The Ultimate Comic Book Roleplaying Universe (OoC)

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Sure, I'll have Fisk interact with him. Maybe Fisk has been covering for the Hulk's actions (which explains why the military and OSCORP haven't chased him yet), so this could be his way of paying back Fisk? Even though he would take the bounty, it would be a "This is the end, my friend. You do this for me, and we're even... For now."
That sounds like a fantastic idea! :) That would explain how no-one has noticed the giant green monster. :)
SHIELD would have, but again, they're busy dealing with other things. Besides, we can play around with the Hulk not having not escaped for a while, meaning that SHIELD doesn't realize it's still alive. Then, when they see the big-green running around Millennium trying to squash Spider-Man... That'll be interesting.

But I think you'll have to fight Cheshire for him, right @N/A? Also, mind explaining that plot point you mentioned earlier in more detail in the PM? I got a little confused 0-0
SHIELD would have, but again, they're busy dealing with other things. Besides, we can play around with the Hulk not having not escaped for a while, meaning that SHIELD doesn't realize it's still alive. Then, when they see the big-green running around Millennium trying to squash Spider-Man... That'll be interesting.

But I think you'll have to fight Cheshire for him, right @N/A? Also, mind explaining that plot point you mentioned earlier in more detail in the PM? I got a little confused 0-0
That will certainly be interesting. Especially as costumed heroes are just emerging, and most of them look human... until they see The Hulk.
Exactly. But don't think SHIELD won't be on the scene within minutes of a fight.
Thanks. I try to put a lot of work into these types of things, so I'm glad people appreciate them xD
@Sora1297 I'm done with my second!

Name: Sophia Schwartz

Alias: 'Witchblade Bearer' codename: 'Morrighan'

Hero, Walking-the-line, or Villain: Sophia is a somewhat Villain, mainly because she simply follows her father's orders, which at times are to eliminate a target or group and doesn't show any remorse or mercy.

Age: 18

Civilian form:


Witchblade form:


Background and Hero/Villain Origins: From a very young age, Sophia was diagnosed with a fatal illness and was predicted die by the age of ten if not sooner. Her parents were crushed at the idea of their only child slipping away from their fingers at such a young so both decided to find a cure for their child. Luckily for them, they were both biochemist scientists who worked at the infamous OSCORP and had access to thousands of promising material that could help with their sick child. Desperate to save her in any means necessary, and with the permission from the big boss to use their daughter as a test subject, they did hundreds of tests and experiments with the girl but none of them seemed to have long term effects.

Sophia was coming close to tenth birthday but was still in back condition from her illness that often left her bedridden. One day, after a test that failed, Sophia heard a faint voice calling out to her yet when she looked around her parents were the only ones in the room talking among themselves. Despite not seeing anyone else, she continued to hear the voice calling out to her and without realizing it (neither did her parents) she walked out of the room and began to head down the halls of the facility. Sophia walked for a couple of minutes but abruptly stopped when she was in front of glass door that had a strange looking gauntlet inside. Somehow, she knew that the voice was coming from the strange piece of armor, which had conceived her to open the door with her pass card and had her enter the room. As she approached the gauntlet, she heard her father voice shout out to her to stay away from the weapon but it was already too late. The minute that she was close enough, the gauntlet began to glow a bright red color and lunged itself towards Sophia which became immediate attached to her right hand.

The gauntlet that attached itself to the girl was known as the Witchblade; a male entity of both light and dark which represents both order and chaos that is in a shape of a gauntlet. It is also the offspring of the angelus and the darkness; making it difficult to have complete control over its actions and reactions towards certain things. The research team found the strange artifact at a remote island off the coast of Japan and decided to keep the object for further investigations but through intense experiments and research, they couldn't get it work. They had found scripts of the gauntlets powers and abilities yet they could never find a proper suitor for the weapon; that was, until Sophia came in contact with it.

At first, everyone was against having the young child being the bearer of the mystical weapon and decided to have it removed yet, every time anyone attempted to remove the gauntlet from the girl always ended up in shreds by the defense mechanism embedded in the weapon. Seeing as how it was impossible for anyone to remove the gauntlet by force, the research team decided to merely wait till the girl died from her illness in order to get the weapon back. Surprisingly though, the witchblade had a special heal factor that was capable of not only healing mortal wounds but always illnesses that threaten its hostess well-being. Since the young girl was cured of her illness, the research team decided to make a deal with her parents who knew nothing about the witchblade and told them that for the price of her taking the weapon without permission and curing her, she would have to help out with their own research of the witchblade in order to better understand and control its power. They were reluctant at first of having their child undergo different types of experiments at the hands of the shady team that they requested that her father, Dr. Albert Schwartz, be in charge of the witchblade project. Seeing that they had no other choice, the research team, along with the head of the company, allowed Dr. Schwartz to be in charge of the new project of the weapon that saved his daughters life.

