The Uprising

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Mari's words weren't exactly the sort to instill confidence but at least she seemed to be able to accomplish the task, despite her doubts.

"You're doing well." Nilin told Mari, moving towards the modest and empty wardrobe in the room. She may not have been the best empath, but even she saw that the telekinetic was having trouble coping with the crisis at hand. The last thing they all needed was friendly fire.

Nilin ran her fingers over the smooth, worn surface of it and opened a hidden latch. Every single room in the safehouse had a hidden control panel that could only be operated by someone who was Syndicate, or knew their protocols. Within a matter of seconds, she'd managed to activate the seemingly decrepit building's defenses that locked off all entrances and exits. The defenses weren't built to outlast - just to buy enough time to make an escape. Hopefully she'd bought them enough time to make it out alive.

Julius caught up with the two women just then, saving Nilin the time for having to look for him. After a quick once over, she determined that he was relatively alright. They wouldn't have killed him, if at all possible. She caught the rifle quite easily, pale eyes narrowing as her suspicions were confirmed.

The paralytic darts, the null technology, and the efficiency in surrounding them, this wasn't just a random raid where the Night Police had gotten lucky. They had been prepared far too well and had too much intel.

Someone had sold them out.

Nilin had a pretty good guess of who it was but choosing to reveal it just then would've caused infighting. It would possibly end up with all of them dead - especially her. Getting them out safely would be the priority here. She would deal with whatever came next afterwards.

"I've set the building on lockdown. That'll give us just enough time to get out, if we hurry."

Just then, a young man who she wasn't familiar with barged into the room. She assumed he was one of the unnaturals who'd arrived earlier that evening. Ignoring his coughing, Nilin turned back to Julius. They didn't have time to play nursemaid and the gas wasn't fatal.

"There's a series of tunnels leading away from the city, if we can get to the entrance, we should be safe."

The phones started going off all at once, adding to the chaos and already high levels of tension. Another one had made his way into the room had apparently become command central, and dropped the unconscious girl he'd been carrying before he too dropped to the floor in a fit of coughing. Nilin barely glanced at the girl, instead keeping her eyes on Mari who'd picked up the phone. She used her power to stimulate the redhead's pain receptors. It would act as an electric shock of sorts, jolting her back to consciousness. Sure, it wasn't the gentlest or the best wakeup call. But it'd have to do.

"Give her a shot of oxygen to purify the gas from her respiratory system. The others might benefit from it as well." She knew it wasn't their fault in the slightest for being inept in a crisis. However, the seconds were ticking by while they waited around. "Let's go. We don't have much time." Nilin was already walking out the room and towards the back of the building. Mari's infuriation at Faust was misplaced, but if it let the woman focus on something other than fear, that was alright with her. Some people needed motivators, after all, for their minds to kick into gear.
Julius - Safe House

"Safety is relative. This is better than being out there alone, no? With no planned escape route, allies or vaguely habitable roof over your head? Now, we move onto the next 'Safe House'." Julius looked around at those in the room with hard eyes, now was not the time for a soft touch or white-lies. They had to know what was in store for them in the immediate future if they were to have any chance of surviving it. "This is our lot. By whatever karma we've accrued in previous lives or whatever angel hates our very souls, we have been given this life. It will stay like this for a while, no lasting change comes quickly or smoothly. Not every Empowered will survive it; maybe not even everyone in this room or building. I, for one, will not let this life of oppression and misery go on for those of our kind." He pulled out one of his spare handguns and pressed it into the accusing boy's hands before staring him right in the eyes.

"So survive and see that change happen." Mira had, by now, locked the building down and more inhabitants of the safe house had come to the room in a bad and worse state. The redhead jolted a little, as if shocked, and Julius concluded that the most likely candidate was Mira but they had neither the time nor the luxury of discussing the ethics behind her action; right now anything that heightened their chances of survival was the correct moral action.

Julius leant down and carefully lifted the girl over his shoulder, standing easily with her slight weight; he had not be idle in six months and had built up a considerable strength and stamina during his time in Britain. After testing that his burden would not overly affect his aim, he checked his firearm was sufficiently loaded and then followed Mira out into the corridor, pushing the majority of the gas into empty rooms or further down the corridor.

"I find it hard to believe they'd send organise such a large assault here on the vague intel that there were a few Empowered in the area. It's almost as if they were targeting some specific people." He glanced sideways at Mira. "I'm going to go ahead and guess you know more than you're letting on which leads me to infer that you'll also be taking steps to avoid a repeat. The question is: were they after me, us as a group or..." He left his point unfinished, pressing on ahead. The soldiers were on the stairwell now, leaving little time for non-important conversation.

