The Wishing Tree (OOC/Signups)

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Might be a while before I get the artwork up, but I too am ready to start writing whenever.
WAIT! One more CS.

country girl SLACKING OFF.jpg

Name: Callie R. Tremain

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Race: Human

-Callie reads almost constantly, taking the books from her local library. When she goes, she always chooses a random book off of the shelf and reads it in its entirety. Sometimes, the topics vary from novels to skills such as farming or playing an instrument. This way, she has discovered and learned about many different skills.

Farming/Herb Identification
-Callie lives on a farm
, which allowed her to be skilled in planting, harvesting, and recognizing plants based on sight alone. She can correctly identify the species of any plant, as long as she can see what it looks lie or has a brief description.
-Callie is the daughter of a farmer, which never brought in enough income to support schooling. As a result, Callie had to teach herself many skills, such as sewing, fighting, and reading. This also allows her to be very adaptable and open-minded about any situation, allowing her to quickly come up with a solution.

Hopeless Romantic
-Callie loves any type of romance, as she is an avid bookworm. However, this causes her to be more vulnerable to heartbreak and is over-emotional over pretty much every situation.
-Callie always shares her opinion, even with those who have no desire to hear it. While this may be looked upon as a good trait for her sociability and honesty, she almost always ends up making someone angry or hurting their feelings, and is usually completely oblivious to this.

Know-it-all Attitude
-She thinks she knows everything about everything, and gets easily frustrated and upset when this is not the case.

Bows and arrows made of oak wood, and a quiver fashioned out of leather and rawhide. She can shoot up to 35 feet if the wind helps her aim.not only that, she is skilled in basic fighting and knows pressure points.

Wish: For unlimited knowledge of all things and beings.

Other: She has three younger siblings, whom she dotes on and would do anything for. The two youngest, Belle and Tristan, have no desire to read or learn and love to stay outside and help their father work the fields. However, the older of the three, Farren, loves Callie and would do anything for her, despite the fact that he is only 15.

If you don't mind, I would like to play Farren as well, if that is ok.
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Hope I'm not too late to submit a character!


Name: Daelin Cavanaugh
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Race: Human

Dead Eye
Incredibly accurate with a bow, and not too shabby with his blades either.
Hunter's Instinct
Can react to pressing situations quickly and without hesitation.
Can become translucent while staying completely still. So much as a twitch and the effect is broken.

Keeps those he meets at an emotional arm's length. Comes across as cold and unfeeling to some, conflicted and troubled to others. Eventually warms up, but it takes significant trust-building to see his warm side.
Clings to the past, and afraid to let go of what once was. Part of the reason for his journey to the Wishing Tree.
Harsh Tongue
Doesn't sugarcoat his words, and is rather blunt. Gets straight to the point rather than dancing around euphemisms, for better or worse.

Ironwood Bow - Ironwood is famous for its flexible, yet unbreaking nature. However, rather than being springy or rubbery, as one would expect, it is incredibly tough and durable. A seeming contradiction of reality. When in a pinch (and a rather tight pinch at that), the properties of Ironwood make this bow perfect for clubbing an attacker over the head.
Dual Steel Shortblades - When faced with a situation where ranged attacks just aren't a viable solution, these blades are more than sufficient for a Ranger. Larger than daggers, but smaller than Short Swords, the Shortblade strikes a balance between swiftness and strength. Used as a slashing weapon rather than a piercing weapon, as one would think.

Wish: Has no wish of his own.
Other: Though he doesn't have a wish himself, he is making the journey to fulfill his late sister's dying wish: "Find the Wishing Tree for me, brother. Just find it, and tell me it exists."
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Ok, I can make a sheet for Farren as well. just wanted to make sure that was ok before I did it.

Name: Farren M. Tremain

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Physically Fit
-Farren works on the farm, and being the first and oldest son was expected to learn the trade from his father. He had to be very physically strong for this, as he had to be able to do physical labor quickly and effectively on a daily basis.

People Person
-Having to keep the farm maintained mostly by himself has taught him valuable social skills, especially how to barter effectively. He has made many great deals with customers simply because he is persuasive and a nice person.
Knowledge of various currency/money systems and trade
-Farren normally is the trader for the farm, and because of this has become skilled in the identification of currency from different lands
as well as the many forms of barter and trade.

"Yes man"
-Farren loves his sister to death, and would do anything for her, as well as help anyone in danger, no questions asked. His willingness to help, however, can get him into some tough situations where he may be stuck doing something he doesn't want to simply because he doesn't know how to say no to anyone.

Doesn't know his own strength
This is in many different forms for Farren. He is very attractive, but does not want a relationship, and he doesn't realize how much that hurts girls that may take a liking to him. He is also very physically strong, which may intimidate people on first sight or hurt people not expecting his brute strength.
Passive attitude
-Farren rarely gets angry at anything or anyone, which leads people to believe he is a pushover or weak-willed, neither of which he is.

A bronze sword from his father as a gift, this sword comes with a sheath (not shown). Though the sword is faded, it is still very sharp, though having the appearance of being as blunt as a cheese knife, which aids him in battle against unwary fighters expecting an easy fight. he learned to wield a sword from his sister, Callie, and is very skilled. He also excels in hand-to-hand combat.

Wish: No wish, he just wants his sister to be happy with hers.

Other: He can read, but cannot write many words other than those he uses often around the farm. As well, he can also make various bird calls, as he is fascinated by the creatures.
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Nice! I like him.
Mind if I join?

Name: Violet Faharh
Age: 17
Gender: female
Race: human
Strengths: Though she may look small this only makes her quick and also makes her easily overlooked and underestimated. She has spent her years mastering her bow and sneaking around. Her silence and soft footsteps make her an unexpected threat. She also has clever wit about her that makes up for being relatively weak.
Weaknesses: She is frail and weak. In a normal one on one fight with nowhere to hide she would be in real trouble.
Weapon: Bow and arrow and a small machete in case of emergency. Her secret weapon is small smoke bombs and 'burning blasts' which is a flammable material that when sent ablaze burns long and expands.
Wish: She wishes for eternal life plain, simple, and maybe a bit selfish
Other: she has a banana that she puts on to cover her mouth when she sets of the smoke bombs. She grew up learning about fairy tales in a simple home and has dreamed of eternal youth ever since. She never pretends she is on a noble quest she just knows what she wants and won't give up on her desire since it's all she's ever had.
Apologies for that first post.

My first posts are always my worst, and I am working on getting better at improving length of posts and quality of posts. You can expect much, much better from me after this, when the story gets moving.
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Just a question: So Yuki is the person with information about the Wishing Tree, correct? And nobody has spoken to her because they just assume it will be a man?
I believe that is the assumption most characters have... well, except Getzanu who's sitting outside the tavern and Tawali who just went in the tavern, freely asking about the Wishing Tree.
That's what I was assuming as well, but the myth was that a man was coming with info, that's why I was confused.
Yes, Yuki does know where the wishing tree is. And yeah, everyone assumes it's a man. Also, with your last post @Lilpuff if you could keep the notes like switching between characters to the OOC thread, that would be great. It sort of disrupts the flow of the main thread when things like that are added.
Just a reminder, also a TL:DR.
Tawali walked into the tavern and straight up asked the entire room about the tree.
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