The Wolf Pack: Next Gen

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Finally Phaezro finished with Lester. He was surprisingly intact; the broken leg and ribs, yes, and he was bleeding from several painful slashes, but it was a lighter punishment than what had been expected. He let Lester get up and limp to the healers, barking for one of them to help him there.
Melete grinned. "Well well well, aren't we eager?" she crooned, pausing next to Oscar. Her teeth grazed uncomfortably close to his ear as she spoke, "You can go next, then, since you seem so impatient to move."
Her eyes glowed red, and once again his paws began to move of their own accord, carrying him till he was standing in front of Phaezro. The two wolves were of even height.

Phaezro chuckled at the fear in Oscar's eyes. "This is what behaviour like this gets you, Oscar." Suddenly the bonds that bound Oscar snapped, and Phaezro lunged, teeth sinking in and ripping out a chunk of flesh from his side. His paws pinned Oscar's legs down, preventing him from making a move to fight back- though he doubted he would anyway. Oscar was normally obedient enough to know Phaezro's orders overrode Quint's.
Oscar yelped, feeling hot blood run down his side, turning the surrounding blonde fur an ugly rust colour. He was pinned now, shaking and begging feverishly under his breath. Lester was fairly small, so it hadn't taken much to bring the demon down. He quietly wished the same mercy would be bestowed to him by the captains. Quint had been wrong, and they had gone along like compliant idiots. The demon's heart hammered in his chest, his eyes turning upwards to stare at Quint.

Frinz's smile turned into an elated grin. It had been his personal goal to live long enough to see the big lug brought down, and now it was happening. All due to the genius evil of both the captains Melete and Phaezro. He remembered vaguely that Oscar had always been the one instructed by the gracious Quint to hold Frinz down whenever they doled out their own invented punishments on him.

"Keep him still." Quint had growled, "You hear?"
"Yeah, Quint," Oscar grunted. He sounded slightly unsure. "I got him. He ain't gonna go running." Quint stepped forward until his flat, muscled stomach touched Frinz's belly. The black wolf's breath came out in gasps and useless tears spilled down his cheeks. Caught caught caught! His mind shrieked.

Frinz liked to call this part retribution.
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Phazro chuckled. "He's not gonna save you," he hissed. Another crunch- that was one of Oscar's legs, the bone being shattered in its socket. "Quint may act big and tough, but he's only got so much." Pressure on his chest- that was his paw, threatening to break his ribs too. Whilst distracted, the pressure shot from his chest to his paw, wrenching it to the side. The crack of the bone splintering echoed through the clearing, over the sounds of the rousing demons who were growing ever more excited to see the torture.

Raelicka shuddered. She heard every crack, every snap clearly- painfully clearly. What kind of horrible, depraved acts did these demons get up to?
Oscar bit his tongue with the violent force that Phaezro continued to administer. The lanscape turned into the grainy colour of pain. The captain was right. Quint couldn't do much in the way of helping anything, being locked in his position like that. He heard the snap of his own bones. Somehow that was the worst part.

Frinz heard the stirring sounds of the audience, seeing those around him watching with eyes bulging. The love for hurt was in demon's blood, but for those on the raised area it had ground down to a full stop. His short tail twitched back and forth as his eyes followed the captain's movements.
Phaezro grinned, making sure Oscar's torture was slower than Lester's. Still, however, it wasn't bad; while worse, he also got off relatively light. There was a reason for that.
Phaezro let Oscar go, the healer helping him off to the side. Lester had reappeared on the dais, and Oscar was lain down beside him. The healer, sympathetic for a demon but still ruthless, set to work fixing up the huge holes the captain had ripped in the giant demon.

Melete had a sweet smile on her face, taking a step forward as Phaezro set about wiping the blood off his paws. "My turn~" she cooed, pulling Quint forward. Oscar and Lester were forced to watch as Melete forced Quint to sit, padding around him as though she was just about to sit down and have a chat. Phaezro simply stepped back, bowing his head to his sister.
Bran pushed close to Raelicka, noticing her shaking. "You all right?"

