The Trouble with Duty.

  • Thread starter Eve lilith Angelson
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As her clothing was removed Aura moaned feeling Mist's hands sliding her jeans and her Knickers down her body, and when he took his own off and Aura saw him naked she smiled at him as he kissed her again.

Having her whole naked body under Mist was worse then when they had started to kiss feeling his skin against hers she pushed her hips up and rubbed her self against him now he had no clothes on she could feel his rising erection against her most sensitive parts. "Dillan" she said as she moved away slightly her voice husky now due to her aroused state.
Moving one of her hands to the back of his Neck and one over his shoulder she puled him in closer and kissed him again slightly more passionate then before her tongue was battling his.

The alcohol was truly working as she let go and promised herself she would enjoy this and so would Mist even if in the morning they would forget or be embarrassed by what had happened.
Mist had seen enough sex in his life to know how it went. He kissed Aura passionately again, his body moving into position. Something about all of this felt so right, and without waiting for any kind of added encouragement, he slowly began to slide into her.
Aura felt as Mist moved and she knew what was going to happen so she arched her back ready to invite him in never before had she wanted someone quite as much as she wanted Mist it felt normal it felt like they should be doing this.
As Mist entered her she moaned and was glad he was taking it slowly but she pushed up to meet him as she kissed him with more feeling than she thought possible.
Mist gave a heavy exhale of breath as he found himself being fully sheathed inside Aura, her body accepting him and feeling so tight around him. It felt incredible, and he couldn't help but groan softly into Aura's mouth as they kissed. So this is what sex was supposed to feel like. All he'd ever known from it was pain.

His body didn't wait long before it encouraged him to start thrusting slowly, feeling out how best to do this on the couch. It really wasn't the best place, but neither of them probably wanted to move elsewhere right now.
Aura could feel the whole of Mist inside her and let out her own moan in to his mouth as they continued to kiss. He fit inside her perfectly and her body accepted him with no problems. Aura bit his lip gently as she moaned his name aloud at feeling him deep inside of her wet canal.

She knew having sex on the sofa wasn't the best idea so she moved slightly to make it easier for him to have entrance into her. she lifted her bottom up and pulled her legs up so he could take her more easily. As Mist started to thrust in and out of her she moved along with him meeting him thrust for thrust. Kissing him again as she felt him moving in her. I felt amazing she had forgotten how good it could feel.
Mist was already sweating from the exertion of what they were doing and they'd only just started. He might be skinny, but his stamina wasn't all that good. Prison was probably to blame for that. He hadn't gotten much in the way of exercise there.

"Oh god..." he panted against Aura's lips, pleasure flowing through his body as he kept thrusting into her. This felt so good, and he could tell Aura was enjoying it, too.
It had been a long time since Aura had had sex with anyone and she knew she would last long she could feel her climax bubbling wanting to break free from her with every move Mist made she could feel it coming quickened her breathing her pulse quickened "Oh Dillan, yes" she called as she held onto him tighter. Aura never remembered sex being so gentle and caring but she was really enjoying the feel of Mist in and on top of her.

Aura had wanted to shout Mist out but after him telling her his real name she thought it was only right to call him by it for now.
Just like Aura, Mist wasn't going to last long. These feelings were entirely new to him, and he could feel that pressure building up inside him. Hearing Aura calling out his name while clinging to him like that was only making his pleasure build up faster, and the rhythm of his thrusts faltered as the pleasure kept on increasing.

"Ah... Oh god... Aura..." he groaned, his eyes squeezing shut for a few moments as it reached a level of intensity that nearly stole his breath away. He couldn't last any longer. He just couldn't. He felt like he was going to burst, and a few thrusts later he hit his climax. The pleasure washed over him, making him tense up as he released inside her. Once it had passed, he couldn't stop himself from collapsing on top of her in exhaustion. At least he was light-weight.
Once Mist called her name Aura exploded around him just hearing her name on his lips had made her lose hold of the very thin rope she had on her climax with one last thrust up to meet him she couldn't stop herself from calling his name "Oh Dillan.....Oh" Aura's climax shock her she could feel every part of her body un-tighten as she realised herself to Mist.

As Mist collapsed on to her she stroked his hair as she enjoyed the smell and feel of what they had just done. While the after effects shook her body.
Mist was panting for breath, still lying on top of Aura. He was still deeply inside her, not having the energy to pull out yet. It felt good to still be inside her, though, so he had no complaints to give where that was concerned.

"That..." he managed to say. "That was...amazing..." He'd never felt that much pleasure before. Honestly, he hadn't thought he'd be able to have sex. After all that he'd been put through in prison, he was surprised he'd even gotten aroused.
Aura smiled as Mist spoke "I.. know...right, I can't believe that was wow just wow" she said and kissed him on top of his head then just laid back and felt that he was still inside of her.

