The Trinity Wars (Mass-Fandom Crossover)

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Just make Natsu, like...a firebender then, or something cx

Eating fire might be a bit OP, but controlling it and using it as a weapon certainly isn't, if Mileena is aloud to be teleporting, magic-sai-wielding SOB
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Just make Natsu, like...a firebender then, or something cx

Eating fire might be a bit OP, but controlling it and using it as a weapon certainly isn't, if Mileena is aloud to be teleporting, magic-sai-wielding SOB
Believe it or not, I actually disagree with this. Being able to eat fire simply means that people should not use fire against or fight him anywhere near fire. He can't eat other forms of magic, and he certainly can't eat Ice or the like.

But thanks for trying to help either way. ^^
Believe it or not, I actually disagree with this. Being able to eat fire simply means that people should not use fire against or fight him anywhere near fire. He can't eat other forms of magic, and he certainly can't eat Ice or the like.

But thanks for trying to help either way. ^^
Whatever, my point's still the same.
Just make Natsu, like...a firebender then, or something cx

Eating fire might be a bit OP, but controlling it and using it as a weapon certainly isn't, if Mileena is aloud to be teleporting, magic-sai-wielding SOB
WHY oh WHY does it say
"Cream some school girl" in your signature?? XD

sorry but im in an innuendo mood this week ^^;
Eating fire and breathing it out are abilities of Fire Dragon Slayer magic, as are all the spells I listed. The reason I have to nerf them all is because if I were to remove them then he wouldn't have fire dragonslayer magic anymore and he'd just be some bum, he wouldn't be Natsu Dragneel, The Salamander, champion of the Fairy Tail guild
What I gather from this statement is that the only thing defining Natsu is his abilities, but not personality, attitude and/or moral compass. Since I don't watch Chinese Cartoons, this sounds to me like the freaking king of all Mary Sues. Good jerb, m8, thumbs up!:thumbsup:
I'm going to pretend that I don't know what that means. Also can The Stars claim the town as their base?
WHY oh WHY does it say
"Cream some school girl" in your signature?? XD

sorry but im in an innuendo mood this week ^^;
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

It's because Cream is her name, doofus.

Also, @The Jest , could I snag that last Empire spot? I got a good idea for a submerged city...
I was implying how you would reply to the Natsu argument @The Jest

Apparently I was right
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

It's because Cream is her name, doofus.

Also, @The Jest , could I snag that last Empire spot? I got a good idea for a submerged city...
Last? ...*Looks on the List* ...You didn't notice that I make that sucker grow? ...On the other hand though, I suppose I should put a cap on the lists eventually.

Anyways, since you don't have an Empire spot yet, sure. We need a reminder that water exists in this world anyways. XD

I was implying how you would reply to the Natsu argument @The Jest

Apparently I was right
Well, to be fair, could have been worse...


It's alright misunderstandings happen.
I thank you. ^_^
No problem. I'm just glad unlike some people you were pacient and willing to read what the misunderstanding may have been instead of just saying I was wrong and kicking me from the RP. Or something ridicules like that.
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No problem. I'm just glad unlike some people you were pacient and willing to read what the misunderstanding may have been instead of just saying I was wrong and kicking me from the RP. Or something ridicules like that.
That's why Jest (and I) asked, it'd be rude to just kick a person from RP, or disallow the person without explaining the issues at hand. Esp when there actually may be no issues to begin with, as it was in the case of your RP post. (hopefully someone replies to you soon, btw. ._. )
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Alrighty then... decide between robots, and fish people.

  • I don't know how to fix this

    From: World of Warcraft

  • Name: Queen Azshara, Ruler of the Naga

    Age: 10'000+

    Gender: Female


    (Elven Form)​


    "There has only ever been, only ever will be, one Azshara."

    (Naga/True Form)


    Alignment: Azshara is power-hungry, and will stop at nothing to acquire more in her conquest to "Cleanse the world of the lesser races"...namely, humans. (Chaotic Evil)

    Alliance/Position: The Empire. She follows the Covenant's rule, knowing that opposing them means certain death, and following them, bringing her so many steps closer to her goal.