"Get a shimmy on you lot. I'll take rearguard. Oh, and if you start hearing a high-pitched sound like it's from inside your head then we need to start running or you'll lose all your strength. Quickly now!"
Maribeth - Safe House

Maribeth watched as others began to walk in the room, her eyes running over their bodies to make sure no wounds were on them. She had barely paid attention to Nikolai as he spoke to her, only giving him a slight nod as she tried to focus on not letting her 'force field' down.

She followed Julius and Mira out into the corridor and looked around to see if anyone else was on the floor passed out or injured.

So far, nobody else seemed to be needing any assistance. 'Good' she thought to herself, knowing she'd probably leave them behind at that point. They needed assets at the moment, not liabilities.

When she turned forward once again to pay attention, she noticed Mira was the one leading them now and Julius was gone. Maribeth whipped around to find him, relaxing a little when she spotted him trailing behind the group. "Julius. I can hear about this later, but I'm not letting you take rear." Her tone was one that she had used many times not only with Diego, but with her father. It was one that meant there would be no argument or debating it. The stern and cold look she gave to him only added more emphasis to it. There was no way she was going to let Julius stay back, not with whatever was going on in his mind at the moment. She took no time in flying over behind him, rushing him to get in front with the others.

At the moment, Mari's head was clear. Full of anger, but clear. She heard no random thoughts nor did she have crashing waves of voices, threatening to knock her down. Still, she didn't need her annoying telepathic ability to be able to tell that the night police were nearly at the doorstep, making their way to the third level. If they were going to escape, they would need every bit of luck possible. Since she was already in the back of the group, the young woman slowed down and floated away towards the opposite way. Towards the door. She'd send a telekinetic blast strong enough to, not only push the night police that were anywhere near the building away, but to give her 'friends' a push towards their goal; towards their escape.

Once she neared the door, Maribeth took a deep breath and opened it, shutting it behind her and floating at the top of the stairwell. The loud stomping of feet was undeniable as they neared her. As the mass of black turned the corner to go up the remained steps, Mari's eyes widened as she saw the amount of them. They hadn't seen her yet, and she praised whatever higher entity there was that they hadn't. She closed her hands into tight fists as she felt the surge coming on from within her mind and body. It was a feeling of massive raw power. It took a mere ten seconds for her to build up the power, and only a nanosecond to release it. The shear force was enough to make the building shake in its place and it sent the men either into walls or down to the ground level. It shattered the windows on the building and any furniture would have gone crashing against the walls, but that was the least of Mari's worry. If she was correct, a force that strong would have sent the group flying down the hall and hopefully closer to what hopefully was their escape, buying them a bit more time.

Maribeth tried to not spend much time there. She tried to turn and go back to the group, but something the girl didn't expect was the night police being able to recuperate that fast. A single shot from the tranquilizer gun that they carried was fired and hit her on the hip. Maribeth ripped it out and looked up, glaring at the man who had managed to retrieve his weapon and fire at her. She should have made sure to have thrown them all to the lowest level. Infuriated, Mari turned to float over to the armed man, ripping away his weapon with a quick flick of the wrist. The drugs in the tranq must have been strong, though. As Maribeth floated down the stairs, she began to lose height, falling every other second and then catching herself right before landing. Her eyesight became hazy and the room around her began to move in ways it shouldn't.

She continued making her way towards the armed man, even when she could not float any longer and had to groggily walk, or stumble, towards him. It was if they were acting on silent cues, as another armed man ran up the stairs with a white and black device. It seemed like a small belt, or a large collar. It didn't dawn on Mari until it was too late, and her words came out slurred and barely audible, filled with fear. "No! No!" They were barely above a whisper as she came closer to the brink of unconsciousness. Not even the small blasts of telekinesis had effect on them by now; Only making them slightly unbalanced. Once they reached her, darkness overcame her sight and she unwillingly fell into unconsciousness. A small group of the armed men wasted no time in lifting her and taking her to one of their many heavily armed vehicles, loading her into the back and driving off. The others, staying to capture the rest of the Empowered in the building.
Safehouse, Brooklyn, New York

It seemed, to Akiko, she had just laid her head down to sleep when the windows shattered and some sort of suffocating gas filled the room, flowing into her lungs and causing her eyes to water. She rolled off of the couch, coughing and rubbing her eyes in vain to clear her vision. Suddenly, it was as if every phone in the building decided to ring at the same time, startling Akiko into using her powers and reappearing on some stairs.

Through the haze, she could hear many stamping feet, running up to where she was. There were also shouts, someone barking orders and what she could only assume was the breaking of doors from brute force. She briefly remembered her old apartment undergoing a similar situation just like this only a day ago. One silhouette emerged from the gas, dressed in the armor of the police.

"Shit!" Akiko swore, teleporting away just before he could shoot her and back onto the third floor, right in the middle of the group of people seeking shelter in this house and colliding with another body as they ran into the same spot she reappeared.
Safehouse-Kitchen-Seconds before raid.

