The Two-Sentence Story

"Contrary to what they say in the papers, I've only ever committed mercy killings."
"That's what I'm asking for."
All at once, the answer came to me crystal clear: the simple truth solving all my problems.

That was after I jumped.
I know my mother only ever wanted the best for me, but I always told myself I would never suffocate my children the way she did.

That's ironic, I tell myself, as with tears in her eyes that same mother unplugs my respirator to end my torment.
This was fun to look through. I want to give one that I always think about, and then maybe a few attempts at what I can do.

"For sale: Baby shoes, never worn."
-Ernest Hemingway

1. The boy in a burst of excitement ran to his father.
There was a car screech.

2. There was a cool breeze, that drew a ghost of a smile to his lips.
And then he hit the ground.

3. You were going to ask her out.
You thought back, months later, as you waved her goodbye.

4. Smiling you cut the string without a second thought.
It was the string that bound us together...
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My eyes have betrayed me ever since I was born. It only took one dive to let me see.
Maybe it didn't have to end this way, maybe- bang.
Maybe it did.
He crouched behind the bookcase, the heart in his chest pounding so hard he feared the creature could hear. Those deep seeded fears came true when the fanged shadow opposite him grew bigger and closer than before.
"Vivian, I'm positive that is extremely illegal," a concerned friend informed the girl.

"Not in some countries! Let's pretend we're there,"
The psycho pressed the gun against his head. He pulled the trigger, it was full of blanks.
Her warm had rested on his cold one as he lie in the casket before her. A sheen in her eyes, not of grief but of triumph.
We always thought we would find something out in the stars if we went far enough, but I wasn't stupid enough to expect that. But today, something knocked on the bulwark of the ship.
We should never have left, never should have pried so deep into matters that don't concern us. They don't want us up there.