Throughout the years, Sophia went through rigorous physical training to build up her stamina and exercise her abilities of the witchblade. In full power, the gauntlet spreads across the girl's body and turns into a powerful, yet revealing, outfit and also causes her hair and eyes to change different colors; almost as if to conceal her real identity. Before in this form, her personality change greatly into a sadistic fighter who itched to fight and even kill when possible but has somewhat been able to control these strange urges that course through her body to a minimal. Since the witchblade is a combination of light and dark, Sophia greatly struggles to tell the two apart and normal tends to lean towards the dark side of gauntlets influences thoughts.

Under her father's command (really OSCORP's command) Sophia is sometimes sent out on find and retrieve missions of stolen goods of the company which at times leads to her killing thieves and dealers who try to get in her way. She has become the secret bio-weapon of OSCORP, their personal exterminator/executioner for whatever their needs.


  • The Witchblade can act like armor, produce energy blasts, form itself into weapons (swords, other stabbing weapons, hooks, chains, shields), and extra appendages (fire projectile darts, and whip-like grapples to attack or to climb).
  • Healing factor
  • Flight (should the situation arise, she can also form wings allowing flight)
  • Enhanced strength
  • jump heights slightly higher than humans and perform other parkour feats
  • Trained in hand-to-hand combat

Weaknesses/Tragic Flaw:
  • Mentally unstable at times. Being the one sent out to do the dirty work since a young age has caused her to have trouble knowing right from wrong and vice versa. Also has murderous thoughts towards outsiders.
  • Using the Witchblade requires a large amount of stamina and energy, if Sophia doesn't rest or eat properly to keep her strength up, she could suffer great strain on her body which leaves her unable to move for a day or two.
  • Loves to pick fights with strong opponents even if the odds are against her, she doesn't care as long as she can get the androgen pumping
  • Completely dependent, she doesn't act unless her father gives her the 'ok'. She can't make decisions on her own without someone else telling her so which lands her in situations where she might think that 'killing her way out' is the best option.

Occupation: Super soldier/assassin, whatever father (OSCORP/Cobra) orders really


  • Transformation process -
  • witchblade_x6ejtyvd.gif
  • Sophia is distant and has no friends. The only person she gets along with is her father.
  • When she began training to become a 'super soldier/weapon', Sophia's mom threaten to reveal the dark secrets of OSCORP which lead to Dr. Schwartz ordering Sophia to kill her own mother in cold blood.
  • Excelsior!

Sample Post:

"Targets are small group of men who have been sneaking into OSCORP ships to steal important equipment and weaponry. Your job today is to eliminate the pest while scaring the ring lead into backing off, understand Morrighan?"

"I get to play with them, yes? I'm so happy! It's been so long that I last played~ I'm so excited now! I won't let you down father!" The witchblade bearer shouted in joy as she began to run on the roof tops of the buildings towards the dock where the ship was scheduled to arrive. On foot, it would have taken a person an hour to arrive at the docks but for the young girl, she got there in less than fifth teen. Taking in the view from a higher point of view, she began to study the area, quickly memorizing the outline of the place and spotted the group of thieves waiting eagerly for the ship to arrive. "Father, I found the men. The ship hasn't set dock yet, shall I processed with elimination?" The girl waited patiently for permission to go in for the kill, her blade was itching with anticipation of slashing the worthless scum to bits that it was making it difficult for her to control her blood lust. "Processed with plans. You may eliminate them now, just remember, no witnesses." That was all the girl needed to let loose and get her blood lust quenched.

"Looks like the ship is a bit late. No matter, we can wait as long as it takes, right boys?" The group of men chuckled quietly at their leader's comment. They had been hiding for a good hour now in hopes that the ship would arrive earlier than scheduled as OSCORP's attempt to throw them off on the shipment. Instead it seemed like they thought that making the shipment late would discourage them from hijacking the ship but since they loved the money they could get from selling OSCORP tech in the black market, they were willing to wait as long as it took.

"Don't you know that stealing is back? Ever hear of Karma? It can be a real bitch." The group of men all turned around startled by the sudden voice of female. The men stared in both surprise and confusion at the sight of the white haired girl who was wear one hell of a revealing outfit. One of the bigger men began to chuckle loudly and approached the girl with a grin plastered on his face. "Hey there girly. You know, you shouldn't be out this late at night, don't you know? There are dangerous monsters running 'round this parts." This time the rest of the guys began to laugh, knowing too well where this was leading, after all they did have time to kill while they waited for the ship, why not have a little fun?

Tilting her head to the side as the man came near her, the witchblade bearer spoke, "Oh! So you already know about that? Well that makes my job a lot easier!" The man stared at the girl in utter confusion on what she meant that he was too distracted to notice the blade like sword the extended from her right arm. "What do you mean your job?" Without a warning, the girl raised her arm over her head, causing the man to look at the blade in slight horror before being sliced in half right where he stood. The group of men watched in terror at the sight of their friend being cut down the middle by the seemly innocent looking girl who quickly turned her attention towards them.

