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The Ultimate Comic Book Roleplaying Universe (OoC)

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Everybody else is gonna be sarcastic and funny during fights
and Frank's just gonna be like
Age of Ultron - 7 days.

Cinco de Cuatro - 10 days.

Jurassic World - 49 days.

Ant-Man - 84 days.

Camp Imgur - 105 days.

Star Wars VII - 238 days.

Deadpool - 294 days.

Batman v Superman - 336 days.

Civil War - 378 days.

X-Men: Apocalypse - 399 days

Suicide Squad - 469 days

Dr. Strange - 560 days.

Guardians of the Galaxy 2 - 742 days.

Star Wars VIII - 763 days.

Thor: Ragnarok - 924 days.

Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 - 1106 days.

Captain Marvel - 1199 days.

Avengers: Infinity War Part 2 - 1470 days.

Inhumans - 1540 days.

You're welcome.
Inhumans is coming on November 2, 2018.
Avengers: Infinity War - Part I arrives on May 4, 2018
to my knowledge. o-o
More hyperactive stupid thoughts:
Kid!Stray and Fem!Pubisher.
He likes boobs for some odd reason. JUST DONT EVEN QUESTION IT. XD


superfamily spam:
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I like the kid Spidey stuff, but we should also discuss any possible ideas people might have about the thread.

Anyone wanna toss me an idea about either OSCORP, SHIELD, or COBRA via PM? I'm down with hearing what you have to say ^^
Say, would any of you consider Ben Tennyson... qualifiable for this RP?

Well, if no, I can consider Shredder from TMNT...
I'm working on a massive GM post, so it takes some time ^^;

My post should hopefully be up tonight or later today (assuming I don't run into any pitfalls)
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I'm working on a massive GM post, so it takes some time ^^;

My post should hopefully be up tonight or later today (assuming I don't run into any pitfalls)
Yay! I'm excited! Is it okay if you can add into it that Agent Venom was getting brought in by SHIELD?
i had a draft. and iwaku deleted it.

i did the draft friday. it was there saturday. now its gone.THIS MAKES ME SO ANGRY YOU DONT EVEN UNDERSTAND. I KNEW ON FRIDAY THAT I HAD SATURDAY PLANS TOO. NOW ITS GONE. ill wait for GM post -x-
This sounds fun. Is The Hulk taken?

Name: Jack Frye
Alias: Hulk

Hero, Walking-the-line, or Villain: Walking the Line

Age: 30


Background and Hero/Villain Origins: Jack Frye was a selfish Oil Company Owner, who would lie, cheat, and occasionally murder anyone who disagreed with him. One day, Jack murdered an employee, who claimed that the Gamma-powered machinery used for mining was dangerous. When hiding the body, Jack found out that this employee was Bruce Banner, also known as the gamma-powered monster, the Invincible Hulk. After the Cult of The Hulk found out that Frye had murdered Banner, they 'sacrificed' Frye by tying him to one of the dangerous Gamma Drills, which would explode and poison him. Frye managed to escape, but was told that he would die-unless he injected himself with Banner's blood to stabilize the poison. Frye, desperate to live, did as The Cult said. However, this meant that he would turn into a new , mutated Hulk-one who was made from his conscience, not his anger. Now, when The Hulk attempts to destroy all of Frye's companies' dangerous technology, while Frye comes up with more schemes to destroy his alter-ego-while making a fortune.

Powers/Abilities: Strength, Mild Radiation Trace which he can use to track his 'prey'. The Hulk also has a set of extremely sharp teeth, and has average human intelligence. He can also jump extremely high.

Weaknesses/Tragic Flaw: Turning back into Frye. Frye, in his human form also gives off a deadly radiation trace, and has become addicted into turning into the Hulk.

Occupation: Oil Company Owner

Other: Excelsior!

Sample Post: "Now." said Frye, angrily. "You understand that this device could extract Oil at 1000 times the ordinary mining rate-"
The Head of the Company interrupted him "Frye, this would cost far too many lives-Gamma Radiation is untested and dangerous. I'm afraid it's a No."
Frye smiled. "No? Well, maybe this Gamma Vial," he removed a vial full of a glowing, green liquid from his jacket. "Will change your mind. All I have to do is open this raw material, and we're all going down."
"You're Insane!"
"Not insane, Director Smith, Angry. I'm very, very...Angry."

As he said this, a most astonishing change occoured. Frye began to grow, shedding his business suit almost instantly. He was now green, scaly, fanged, and had a large mohawk running down his neck and back. The creature gave an ear-shattering roar.
"That maniac. I'll show him to mess with the Hulk." He noticed the broken Gamma Vial on the floor. "Get Down!" The Hulk dived towards the Board of Directors, and pushed them away from the green explosion. As The Hulk stood up, he saw the FryeCo Equipment waiting outside. He jumped through the nearby window, glass shattering everywhere, as he leapt towards a mining device.
"Let's end this!" He screamed, as he tore at the mining equipment, savagely tearing the device apart, slicing through the steel shell, and ripping out cables and wires.As the gargantuan machine began to fall, The Hulk leapt away from it, as the remains of the metal machine fell to the ground. "You'll never learn Frye!" He shouted, as if his Alter-Ego could hear him. "Never bring Gamma to a Hulk fight. I'm the strongest one there is."
That works. But I'll have to talk about the group plan. I know Justice wanted Agent Venom to be referenced with my SHIELD post, but I don't know what you guys want to plan.
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