The Valiant

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
Name: Frieda Turq
Age: 27
Race: Human
Home Planet: Earth
Occupation: Engineer, and weapons researcher with an interest in weapons-based cybernetics.
Appearance:tumblr_lm4tvuDURE1qdqgjdo1_500.jpg Frieda wears a tank top and cargo pants and has She always wears arm bands and an ammunition belt that hold small tools or weaponry, and a sling belt for her pistols. She usually has her "baby" (a cannon-gun she adapted from "recycled" cybernetics) in a sling over her back. She has wide hips and large white burn scars all down her back.

Equipment: Arm bands and an ammunition belt that hold small tools or weaponry, a sling belt with pistols, a one-of-a-kind cannon-gun adapted from "recycled" cybernetics. She doesn't wear them regularly but she has a standard army-issue set of protective plates and a helmet passed down from her brother should she need them.
Strengths: Considered an weapons prodigy on her home planet with an advanced knowledge of mechanical weaponry. She can fix and use just about any weapon you hand her with proficiency. She has better-than-average upper body strength from lugging large machinery.
Weaknesses: Spirited but sloppy in hand-to-hand combat, can't swim and has burns on her back. Barely any real combat experience.
Abilities: Weapon adaption.
Bio: Frieda grew up in one of the remaining inhabitable Earth cities. She has many war veterans in her family, including an older brother that struggled with mental trauma from the war. Frieda became fascinated by weapons technology and cybernetics at an early age. Her genius got her into the most competitive engineering university on Earth. She moved far to live at the university and began studying how to adapt cyborg parts into super-advanced weapons. Frieda and her work became a controversial subject in the engineering community but Frieda has always defended the validity of her work and it is known for making no apologies for it. One day, a bomb was placed in her lab by an anti-cybernetics extremist group. The bomb didn't cause the intended amount of destruction but Frieda was left with large burns on her back from the incident. Although she won't admit it she has apprehensions about war.
ill go ahead and add you :)

alright sooo anyone have ANYTHING they'd like to add to Valiant's description as a whole?? please speak now
The kitchen, I was thinking it could be narrow so that Marrcko alone in there would block up much of the way.
It's not really necessary.

What is necessary is the kitchenware. You know, spoons, spatulas, frying pans, dishes.
But, again, I guess that is obvious, so I don't even know if there is anything else I really need to ask for with this ship.
it might be a few days or so before i can get an IC up just heads up. Working a 40 hour week monday through friday for my clinicals and then working up to 18 hours weekends doesnt leave me much time. (also factor in an hour one way commute for my weekday clinicals). Plus studying and time for just eating leaves me little free time/creative time somedays.

Also I am going to wait until everyone responds to my question either with an okay or that they are fine. I like to have my details mostly in place before i get thigns started. Thanks for understanding and being patient ya'll. I'm trying my best to kick this off D:
Im fine

maybe a workshop for my character?
As I mentioned before, my character would probably install some kind of advanced control system on the Valiant, but that's not necessary. Also, I would like to know if the ship has artificial gravity.
i'm totally fine with all of it. ^_^ just am ready when everyone else is...and i think i have enough stuff for my character....
Due to prodding by the Anglkat...



Name: "Rudi Lutz"



Home Planet:
Darius II

"Security Consultant/ Mercenary"



Equipment: Lighter, flashlight, multi-tool, sunglasses, headphones, pistol, PDA, duffle bag.


- He has extensive knowledge of weaponry and unarmed combat.
- Knowledgeable on the subject of IGA controlled worlds, ships, and stations.


- He is reserved on the subject of his past and himself.
- Rudi has minor claustrophobia and a fear of being "spaced."
- Sensitive to bright lights and loud noises.
- Reservation of androids and artificial intelligence.


- A talent for observing the little details of his surroundings and people.
- Eidetic memory.
- A way with words, if the need arises.


He was born and raised on the large colony planet Darius II, known for its rich mineral deposits, arid climate, and rough atmosphere. From the age of 17 till 20 he flew bulky space transports from the planet's mining and processing facilities (known as Platforms) to mega freighters circling above the planet. After the disastrous collapse of Superplaftorm 47 Rudi quit piloting for the mining conglomerate and signed up with the IGA infantry. His records show that he served with distinction until the age of 28. After that they are either blacklisted or non-existent.

Twenty years later, he works as a consultant for corporate security forces and private contractors. Occasionally, he freelances in mercenary work if the price is right.
I hate hunting but If ya'll want this to continue and you seemed so enthused about it please continue to post D: I'm trying here. I know my schedule is busy but that doesn't meant you can't keep things going while i'm away!!
Wow, I didn't even realize you'd put up the IC!
O_O i sry...i been busy too..i almost forgot..
@oph: o.O i thought i posted that I did? I could be brain hasn't been working properly :/ if I didn't i apologize but yes it is up and running.
Perhaps. Or perhaps I just overlooked it. I'll respond ASAP.

I completely missed that!


Pleeeease bear with meeeeee


WTF guys.

I'm making an exception and winding up a post now!
Its cool my schedule keeps me busy most of the time and I'm actually sorta falling behind so i'm spending more time on other stuffs. I'm trying to be good GM and i'll try to get this moving! WOODY! be prepared cuz looks like we're about to head to Asperas Prime and that's whre you said your guy was coming in ja?!

Thanks for staying on guys! I appreciate it! I don't want to see this die so prematurely! D: