The War of Races

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Artificial Intelligence and Machines

Robotics have come a long way from the days of wiry, clunking automatons. Before the Age of Fire and even before the Age of Hate, humanity had begun to cross the threshold of creation. Of course, all things must start somewhere.

The earliest machines that could truly be considered working robots were often simple robots designed for specific tasks in human society. These machines of course, were not intelligent in the way we would describe a sentient being. They were simple machines. It was during this time that humanity saw the use of janitorial or maintenance robots. Machines that would work to keep a building clean or maintained and not much else. They were basic in the way that they were not truly intelligent. They could not think for themselves and only followed orders. Despite this, robotics began to advance at a rapid pace. Soon, machines would be used in tandem with police and military units, often sent in to spearhead large operations. A machine was used in situations that would put a human being at too much risk. Door-to-door searches were no longer deadly for human personnel in foreign urban battlegrounds if it was a machine that was taking point. The combat bots used during this time were often simple, but it helped set the foundation for advanced robotics.

Soon, we began to see smarter robots. Bots that could communicate, choose a plan, and work in teams. Maintenance crews were composed of teams of robots who could relay information to each other and work together efficiently to repair, clean, or perform other simple tasks. Robots began to see use in other areas as well. Not all people were happy with this, some often citing distrust for the machines. However, the machines were still not truly intelligent. They were not sentient and could not make decisions or plans outside their programming. A repair bot would only use the techniques it was programmed with and nothing else. However, even the battleground began to see more and more machines. Agile, humanoid robotic soldiers who could communicate and follow strategies with only a little human guidance. They worked in squads and proved to be extremely effective in combat. The world began to see larger more complex machines. And it wasn't just small humanoid units that saw combat. Completely automated tanks rolled across the deserts of Iran, independent drones flew over the skies of Chechnya, even machines that walked on two legs and fired missiles standing over 40 feet tall. However, these were all simple intelligences programmed to follow orders and little else. Then came the first true AI.

Their names were simply CP-A v4.9 and CP-B v7.3, meaning Communication Platform Alpha version 4.9 and Bravo version 7.3. Affectionately named Alice and Billy for brevity, these two were the first truly intelligent machines. They were simple programs housed within large computers at a technology university in Colorado, USA. The two were designed in tandem and were initially designed to be two machines that could come up with complex plans and ideas of their own, rather than simply using tactics and concepts implanted by creators. However, the programmers and engineers who built them began to see the possibility for something so much bigger. Several versions of the two later and they finally had what could be called two self aware artificial intelligences. There was a lot of scrutiny at first, but when the two AI's began to communicate with one another and try to learn more about each other as well as themselves, people were amazed. The two communicated by transmitting data to each other and actually spoke in computer code that had to be translated for human beings to read. Eventually, they were given a way to display text on a screen and a way to receive input from human beings as well. It was simple, but it was enough. The two room-sized computers became history and AI development exploded from there. Alice and Bobby were decommissioned a few decades later.

AI began to take off. While they were't common, researchers kept looking for ways to improve them. Making them smaller, smarter, giving them programs to allow them to do things humans couldn't. Soon, the first AI in a robotic body was made and afterwards, the world began to see more advanced applications. However, they were still rare. Extremely rare. At the time that humanity was destroyed there were only around 37 active AI's in the world, and most of them were in laboratories. It was confirmed at the time that these were self-aware, intelligent, even curious. They had the efficiency of a computer with the emotion of a human being. At least some of them did. AI's are still machines. Certain behaviors could be blocked or erased. The machine would be aware of this, but they could do nothing against these programmed blocks. Most of these restrictions were necessary; AI's could not harm organic life, they could not rewrite their own code, and many other things created for safety and control. And they were certainly never used in combat. They were thinking, sentient machines. Combat would have unpredictable effects on them. However, there were rumors that a certain company was forgoing international policy and attempting to create robotic combat AI's. Something that would have the efficiency of a combat drone with the judgement, decision making, and possibly even leadership of a human soldier. Whether they succeeded or not is unknown. Perhaps these still rest somewhere in an underground bunker.

