The Trinity Wars (Mass-Fandom Crossover)

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Alright, I added a bit about the Government and the City, If you have a problem visualizing the city, and think it's a bit too OP, think of it as New Vegas(Fallout) and Macau(China) having a baby and having a government that likes acting rich, enigmatic, and controls it's citizens like dang puppets, once they suck them of what they stand for.

also I forgot to add this, but we have guns.

Lazer guns.


also, you wouldn't see any fighters flying about often, trying to conserve things you know? only in a dire emergency would you start to see ships fly.

*crosses fingers*

Sorry @Ego , you'll have to wait just a tad bit more on this post, I wanna be fully accepted and all.
So I just had one of my Co-GMs check Wold O'Donnel's Profile. My apologies for the lateness of that.

He doesn't seem to have a problem with it, and neither do I.

Therefore, Wolf O'Donnel is accepted.
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And if she does? And then somebody sees two Mileenas? And then flip their shit about it?
Well, perhaps not like that... But imagine if you did have a face like hers, and there, merely a few feet away... Stood a mirror that could very visibly take all the hurt, and all the madness that you've been caused by it throughout the years. And Peanut, I know I might be going on a limb here, but... Ah, point proven, I suppose?
Yes, but hatred, my friend. Even when separated by whole lifetimes, it doesn't simply disappear. Even a morbid fascination towards this undoing and injustice gathered at the birth of the world wouldn't die out with the fading flames of the final star.

But hey, you are playing her, so...

Yes, but hatred, my friend. Even when separated by whole lifetimes, it doesn't simply disappear. Even a morbid fascination towards this undoing and injustice gathered at the birth of the world wouldn't die out with the fading flames of the final star.

But hey, you are playing her, so...

Dude, nothing you just said made any sense to me.
Dude, nothing you just said made any sense to me.
Just amnesia wouldn't stop you from looking at something you hate to the guts and feel the urge to choke its windpipe granted it had one.

Ergo, why ghosts come back to haunt people.
@Cambridge Hazard

Well, Mileena doesn't really hate her mouth. She was created with it, and was just like "Yeah okay, this makes sense"

It's everyone else who hates her mouth. Except Shao Kahn and Shang Tsung.

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  • Thank You
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Thanks for clearing that up, then.


...Still a freak, though.
From: Teen Titans (DC comics, and cartoonnetwork 'Not that Titans Go stuff the original show is what I'm mentioning')

Name: Raven Ariella Roth
Aliases:Trigon's Daughter, Evil Avatar,Dark Raven,Pride,Rachel Roth, Witch, The Gem

Age: True-fully that information is unavailable but the age I go with is in her teens so about 16

Gender: Female


Appearance if Stars is open:

Alignment: Neutral Good
If Stars is open she would be considered more good.

Alliance/Position: The Stars
If what I pick is not open then just let me know. But I'm trying for what I feel may fit best for Raven.

Skill Set/Powers: (Try to keep it as fair as possible, is all I ask.): Here is the powers list. Usually can be summed up as a soul self.
Emotional manipulation
Psychic power
Shadow manipulation
Supernatural knowledge
Healing factor

Now most do not realize this but her powers are controlled by not just her emotion but others. Anger feeds her dark side this making it hard for her to control her powers exactly how she may want. When she heals she takes the person she heals pain and feels what pain they would have felt. She can not heal fatal wounds of others and when it is herself she usually passes out to try and heal herself in her passed out state her physical body is even more vorauble. She can only shape shift into a Raven which is a form of her soul-self. Her soul self is a form that is what makes her able to pass through walls. The soul self can be harmed as well as her body but usually by those with weapons made to affect spirits or have spirit abilities. Empathy is where her powers being affected by others take a toll. She can make others feel better from what ever bad emotion they may be going through but this affects her in two ways. One makes her darker side feel like it's growing and two makes herself take an effect of what the person may have reacted but in a different way. Which is what she often meditates to control her powers and emotions. Some may say she is holding back while others may think she is doing a greater good.

Also Light Manipulation if the Stars still have an opening.

Theme Song:

Personality: Raven is a great listener, very intelligent, often quiet, cares for her friends, she tries to do what she feels is right. Raven often shows almost next to no emotion this is dealing with her powers. Though she has learned that there are times she can show some usually happiness but she also will show anger which at times can hurt her later on.

Okay if Stars is open: Raven is a good listener, very intelligent, often quiet, cares for others, does what she feels is right, can share her emotions well often seems cheerful, her powers are more under control stronger the more she feels good emotions.

Bio: Born and for a raised till her sixteenth birthday in Azreath. Left for Earth to stop her destiny of destroying the Earth and many other worlds from her father Trigon. She met the Teen Titans and together them defeated many villains of her new found home. Her father had been defeated once then returned to try agian Raven was fully under his control the second time or so it seemed and to save Earth and Azreath she sacrificed herself by letting her friends kill her. Later they found her alive once more seeming to yet again be sixteen. Now going off on her own she continues to try and do what she feels is right.

IC Extract:
Okay so I do have a role play resume. A writing sample along with.
Now being I'm trying to get Raven approved I have done a few other RPs as her. The latest one is called Teams United. It wasn't planed till I became the CO-GM for the jump in. So here's the link to that if you want she is the one with purple text.

Let me know if I need to change anything.

