The Wolf Pack: Next Gen

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Liguria noted she had also resembled her ancestor closely, owning the same features and dark fur Difference was pictured with in her books. She smiled, trying to imagine a younger version of the Sky Pack Alpha. A one that resembled her ancestor's enemy.
"What do you know about the shadow trader?" She asked with interest, noting the name of the pack Selkis was raised in. An entire pack, dedicated to The Mad King's nemesis. She marveled at the idea.
Caicias found his gaze watching Hock's tail as it flicked back and forth. Not that he could do much about it; his gaze was zoned out, his mind distracted with naming the different purposes of all the things on Delphi's tree.
Rhaegar nodded. "I will speak with her; perhaps I can see if she's able to visit you herself."

"Oh, most things about his life," Selkis said with an easy smile. "It was like a bedtime story for me when I was a pup. I loved hearing about this great wolf, hoping with all my little heart I'd be even half as revered as him when I grew up."
Hock smiled, earnest and genuinely pleased. "Thank you for doin' that for me." He chuckled, glancing at Delphi, and then to Rhaegar. "Me, a stranger wolf." The feats these Sky Pack wolves could perform amazed him. He shifted slightly, and noticed he had stepped onto a pink snapdragon flower. Usually he took care not to hurt any plants that grew on the grounds, but this must have slipped past his sight.

Liguria giggled. "Quite the opposite, on my end. I feared my descendant whenever the captains read me stories about him." To even attempt to become a king in the forest's eyes! Her descendant had sent guards after his enemies, bribing and cheating to remain in his powerful position. "Of course, to be malevolent is to be praised in my pack, but as a pup, I grimaced at the idea of even growing up in his image!"
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Delphi bowed her head to Hock.
"You're no stranger-wolf," she said with affection. "You're a Sky wolf, same as us. We're family."

Selkis laughed.
"Really? He always sounded terrible but rather impressive to me!"
"Terrible but impressive." Liguria agreed solemly, albiet with a hint of a smirk. She leant forward on her paws, engaged fully in the Alpha's conversations. "Have you ever recieved a vision from your descendant?"
Difference thrashed in the darkness. His own name rung in his ears, repeated by that Demon girl. Glinting eyes looked up into the cool black sky, anticipating seeing the moon but only seeing two bright figures. They painted the sky in their heavenly glow, hurting him. Their words would hit him like bolts of lightning, triggering a blinding kind of electric pain. He closed his eyes shut sharply, feeling another migraine permeate through him. The stars bubbled and popped, brushing through the inky clouds. He'd told her, told her to end them. To crush them with the anger he knew brewed inside her. Ha ha, instead she falls in love. What a mess, a melodrama. A mistake.
This strange new place he inhabited, it was neither Star Pack nor the Hell he had thought awaited him.
'Please don't go, I love you so." He snapped his head back and forth to relieve him of these thoughts that came and went. His body was displaced, never physical enough to travel anywhere, but enough to hear and feel. Liguria, that was what she was called. In the sky, her expression shone with a glowing admiration, a sweet kidness he despised. Gods knew she had it in her. The traumatizing seperation from her old pack, the hatred she had been taught from a young age- if she had any kind of smarts she would let that anger break forth like a tidal wave, maybe catch the Sky Pack Alpha off guard. Through his curled position amongst leaves that didn't crackle, he sent those suggestions up to her. The forest sung, screeched and howled for blood. She reminded him of himself, when he had met the Shadow Trader. Had his own experiences taught her anything? Love was for fools, and he had been a fool.