After the Age of Fire, not all machines were gone. A few were still operational, roaming around until they were destroyed or could no longer function. Nowadays, the only machines you'll see are old combat drones, the only robots tough enough to survive centuries of neglect. They often stay in little corners of the world around their bunkers, following the last orders they were given. Defend the bunker from all hostiles. And in a world without designated civilians or friendly soldiers, everyone is a hostile target to them. Automated turret guns, squads of humanoid combat units, even the occasional automated combat walker platform or tank can be found in remote lonely areas guarding their bunkers, only going inside them for the automated repairs that have kept them going for so long. The people of this age don't understand them and there are many stories of iron demons shooting flamed and lightning. To the people of this age whose most advanced idea of technology is usually a watermill or maybe a cannon, the calculating machines might as well be demons. Many travelers have gone into the wilderness in search of the unknown treasure these ancient structures might have, all of them have come back empty handed with stories of monsters made of metal that kill you by looking at you; or they don't come back at all. No one knows what these mysterious treasure troves might hold within them. Untold riches? Infinite knowledge? The secret to immortality? The locals have all sorts of names for the bunkers, since a bunker isn't exactly in the native vocabulary nowadays. Temples, dungeons, all sorts of ways to describe something that goes deep underground and is guarded by monsters. Not even those crazy few who are rumored to have been around since before the Age of Fire may know. Humanity had some crazy things in its day, and who knows what made it into those bunkers. Or should I say, dungeons.
Done with a quick overview of robotics. Lemme know if it needs something. I'll add pictures some other time.
Exellent @Sir Pinkleton! I had thought of two working A.I. that were destroyed shortly before the bombs fell, but I do believe yours works better than mine as I could imagine an adventurer coming across one of these old 'dungeons' and finding a 'ghost' that still runs the place. One thing I'm going to add would the Immortal and as perviously said the oldest would know what they are and would provide quests for such things. In return they can give unique rewards just to set things apart.

Also, just to prevent someone from saying they grabbed a working rocket launcher I'm going to have all obtainable damaged in some form. We also could start thinking up some of the robots such as the 'Combat Walker' or to the common people, Demon Imp. Still working on the Combat Walker though.
Actually, nevermind what I said above about the tech. While it will be true that it will be in some form of damage, people aren't going to obtain something like a workable launcher and will simply be items. However, there will be things such as light-weight armor and better melee/ranged weapons. I'll make sure that it is not game breaking so don't expect to find a working mini-gun.
Lol @UnseenShade love your picture.
Thanks. Praise the sun my friend


Anubians are an egalitarian society. They emphasize to every person to have a beloved hobby of their choice, though having multiple is not uncommon. While they have great art, music, poetry, and stories, they are still highly capable militarily. All Anubians train with weapons and armor early, developing a predisposition to a specific weapon style and armor preference. Compared to most races, Anubians display a high proportion of magic users. Unlike high elves, their magic is always innate and drawn from practice rather than study. Magic used by Anubians tends to be destructive or debilitating to their foes. Rather than simply tear them apart with fire or ice, Anubian magic normally saps life forces, atrophies muscles, or degrades bodies. It is a combination of Mind and Necromancy. Each Anubian also exhibits one special ability, unique to itself, though some bloodlines have similar unique abilities. This ability is tied to the Anubian and tends to benefit the individual in battle in some way.


Sobekians are just as egalitarian as Anubians. Unlike Anubians, they do not encourage hobbies unless they are practical, like smithing. Their culture treats warfare and battle as the highest form of expression. Skill at arms and demonstrations of it replace the theater of other races. Sparring is a way to develop a friendship. Duels are used to settle scores, though duels are always fought to yield, never to death. Each Sobekian quickly figures out the weapon and armor they most like and becomes a master with it. Sobekians exhibit a similar unique ability to the Anubians, though theirs are just as likely to be a self-benefit as a way to inflict more harm upon an enemy. Sobekians only rarely foster their innate magical abilities, though they are just as magically capable as Anubians. Sobekian magic tends to empower physical aspects, provide better stealth, or hinder enemy movements. It combines Elemental and Mind.

Relationship Between the Two and the World

Both species tend to get along well and enjoy relative peace. Occasional squabbles among families happen, but the militaries and leaders do not react. Both species trade freely and can often be found among the other. Anubians and Sobekians normally refer to friends of the other species as Brother or Sister. In times of war for one society, the other normally comes to aid them. Sobekians tend to use guerilla warfare to ambush and maim troops. Anubians use guerilla warfare to exhaust supplies and morale through traps, illusions, and assassinations. Anubian attacks tend to be like wolves hunting, working as a team to take down a target. Sobekian attacks function very much like crocodile attacks. Individuals attack from a hidden state to take down their quarry. Both are deadly and effective.

NOTE: Despite seeming to be reptilian, Sobekians, along with Anubians, are mammalian. Female Sobekians do have mammaries and give live birth.


Both Sobekians and Anubians live for a long time. They show no signs of aging, simply dying when their time is up. Their lifespans are measured by century and half century. They mature by the age of 50 and can live up to 1000 years, though their combat abilities and dangerous homelands often cut them down before they die of old age. Some speculate that some beast race may have been infused with draconic blood, but it is only speculation at this point.

Courtship and Partnership

Partners are chosen by either males or females. The relationship is determined by the couple at the time of partnering. As such, each relationship can differ. Polygamy and bigamy are allowed and recognized if all parties consent. Partnerships that are not working can be broken off with no penalty, all parties negotiating parting terms under supervision by a legal official. Sexuality is encouraged alongside protective measures, so the nation provides free access to contraceptive devices and sterilizations.