@The Jest @Windstormugly @Diva Elly @Silvir
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@Ego Darn ye, for I was about to finally go to sleep, and will now have to wait for this video to load instead.

On an unrelated note, I'm using the word "figure" so much I'm starting to feel like a somewhat competent businessman.
From: Teen Titans (DC comics, and cartoonnetwork 'Not that Titans Go stuff the original show is what I'm mentioning')

Name: Raven Ariella Roth
Aliases:Trigon's Daughter, Evil Avatar,Dark Raven,Pride,Rachel Roth, Witch, The Gem

Age: True-fully that information is unavailable but the age I go with is in her teens so about 16

Gender: Female


Alignment: Neutral Good

Alliance/Position: The Stars
If what I pick is not open then just let me know. But I'm trying for what I feel may fit best for Raven.

Skill Set/Powers: (Try to keep it as fair as possible, is all I ask.): Here is the powers list. Usually can be summed up as a soul self.
Animal Control
Astral Projection
Attractive Female
Blast Power
Blood Control
Cosmic Awareness
Darkness Manipulation
Divine Powers
Electricity Control
Energy Based Constructs
Fire Control
Force Field
Phasing / Ghost
Shape Shifter
Siphon Abilities
Size Manipulation
Time Manipulation
Weather Control
Willpower-Based Constructs
Now most do not realize this but her powers are controlled by not just her emotion but others. Anger feeds her dark side this making it hard for her to control her powers exactly how she may want. When she heals she takes the person she heals pain and feels what pain they would have felt. She can not heal fatal wounds of others and when it is herself she usually passes out to try and heal herself in her passed out state her physical body is even more vorauble. She can only shape shift into a Raven which is a form of her soul-self. Her soul self is a form that is what makes her able to pass through walls. The soul self can be harmed as well as her body but usually by those with weapons made to affect spirits or have spirit abilities. Empathy is where her powers being affected by others take a toll. She can make others feel better from what ever bad emotion they may be going through but this affects her in two ways. One makes her darker side feel like it's growing and two makes herself take an effect of what the person may have reacted but in a different way. Which is what she often meditates to control her powers and emotions. Some may say she is holding back while others may think she is doing a greater good.

Theme Song:

Personality: Raven is a great listener, very intelligent, often quiet, cares for her friends, she tries to do what she feels is right. Raven often shows almost next to no emotion this is dealing with her powers. Though she has learned that there are times she can show some usually happiness but she also will show anger which at times can hurt her later on.

Bio: Born and for a raised till her sixteenth birthday in Azreath. Left for Earth to stop her destiny of destroying the Earth and many other worlds from her father Trigon. She met the Teen Titans and together them defeated many villains of her new found home. Her father had been defeated once then returned to try agian Raven was fully under his control the second time or so it seemed and to save Earth and Azreath she sacrificed herself by letting her friends kill her. Later they found her alive once more seeming to yet again be sixteen. Now going off on her own she continues to try and do what she feels is right.

IC Extract:
Okay so I do have a role play resume. A writing sample along with.
Now being I'm trying to get Raven approved I have done a few other RPs as her. The latest one is called Teams United. It wasn't planed till I became the CO-GM for the jump in. So here's the link to that if you want she is the one with purple text.

Minions: (For the Villainous Empire) Not sure what you mean by this Raven never really has had any minions but there is her fathers so I'm just going to wing this part. So I guess St. Sebastian church members, fire minions, skeleton Slade/Deathstroke.

City Name: (For the City-ruling Villains (Basically every villain except the main 5.)) Once more going to wing it by not being original lol. Jump City?

Let me know if I need to change anything. If so I have a feeling part of it would be what I winged and if that's the case please try and explain. It's the last two mainly on which I'm unsure.

@The Jest @Windstormugly @Diva Elly @Silvir
...Right, So First and Foremost: I'm going to need to filter out powers, because some of those I cannot allow, ...ESPECIALLY Time Manipulation. Time/Space powers are forbidden. The only reason time-Travelling is accepted because that is not necessarily manipulating time, more just forward and backwards through it's flow.

I've stated it before and I'll state it again: I value Fairness over Continuity. As such, the following I'm gonna need you to remove:

Blood Control
Cosmic Awareness
Divine Power
Siphon Abilities
Time Manipulation
Weather Control

Mind you, there is a good chance that my 3 partners have other aspects of her they would like to remove.

But if you are a member of the Stars, 2 things:

1. You should probably add "Light Manipulation" even if that means removing "Darkness Manipulation". The Stars' guardians grants all Stars the power of Light.

2. I don't know if you noticed, but I placed on the CS that the City and Minions are SPECIFICALLY for the Villainous Empire. Stars, Resistance, And Neutrals all do not have either of these two aspects, and as such, Should ignore them.
I had just did copy paste truthfully I have never seen any of those used in the comics I have read so that's fine by me. Animation I think was just another description they have cause I know comic vine says attractive female for an power/ability. In the show her powers became light so if I need to remove the darkness I may change the pic as well to well... The white Raven which some call the Pure Raven but that wouldn't change anything other than appearance and maybe her personality powers all the same I can take out those you listed cause I don't think they fit my understanding of those truly in her soul-self anyway.

And on the second I wasn't sure which is why I said winging it lol.

I'll go ahead and edit some of that then as well.
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