A terrifying grin creeped on her lips as she licked the small dot of blood on the corner of her mouth and stared at them with demonic looking eyes then spoke, "Who's next?" At that moment, the group of men realized that this girl had a strong intention to kill and that they were her prey of the night. Screaming in fear, the close packed group broke off individually into different directions in hopes of getting away and getting out of it alive. "Oh silly thugs…You can't escape me." Almost instantly, hair parted into five razor sharp spears and darted into the direction of each man, easily piercing all of their hearts in one move. Retracting her back to normal, the girl walked over towards the one who seemed to be leading the men and stepped on his wound. A loud groan of pain echoed as the man was still holding on to dear life but wasn't going to last very long. "Aw…You guys weren't much of a challenge…How disappointing…Uuugh, so useless!"

Just as the girl was out to kick the dying man in frustration, a loud feminine scream ripped through the silence of the night and quickly caught the girl's attention. At the other side of the fence, a woman in her mid-twenties stood in horror at the sight of the man sliced in half and of the other five that laid dead on the floor with the strange female in the middle. Glaring at the woman, the witchblade bearer smirked before slowly walking towards the woman. "Father, it seems like someone has seen what happened. Shall erase the evidence?" The woman who witnessed the slaughter took a couple of steps back and fall down onto the ground, frozen in fear. "You may, we can't have any eye witnesses; whether it be criminals or innocent bystanders." Which in other words meant that she could kill without mercy.

Staring down at the woman on the floor, the girl couldn't help but smile evilly as she tilted her head to the side. "Hey there lady. You shouldn't be out this late at night. Don't you know? There are dangerous monsters running around this parts….heh…hahaha..!"

The next day.

"Breaking news; a local civilian went on one of his usual jog by the docks this morning and found a small group of bodies; most of which were sliced up and pierced through the chest around the more secluded part of the dock. Without an eye witnesses or video footage of the gruesome attack, the police has no trails on who the kill could be. More on the story as it develops."


"Looks like spider-man isn't the only one making headlights in the news today huh, pumpkin?" The man glanced over at his daughter with a small grin on his lips at the small joke. Finishing her morning breakfast, Sophia looked over at her father and smiled warmly. "Seems like it, father."
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Looks great, Kid muffintop! Get on posting! If I get to respond to Spidey as well, then this is gonna be another good night for working on posts xD

Jeezus Crips.... Aye Aye captain.... let me just rest a lil bit, that sample post and bio story took a lot out of me


Catherine will be posted up in a bit.​
Okay and this is why I need to check my threads manually since I haven't really gotten any alerts sorry if I was missing out on things.
SHIELD would have, but again, they're busy dealing with other things. Besides, we can play around with the Hulk not having not escaped for a while, meaning that SHIELD doesn't realize it's still alive. Then, when they see the big-green running around Millennium trying to squash Spider-Man... That'll be interesting.

But I think you'll have to fight Cheshire for him, right @N/A? Also, mind explaining that plot point you mentioned earlier in more detail in the PM? I got a little confused 0-0

AFTER SCHOOL I SHALL. XD Apparently I'm bad at explaining while hiding my phone around lol. Sorry.
Very true. But I can't wait to get started. I've really enjoyed reading about this universe so far. :)
@Sora1297 @Everyone.
Stay away from chesh's kill >:|. No wait. He can totally try and hurt spiderman while out of no where,"RKO OUTTA NO WHERE." Just kidding if you get the joke which don't worry about it.

BUT ANYWAYS. then all of a sudden she comes in its like,"Wtf is going on. WHERE DID THIS STRIPE CAT COME FROM. WAT. THERES A FUCKING STRIPED KITTY."
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I'm just about to make my first IC Post. It's just setting up Hulk's meeting with Fisk, and shows that Frye is The Hulk, and he knows about the bounty.
Sounds good to me. Don't include an image of Fisk, but say he's tall if you're going to describe him. I want important NPC's like that to look how I had planned them.

I'll have a GM post up later today.
Because my friend went out of town for the weekend, she made me promise not to see the movie avangers 2 without her so with that in mind; NO SPOILERS PLEASE!
Because my friend went out of town for the weekend, she made me promise not to see the movie avangers 2 without her so with that in mind; NO SPOILERS PLEASE!
Saw it on Thursday, but don't worry i hate spoilers.
Sounds good to me. Don't include an image of Fisk, but say he's tall if you're going to describe him. I want important NPC's like that to look how I had planned them.

I'll have a GM post up later today.
Hey Sora when do you think the GM post will be up?
Tomorrow, these things are a pain in my butt. They're so long -_-"

Sorry about the wait, folks!
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If u should ever need help with those; you could ask for our help
True, but for now I can try to manage. After this one I'll probably get you guys to help.
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