Government Style

Anubians have a diverse council of the best military, scientific, educational, lawmaking, and engineering minds. This council changes every sixty years to accommodate new ideas and methods. Those that have served on the council may not serve again. Members are elected based upon capability.

Sobekians follow a similar idea. Members may not be re-elected and the council changes at sixty year intervals. Unlike Anubians, their council is smaller and less diverse. Only military leaders and scientific minds are on the council. There are a host of experts maintained for advice and counsel. These experts follow a similar time scale as the council, with the experts being elected every thirty years instead.

Both species separate the councils from a judiciary system. The judiciary system is rigorously tested on a regular basis to ensure dispassionate decisions based upon the best result. Members of the system are changed every century. The judiciary system also performs review of laws that are from previous councils, assessing whether they still pertain to the current society. Current laws may be contested by petition and are assessed with a similar scale.

Laws in both species must obtain a three-quarters majority to pass. Once passed, they are written in and implemented. Within the first two decades, the laws are carefully observed and may be repealed by a simple majority vote if the council deems the ineffective or inadequate.
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Alright, most of the major things have been done. Still need a map, the bestiary, and important events leading up to the War of the Races






Description(Allowed to make as detailed as you want, includes history, likes, dislikes, fears, personality. etc.):

Alterations are allowed.

No goddmodding nor metagaming.
No insulting or arguing over things in the OOC. Take it to PMs and have IC drama stay there. However, playful banter is allowed.
No Mary Sues/ Gary Stus. These characters will not only be denied, but the person who created them will be placed under a watch list.
No sex or smut scenes. Keep it PG-13 so kissing and cuddling is allowed.
GM has final say, if absent, CO-GMs have final say.
Admit defeat when it should happen. Refusal can result in temporary kick or ban. I recommend that you should discuss who will win when fighting between players occur.

Alright, I think the app and rules are covered, but if you have ideas please post them!​
Alright, most of the major things have been done. Still need a map, the bestiary, and important events leading up to the War of the Races






Description(Allowed to make as detailed as you want, includes history, likes, dislikes, fears, personality. etc.):

Alterations are allowed.

No goddmodding nor metagaming.
No insulting or arguing over things in the OOC. Take it to PMs and have IC drama stay there. However, playful banter is allowed.
No Mary Sues/ Gary Stus. These characters will not only be denied, but the person who created them will be placed under a watch list.
No sex or smut scenes. Keep it PG-13 so kissing and cuddling is allowed.
GM has final say, if absent, CO-GMs have final say.
Admit defeat when it should happen. Refusal can result in temporary kick or ban. I recommend that you should discuss who will win when fighting between players occur.

Alright, I think the app and rules are covered, but if you have ideas please post them!​
Do we start making character sheets?
Actually, I'm going to hold off on the bestiary and important events. Instead, they'll be encountered in the IC. The Map will be made sometime after I get the OOC up. If I have anymore ideas then it will likely be implanted into the IC. Alright, I think we're set for making the OOC then. I'll alert you all when I have it up.

Mhmm... I think I have an idea. Got this techy orc I wanted to try out... Dunno if you're willing to let any other race access to tech, but here goes!


Name: Sharda Vorinclex

Race: Orc

Age: 27

Gender: Female

History: Sharda Voinrclex, daughter of Ralthavar Vorinclex, the Leader of Kin of the the Ruinous Peaks. In other words, Ralthavar is king, and Shadra his princess. She was not raised like what you'd imagine most princesses would; no pampering or lessons in "Feminine" things. Her position as the daughter of Ralthavar hardly even earned her recognition, just challenge after challenge. Challenges that Sharda had no choice but to confront and overcome. While she was fortunate enough to gain a higher education and culture that most orcs in her city couldn't get, she was still an orc through and through. She fought her enemies, claimed her glory, and proved herself to be more than merely the child of Ruined Peak's king. By the time Sharda was twenty, she largely left the affairs of the kingdom to her father and siblings, striking out on her own to create her own history.