    Skill Set/Powers: Dipping into the Well of Eternity's power provided her with the power to become an immensely powerful sorceress, and made her skilled in all three fields of magic: Fire, Frost, and especially Arcane. She can fling fireballs, create weapons and barriers of ice, and can blast foes away with pure energy. (Because of the multitude of possibilities with her magic, I'll keep it at that she can manipulate all three schools, and isn't very limited in what she can do with them) Azshara also possesses the ability to appear in her elven form through arcane illusions, and is used by her often to compliment her silver-tongue when attempting diplomacy with other members of the Empire or Covenant. She only ever reverts back to her animalistic Naga form when engaging in battle with her brothers and sisters. However, she isn't without her weaponry. The Javelins of Suramar, sacred to her, are her weapons of choice, which she both throws and utilizes as polearms.

    Theme Song:

    Personality: At first glance, Azshara is perfect in every way. Azshara's elven looks stun, and her voice sings like a lyre. Not only that, but she is a skilled strategist, and an experienced fighter, with the charisma, courage, and determination that could rival even that of Elune's. But, at first glance, not everything is seen. Her downfall lies in her pride, perfectionism, and insatiable lust for power.

    Bio: (WiP)

  • The Naga!


    Just like their Queen, the Naga were those who remained under Azshara's rule during the Sundering, and sank with their city, and their leader. They were all summoned back, with a similar form to Azshara, and still loyally serve her. Their military consists of the Myrmidons, and sorceresses practicing the arcane arts, along with Azshara's priestesses. The Myrmidons are Azshara's footsoldiers, often armed with polearms akin to hers. Her sorceresses, The Sirens, serve the same purpose, but are armed with their wit, and skill in the field of magic. Her Priestesses of the Tides tend to Azshara personally, and are her most trusted advisors and handmaidens, who tend to the wounded and are the Naga's religious leaders.

    The Naga society is highly matriarchal, and is accentuated by their Queen Azshara. The Sirens and Priestesses are valued most, and as such, hold most of the power. The men of Naga society are always warriors; protectors, and guardians, dedicating their lives to their female betters. Despite this, the men vastly outnumber the women.

    Leader of the Myrmidons, High Warlord Rash'jelan


    After slithering into the world of Charlmede, she had to assign a leader to her forward forces, and Rash'jelan was a prime candidate. Previously the general of a smaller squad of Myrmidons, he was promised a pivotal role in the conquering of this new world, and gladly seized the opportunity. Rash'jelan is ambitious to lead Azshara's march, and crush the Resistance beneath their military might. Like all great Naga war-leaders, he sends his forces through the seas, and up streams, using their mastery over the waters to their advantage. He uses the waters as cover; like trenches, not easily sieged by those who live on the land. The Myrmidons hurl their spears, tridents and javelins from the rivers and lakes in coordinated strikes alongside the Sirens, but aren't above engaging in melee combat with their poison-tipped scimitars.

    Sea Witch Dallah, Instructor of the Sirens


    Dallah is Azshara's right hand woman when it comes to war. She is who the Queen consults when it comes to anything military, from ration distribution, to the organization of troops. When Dallah is not called to her Queen's side, she is assigned to a sect of elite Naga Sirens, which she trains personally, always keeping their arcane capabilities honed. This Siren elite then goes on to teach their apprentices, who then go on to become a part of Rash'jelan's army. If you were to ask any Naga, they would say being taken under Dallah's fin is one of the highest honours a Siren can receive.