Sean thanked Mari as she left, he somehow managed to go unrecognized, for him it was probably the best case scenario. He grabbed two aspirin and a glass of water and downed both quickly, he stood in silence for a few seconds with his eyes closed hoping that somehow the medicine would magically make his headache vanish. Instead something much worse happened, before he could set his class in the sink the sound of glass shattering behind him broke his trance and the hiss of gas filled his ears and soon the gas itself filled his lungs.

Sean coughed and sputtered as he ran out of the kitchen, he heard a few more windows break and people shouting and running around, he barely managed to get out of the kitchen in one piece, he coughed and gagged the gas burning his lungs and nostrils. He looked around quickly just in time to see a door open and close shut down the hall, he ran towards it nearly tripping over the occasional piece of furniture he thought he saw somebody a little ways down the hall picking someone up but another coughing fit stopped him from dwelling on it.

He ran towards the door, the gas thinning out slightly, he rammed the door to the room he had been staying in and quickly gathered his things, he pulled the gun out and put it in the back of his waistband and ran out of the room. He originally intended on running out of the building as it clearly wasn't as safe as he'd been led to believe, he heard a few hushed voices from a room and hurried into the room and found that a decent amount of the people.I. the house had been hold up in the room, he got in there just in time to have Maribeth run passed him. "What the Fuck is going on?" He said to no one in particular, before he could get a reply the building rumbled slightly giving Sean a start, he looked around worriedly, he heard some clammering from down stairs it didn't sound good.
He wasn't sure what to do he pulled his gun out and stared at the door waiting for the voice in his head to chime in.
Atticus - Raid

"Thanks for the pep talk..." Atticus grumbled as the pistol was shoved into his hand. Though he'd fired a gun once before it still felt awkwardly heavy in his grip so he tucked it away into the back of his pants, figuring his own powers would be far more effective anyway. He honestly wasn't so sure being trapped inside a building surrounded by the night police was actually better than being outside on his own but he didn't press the matteras escape was a far more important concern.

Tightening the strap on the duffel bag, he couldn't risk letting it fall into the police's hands, he was just about to exit back into the corridor when the door flew open again and a man entered carrying a limp form over his shoulder. "Cat-Whisperer..." He mumbled as the man let her down to the floor and then promptly collapsed. Atticus crouched down and focused his power to check her pulse without touching her wrist or throat. Her heart was still beating, the blood flowing strong through her veins, and he couldn't help but let out a small sigh of relief.

She was probably the only one of this lot he came close to trusting.

Julius picked her up and before long the group was ready to move out, and none too soon for it wouldn't be long before the police really kicked in their door. Atticus was near the center, not too eager to risk being the first to encounter the skilled soldiers he knew well and unsure of where to go anyway. He was alert, ready for just about anything, but that didn't stop him from cursing aloud as a woman appeared in front of him so suddenly that he couldn't even slow his stride. They collided with a good bump as his hand closed around her wrist and half a dozen red tendrils sprouted from his palm and wrapped tightly up her arm. "What the hell?!"
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Emma - Safehouse - The Raid

Emma listened as the events outside unfolded. As soon as the chaos had ensued, she had prepared herself to make a run for it. She was irate towards her stupidity - in seeking shelter she'd successfully ended up bereft of any form of safety. She knew, without peeking through the closet door that it was the Order Police, coming to find her. When she dared a peek outside, she could see a woman down the hallway, and a soldier boring down on her. Her eyes widened when the woman thrust her hand at the soldier, and he was thrown backwards, stripped of his gun. A small voice screamed Help her!, but she couldn't bring herself to move. If she moved, she risked revealing herself to the armed soldiers.

Her heart pounded as the soldiers came in and carried the woman away, but one remaining soldier began moving down the hallway, almost as if he knew she were there. Before she knew it, the gas from the hallway began to seep under the closet door, comprising her safety in the small closet. She frantically looked around for something to cover her mouth with, scanning the small supply closet for anything of use. She spotted a black rag folded by a broom and dustpan. She grabbed the rag, folding it like a bandanna, and knotted it behind her head. It wasn't the best filter ever, but it was far better than nothing.

It was when the gas and began to fill up the small space that she realized that she couldn't stay in the room. She jumped out, checking the hallway, the soldier had moved on. They were now searching the rest of the hallways, and the stairs were left un-watched. Quickly she bolted out of the closet and turned up the stairs. The gas would be less effective upstairs, and from upstairs, she could get to the fire escape on the back of the building. When she hit the hallway in the top of the stairs, a woman stood there, beside her was a man who carried a second woman on his shoulder. Out of pure surprise, she accidentally released a blast of ice from her hands, and struck the floor a few feet from the strangers.