Aura smiled and didn't want to move as not to lose the feeling she was feeling right this moment, her body was still shaking slightly after what had happened. "That was definitely how sex should be."
Mist's ego was certainly glad to hear that he'd done a good job with this. He felt happy all around, really. It wasn't a feeling he was used to, but it was there and he liked it. A lot. He smiled at Aura before kissing her on the lips, though it was a short one. He was still out-of-breath. And still inside her.

"I don't think I can move..." he said tiredly, resting his head on her chest. He could hear her heart pounding away in there, and the sound was very soothing.
Aura enjoyed the fact Mist kissed her again and smiled at him as he laid back on her chest this is so unreal she thought with her hand resting and stroking his shoulder. As he said he didn't think he could move she smirked "Do we have to? I'am so comfortable right where I'am" and to prove the point she yawned and her eyelids started to feel heavy. Leaning forward she kissed Mist on the head "Thank you, that was just wow." she whispered as she laid back with her head on the arm of the sofa and closed her eyes.

Aura's alcohol levels started to waver as she closed her eyes dreaming of what tomorrow would bring.
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Mist fell asleep even before Aura, still resting on top of her. Thankfully, no nightmares plagued him during this sleep. It was the best rest he'd ever had, though by the time he came back to consciousness, he had a very bad headache. He was hungover, as expected. But despite the hangover, he still felt...good. Relaxed. Like this tension had been released. He liked that feeling.

He realized that something was very wrong, though. He was on top of a body, and when he opened his eyes, he saw it was Aura. And she was naked. They were both naked, and...oh god. What had they done?
Aura was in a dream land everything was upside down and around the wrong way even when people spoke they spoke backwards it was a strange dream but she knew she would be smiling in her sleep, Aura had no idea when she feel asleep all she knew was that she was asleep on the sofa last night was a bit hazy but she knew whatever had happened had made her feel great and she had slept well even if her dream had been a bit peculiar.

Aura tried to stretch but something was stopping her yeah you idiot you had sex with Mist remember her mind shouted at her before she had even opened her eyes and it played her an almost real life recording of the highlights shit shit shit what the hell am I going to do now she thought as she lay as still as she could. From what she could feel Mist was still on top of her she didn't have a clue on what to say to someone you had a drunken night of passion with but the feeling in between her legs showed that she had had a good time I wonder if he did she thought as she moved slightly to let him know she was waking up. Opening one eye slightly to see what he would do next she wondered if her would run or would he stay.

Aura could feel the heat of what had happened as her mind kept repeating what had happened on a loop running through her head she knew her body would be blushing slightly. But she was enjoying having the feel of him on her it sent her mind reeling as to what to do for the best.
Mist was actually pretty thankful that Aura seemed to be awake. He couldn't quite deal with this shock alone. Hopefully Aura would handle this better than him. And help him through it.

"Aura..." he said quietly. "What am I supposed to do...?" He had no idea what to do now.
Aura opened her eye's and looked at Mist with a smile full of compassion "How about I do that for you" without another word she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled his head down and gave him a quick kiss on the lip's "Morning Mist" her brain had reminded her of his real name but at this moment she thought using that may just cause more problems.

Aira moved slightly she could tell Mist was uncomfortable "If you want you can illusion yourself some clothes if that will help?" She didn't want him to she was enjoying having him still inside her I can't believe we slept like that all night she thought as she called air to her to help calm both of them she hoped. "How much do you remember?" she needed to know if it was only her head going round in circles.
Oh, Aura's head wasn't the only one going in circles. Mist's was hurting from his hangover, but it was definitely going in circles. Especially after that kiss, and the fact that he was indeed still inside her. That realization sent a little jolt through him, but not entirely one of surprise. His body was starting to get aroused again.

"I..." he started, trying to think clearly enough to answer Aura's question. "I do remember what we did..." Even if he'd been a little slow to recall it, the fact that they were both naked and he was in Aura filled in the gaps very quickly.
Aura could feel his arousal from inside of her but she could tell he was having as much or if not worse time inside his head then her. Mist you have nothing to be ashamed of we are both adults and yes we got drunk and got carried away, I enjoyed what happened I won't lie to you and I'm sure you did to. But you don't have to do it again if you don't wish for it" Aura was shocked at how she felt when she had said the last. It felt as if something was ripping at her insides but she couldn't really have any true feeling for Mist could she they shared a very sordid past that was true.
Aura tried to get her feelings in check before her affinity felt anything wrong with her the last thing she needed to do was scare Mist.
As Mist's arousal grow so did her's but she bit her lip and waited to see if he moved off of her, shit Aura your his parole officer your not meant to get attached not like this her mind throw at her as she lay naked.
Mist didn't know what he should do. Thinking about all of this was making his head hurt worse, so he decided to just stop thinking. His body was pleased with that decision, and before he could make any move to stop himself, he captured Aura's lips in a searing kiss. That served to spur on his arousal even more, and it probably got the attention of Aura's body, as well.
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