The Trinity Wars (Mass-Fandom Crossover)

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What a lovely surprise to wake up to. I quickly updated Kerrigan's CS with personality, bio and lair.
I wanted to show you something really special to ya'll but that vid appears to be gone... As consolation Prizes:
Aaand... Anyone else remembers this?
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From: Original

Name: Gatekeeper/Gate

Age: 22(?)

Gender: Unknown/Female


Actual form


Alliance/Position: The Stars

Skill Set/Powers: She keeps a set of keys that unlock the primal nature of elements . She currently has Fire, Water, Ice, Lightning, Iron, Air and Nature while the rest are scattered.
Fire: Fires will come to life around her and rage uncontrollably
Water: Torrents of water will appear and actively seek out targets to push away
Ice: A controllable cloud of bluish gas appears and freezes things on contact.
Lightning: Calls forth a mighty lightning bolt to smite her opponents.
Iron: Summons a golem made of molten iron.
Air: Calls forth a mighty tornado
Nature: Causes nearby plants to become animate and attack
Keys scattered:
Earth: Localized earthquake
Sky: Weather control and flight
Sand: Sandstorm (Dudu-dududududu-terententerenten- dudu-dududududu)
Solar: Increases heat and light in an area into high levels
Lunar: Decreases heat and light levels in an area into very low levels
Gate: Opens The Gate from anywhere and fires a beam of energy at a target. Like an orbital laser.

She can also regenerate at a decent rate and is strong enough to wield her equipment, without the armor she also moves quicker. Additionally her presence can render entrances and exits unusable by making them emit a repelling field that denies access, newly created passages are unaffected for a short moment.
Theme Song: (Optional)

Gate is a calm and patient girl prone to throwing herself in front of her allies to defend them. She holds others at a higher pedestal than she does herself and is exceptionally good at following commands. Most of the time however, she acts like a gentle giant, often opting to keep defending than to go on offense.

She doesn't like people removing her armor for her.

Somewhere on the farthest reaches of the omniverse lies an entity known as The Gate. It was simply known as such. It was a being of great power but there's more to be said about another entity that shared its home. It was known as the Gatekeeper. Its duty was to make sure that no one used the Gate for nefarious purposed. For generations, Gatekeeper has been defending The Gate and its surroundings until she was dragged away from it.

IC Extract:
The Gate
Creatures surrounded the tall structure with their eyes focused on it. In front of the structure, a lone knight, clad in heavy intimidating armor stood with its sword lowered and shield raised. This battle had been going on for months with neither side showing a decrease in their resolve. The knight continued to stand still and watched as a being of shadow emerged from the back of the gathering.

"Gatekeeper" The being shouted as thousands of the lesser beings raised their weapons. "You are outmatched, surrender the Gate!" It demanded. Thousands cheered for their glory and what seemed to be their victory. Gatekeeper continued to stand still before she whirled around and pulled out a gold and white key. The leader looked on anticipation, savoring his victory before he realized something as the Gatekeeper inserted the key.

The Gate slowly opened by a small gap, but it was enough. Golden energy blasted forth from the Gate and eliminated everything but itself and the Gatekeeper, who's helmet had been knocked off, revealing a woman of beauty and strength. She shut the gate and went for her helmet before putting it back on.​
Ok, so this is strange, it's not often I feel less sure about a character once it has been elaborated xD
The impact of your powers will likely be at the mercy of your fellow players, and as a star it is more or less expected that you try to stop people rather than injure them. (Not that enemies can be stupid and ignore warnings).
And I would still like more elaboration on your "doorway-repulsion", what fuels it, how does it manifest itself, and in what way is it set in place?

Because we are starved of Stars...

From: Original

Name: Nikki

Age: unknown, not even by her

Gender: female (in her true form)


Alignment: Chaotic Good

Alliance/Position: The Stars

Skill Set/Powers: Shapeshifting (into anything that she seen, save for non-living objects and the undead)

Personality: Kind, cheerful and mischievous, yet never malicious.

Bio: Nikki is an infernal doppelganger which seems to be without a master. She hardly has any recollection of her memories as it is, and all she can remember, when she tries to think of it is maddening pain. Unlike what seeing an infernal being may usually suggest (provisioned someone manages to see her true form), Nikki is not bent on destruction or other malicious intents. If anything, she enjoys entertaining people with her tricks, dances and games, simply enjoying seeing the people smile. She strongly opposes the use of violence, preferring flight over fight, which for a doppelganger is not that difficult, considering the vast array of options.