To make up for her mistake, Emma threw her hands up in surrender, trying to silently convey that she wasn't an enemy.
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Faust did his best to distract the Night police outside of the building. Running thru the woods he used guerrilla tactics, hitting hard and fast before disappearing again while everyone was still trying to figure out what was going on. With the help of Jeramy he was able to hit them where he can cause him impacts without to much risk. Taking a moment he leaned against a tree. Lifting up a rifle he acquired on his little escapade he checked the ammo catching his breath. "fuck this noise" he muttered to himself as the radio chimed in "keep moving faust, they are searching for you" Jeramy gripped as he looked around "I know I can hear them" he snipped. He pushed off the tree and started moving once more.

He lifted up his rifle and squeezed off a few rounds downing two more soldiers he rose his rifle only for it to click as it was out of rounds. He threw a blast of sound waves at the other sending him back against a tree as he looked around. "Shit, my proximity alarms are going off." Jeramy called over in alarm "Then move!" faust shouted back as he started to hear panicked moving followed by the sounds of gunfire. 'Shit, Jeramy...JERAMY" he shouted into the headset as he cursed loudly hearing only static over the headset. He looked up hearing the footsteps walking towards him. "Fucking worthless shit, how many times did i tell you to move" he cursed dropping the gun looking up walking towards those foot steps.

Before the man came into view he could hear clapping as an older man walked into view. Half his face was scared, the left side of his lips curled into a half smile permanently as his eye was scared down the middle of it splitting it. Faust looked at the man "Abrams" he said as the man smiled looking around.

"Very good Faust, It seems I trained you well indeed"
"you're dead...I already killed you"
"Oh you did a very good job, had to get a new leg and there is this annoying ringing in my ears. I was out for almost a year because of you"
Faust growled raising his hand throwing out a blast of sound waves only for it to hit nothing and dissipate.
"Did you really think I came here unprepared"
Just then a woman walked out raising her hand as Faust looked to her "Savannah what are you doing here?'
"She has seen the error of her ways, as we tried to let you see yours." he paused for a moment grinning looking at faust "it took a long time to track you and that damn technopath friend of yours down. But this really is the last place I expected to find you.'
"what is the point of this Abrams"
"why I just wanted to see my favorite son...'
"I am not your son!"
"I took you in, you and your brother were nothing when i found you. Now look at you."
"Don't you dare mention my brother!"
"you are the one who killed him. But I am not here to talk about the past. Come with me and become a jagger once more'
"I would rather Die"
"Very well" he snapped his fingers as soldiers came out "you always did get to distracted by your emotions faust" he said walking away.

Faust screamed throwing out another blow only to be blocked by Savannah as she smiled "you killed Damian, now I get my revenge" she smiled finally speaking. Faust screamed as there was a loud sonic blast erupting from his body. "Savannah snap out of it" he shouted before he was blasted by a large force of kinetic energy sending him back. He cursed jumping back up and he rushed forward, sending out sound waves met with that raw kinetic energy sent out shock waves tossing people away from them. Faust moved forward getting in close "Damn it Savannah" he shouted at her.

There fight raged on, both of them being skilled in martial combat as they tied in their powers, sending loud shockwaves and sonic blast out. "They lied to me, I didn't know Damian was my target, not till it was to late" he tried to convince her out as she landed a hit to his stomach making him keel over. "You betrayed us, you hunted your family, your own blood" she cursed at him as he looked up at her. Faust was holding back against her as he shook some "I'm sorry" he said "and soon you'll be dead" she came closer pulling out a knife. Faust moved fast, whistling he sent out a loud sonic scream making her grab her ears as he jumped over lifting up a near by handgun from the fallen soldiers. He pulled the trigger sending four rounds into her chest as he panted some looking at her corpse. He wondered how many people that he once called friends he would have to kill, how many he already had. "I'm sorry" he said quietly as he stood up.

His sonar back up he could hear more people approaching as he turned fell down rummaging thru a body to find some more clips for his rifle. He got up and cursed as when he put weight on his leg it screamed in pain as he pushed it down and started to limp away. He wouldn't be of much help in this condition so he kept moving, focusing on his sonar to avoid any enemy. His hands were trembling as he looked down and they split some from his cells ripping apart. He was over exerting himself as he moved popping a new clip into the rifle as he started to head away from safe house.
Dirk - Safe House - Raid

Still grasping for breath, Dirk could barely form a sentence as the others shuffled around him. He nodded at the assistance the unconscious girl received, too winded to think much of the procedure. He almost asked if he could get a shock as well, but, when he thought about it, the idea of taking a shock seemed undeniably more frightening than his lungs giving out. Soon, plans of escape were discussed, and Dirk managed to stand up straight for the explanation. He clutched at his chest, breathing hard to rid himself of his discomfort.