Delphi laughed as Selkis regaled her stories of traversing the West - the Gold-Trader had helped her up, fed her and set her crooked crown right on her head. She wouldn't stop calling her 'the Oracle', with a tone of playful disbelief. Delphi could sense her disregard for the Star Pack and smiled softly. Some wolves just weren't inclined to believe.
They were travelling to the Forest's heart, where Selkis was sure she could dig up some interesting stuff. Delphi enchanted her; the she-wolf, though entirely ridiculous with her soft voice and flowers, had proved as graceful as the Western wolves touted. Plus, she'd never really had a friend - the Osiris pack didn't mix with outsiders, so Delphi was her first.
"Look, Selkis," murmured Delphi, pausing. She stared straight ahead and twitched her collarbone so she would feel the shift of the protective necklace on her fur. "The purple smog."
Selkis felt scared to breathe, as if she'd dispel the vivid mist.

"It won't hurt us," Delphi said softly. "It wants us both here-"
A blur and a growl and red, red eyes - a Demon pounced on Delphi and bowled her over with curled claws and teeth dripping with saliva. She gasped in shock and fear, recalling in flashes the same scarlet hue of the eyes in her vision.

Selkis leapt without thinking, her heart suddenly in her mouth. She knocked the Demon off Delphi's trembling frame and snapped at it, fuelled by panic and pulses of adrenaline. One of her bites landed, and she sunk her teeth into the Demon's neck - shocked, she flinched away, and the throat of the creature pulled away with her.
Blood sprayed out over her gold fur and Delphi's chestnut back where the latter had scrambled away. There was a harsh choking, gargling noise coming from the Demon. Selkis dropped the hunk of flesh. There was a cord - the Demon's oesophagus - still attached to his body, pulled out and hanging between the bottom of his jaw and his torn-out throat a foot or so away from him. He was spasming and Selkis watched in horror as a pup might watch a lightning storm, frozen in place. The gargling, bubbling noise from the spewing blood in his throat was scaring away the birds. Selkis stared on. Her ears were pinned to her skull. Then, finally, he went silent and still.
(Ugh sorry 4 randomly dissapearing. my internet is pretty much a dumpster fire rn)

Quint sat bolt upright, watching with careful eyes. The two goons had been dragged off to get their wounds treated he supposed, and now it was his turn. Whatever Phaezro had dealt to them couldn't be worse than what Melete was about to dole out to him, right? He only had to endure it while his loyal followers watched from the sidelines. That is, if they were still conscious. The grey fur on his ears bristled with the breeze on the high podium. He waited for the captain's next move.

They had saved the worst for last, Frinz realized with a chill. Oh, everyone was enjoying the performance, sure, but did they want this? He had been convinced Quint had been quite popular on camp. Now they were cheering for his cries.

"I'm gonna test you now, buddy. You ready?" Quint had laughed, his face bold and illuminated by the golden sun. Frinz would have thought it something that qualified appealing if he didn't know the demon.
"You oughtta be, because if you fail this one you'll lose more than your reputation." Oscar and Lester exchanged a glance. A claw prodded at Frinz's chest, prompting more squirming.
"Okay, okay. Let's go. First question. When I say you're gonna let me take your kill, you're gonna say what?" Frinz blinked, then understood he was supposed to answer.
"I-I say yes. T-take it." His voice came out pathetic with a snuffling echo to it.
"Right answer." Satisfied with their exchange, Oscar made a move to drop the omega, but a glare from Quint made him stop mid-movement.
"You passed the test." Lester found himself wondering if Quint was pulling an impromptu initiation ritual. Would Frinz be one of them after this? "Just one more thing, though. Little after-question here. How am I going to make sure you never forget that?"
Frinz blinked. "Wh-what?" The tears had dried by his face now. Quint, as if cajoling him on, produced a small, sharpened rock from the forest floor. Lester and Oscar both frowned now. Quint hadn't said anything about this! Lester had just opened his mouth to tell Quint to lay off when the rock sliced downwards in one neat, sharp arc, severing Frinz's tail.