    The Ladies Sheva, Zheva, Asprah and Svallah

    (All four look identical)


    Born quadruplets in their lives as Highborne, Sheva, Zheva, Asprah and Svallah have always served under Azshara as her most trusted handmaidens. Nicknamed the Four Hands of Azshara, they are the Queen's loyal servants, doing nearly anything and everything for her. But, they are not her lackeys, as it may seem. The four sisters hold incredible sway over the Naga populace, as they serve as the perfect image of a Naga, and everything every Naga should strive to be; hard-working, and more importantly, wholly loyal to the Queen. Apart from that, the four sisters are also the Queen's high priestesses, training other priestesses their arts, and providing a refuge for the injured, and those seeking guidance. Although they serve Azshara, they are the only Naga who don't seem entirely evil. They follow The Light's teachings very closely, and do not engage in battle very often, or ever at all. Even if their Queen's life were threatened, they would attempt to resolve the conflict as passively as possible, and certainly without killing the attackers. They let Rash'jelan do that.

    Poison Jam


    During the Naga Queen's construction of her submerged city, her workers were surprised to hit a strangely out of place, and cavernous sewage line running just underneath The Cove. During the following investigation, the Naga were surprised to find a multitude of strangely mutated humans living inside, all of them wearing the same menacing outfits, and donning rollerblades and...spray-paint. The cavernous pipeline was covered in their form of "art", and all seemed out of their minds. However, their aggression towards the Naga seemed to stop after leader intervened.


    (Honestly, what is she doing hanging with these creeps?)


    A true punk-rock girl, she goes by the name of Cube, appearing as the de facto leader of the Poison Jam mutants. Being the only one of them who is in no way mutated, she commands the brutes simply because she can. Whether it be to fulfill her desire to spread her sense of art, her desire for power, or just to screw with The Man. After noticing the gang's combination of ferocity and agility, the Sea Witch Dallah put a spell on Cube, taking control over her and forcing her gang to fight for the Naga. Even if they aren't as combat ready as the Naga, they make for good distractions.

  • Nazjatar


    Completely submerged, far off Charlmede's coast, the Naga city of Nazjatar lay at the sea-floor. Magically protected from the terrors of the deep, it is home to Azshara's loyal followers, who would all gladly fight and die to protect her. Even though the city itself is underwater, there is little water to be found within its confines; this was done so that Azshara could tend guests from fellow empires, if the need ever arose. Because of its location, and the powerful barriers keeping the water outside the city, the way in is a translocation orb found along Charlmede's shore, heavily guarded and protected within a winding cove. However, due to the city's large scale, it isn't quite complete, and a good number of Naga are still assigned to its construction. Nevertheless, here are some key locations in Nazjatar:

    Azshara's Throne

    A simple one to understand. The room is decorated with gold, silver, jewels and pearls, all highly fitting for someone such as Azshara. The Throne is where Azshara will commonly be found, either sitting with her handmaidens, or attending guests.

    The Temple of the Tides

    Where the wounded are taken, and the priestesses train. The Four Hands of Azshara are usually found here, assisting the trainees, and holding ceremonies.

    The Den of Dallah

    Sequestered beneath the temple is where the Sirens follow Dallah's instruction, preparing their magical capabilities for war. Dallah makes her rounds within her den, providing struggling students with assistance. It is also where Dallah resides.

    The Barracks

    Where Rash'jelan prepares and arms his Myrmidons. The place is littered with training dummies, sparring rings, and Naga weaponry and armour, acting as the Myrmidons' base of operations within Nazjatar.

    The Spawning Pools

    It's exactly what you think it is.​
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That's why Jest (and I) asked, it'd be rude to just kick a person from RP, or disallow the person without explaining the issues at hand. Esp when there actually may be no issues to begin with, as it was in the case of your RP post. (hopefully someone replies to you soon, btw. ._. )
She's waiting on me. I was planning on waiting until the stars all gathererd but if that will be awhile I guess I can now?
She's waiting on me. I was planning on waiting until the stars all gathered but if that will be awhile I guess I can now?

If you want, I planned on waiting until everyone gathered, but the only one that wouldn't be able to gather by the next post is R2, and Nick gave me temporary control of the little droid. As such, expect the Stars' briefing to be VERY soon.
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If you want, I planned on waiting until everyone gathered, but the only one that wouldn't be able to gather by the next post is R2, and Nick gave me temporary control of the little droid. As such, expect the Stars' briefing to be VERY soon.
I'll just wait then.
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