"Get a shimmy on you lot," Julius said, spurring Dirk to get moving, his inflamed lungs be damned. He mentioned the possibility of losing their strength, but Dirk hardly felt like he had any strength to lose. Regardless, it was not a thing to take lightly, as his life was in these people's hands now, and he desperately prayed for them to not to drop it on the ground like he did that cabinet that one time. He tried his best not to stomp on anyone's ankles as he moved, but when the guy in front of him slammed into someone, Dirk found himself running into him and tumbling head first over the pair.

"I'm so sorry!" Dirk managed to say, looking up to find a blast of ice striking the floor a few feet from him. Dirk yelped and crawled away from this girl who was apparently attacking them, when-- whoosh! A blast of energy blasted throughout the house, causing the windows to shatter and the foundation to rumble. A concentrated blast burst through the hallway, sending Dirk and just about everyone else flying.

All he could do was scream.
Haylee - Safehouse - Raid

The world was a canvas of black ink to Haylee. She was trapped inside her own mind as blankness surrounded her. It was a comforting darkness, no pain, no suffering, no nothing, she wish it wouldn't go away. But another part of Haylee knew it was all wrong, it shouldn't be dark, she wasn't supposed to feel relief, no no no. A fleeting thought kept haunting her, throwing doubts at the unconscious girl: was she dead? She almost came to believe she was, what with the peace and comfort. But then, her body could feel the movement around her, she could feel the urgency of those who surrounded her. It was a painful and unexpected shock that brought her mind closer to the edge, though it was not enough. Haylee gave up on trying to wake up, the darkness was just so good, she felt safe. And she knew just how wrong that was. And, honestly, she was totally okay with that. Oh, but what had she said about the universe feeling specially shitty today?

Haylee's limp body flew as an energy blast made her, plus everybody else, fly towards the end of the hall. The force of the energy is what brought her consciousness back, and said consciousness ordered her to quickly grab something and hold on. Said something turned out to be Julius' shoulder and back, which could have been a little painful to the guy, since the girl could be pretty strong in situations such as this.

"WHAT THE HELL??" The red head yelled by default, because her mind couldn't form any other words. Also because it was a situation worth of a 'what the hell'. At any other moment she would have been angry for being carried around, but right now she was rather grateful for it, at least she had someone to use as a support, or pillow if the situation called for it.

Oh yeah, she would definitely lay down on the ground and give the world the finger once this was all over, but for now, all she was going to do was yell 'what the fuck is going on', at least until her mind is whole again and she's not sporting a god damn painful headache.
Safehouse, Brooklyn, New York

Akiko barely had the time to recover from the hard collision with whomever she hit when a strong hand grasped her wrist tightly and something wrapped the entire length of her arm, squeezing very painfully.

"What the hell?!" someone screamed.

Akiko instinctively pulled herself away from the person who had her trapped to no avail, growing more frightened and confused at seeing the blood red tendrils. Her gaze followed the tendrils and up the arm from where they emerged to see the person's face, only to be caught off guard at seeing someone rather familiar. It took her a moment to realize this person was a tenant from her old apartment.

"You!" she managed to say before somebody clumsily knocked into them followed by loud blast, launching the two of them and everyone else off their feet. Akiko saw the wall fast approaching and teleported herself and the man to skid across the carpet of the now cleared hallway.

She grabbed the red tendrils still wrapped around her arm and attempted to pry them off. "Let go of me, dammit!"
Atticus - Raid

Atticus blinked as recognition of the one who had appeared in his path dawned on him but before he could say a word a powerful wave of energy crashed through the hall and sent them both flying. The world spun but the young man could still make out the wall fast approaching and prepared himself for a painful collision. However, just before contact he experienced the most unsettling sensation of having his entire being moved from one point in space to another and instantly found himself safely standing in the place he had been thirty seconds before. "What the hell?... Why do I have to keep saying that?" His head ached as he rolled his neck to steady himself.

"Let go of me, damnit!" The girl struggled at the tendrils Atticus had forgotten he was still controlling. He pulled them off her quickly, they weren't tight enough to bruise but they did leave small red lines up the skin of her arm, and the thin tendrils of red slipping back into the gash on his palm.

"You!" Atticus regained himself enough to speak. "What the hell are you doing here?!" Some shouting further down the hall drew his attention as Cat-Whisperer regained conciousness.
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Nilin - Raid

Chaos seemed to have descended upon the entire group barely seconds after they'd begun moving. Nilin had taken point as she was the only person who knew where they were heading and Julius had taken rearguard - something she wasn't happy about but couldn't argue it. Julius Ragnarson and Maribeth Wilson were the priorities in this situation. She had glanced back to check on them when she'd noticed Mari was nowhere to be seen. Jesus rollerskating Chri- The girl didn't get time to finish her sentence when a wave of telekinetic force, which she assumed Maribeth could be thanked for, slammed into the group at full force.