He supposed he existed where no wolf lived anymore. A land of vengeful spirits and fear. Time meant nothing, only the actions of the living affected him.
For the moment, he would live down down in this wretched, doomed place until the Shadow Trader came forth. Until the horsemen showed their ravaged faces, he would wait.
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"Not a vision, per se," said Selkis, recalling her meeting with Osiris on the same evening she was suddenly crowned Alpha. "Our ancestors visited each of us while we were awake. He appeared right in front of me, up on Alpha Rock. He almost looked real; he was a spirit, though. I haven't seen him since... but I could speak with him if I wanted to, I suppose. We have a Medium in our ranks." She paused thoughtfully and said, more to herself than Liguria, "perhaps I will ask Rhaegar to talk to him soon, and ask him some questions from me. I'd like his opinion on a few things."
Liguria nodded enphatically. This Osiris seemed a benvolent character, someone perhaps willing to impart knowledge. She murmured as she imagined his figure, golden and proud on an Alpha rock. Home.
"My ancestor doesn't seem too overjoyed about communicating." She laughed nervously, raising her paws. "I know you Sky Pack members are the spiritual type, but I thought with this prophecy-" She took a breath, "He would appear to me to." She clicked her tongue. "Well, he did. Before you visited for the first time."
"He did?" said Selkis, her interest piqued. Difference was the famous rival to her ancestor, so she knew his story well. "What happened?"
"I was in my den, and I noticed a kind of mist snake its way through the enterence. I can tell you," She smiled, "I was scared." Her mouth worked to describe the feeling of meeting your ancestor so abruptly. "Before I knew it, I was on the ground and he was there." She explained. Her eyes grew in size, in a fearful excitement. Crush them with your power. The words still lingered in her mind.
"I could only see Difference's eyes, green. There was some blood, too. I remember that. It was running down his jaw in a way that would work even captains into a frenzy." She hadn't told Selkis about the trance Demons got into at the sight of blood, but she assumed the Alpha knew.
"It was like he'd bitten his tongue. Then, he was gone." Liguria felt a sudden, guilty aversion in telling Selkis what the wolf had told her. It would be too much of a contradiction to their alliance. "And I'd gotten word you had arrived."
Selkis, for all her excitement, was left confused.
"He didn't say anything to you?" she said, frowning.
Liguria swallowed. Now was the time to make up her mind about telling the Alpha everything.
"He said barely anything. It all went by so quick-" She sighed. "He commented something about me inheriting his looks, and that-" She summoned his speech to mind, his spoken word, leaving out the thought that had imprinted itself in her.
"That while his fight was over, mine was just begining." He hadn't exactly said the other words she hesitated to tell the she wolf, no. He'd thought them, and then she had too. The instruction had seared itself into her brain.
The snake that ate its own tail, an endless cycle that never ended. What substituted his heart beat a constant staccato. White teeth made a crescent shape in the low light. Yes, she would pay for this love of hers. Just as he had payed. He had been dragged, kicking and screaming down into this cursed land, and she would too when the time came. He would personally make sure that happened. She could take his place for all he cared. His fall had been orchestrated by some plucky punk, who had tested luck's waters and found it warm and welcoming to his touch. It was a rude awakening, to be caught in hand to hand combat and to lose. Before, when he lost, there would always be someone to find his competitor responsible. However, the rebellion had gotten too strong too fast.
"It's just you and me, Leader." The current face of the masses, a mascot of those against him, had growled into the night. His eyes narrowed with rage, claws sliding on the Alpha rock.

"Guards will hold your severed head on the borders, so all can see what happens to those who rise against their Alpha." Difference advanced, his sleek frame outranked by the well built wolf. He realized with a sudden clarity it would be easy to take this wolf with the help of his loyal guard, but Sebastian had been deployed with the other troops to beat down the stragglers who had refused surrender on the west wing of the grounds.
"I'll make an example of you." He was weak, had been weak for long. But that didn't mean he was incapable of making this young rebel squall for his mother. They clashed, silhouetted in the rain.
After some time, Sebastian returned. His pelt was soaked in the rain, sticking to his back. A body of another wolf lay sprawled on the ground, its neck snapped. He cried out at the sight of his Alpha nearby, broken and slumped too. Blood mixed with the running water, collecting in the nooks of the jagged rocks.
"Oh Gods, Difference." He breathed, clutching at the wolf. He had known, at the back of his mind for some days now, that this would happen. After things at the pack had gotten worse, descended deeper into chaos, it had always been a bleak possibility.
"Don't touch me." Difference hissed, the words coming out distorted and childish. Talking sent a fresh bolt of agony through his jaws. He found himself wishing with a sudden ferocity that the ground would swallow his doting friend up. Or even better, that Sebastian would leave him bleeding. Desert him and end the contract of his service without a second glance. The guilt that had manifested ever since the Shadow Trader had pushed his dogged way into the leader's life still burned strong. Sebastian had always deserved better.
"I'll get a healer." The blonde wolf murmured, standing from his kneeled position. Anger spiked in Difference. He was unsure where it came from, but this nativity, this love for him his Beta possessed, it felt poisonous. He hated his pity. He found his lip curling in a sneer.
"Do you think we still have those? All the healers vacated days ago. You'd have better luck praying to the Gods to heal me." The coldness in his tone shocked Sebastian. Difference found himself letting out a raspy laugh at the way Sebastian's face mottled into a hurt expression.

"Come on, come on." The wolf grit his teeth, pushing his muzzle against Difference's rising chest. He closed blue eyes, breathing softly through his nose. "Come on."
"What?" Difference snarled sharply, fleeting pain forgotten. He cursed the rebellion in his mind as his vision dimmed.
"Not now. Don't-" Sebastian swallowed, voice cracking. Oh, here came the waterworks. Even when he wasn't the one with splintered bones and open wounds.
"Don't act like this, Difference. You don't have to. I'm here."

