago he started to kill just to make himself happy and he began to shut himself away more and more... I was rather close to him, he looked after me when I was younger, even if I was a servant... however... when he showed this darker side of himself, he also began to distance himself... I once..." She stopped as she swallowed once, her voice had begun to fail her and she took a deep breath before she continued. "I once... saw him rip off the head from one servant with just his hands, I... I couldn't believe what I was witnessing, partially because of the force he had to use in order to be able to do it, but as well that he... that he actually did it... but there was no remorse, no sadness and no pain in his eyes, only joy." She stuttered. "Th-that's when I decided that I had to run, I didn't want to tempt fate and make myself his next victim. Once he had fallen asleep, I snuck out of his mansion but one of the guards spotted me and drew his blade, he was the one who injured my leg and th-then I ran in to the forest." She stuttered low.
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after missing his chance. wolf followed the pair making sure not to be noticed. after they went inside he be began scouting the house. "hmm looks like its not that well guarded, but its not a smart idea. i think ill wait on the roof until they come outside."
"I.. I don't know why he wants me back alive, if it's to have me live in constant fear or if it's because he wants to end me... but I beg you.. please, please don't force me to go back." Vereesa whimpered pleadingly as she looked at Hans and then down at the bed, her body was trembling in fear at the thought of having to face Elenthras again.
"Eh. I know the stories pretty well myself", said Hans. He worked for Elenthras as a knight, after all. "Most of the rumors flying between the guards and knights have had a truthful ring to them, but to think you have witnessed such cruelty firsthand... I am honestly sorry for you to have experienced something so hurting and scary", he then said and chomped and gulped down his sandwich. "Nobody regardless of who they are deserves that."
Vereesa ate her breakfast and she then gently stood up with her hands over her pelvis. "S-sir Go-... Hans... While I'm here I... I would like to repay your hospitality b-by helping out here in your home." She said as she bowed her head.
"Hold it. One last question: do you have any family or trustworthy friends to turn to? Does anyone you know and love live anywhere around here?" Hans asked. To tell the truth, he thought the servant girl cover more thoroughly as an actual full-time cover for Vereesa as well, but a thought had come up in his mind: What if there was anyone like that, a friend or relative? They will eventually start looking for her, ask Lord Elenthras, feel alerted and message the authorities. Then she would eventually be found from my house no less. She would be returned back to Elenthras, I would lose my knighthood and my father would lose his place in senate. Words he couldn't say out loud because it would have been too selfish for him to reject his hospitality towards her in exchange for serving as a maid in the House of Goban. But it'd be alright, thought Hans again, since the loved ones would be redirected at the House of Goban instead of Lord Elenthras. It is a possibility. He wouldn't say it yet since he wanted her answer first and wasn't certain on how things would turn out. Eventually Hans spoke up: "You know, someone out there might just be concerned for your safety even more than I am."
She looked down at the floor and shook her head. "I have no living friends nor relatives. They... They have all been victims to Lord Elenthras." Said Vereesa as her hands clenched tighter over her heart. The servant she spoke of that had his head ripped off had in fact been her older brother and the last relative she had left and now he as well, was gone.
"Th-that's..." Hans wasn't aware of that. He didn't know that all of her loved ones were led to their own demises executed by Elenthras himself. The least he could do is let her stay. Going back was definitely out of the question and she had nowhere safe to stay but here."I, sir Hans Goban, son of Regulus, made up my mind. I may as well let you stay and work here, but for one certain condition", he said suddenly with that serious listen-to-me face yet again. Did he decide the right thing? Definitely. Were there consequences in this set-up? Probably. Hans wasn't fully certain and didn't even believe it, but even as the crazy sociopath Lord Elenthras was rumored to be, he might still notice he had one less servant now.
Vereesa blinked a few times in surprise at his words and she looked up at him when he spoke, her hands being over her pelvis. "O-of course, what is your condition, Sir Hans?" She asked and she brushed some of her hair behind her ear before she lowered her hand to her pelvis again. She did her best to disguise her happiness, finally she was somewhere safe, a place where she didn't have to fear the thought of returning to Elenthras and a possible end.