The entire building seemed to shake with the force of the blast, and the sounds of an ensuing fight erupted on another floor. It wasn't difficult to guess that Mari had found the police squads - or vice versa. The group had been pushed toward their destination albeit none too gently with the wave of telekinesis. Nilin slammed into the edge of a table before she'd regained her momentum, hissing out a breath. She ignored the sharp pain at her hip and looked over their little group who didn't seem to have fared any better. If anything, they had it worse. They'd started to bicker amongst themselves instead of concentrating on saving their skins. She straightened up and strode over to a set of windows that had been securely sealed shut by her lockdown protocols and ran her fingers over the faded and peeling wallpaper until she found the cleverly hidden panel.

There was no point in running back to save the telekinetic now. It was best to use the chance she'd given them to flee. However, that was easier said than done as the group seemed to be on the verge of breaking into friendly fire amongst themselves. Well. Only one way to get them all to shut up. Once again, she used her powers to stimulate pain, but this time amongst the entire group, exclusive of Julius who didn't need it. She added to it the loss of vision and hearing, completely disorienting them. The brief flash of pain would serve to distract them from whatever it was they were doing and focus on her. She didn't care that they would be angry - at least they'd be listening.

"Now that I have your attention, let us focus on actually getting out of this building, shall we? If you'd rather stay here and fight amongst yourselves be my guest. I will wait for no one." Her fingers danced expertly across the control panel even as she spoke to them, her voice sharp and cold as shards of ice. "We're going to get about a 10 second window at best. Mess up and you will die. Don't bother shooting at the police forces. It won't do you any good. I'm going to open up a panel here, and we're going to jump into the next building, through the roof. They will have forces stationed there, do not doubt that. There is only one exit out of that room, the one I open - its straightforward enough that none of you should get lost. Julius and I will go first, the rest of you follow after us and make it to the door. Wait for no one." She paused her finger above a key and glanced at Julius. "If you would be so kind to work with me in distracting the soldiers stationed on the roof and below?"

Once Julius had given his assent to the plan, she would press the key and a large section of the wall would fall directly onto the building next to them.

"Do try not to break anything." She added almost as a pleasant after thought as she jumped through the now gaping section in the wall. The timing had to be perfect, as did the positioning. Nilin felt the air rush up at her face, throwing her hair back like a streaming black banner. It was a short drop, one that wouldn't cause fatal injuries or the like. She unleashed her power in a wave as she descended, using the initial surprise to her advantage. The soldiers would be deaf, blinded and in pain for a few short seconds which she hoped would be enough. The girl dropped into the building as a panel on the roof dislodged and fell in barely a split second after the first one. The crash would've caused yet another disorientation to the soldiers stationed inside, and she unleashed a second wave even as she rushed to the exit she'd mentioned - a hidden entrance to a series of underground tunnels. She'd had her doubts that the entrance wouldn't have been already under guard by the Order. Of course it isn't. It's all going perfectly according to Lucien's plan.

The raid squads would regain their balance pretty soon and undoubtedly make use of the power nullifier Julius had mentioned. They had to get into the tunnels before that point. She would hold out for as long as she could before shutting them out.
Emma - Raid

Emma was pleased to see that the strangers didn't react negatively. She saw that a woman, a few inches taller than herself, glance ever so briefly at her, seeming to understand that she wasn't a threat. In fact, none of the strangers were even slightly weary of her presence, save for one guy whom she'd come close to hitting with a blast of ice. Quickly, the strangers began bickering slightly. Out of no where, Emma felt a sharp pain, her breath catching. Her ears rang loudly and her vision blacked out for just a moment.

When her vision cleared, she saw the woman call for attention. Emma examined her for the quickest of moments - She was elegant and beautiful, her mere presence seeming to strike the eye and demand attention. Her voice was nonetheless authoritative. It dawned on her that the woman had caused Emma's pain - everyone else's as well. That must have been involved with her powers...

The woman explained how the escape would go, and (as if on cue) panels in the wall revealed themselves as they slid apart and left a gaping hole in the wall. What the heck did I walk into? Emma didn't question the woman's plan, only watched as she and another man jumped out onto the next building. She nodded to herself.... running... that was something she excelled in.

When it was her turn to jump, she ran and took three heavy steps before throwing her entire 110 pound frame across the gap. Her feet touched the ground just barely and she tucked her shoulder in as she rolled to her feet, quickly regaining her foothold and following after the woman who was - without a sliver of doubt - the leader.
Julius - Safe House

When he noticed that Maribeth had back tracked significantly, Julius twisted around to follow her but pain erupted up his spine. Nearly dropping his charge, he masked his flinch masterfully, and instead carried on. He curses the injury, choosing the most inopportune time to play up as always. Thanks to his radar he was able to watch Maribeth's confrontation with the police and readied himself for the telekinetic blast that shook the building and hurled them all down the corridor like leaves in the wind. With a few quick movements he was able to shift the girl on his shoulder so that he would take the brunt of their impact with the wall and brace his left arm and leg so that the crash was spread out across the two limbs, allowing him to remain standing and alert.