"Yeah? Well I'm dying." The Alpha retorted, although his voice softened to a degree.
They talked in a hushed silence for the last time. His Beta was a warm comfort for a few, brief seconds.
"Did you love him?"
"There has to be another loophole."
"If you could find it, I'd love to hear." Melete's response was, as always, dry.
"No, really. Prophecies are full of loopholes. This one will be as well. We're the loophole for Liguria and Selkis, so why can't there be a loophole for us?"
"You can only have so many gaps in the thread before your work falls apart."
It sounded like she'd explained that a million times before. Silence reigned for a moment, while Raelicka worked it over in her head. "Liguria...she tried to figure out the loophole, too."
So Raelicka was smart enough to put two and two together. It reassured her the wolf seemed to have a time limit on her fast-working brain. "Yes. When Phaezro and I...well, mostly me, since Phaezro quickly lost interest, but when I taught her the Prophecy, she would spend days on end trying to find a loophole. Often so far as to get distracted from her training to be Alpha."
Raelicka snorted. "Not good behaviour. But...well, you raised her, then?'
"And many other Alphas before her, yes. I've already explained to you the way the Demon's memories work. Phaezro and I have technically seen over a hundred Alphas be born, grow up, and die. Some by our hands when they prove to be too frail."
Raelicka shuddered at the thought. "So if any of us turned out to be unsuitable.."
"Only Liguria is at risk," Melete explained, "as outside of the pack I have no authority. And Phaezro and I have raised her from a pup to be the right leader. She won't need intervention."
"What about the others? Did you raise them?"
"For most, it was indirect tutoring from our ancestors. For the two or three I've seen brought up, we raised them by hand. Liguria's the best of the best so far, a culmination of centuries of raising Alphas. And all from the time she could first speak."
Selkis could sense Liguria's hesitation, but decided not to push further. She was pleased with the information she'd gleaned from the Alpha.
"I see," she said, biting her lip thoughtfully.
Curled up in the healing den, Rhaegar's eyes felt heavy. Around him, the now-familiar scent of saltwater, poppies and mint eased him into sleep. It was the same smell that clung semi-permanently to Demelza's pelt; she was still atop the Alpha Rock, and he could just about see her from where he lay.
"You should wake in about an hour," Bran said from the den's mouth. "I gave you a minimal dose. It should be more than enough to allow you to sleep deep enough for a dream."
Rhaegar nodded sluggishly, his head on his paws. As his eyes slid shut and the camomile leaves he'd swallowed got to work, he fell into a stuporous sleep.

As ever, Rhaegar was well-aware he was dreaming when he found himself inexplicably in a shifting bare landscape. It was a caricature of the Western flatlands, without trees or vegetation, and the sky was cloudless, yet a drizzly grey in colour. There was no sun.
"Visiting again so soon, little dove?" said a soothing, loving voice behind him. Rhaegar turned slowly. There was his mother, tilted head haloed with softly glowing light, smiling at him.
"Hello, Mama," he said quietly. He ached to cuddle into her fur as he'd done in his childhood, but he knew it was impossible. All feeling was lost in his dreams. He couldn't even feel the ground beneath his feet. "I'm actually here to speak to a long-passed Sky wolf, as a favour to a friend."
He turned from her and stared into the middle-distance. Then he said beneath his breath, "Spring."
"So, this wolf, Rhaegar. The medium. What is he capable of?" Liguria asked with interest. She'd never had the expirience of meeting withh someone capable of that kind of power. After all, she didn't neccessarily need it. All Demons gleaned information from their ancestors. Difference appearing to her was something new, vaguely unprecedented. Unlike Melete and Phaezro, the idea of retaining countless ages of memories was unthinkable. She liked to keep the information she was bitten with in the back of her mind, where it wouldn't invade her day to day thoughts.
Spring appeared to him in her soft ethreal glow, a crown of snowdrops dressing her head.
"Hello, Medium." She said, recognizing his image from around the pack. She'd watched over the wolves for some time now, examining her oblivious descendant's behavior. Perhaps with this meeting he would learn of his powers, learn from Rhaegar.
"He speaks to the dead in his dreams," said Selkis, recalling Rhaegar and his flowers with affection. "It's proven quite useful in terms of seeking advice from certain figures in our pasts."

Rhaegar bowed low, respectfully.
"Thank you for coming to speak with me," he said. He noticed the beautiful snowdrop tiara she wore, and was reminded of the unusual bareness of his own head. His crowns and flowers didn't travel with him into his dreams. "Your charming descendant, Hock - he needs advice and guidance. He would like to know if he has a gift, and if so, what it entails."
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