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The Witch CLOSED

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Yay~! Ah, am I accepted? QwQ And and and I didn't steal my idea from Princess Teacup I didn't even read his bio yet Imma go read it now ;w; Sorry if my setting's similar.

Damn it's my first time on this site I'm being so nervous. =_=
Wait what calm down, relax, take a deep breath... The thing about stealing from Princess Teacup is just to make sure you've read the rules, nothing else.
Anyway, yeah, I suppose you're accepted, but you have to edit in the part about the guns in your CS.
I will post sometime tomorrow, sorry! Got caught up in school things! >_<
I guess I didnt explain it clearly enough... In order to make it easier for me, and to avoid a cluster at the beginning, the idea was to have everyone arrive separately at the gate. But, it would be too much hassle to change everyone's posts to match that, so instead I have a question: Would those who have gathered at the gate like to travel together, or would you like to come up with a different reason as to why you're all separate?

Oh, and an important notice: Merry Berry unfortunately is a bit swamped at the time so she can't join the RP, but that doesn't mean her character will be scrapped. Instead, she will be considered someone who has made their journey to the witch before everyone else. Her fate will be revealed at a later time.

Edit: Oops, I realized I accidentally wrote faith instead of fate, haha...
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Just giving the word, I might be joining in later on in the story, depending if there's space and I'm accepted.

I have two main charries I'm hoping to add to, one male and one female, but they will be traveling to the main location to - perhaps - run into a group of bandits. If allowed, they will be stranded and in need of assistance. The main party can find them, give them aid, then learn that they're traveling to town. Then, we go from there.

Let me know, and I'll post up my charries.
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Seems fine to me, but I'll have to get the opinions from the others before making a decision.
Requiem The Junkman, darkred
Name: Requiem Mortalis
Age: 23
Gender: Male
The glowing hand is simply a non-glowing gauntlet that he found in an old ruin. His clothing matches the colour scheme, but lacks the modern touches. His hair is longer, coming down just beyond his shoulder blades, which he keeps tied back.
Weapon: His primary weapon is his clawed gauntlet, but he's also skilled with a weapon known as a Sheng Biao.
Bio: Requiem has no family, no home, no work. He wanders from place to place, selling things that he's found in his travels. He has seen the suffering of the people, and has decided to seek out the witch. He desires the ability to change things himself, not trusting anyone else or anything else to the task. All he seeks is the power.

"You stole that idea from Princess Teacup!"
"Now that is a bold accusation!"
Okay, so for the picture, I'm going to imagine hes not wearing those headphones (at least I think they're headphones), and that the red hood is simply a red shirt because zippers aren't invented yet. I'm a bit confused about the glowing hand, are you saying that you characters hand/gauntlet is not glowing like in the picture? And you should probably consider what type of reaction the witch might have to that wish. I'm not saying you can't wish for that, but it would still be wise to consider it.
Yeah, like I said in the appearance, the modern touches aren't there, that means no headphones, the jacket would be a leather longcoat, shirt would be a normal shirt with no zipper. The gauntlet I also had marked in the appearance as non glowing. And I had considered it, it's vague for a reason :P
That's no problem. I can figure out another way for her to enter into the story without crowding the beginning with constant introductions and whatnots. If anyone has suggestions, that'll be great.

Anywho, I'm placing one of my charries for approval. I might just play her and no other - it depends on what's needed.

Thanks for the consideration.

Name: Bernadette Doireann Osraige of Ossory (N'dette)
Gender: F
Appearance: About 5' 6", 134 lbs give or take. Dark auburn hair, lt. blue eyes.

Personality: For such a beautiful young lady of the lush green province of Ossory, Bernadette cannot be compared to the softness of such. She is a contradiction of the term soft, for this young lady, with the beauty, charm and grace of her mother grew up between two rather rowdy brothers who only wanted to make sure their sister could handle her own. So, think of her as a bit of sweet, and a bit of sour.

Douglan (19) and Eigwin (26) taught her not to hold her tongue and to strike before your opponent finds his feet. She's learned more about life and living from her brothers than her parents. Although their father, Duke Robert Einri Osraige of the duchy Ossory, under the dying flag of Greistburgn, preferred that his daughter remain soft and supple for her potential royal husband–to-be in the near future; he's still proud of his daughter's strength.

She, of course, did not comply with his wishes to keep her sweet feminine demeanor and did all she could to participate in her brothers' more spirited activities and tutelage around their castle. She behaves like the young lady of a duchy before other peerage and noblefolk, but feels more like herself with her toes in the mud, eating fresh grapes off the vines in the vineyard, and running around with nothing but her under dress for a nice dip in the lake.

Weapons: She's a Strongbow, just like her uncle before her, but it is unknown to others because this skill has been kept under wraps. She's rather weak with a long sword, but due to the lack of proper practice, not attempts in trying. Short sword and dagger she can handle, but not the best. Her favorite weapon though is her daggerlettes, (a set of two that her father's squire, Elric, designed for her) which is a medium sized throwing knife attached to the end of a light; yet thick metal chain. She hides the weapon in her hair, using it as a ponytail holder or whatnot; or wrapping it around her waist like a belt.