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Melete was different to Phaezro. She was more subtle, seductive; and she was more dangerous.
She didn't even have to look at Quint for her magic to snap one of his legs. It wasn't a clean break.
His other legs began to twist; excruciatingly slowly, all in unnatural directions. She slunk around him, her sleek fur glinting in the light, watching him as though he was a pup performing a hunt for the first time. When one snapped, she started work on the next. With his left back leg, she twisted the bottom bone both left and right to ensure it was a messy break, then did the same with the upper bone.
Melete was making an example of Quint, and like the other demons she relished his torture.
Raelicka shuddered again, grateful for Bran's proximity. She'd already communicated her vision to him shortly after having it, and was grateful to know that he'd had one of his own. "I just...don't you hear that? The snappings, the howls? What are they doing?"
Bran nodded slowly, his gaze flicking from Raelicka to the shadows and back.
"I.. I have no idea."

Delphi stood, her legs trembling. She could feel the hot blood getting stickier as it dried in her fur.
"Selkis. We should go from this place - he may not be alone."

Selkis couldn't tear her eyes from the maimed Demon's wretched corpse. She wasn't moving. Her golden faced had been sprayed liberally with blood so it appeared almost as if her fur itself was scarlet.
"Mm?" she turned, her stare a little vacant. "Let's go, Del. Now."
Delphi nodded and led the way, staying close to Selkis' side as the two padded quickly into the lilac smog. Anything was better than staying out here.

Toothfish had never seen green plants, nor felt anything but snow and ice beneath his paws. He looked around him in subdued awe, careful not to stop too long; he had to find what he was looking for. His pelt was thick and white, and the Central Forest's weather was mild - to him, it was balmy. He paused suddenly, front paw raised, when he heard howling. It sent a rush of adrenaline through him and he grinned, overlarge canines jutting down from his top jaw. He'd made it. This was where he was supposed to be.
The pain was too great for Quint to even howl like the rest of them. He buckled, falling like a tree. Oscar and Lester, grateful to be safely away from the captains but terrified for their leader, closed their eyes tightly. He was falling from grace, he realised. An insignificant screw-up from their end had resulted in this brutality. Melete was meaner than her brother, her powers bigger than anticipated. He didn't dare fight back. With a break like his he'd be lucky if he only limped for the rest of his life.

Frinz watched Melete's graceful pacing with awe. She was deceptively gentle in her approach, yet hostile in her actions. He felt a brief glow of love for her, the same synchronised emotion the others in the audience undeniably experienced. This feeling wasn't unique one, but it was his own.

Hock's ear twitched as he heard the raucous cheering from the inner camp closer to Sky Pack. The previous grunts and screams had died down, and now their was only sickening crunches. Bad omen bad omen.
Toothfish stopped when other wolves came into view. He stared at each of them in turn - they hadn't noticed him yet, though his stark white pelt stuck out like a sore thumb against a backdrop of green and brown. There were two wolves, very similar in features - siblings? - seemingly leading the meeting of sorts that was taking place. He grinned to himself and stepped forward.
Melete's melodic chuckle rippled through the wolves as her muzzle neared his neck, hovering above it. "Poor Quint," she cooed, placing a paw on his back. "You're such a strong fighter,'s such a shame you don't have the brains to match. Maybe this will teach you, hm?"
She glanced up, looking over the crowd for ideas; sometimes scars that her wolves had sustained inspired her for these punishments. Her gaze fell on Quinz, his slightly stumped tail wagging, and she grinned. She slowly walked her front paws down his spine, watching him shake in fear, thinking she was going to break it. No; though it was tempting, very tempting, she did want Quint to walk again. His strength was useless if he was immobile.
Instead, she reached his tail. It was almost a bit underwhelming; the slice as her elongated claw severed his tail from his body. Of course that would grow back too. She picked up the severed tail, throwing it to the crowd for them to enjoy as they may, enraptured with the bloodshed. She kicked Quint onto his back, planting a paw firmly on his chest, showing off his injuries to the crowd. "Do you understand now, Quint? Rules are set by myself and Phaezro to be followed. This is what awaits for those who try to defy this."