... As long as she shape-shift with a reasonable concept as its basis there are no issues. And I take it its just her physical form that changes, not her "magical/psychic-fingerprint" ?
So i was notified that the stars needed some love and well im a bit short on ideas so uh here!!

Takenaka Chiharu "original"
Age: 16
Gender: Female


Transformed: cause kitten powah!!

Alignment: Good/Innocence

Personality: Chiharu is a dedicated person. When she starts something she does so intending to finish it. She enjoys being active and doing stuff. With a simple but honest personality she keeps an optimistic mood as much as possible. But while honest she is not open and dislikes burdening others with her own things. Rather keeping them to herself and dealing with them in her own way. The girl thrives on emotions and is easily swept on by her own. Which also makes her surprisingly delicate to the atmosphere around her. And also makes her sensitive about her friends.

Bio: The second youngest child in a family dominated by females. Her parents are worker class. The family is tight knit with strong personalities all over and no fear to speak ones mind. They value effort and so far most of them are doing well in studies or work. Chiharu her self is not getting along very well with her oldest sibling who dislikes the whole magical business and has a hard time dealing with Chiharu being part of the world of magical girls.

Alliance/Position: The Stars

Skill Set/Powers: martial arts, basic science - Ageis power user

Simplified chart over the basic things she most commonly will use.
Aegis Seal 1 -
Unleashes basic protection fields around Chiharu, gives minor defence against most attacks except piercing ones
Ikaros - Floating behind her back several staff like shapes appear forming the silhouette of wings. These depending on can either attack, defend or provide flight.
Charge - by charging different parts of her Aegis or barriers she can then release that part, momentarily loosing it for an offensive attack. The charge can increase in strength depending on how long she holds it.
Barrier - Simple energy barriers that can be adapted in shape these can be used to block but are also capable of attack trough rapid expansion or movement.

Aegis Seal 2 -
Releasing the next stage the defence around her improves greatly opening up tree focuses healing, strength and speed.
Tempest - by releasing the inner energies that fuels Aegis an energy filled storm takes shape around her disrupting and weakening magical powers.
Phoenix - releasing Aegis from herself she can defend others instead or temporarily boost their abilities.
Overcharge - Overloading herself she is only able to use Ikaros and phoenix but their powers are greatly improved.

Reverse -
by taking all her defensive energies and refocusing them into offence Chiharu can for a brief period strike out with enormous destructive force. Putting high strain on her self.
Aegis unseal - Locking her self down only focusing on Aegis she can spread the defence and put up impressive resistance even against stronger abilities otherwise way beyond her own capabilities.
Theme song:
  • Love
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... As long as she shape-shift with a reasonable concept as its basis there are no issues. And I take it its just her physical form that changes, not her "magical/psychic-fingerprint" ?
I thought I was clear on it:
Shapeshifting (into anything that she seen, save for non-living objects and the undead)
This simply means, she shapeshifts into any living creature, so long she has seen it. She DOES NOT replicate their abilities, etc.
Additionally her presence can render entrances and exits unusable by making them emit a repelling field that denies access, newly created passages are unaffected for a short moment, this is fueled by her own aura. The moment that an entrance or exit is within the same room as her a bluish white field will manifest instantly.
Is she able to relinquish the field, or is she doomed to die because of the strain put on her?

I thought I was clear on it:
This simply means, she shapeshifts into any living creature, so long she has seen it. She DOES NOT replicate their abilities, etc.
I was more concerned for her growing in size/material basis and the like, and if so that it be reasonable and explained ;)
she can become larger, but her mass does not increase. Technically, the bigger she becomes, the less dense her body becomes.
she can become larger, but her mass does not increase. Technically, the bigger she becomes, the less dense her body becomes.
I want to see that in your CS not here @Ego go elaborate on the power there. Posting it like this here only is a waste of time. Now of you go!!

Edited, and her shield isn't just for show.
Errr be more specific around the details of this gate keeping power i don't really care of what it looks like right now that is more interesting IC later on.
However the specifics around the power is what we need here. So how strong is the barrier does it block physical things only how does it work?
Elaborate that little part now of you go!!
Here's a better subject: can a character spawn at the resistance base?
Here's a better subject: can a character spawn at the resistance base?
Interesting question, I think Jest or Wind can answer that in the meantime here is a better one. Can we ignore a CS that is not completing our terms and demands?

Answer is yes we can forget it permanently if that is not done. So of you go to edit =^-^=
The field let's anything but entities through. I don't know how it can be damaged since it'll just let the attacks through.

Posting in a bit.

But what happened to @BarrenThin's character? Not accepted or just not put on the list? >.>

I need his character to be second in command...
Or another willing soul.
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