Strengths: Basic survival skills, hunting, foraging, basic melee and sword play, quick minded in major situations, creative. She's a natural musician, playing the harpsichord, fife, and sings like a songbird.

Weaknesses: Far too trusting, and far too hard-headed to consider all angles of a situation and the consequences attached to them. And one thing her father continues to thrust before her – no matter how thick, tough and hardened her outside shell might be, she's still too soft and naive on the inside; and therefore, not suitable to run a kingdom alone.


Eigwin's squire, Typhis (17) and Duke Robert's squire, Elric (20), are her two best friends at home.

History: Her older brother Eigwin is the new mighty Strongarm in the family, bringing victory to the high kingdom during war, pride to Ossory, and prestige to his family as a high member of the royal military. Douglan has proven himself early in the royal games every year. With everyone leaving their mark upon history, it's a shocker that N'dette holds no famous deeds under her belt. Surely, she would have proven herself somewhere in this world, but her overly-protective parents have kept her away from various – opportunities, leaving her with a lack of skill in various topics worthy of notice among a society built on war and survival. All she knows is what her brothers have secretly taught her behind their parents' backs.

She asked for one request of her father. At the end of her birthday hunt with the peerage of Ossory – the fiefdoms under her father's care, she asked if, one day, she could lead a hunt without him or her brothers to manage her. All she wished was to have Typhis and Elric to escort her instead. After many months of begging with no results, finally before the Autumn leaves began to fall, her father gave in. Lord Robert was a strict stone-hearted man at times, and only the tears of his daughter's heart can melt him. He gave in with one warning he made her swear to – not to head to the southern acres of their family lands, for they were tainted with legends that have been proven more than once to be true.

With just three bloodhounds, and Typhis and Elric by her side, she begins her new day with a heart full of – opportunities, but her plans were not as what her father believed.

Like everyone clear across the lands, N'dette's plans are to seek the witch of the mountain to ask if she could either grant her the respect she wishes she held from her parents, or the fame her brothers hold throughout the lands that reflects her parents' pride. More or less, she just wishes to be more than just a porcelain doll sitting quietly; only moving when moved, only speaking when spoken to. Bernadette knows she's more than that, and she hopes the witch can help her prove it to the world.

Note: N'dette's a bit oblivious to all that's going on in the main kingdoms and such. All the problems darkening their doorsteps were kept quiet in the Osraige household. The Duke managed all of their problems with his two sons, but kept it away from his wife and daughter to protect them from the
damaging depressions that awaken from it. He's doing what he can to manage his province under Greistburgn's flag, but the darkness has spread and has taken over their lands and the lands beyond. He just wants to protect his daughter, but it's quite clear that the best protection - is knowledge. Bernadette will gain her knowledge the hard way - going after it herself.

((Oh! Now, our GM's stealing things from a sweet little royal princess with teacups? Bold, I say bold!))
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Name: Wostton Rilen
Age: 53
Gender: Male

Personality: A true workaholic, Wostton is usually seen in his tent, ailing the sick or preparing potions. In his younger years, Wostton was flirty and social, never missing out on festivals. But now disillusioned with battle, loss, death, Wostton keeps to himself. His once lively infirmary is now daunting to those that are not aware of his intentions. It stands alone in the mountains, hugging the side against the snow, yet it still stands open to anyone in need of help. Wostton now sees helping others as his only joy. As such, he often works long hours on bad cases ignoring his own health in the meantime.
Weapon: A pacifist with humans, Wostton only uses weapons as a means to hunt. His old crossbow proves trusty with scaring off bandits and scoring meat. Wostton has developed quite the decent shot over the years. Barehanded, Wostton's fists are heavy but untrained.
Bio: In order to keep up with supply, Wostton makes it a point to keep a good supply of apples from the valley below and the water from the spring above him. Its water seemed to be magic, always assisting in the healing process or easing pain when it was best. However, the spring recently dried up. All that lies in it is sand and rocks, it sits barren and dry. Wostton felt the spring was now cursed, as the last trip it seemed vibrant like every other trip. Wostton resolved he needed a witch to fix a curse. The only one that still worked, as far as Wostton knew, lied past the valley in a big city. For the first time in 30 years, Wostton packed his tent and supplies to journey south.

Wanted: Lady Bernkastel For kidnapping Princess Zelda and stealing from Princess Teacup
Well...not sure if I'm accepted or not. But, if I was, I would definitely post in order to wake this puppy back up again.
Just checking the place out again to see if this still exist.
Wow sorry for not being active guys, either I never received notifications for this or I must've forgotten about it... Anyway @Phi Chisym and @Nitsua43 you guys are accepted in case you still want to.

There's still the issue of the post order and the mix-up at the start of the RP, so I'm going to give it another 48 hours for the others to respond and if they don't I'll remake the IC.
I think Lady B is still accepting; not sure though. You can post you temp and wait to see. She'll let you know something when she returns. :)
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