Raelicka frowned. "I don't think I want to know...the spirit I saw in my vision directed me away from there, in any event, so I think it'd be unwise to head that way."
A brown blur shot out, grabbing Toothfish and yanking him back behind the shrubbery before the demons could notice him. Caicias pushed him to the floor, motioning to be silent before crouching next to him. They could see the dais from where they were, and could see what the wolves were doing.
A vain part of Quint screamed at the loss of his tail, knowing full well it now linked him to the runt who was no doubt somewhere in the very audience. His chest heaved, paws splayed at an awkward angle as he stared up at his captain. She was saying something, but it was blocked out by a loud ringing in both ears. The world sharpened, and then blurred. Whilst the rest seemed to applaud or howl for her, Quint felt a wave of anger towards Mlete. He knew Oscar and Lester were too afraid, too subservient to truly hate, but he understood he was different.

Hock saw movement in his periphery and turned sharply. He crouched down lower from his place amongst the dirt and greenery. There were other wolves here with him.
Toothfish flinched and pulled away from the stranger-wolf, glaring at him but not getting up from where he'd been yanked down to. He had been just about to walk across to the gathering - he liked the look of that she-wolf doling out punishment, not least because he had a desire to do that too. Though he couldn't see it for himself, there was a ring of scarlet round his pupil when he turned to glare at his unexpected new companion.
"The Hell was that for?" he hissed.
"Those are demons," Caicias said, his gaze fixated on what was going on. "They'd likely kill you the instant they noticed you. It's safer to watch from afar and move on when they're gone."

Melete chuckled softly, seeing the hatred in his eyes. Good. She placed a paw on his head and the pain dulled, the ringing subsiding so he could hear again. She looked out at the others. "Don't think you're all exempt from this just because you're not the example. We work together, not against each other. Demonstrations like these are used to put each other back in our places. If there are more issues; we have a training ground for a reason. If you don't want to follow these rules, perhaps you'll find yourself in these demon's places. Dismissed."

Phaezro let out a sharp bark. Quickly, three healers scrambled forward, pausing on the dais to wait whilst the other demons quickly made themselves scarce.
Melete sighed, carrying Quint to the healers and setting him down where his broken body would be in the least pain. "I think I got a bit carried away this time."
Phaezro snorted, and sat upon the dais, wind lightly ruffling his spiky fur. "So what happens if they do?"
The sleek she-wolf sat next to him, watching the healers work to fix the three wolves. The healers Phaezro had selected were specially trained to repair the mess the twins made of their victims. "They get the same punishment. Not worse. Their talents are admirable and I'd like to preserve that if possible."
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Bran was only too happy to follow Raelicka away from the noise, his fur prickling.
"We have to get in somehow," he said firmly, unsure exactly why he wanted to explore further so much.

Delphi slowed, and stopped. There before her lay a large rock which dominated pups' bedtime stories. Encircled in purple mist, hidden from all except the two of them, was the ancient Sky territory.
Selkis walked in wonder. The place was silent, still, and peaceful. Ivy climbed the Alpha Rock and long grasses reclaimed old, well-worn paths that criss-crossed across the pack grounds. Green sunlight filtered through the trees and cast long shards over abandoned dens, barely recognisable, covered now in vegetation.
In the pack's centre, Delphi saw a wisp of silver turn over once in the air, then vanish. She nodded, and smiled. This was where she was meant to be.
But if she was meant to be here, did that mean...

Selkis had found a river, slashing through the outer corner of the grounds. She dipped her whole head under and rubbed her forelegs across her face, desperate to rid herself of the Demon's blood. When she surfaced, she gasped, and soaking gold fur flopped into her eyes. She blinked the water away and watched the river run red for a moment before clearing again.
Raelicka blinked. "In there? I doubt that. The spirit was directing us this way. I want to see what she found first." Indeed, she could feel the spirit nudging her forwards, down the path they were currently treading. "She seems to find it important. It might help us."
Pebble stepped into the clearing, her fur steadily drying in the sun. The vision had lead her to this point, but what now? Usually visions also pertained something to find at the scene, but all she could see were large tufts of grass. Midday crickets chirped silently.
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