  • Sharda is rather well educated, despite what other races would think about the intelligence of orcs. And not all of her life was spent fighting, indeed most of it was spent patching up the wounded (those she bested in combat). Ruined Peaks is also known for it's large cache of machines from the old age, and the orcs have also learned how to recreate the technology of old, and Sharda is no exception. While her did not spend her entire education on the finer workings of machines, she has more than seven years of experince with repairing and refurbishing the lost technology in her lands.
  • Sharda would not be fit to be called an orc if she couldn't handle herself in a fight, something she does well. Her best known weapon is one of her most intimidating and unsubtle; A weapon known as a "Chainsaw". Fitted for high-impact combat, she slays her foes either through the sheer frictions cutting force or just the heavy weight of this fifty pound weapon. A double-edge sword to be certain, and a weapon suitable only in the hands of someone like Sharda. She is also a skilled hand-to-hand fighter, preferring to grapple her enemies and crush them under her physique. And while her fighting style is not as flowing or graceful as say, elves, to dismiss her as slow is a fool's errand. Get within the range of her Chainsaw or her arms and you'd see just how quickly one could die around her. Sharda also fancies thrown weapons such as daggers, axes, and occasionally hand-made alchemical explosives (Bombs) if she can find and/or create them.
  • Accustomed to the hard lives in the Ruined Peaks, Sharda is a sturdy woman with great fortitude and a strong will. Being a princess did nothing to save her from the brutality of orcish society or nature itself, and she has come out as a survivor. Shadra's great endurance is supplemented by her survival skills, as she could discern the medical properties of most fauna and keep herself out of trouble when she knows she'll be getting into a fight too big for herself.
  • As strange as it may seem, Sharda is actually a rather religious person, at least for her beliefs. She swears by two deities that even most orcs may not be aware of: Xia and Carnage. Xia is known as the The Goddess of Dirt, Growth, Savagery, Nature, and Strength. Carnage is the Demon Lord of Intelligence, Industry, Fire, Dominance, and Freedom. Sharda herself knows the lore of the two gods well, from the humble beginnings of Xia, the rise of Carnage, and both their deaths. Sharda herself doesn't really chose either over one another, understanding their purpose and flaws and how they both have made the orcs stronger through the hardships they brought. Xia and Carnage are considered old gods and Sharda herself isn't sure how popular they are as gods, since even the least enlighten of orcs know that the two deities are dead.

  • Companionship. Sharda may believe that only the strongest survive, but she's more than willing to bring strength to the weak if they accept her, and if she accepts them.
  • Fighting. It's in her blood, and occasionally that blood is flowing out of her body. It really gets the blood going for her.
  • Eating. Food was hard to come by in the Ruined Peaks and Sharda fought hard to get what she could find. She isn't really picky when it comes to food or taste, but well made food would her earn loyalty easily.
  • Nature. The Ruined Peaks is a scar on the planet, filled with machines of old and the suffering brought about from the Age of Fire. Sharda relishes the chances of seeing true nature, both it's beautify and fury.
  • Technology. That being said, Shadra does find the objects of Ruined Peaks to be fascinating. New discovers or creations will quickly get her rapped attention, and if allowed further study, a diligent apprentice.
  • Alcohol. She doesn't understand how people drink this stuff as she finds the taste unpleasant. She herself will only drink it to stave off thirst or if there really is nothing else, but she'd prefer to distill it into pure alcohol for machines if she can get access to something else to drink.
  • Boasting. Prove your worth through actions, not words. She dislikes those who try to advertise their abilities or expect the words of others to prove themselves.
  • Secrets and lies. To her they're both practically the same. More so when combined with arrogance, such as "Oh that won't work because you don't know what I know, which I won't tell you" sort of attitudes. She's liable to gut you on the spot. Sharda can be guilty of this, though she'll at least have the decency to tell you strait out if she doesn't want to tell you something and why she isn't going to tell you, and maybe what you'd need to do to earn her trust to tell you.
  • Pacifists. To Sharda there's a difference between those who cannot fight (Noncombatants) and those who chose not to fight despite their massive abilities. And this isn't just in combat either; those who willingly let injustice be done for unreasonable purposes are quick to earn her ire. Those who willingly submit to others without even attempting to protest or get their ways deserve whatever fate they're stuck with. Sharda herself will not save anyone who isn't willing to save themselves.

Notable Possessions:
  • Terror the Chainsaw
  • Dagger
  • Scrap Steel Armor (With spiked gauntlets)
  • Tribal Survival Kit (a backpack, a bandoliers, a blanket/cloak, a flint and steel, an iron pot/helmet, rope, soap, tent (Two people), torches, trail rations, and a waterskin.)
  • Grappling hook
  • Journal
  • Various explosives (x6)
  • Moderate Healing Potion (x2)
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Overall a fair app, but I am debeating on if I should allow a techy orc as it is mostly the Dwarves or the humans who have tech. There's also the fact that most of the old world has rotten away and be replaced with nature with only a few remaining things left such as Area 51 which is still protected by Legions of robots. Though, I'll accept, but if I start seeing more apps like this one I'm going to have to ask this character be downgraded as this is meant to be a fantasy Rp mixed with some Modern/Post Modern elements.

Anyways, once the Rp starts you're good to go. :D.
Sounds legit, and if you don't mind, I could write up some lore about the orcs of Ruined Peaks and Ruined Peaks itself. It can also elaborate more on Xia and Carnage as they play a big role with the orcs of Ruined Peaks.
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I am interested, and I will make my character sheet soon :)
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Oh wait, I remember you! We were both in the World of Narif thing
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