Things were moving too quickly for anyone to properly gain control of in a normal method. Now the group were bickering, apparently forgetting that particularly well armed and trained soldiers were closing in on them very quickly. The girl on his shoulder was now conscious so he carefully let her down, making sure she was stood safely before removing his support. Thankfully, Mira had the situation under control and forcefully refocused the group on the matter at hand. Once her plan was outlined she looked at Julius and he stepped closer to their hidden exit the Syndicate operative was about to reveal.

"I'll try not to, most of me's too broken already though." He quipped with a small smile before following her through the gap. Just in time he formed a small air pocket which cushioned their fall, removing the already slim chance of an injury, and sailed safely through the hole in the roof to the floor below. Dragging the air around them with him, Julius shoved it like a solid wall at the soldiers to hurl the disoriented men in all directions, away from partners to slow their regrouping efforts. Following Mira, he stomped on a recovering soldier's neck and felt the fragile bone underneath crack sickeningly. The rest of the group were behind them now, arriving safely.

Just as the situation began to feel like it was going their way, for once, Julius' radar picked up incoming peculiarities in the air which could only be the result of sound waves.

"They've turned on the nullifiers, get moving and don't stop!" He shouted, wincing as a high pitched sound screamed as if inside his head. Having experienced the effect several times before, specifically in the last few months, he would be more resistant to the side effects it had on one's normal functions than most but it still slowed his mind and made his body feel heavy. He withdrew the handgun at his waist and began to pick off any soldiers nearby, regardless of whether they were reaching for weapons, lying on the floor or trying to escape; now that their powers were gone it would only be a matter of time before the tables turned completely against them.

His shots hit with unerring, terrifying accuracy but return fire was imminent, he could see, so Julius retreated after the others quickly rather than risk the same fate as Maribeth.

He felt the building shake, he assumed Mari had been felled and let out a last ditch effort. It irked him, he really did like her but he could do nothing about it if he was caught or killed too. People began to fight amongst themselves, Nikolai ignored it and tried to find his way out. If he made it to the roof, he could jump over the side and rush off into the forest. He couldnt go backwards and that was for damn sure. He looked around and noticed Julius and some other woman near the window. She turned back to them and then he felt and heard a sharp pain, he couldnt describe the hearing it was simply blocking out all noise and quite intrusive. He looked to the woman with anger, he figured it was her. She started speaking of a way out, and Nikolai was more than happy to be out of the building. The wall came apart exposing the building next door and he saw the woman hop out the window. Nikolai watched as a girl threw her tiny body out the window behind the woman and Julius. Nikolai was more than happy to jump.

"Killers first," Nikolai said moving some people aside and leaping across the gap. It was an easy jump for him to make, he landed on his feet and looked around. He watched as Julius and the woman took out the stationed troops. Nikolai drew his pistol and shot his remaining four bullets into any soldiers he could see. He saw the girl and scooped her up. He was scared she would be shot in the crossfire and carried her to the exit the woman had mentioned. He felt his claws and fangs retract, and his agility lessened. He felt his powers had left him like his body was heavier, he felt a constant screech in his ears and fought to make sure it didnt stop him. He needed to get to safety with the girl in tow. He ran down the tunnel system at a full sprint and felt his powers slowly returning as he got further away from the situation. He looked around and realized it was an underground tunnel system, he set the girl down quickly and looked back towards where he had come. He grew out his talons and fangs then felt himself grow in height again, his agility and strength returning.

"They can stop us powers," Nikolai said to no one in particular, "Did they make machine or has an powered person?"
Haylee - Safe house

Now standing up all by herself, Haylee could see the urgency of the situation, and feel the intensity of her headache. Suddenly, a new wave of pain-pain-pain hit her, adding to the already existent headache. She almost threw up, but, fortunately, it was gone almost as quickly as it had come. She realized the causer of said misery was the woman in front of the group, and this was her way of calling the attention of everybody. Charming. The woman was speaking of a way out, it was a risky plan, but apparently the only one they had. Also, Haylee loved bad ideas, she was made of them. So, despite the girl hating the idea of following orders, she did what the woman told them to do.

She waited for some people to jump first, before following right behind. The landing wasn't too harsh, fortunately. Though it was a bit uncomfortable for her legs that were still feeling the after effects of the faint. Haylee hated to just stand back and watch as Julius and Nilin fought their way out, but the red head was useless in situations such as this, she didn't even have any guns with her. Animals could only be useful until a point, which excluded any conflict involving weapons. So Haylee ran. Even when her body began to feel heavy and a screech invaded her ears she didn't stop; even when she couldn't hear the voices of insects nearby her anymore she didn't stop. despote the chaos around her, she ran. Because Haylee could be many things, but stupid was not one of them, and survivor was definitely one of them. Even if meant being selfish.

Haylee ran.
Faust leg shot with pain as he moved through the forest "Pain is nothing, pain tells you you are alive, But let it slow you down and it will be your death." the voice in his head was telling him. "Move it Faust! Use your anger!" that voice went on. Faust found it irritating, after all these years that man's voice was still the one in his head. "So much anger and hatred. Focus it, let it fuel you" it went on as Faust growled. He looked back as his eyes narrowed and his brow curled as he looked over towards the buildings and looked at them seeing people jump from one to another. "Don't get distracted by your emotions, Use them as a weapon!" Faust let out a loud cry. A burst of sonic energy erupted from his body as he started to move forward, soon speeding up as he focused. He was running on that bum leg now ignoring the pain. He was like a freight train as he screamed and the sonic energy focused in front of him building in pressure as it dead. He ran thru a group of soldiers as the force of it sent them all flying back and soon he was crashing through a wall bursting into the building.

People in the room turned surprised by that sudden entrance, though before any of them knew what just happened Faust had moved gunning down two before pulling out a handgun and shooting more. Though faust could feel an odd sensation now in the building. It crawled on his skin as he realized he was being attacked by directed soundwaves. He figured it must of simply been a tactic to try to 'smoke' them out. Faust started to move, running through the building taking down any soldiers he came across. Surprise was on his side as Most of them had their backs to him not expecting the rear attack. He soon grabbed a combat knife from a fallen soldier and in an effort to conserve ammo he started to use it more then his gun. The close quarters made it all that much more desperate as he was using his powers to disorientate people and fling them around as he killed his way up the building. He was muting his sound so that the enemy wouldn't hear him coming, or any of the killing going on just down the hall from them. He burst through a door throwing a blast of sound waves as they sent some men that seemed to be gathering at the end of a hall flying back. Moving he fired his handgun as the blade of his knife ripped through a mans throat as he ducked down doging the but end of a rifle before bringing his knife up under the man's jaw and twisting it pulling it down letting him drop.

Faust started to run down the hallway once more muting his sound before s he could hear people moving not far in front of hem. As he rounded the corner pulling out his knife as the blade stopped just short of Julius' neck and his gun pointed at Nilin "Fancy meeting you here" he grinned as Faust was sure a sight to see. His face covered in blood as were his clothes and hands. Red life fluid dripping from his knife as he lowered it down. In that moment something dawned on him though, How did he get the drop on them? Julius' own radar should of picked him up approaching, but they didn't really have time to think about that right now as he looked at the group. "I'll cover the rear" he said as he would let the others pass by him before soon following.
Everything was happening quickly, and it just seemed to be picking up by the second. People were rushing around and before he knew it, a plan was hastily thrown into the air. Sean didn't really have any objections, even if he did it wouldn't matter, the alternative was capture or death or probably both and in that order. He jumped without thinking, right through the hole, and he hit the ground running. Some chick he'd seen briefly before had done something to disorient the soldiers giving them a chance. And so he ran with it.

Sean ran, not to any selected destination but just away from the "safe house" he realized the irony in calling it that and it kind of bugged him but he didn't really have time to think about that. Sean followed the the few who had already jumped and were now running, it didn't seem like the best idea to all be in the same place, but being separated was just as bad. Suddenly remembering he had a gun on him he pulled it from his waistband in mid stride, having it ready was probably a good idea, things we're going to get a lot harder at this point, he could feel it.
Nikolai-The Tunnels

Nikolai watched as another red headed girl made her way into the tunnels, then another man his way into the tunnels behind him. The man had a drawn a pistol from his waist line and Nikolai looked at him carefully. He nodded to both the man and the woman and then back to the girl he had set down. No one seemed to be injured.

"How many shot you have still?" Nikolai said nodding to the weapon the man was brandishing, the man looked like the people Nikolai was used to hanging out with. The girls however, he didnt know much about them. Or anyone for that matter, what were their powers. Perhaps it could be of use to help the others. The thought only just crossed his mind, then immediately it left him. He recalled that the womans orders had been to run, no matter where it took them simply run as far as they could. The tunnel seemed incredibly long, dimly lit as well. He sniffed the air and recognized the smells of gunpowder and blood, as well as sweat and fear coming from where they had just been. He sniffed down the other way and couldnt make out anything but dust, and cement. He had a short debate with himself on whether or not he should continue to flee or go back and risk capture. He looked to the people around him and began speaking in fragmented English again.

"Woman say run, we dont fight they. Powers no work. Gooder to run to safe." Nikolai said trying to get his point across as best he could, "If want fight, I no help. If want run, I lead, no argue."

Nikolai figured they could understand him and looked all in the eyes. He began walking down the hallway and continued sniffing the air, trying to find any indication of where it would lead him.
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